Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

How to calculate the optimal sink height

Building codes require sinks in residential areas to be installed at a height of 80-85 cm, but studies have shown that this is not the most convenient location. In this case, most people have to bend down a lot to wash their hands, so it is better to be guided by the anthropometric parameters of men and women.

Optimal washbasin installation height (floor to rim) for men, women and children

Men 94-102 cm
Women 81-93 cm
Teenagers 65-80 cm
Children 40-60 cm

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

If the sink will be used by several people of different ages and genders, it is better to choose an average height - 86-93 cm from the floor, and for children, install a special stand or a second washbasin. True, such an arrangement is possible only for models with the ability to adjust the height - for tulip-type washbasins or those that cut into cabinets, SNiP parameters (80-85 cm) are usually used.

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

In addition, there are certain technical standards that regulate the location of the sink in relation to other interior items.

Interior element Distance to the sink, cm

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser


Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser


Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser


Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser


Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser


Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser


The distance from the side wall to the edge of the washbasin should be at least 20 cm, and the free zone should be about 70 cm (if the sink is installed in a niche, this figure increases to 90 cm).

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

Before installing the sink in the bathroom, it is necessary to carefully measure the room, consider the optimal location of plumbing and furniture, and then draw a detailed diagram of the interior indicating all measurements.
When buying a model, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the fastenings of the model correspond to the plumbing system. Another important aspect is the choice of a faucet, which is best purchased with a sink, as they may have a hole for the faucet or be deaf.

Tulip sinks come with a standard length base, but it is possible to change the height of the sink to your liking (however, only if its design and configuration are simple enough)
To do this, you need to cut the base of the sink or install it on any stand - the main thing is that it is reliable and stable.
When installing plumbing, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the drain and the siphon: if the siphon is below the level of the drain, the use of the washbasin can lead to serious problems.

If you plan to put a washing machine under the sink, its height should not exceed 70 cm, since there should be a sufficiently large gap between the appliance and the washbasin

When wringing out the laundry, the machine may vibrate, and if its edge rests against the edge of the washbasin, the plastic coating of the appliance or the sink itself may be damaged.

The installation of the sink must be done according to the level, and it is best to use a laser level, as it allows you to work more accurately.

The easiest option for installing a washbasin for beginners is the overhead model, as it does not require special skills and knowledge.
If the dimensions of the room allow, you can install two washbasins side by side. The distance between them should be 94-109 cm, and between the taps - 90 cm.

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

The right choice and installation of the sink is a guarantee that plumbing will serve its owner faithfully for many years.

Dimensions for installation of bathtubs and showers

The shower cabin and the bathtub are connected to the sewerage using a specially designed corrugation and a pipe or tees with a diameter of 50 mm (see photo below). The level of output from the wall of a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm should be 60 mm (from the level of the floor tile to the axis of this pipe):

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

If this distance is higher, then the bath will have to arrange a podium.

By the way, the sequence of all repair measures depends on the type of bath. If the bath is ordinary, then it is first installed by itself (details about the installation of a cast-iron, acrylic or steel bath), and then the room is tiled. If the bathtub is with a hydromassage device, then everything is done the other way around: the bathtub is installed last.

Hydraulic testing of pipes

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

After all the water and sewer pipes have been laid, all the requirements for the placement of water sockets have been met, it is imperative to test the pipeline, or, as experts call it, pressure testing.

Crimping should take place under an increased pressure of 10 atmospheres using a special press. To do this, all water sockets, except for the farthest one, are closed with plugs (they will then protect the pipes during finishing), a ball valve is screwed into the far water socket.

The system is filled with water, then shut off and a special crimping press is connected to the tap. The valve opens and a pressure of 10 atmospheres is injected in the pipeline with the help of a press (all pressurizers are equipped with pressure gauges).

If the pressure does not drop within a few hours, then the system can be considered airtight and safely bricked up. If not, then you should find the leak, fix the problem and test again.


After laying the pipes and conducting hydraulic tests, you can proceed to the final finish - tiling the bathroom with ceramic tiles. Installation of plumbing fixtures should be carried out at the final stage.

Properly done piping in the bathroom using modern pipes and technologies will serve its owner for decades.

What dimensions should the sewer outlets have to install various plumbing devices? Dimensions of sewer pipe outlets for connecting plumbing

In past articles, we have reviewed the rules that must be observed when installing plumbing. Now let's figure out what needs to be observed dimensions of sewer pipe outlets

The shower cabin and the bathtub are connected to the sewerage using a specially designed corrugation and a pipe or tees with a diameter of 50 mm (see photo below). The level of output from the wall of a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm should be 60 mm (from the level of the floor tile to the axis of this pipe):

If this distance goes higher, then you will have to arrange a podium for the bath.

For a washbasin (sink), the height of the sewer from the floor (pipe outlet from the wall) should be 530 ... 550 mm from the level of a clean floor to the axis of the pipe:

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

For an attached toilet bowl - 180 ... 190 mm (depending on the model):

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

For a wall-hung toilet - 220 ... 240 mm.

For a kitchen sink without a grinder - 300 ... 450 mm.

For a kitchen sink with a grinder - 300 ... 400 mm.

For washing and dishwasher - 600 ... 700 mm.

(all distances are given from the level of the unstained floor to the axis of the pipe)

I clarify: the above values ​​\u200b\u200bare common, standard, but with today's variety of firms and models, it is required to be approached personally in each case.

If you want to install some new, exclusive plumbing equipment, then you should first look at the technical map of installation and connecting dimensions specifically for this equipment. This must be done earlier than supplying water and laying a gutter - so that you do not have to redo it, therefore it is better to purchase the desired plumbing in advance (if there is a place for storage).

By the way, the sequence of all repair measures depends on the type of bath. If the bath is ordinary, then at first it is installed by itself, and then the room is tiled. If the bathtub is with a hydromassage device, then everything is done the other way around: the bathtub is installed last.

How many bathrooms are needed? If we are talking about an apartment with a free layout, then at first it is necessary to impartially assess the dimensions of the place, as well as the locations of the risers, to which all plumbing equipment will be attached. In the standard, it is better to equip two separate bathrooms - guest and master (again, if the area allows). In the guest room there will be only a toilet and a sink.

Naturally, the inhabitants living in houses with a typical layout do not have the ability to make several bathrooms, so you just need to solve the question: do you really need to bother with redevelopment of the bathroom, or is it enough to limit yourself to replacing plumbing equipment and cosmetic repairs?

In the following article, there is little more about do-it-yourself plumbing installation
in the light of water supply and sewerage design. Namely, about the electronic sockets in the bathroom.

Mistakes made during the installation process that can cause clogged pipes

Pipes from sinks, sinks and other plumbing fixtures must be mounted on the connection at a right angle of 90 degrees. If two devices are mounted and drains are provided towards each other, a blockage may occur in the tee of the pipe that goes directly to the fan pipe. In this case, it is pointless to clean the pipes from the side of the sink or washbasin with a spiral or in a hydrodynamic way using a hose. When it comes to two sinks connected side by side, it is clear that the hose will pass from one sink to the second sink, while it will not be able to turn in the direction of the main drain pipe

One way or another, it will be quite difficult to clean the sewers.
Another important mistake is to lead the drain pipe from the washbasin or sink too high in the bathroom. As a result, the process of draining wastewater into the sewer pipe becomes more difficult.

Many decide to move pipes and plumbing fixtures, which include bathtubs, sinks and sinks, to another place, which is not provided for by the project. If pipes are changed, the main problem may be that the outlet to the device will be rigidly tied to the outlet of the pipe to the riser, while the situation is very difficult to change. When connecting sinks and sinks, everything should be fine, since there is a certain margin in height, taking into account the fact that plumbing fixtures are hung to a height of about 90 cm. But, despite this, many inexperienced installers may not take into account and think over such a detail. It is easier to make a mistake with the height in case of connecting a bathtub and a shower cabin. Often the drain is above the floor surface. It is difficult enough to lift a heavy bathtub yourself, so a simple solution is to run the drain pipe above the siphon outlet. Thus, the pipe is often laid without the necessary slope, which can also cause clogging of the sewer.
It is often possible to encounter a problem in which pipes that are supposed to be attached to the wall from the outside do not fix correctly. Products can sag, counter slopes and other practically irreparable cases are also often formed. Of course, this does not affect the proper functioning of the sewer system in any way, but such a feature can cause blockages, due to which you will often have to clean the pipes.

Schemes and standards for the placement and installation of plumbing equipment and appliances

Drains and overflows used to be used in bathrooms, but then they spread to sinks.

Flat sink drain

In the case when the sink needs to be installed above the washing machine, as a rule, it has a flat shape. This saves space and is the most suitable option in this case.

Such a sink, which has the name "water lily", should have a special flat drain. It should be included in the package, since it is almost impossible to pick it up separately.

In addition, the "water lily" is a sink with a side drain. Its feature is that the hole for water drainage is located on the side, and not at the bottom. This can cause some inconvenience, as the water may not drain completely. To avoid blockages in the siphon, it will be necessary to remove the liquid yourself by soaking it with a rag.

If you are willing to put up with these shortcomings, this will allow you to free up additional space in the bathroom.

Thus, the choice of a sink drain should be given special attention, as it will ensure the efficient operation of the system. Sanitary measures in the home can be divided into three types:

Sanitary measures in the home can be divided into three types:

  • Maintenance work, such as fixing a leaking faucet or clearing a blockage in a shower drain;
  • Works on replacement of pipes or failed equipment;
  • Installation of new plumbing and pipeline communications.

The current repair of plumbing is not regulated by any regulations or standards. However, measures to replace pipes or install new plumbing equipment will necessarily entail the need to coordinate with the relevant organizations, which will require strict adherence to the rules for installing plumbing fixtures in accordance with applicable standards.

The motivation of bureaucrats is simple and clear:

  • The transfer of engineering networks and the installation of plumbing in a new place is called redevelopment, which may lead to changes in the configuration and size of the room, requiring changes in the technical passport of the apartment;
  • The transfer of plumbing is also a redevelopment.

Naturally, it is easier to do everything according to the letter of the law, then the execution of technical documentation for housing will not cause problems.

  • SNiP 2.08.01−89* "Residential buildings";
  • SNiP 2.04.05−91* "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";
  • SNiP 3.05.01−85 "Internal sanitary systems";
  • SNiP 2.04.01−85* Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

Modern plumbing market represented by a wide range of bathtubs, showers, sinks and sinks, toilets and bidets, valves and faucets. Despite all the variety of devices in terms of functionality and methods for managing their work, the methods of connecting household sanitary equipment with pipeline apartment communications are completely unified and "subject" to the requirements of GOSTs and SNiPs.

Household plumbing is recommended to be installed after the installation of utilities before finishing the premises. Plumbing for the installation of appliances must end with water outlets, which are a mandatory attribute of the water supply system of the home. Water sockets are specially rigidly fixed to protect the water supply from vibrational effects that occur during the operation of connected household plumbing fixtures.Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

The distance between the axes of the fittings of sockets provided for hot and cold water must be strictly 15 cm.

Instead of sockets, it is allowed to use elbows, tees, couplings or manifolds to connect mixers or other types of taps.

Another generalized requirement for the installation of plumbing fixtures is to provide free access to equipment, for which SNiPs specify the size of the free space near each type of fixture (bath, washbasin, etc.).

The height of the placement of plumbing fixtures is regulated in clause 3.11 and clause 3.15 of SNiP 3.05.01−85 "Internal sanitary systems", and pipeline fittings for appliances are installed in accordance with clause 10.5 of SNiP 2.04.01−85 * "Internal plumbing and sewerage of buildings.Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

Dimensions for connecting non-standard plumbing equipment

I clarify: the above values ​​\u200b\u200bare common, standard, however, with the current variety of manufacturers and models, it is necessary to approach individually in each case.

If you intend to install some new, exclusive plumbing equipment, then you should first look at the technical map of the installation and connecting dimensions for this particular equipment. This must be done before supplying water and laying sewers - so that you do not have to redo it, therefore it is better to purchase the desired plumbing in advance (if there is a place for storage).

Sink drain

The drain for the sink is a necessary element for its installation. It performs important functions, namely: it protects the room from the smell of sewerage and prevents clogging of the pipe with solid particles that penetrate through the hole in the sink.

How a sink drain works

The design of the drain for the sink consists of the following parts:

  • curved siphon;
  • waste pipe.

When the water is flushed, the liquid enters the siphon, passes along the bend, rises up the curved elbow, and then falls down into the common drain. In this case, the water remains in the lower part of the curved knee. This contributes to the formation of a water seal, which prevents the penetration of odors into the room. In addition, small objects and solid particles remain in the elbow part of the pipe, which can get into the sink. To remove them, this part of the pipe is periodically removed and cleaned.

Sink drain diameter

Depending on the diameter of the sink drain, the siphon holes have the following dimensions:

  • 32 mm - designed for washbasins with one hole and sewer pipes of small diameter. This is the most common option;
  • 40 mm - designed for sewer pipes of large sizes.

Drain-overflow for the sink

Recently, sink sinks equipped with an overflow system have become very popular. The advantage of such designs is that water does not go beyond the edges of the sink. A special overflow hole is installed at a certain level.

Mistakes made during the installation process that can cause clogged pipes

Pipes from sinks, sinks and other plumbing fixtures must be mounted on the connection at a right angle of 90 degrees. If two devices are mounted and drains are provided towards each other, a blockage may occur in the tee of the pipe that goes directly to the fan pipe. In this case, it is pointless to clean the pipes from the side of the sink or washbasin with a spiral or in a hydrodynamic way using a hose. When it comes to two sinks connected side by side, it is clear that the hose will pass from one sink to the second sink, while it will not be able to turn in the direction of the main drain pipe

One way or another, it will be quite difficult to clean the sewers.
Another important mistake is to lead the drain pipe from the washbasin or sink too high in the bathroom. As a result, the process of draining wastewater into the sewer pipe becomes more difficult.

Many decide to move pipes and plumbing fixtures, which include bathtubs, sinks and sinks, to another place, which is not provided for by the project. If pipes are changed, the main problem may be that the outlet to the device will be rigidly tied to the outlet of the pipe to the riser, while the situation is very difficult to change. When connecting sinks and sinks, everything should be fine, since there is a certain margin in height, taking into account the fact that plumbing fixtures are hung to a height of about 90 cm. But, despite this, many inexperienced installers may not take into account and think over such a detail. It is easier to make a mistake with the height in case of connecting a bathtub and a shower cabin. Often the drain is above the floor surface.It is difficult enough to lift a heavy bathtub yourself, so a simple solution is to run the drain pipe above the siphon outlet. Thus, the pipe is often laid without the necessary slope, which can also cause clogging of the sewer.
It is often possible to encounter a problem in which pipes that are supposed to be attached to the wall from the outside do not fix correctly. Products can sag, counter slopes and other practically irreparable cases are also often formed. Of course, this does not affect the proper functioning of the sewer system in any way, but such a feature can cause blockages, due to which you will often have to clean the pipes.

There are a lot of questions that come up during the renovation process. I will single out the most common ones that arise during the repair of bathrooms.

What is the slope of the sewer pipe?
– for a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm – at least 2 cm/meter – for a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm – at least 3 cm/meter

At what height is the sewer...
– for a side-mounted toilet bowl 160-190 mm (depending on the manufacturer and model) fitting on site will give the most correct answer – for a wall-mounted toilet bowl 220-240 mm from the floor – for a shower cabin with a 60 mm tray bathtubs 100-150 mm - for kitchen sinks 300-400 mm - for washing machines and dishwashers 500-650 mm

If, for technical reasons, the sewer outlets for the bathroom (shower, toilet) are made higher, then a podium can be made under the bath (shower, toilet) to the required height. Perhaps this situation will upset someone, but on the other hand, this podium can play a decorative character.

An example of a podium for a shower cabin.

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riserHeight from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

At what height is cold and hot water discharged ...

- for an attached toilet bowl 400-600 mm (depending on the water supply to the tank - bottom, side or back) fitting in place will give the most correct answer
- for a shower cabin with a tray 1200 mm from the bottom of the tray, and shower heads - 2100-2250 mm (from the bottom of the watering can to the bottom of the tray)
– for a bath 750-800 mm from the floor
– for washbasin 550-650 mm
– for kitchen sink 500-600 mm
– for washing machine and dishwasher 500-750 mm

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

Distance between water outlets…

– for shower and bath 150 mm from the central axes
– for a washbasin and for a kitchen sink 100 mm (not so rigidly tied, as they are connected by flexible hoses)

The bath is mounted at a height of 600 mm, the washbasin 850-900 mm.
These sizes are subject to change and depend on the height of family members. And behind them they pull the adjustment of the remaining dimensions (output of water sockets)

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

And do not forget that the floor level in the toilets and bathrooms should be 15-20 mm lower than the floor level in adjacent rooms, or the rooms should be separated by a threshold. And also do not forget about waterproofing in the bathroom and toilet.

It is advisable to buy all the plumbing before the plumbing begins. communications. This will simplify the task of the plumber and reduce the risk of errors.

Siphon connection diagrams

Regardless of the design of bath sinks and how they are installed, siphons are traditionally used:

  • single-turn;
  • double-turn;
  • bottle.

The use of a single-double-turn siphon is typical for water lilies, when it is necessary to free up as much free space under the sink as possible to accommodate a washing machine or other household items.

The name "single-double-turn" was obtained due to the presence in the scheme of one or two pipe bends. Due to such bends inside the line, a hydraulic seal is created.

Another option - "bottle", is the most common. It differs from the first one in the absence of bends, the functions of which are performed by a special “bottle” with a drain pipe diverted from the upper part of the structure. This scheme is more convenient than the first one when performing maintenance - clearing the line in case of blockage. At the bottom of the "bottle" there is a technical cap that can be easily turned off.

Marking, chasing and laying

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

After choosing the type of wiring, you can start marking the pipeline routes. For polypropylene and copper pipes, all connections occur at right angles.

And for metal-plastic and cross-linked polyethylene pipes, strobes can be laid with rounded corners.

Strobes can be hollowed out with a puncher, cut with a wall chaser or grinder with a diamond disc on stone. This is the dirtiest and dustiest part of the job.

When laying pipes, it should be noted that it is customary to lay a hot pipe from above, and a cold one from below.

The size of the gate should be such that the pipes can easily fit into the gate with polyethylene foam thermal insulation put on them, which, after bricking, will compensate for the thermal expansion of the pipes.

In the space under the bathroom, it is not at all necessary to ditch the wall for laying pipes, this place is already closed. For fastening pipes in strobes, you can use standard clips, but they take up a lot of space, so dowels and copper wire are often used.

In order to precisely set the water sockets of the bath faucet for all types of pipes, there are special mounting plates where the pipe outlets are located at a distance of 150 mm. It is recommended to use them.

When laying horizontal sections of sewer pipes, a slope of 3 cm per 1 meter of length should be observed

When turning 90 degrees, it is better to use two corners of 45 degrees, with the exception of access to plumbing fixtures.

When assembling sewer pipes, do not forget about the cuffs, which should be lubricated with technical petroleum jelly.

Whether to follow the standard

Most builders, finishers and plumbers are well aware that the standard, optimal height of the sink in the bathroom is 85 cm.

These norms were developed and tested back in Soviet times, but are still being observed, especially when arranging bathrooms in administrative and commercial buildings. When repairing a private apartment, if necessary, you can deviate from the generally accepted installation standard if necessary.

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

In conclusion, I would like to say that inside your apartment, and even more so in a private house, you have the right to install a sink inside the bathroom at any height convenient in specific conditions.

To follow or not to follow the installation standards is up to you. However, years of practice and scientific research confirm that, after all, a height of 85 cm is the best option for the convenience of all family members, proven over the years.

At what height should the sink be mounted?

A conventional sanitary ware in the form of a sink without auxiliary accessories should be fixed at a height of about 85 cm. At a certain level, it is required to draw a horizontal line corresponding to the level of the highest boundary of the sanitary ware.

If a base piece is foreseen, or if the sink is in a vanity unit, it is not necessary to determine the height of the installation, as it depends on the level of the base piece or the height of the vanity unit.

Features of marking fixation points on the wall

Before mounting the fasteners, you need to mark the points on the wall according to a special scheme. In the cavity of the sink there are holes for fasteners, which must match the markings. The sink is applied to the wall, aligning its upper border with the line that was previously marked on the wall. Thus, the location of future mounting recesses in the wall is determined. Workflows are best done together, as it is much more convenient. During the marking process, one worker will hold the sink at the level of the mark, and the second will fix the bottom of the places where it is planned to mount.

Mounting installation

Installation of fasteners should be done in the following way:

  • holes in the wall must be made according to a clear marking;
  • dowels are driven into them;
  • special studs are screwed for fastening.

In the process of connecting the sink in the bathroom and in the kitchen, the use of dowels and special studs is implied. You may also need the nuts and plastic inserts supplied with the plumbing fixture.

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

When screwing the studs, you need to monitor the depth of the entry. Sufficient is the depth at which you can hang the sink and screw the nut. In other words, the stud should protrude from the wall by the thickness of the device plus one and a half centimeters for the nut.

Video tutorial installation and connection of the sink on the pedestal

When installing the washbasin and connecting the system, consider a number of points:

When planning to connect a double sink, choose a special siphon that has access to two pipes. The height of the sewer outlet under the sink in the bathroom should not exceed 500-550 mm

When connecting to the sewer, it is important to securely seal all joints, otherwise unpleasant odors will appear in the bathroom over time.

If, when checking the tightness of the connections, you notice water leakage, remove the cuff and, after allowing all the elements to dry, lubricate the connecting cuff with sealant and “plant” it in its original place.

Installing and connecting the sink is not a particularly difficult, but rather time-consuming job. At some stages of installation, you can not do without an assistant. But in general, if desired, any home master will be able to easily cope with the installation of the washbasin on their own.

Europe, mm
Russia, mm
Sink 850 on VK 850 on VK
Mirror over the sink 1200 NK
Soap stand (sink) 950-1000 for NK
Towel holder (sink) 800 C
Toilet paper holder 750-950 VK
Spare toilet roll holder 300 for NK
brush holder 200 by VC flask
Wall hung toilet 400 by VK
Bidet 400 by VK
Towel ring (bidet) 800 C
Soap stand (bidet) 700 C
Bath 600 on VK 600 on VK
Hand shower (bath) / hose must not be in the bath / hose length 1.25 m / 200 mm from the vertical axis of the mixer 500 according to the NK bracket from the VK bath
Spigot for hose (bath) / with hose length 1.25 m / 200 mm from the vertical axis of the mixer 700 C from VC bath
Soap stand (bath) 100 on NK from VK baths
Bath faucet 300 C from VC bath 800 C from the surface of the floor covering
Overhead shower head (shower) 2100-2250 according to NK from the surface of the floor covering
Watering can of a hand shower on a bar (shower cabin) 2095 by VC from pallet pad
Side shower jets (3 pcs.) 600 / 1000 / 1400 C from pallet platform
Side shower jets (2 pcs.) 700 / 1300 C from pallet platform
Shower faucet 1200 C from pallet pad 1200
Hose outlet (shower) 1400 C from pallet pad
Pen 1000 NK from the platform of the pallet
shower tray 400 by VK
  • Unless otherwise noted, all values ​​are from mark clean floor
    . For example, the value "Sink: 850 mm VK" contains a prescription to install so that the upper edge of the sink (VK; top of the side) is at a height of 850 mm from the surface of the finished floor (covering).
  • NK
    - the value is indicated by bottom
  • VC
    - the value is indicated by top
    edge (at the top of the side).
  • WITH
    - the value is given according to the mark of the corresponding axial
    lines (horizon or vertical).

When did toilet paper appear in Russia?

We think that you will be interested to know the history of toilet paper production in our country. Here is what information was published as part of the TheQuestion project:

The production of toilet paper in the USSR began only in 1968, when two English paper machines were installed at the Syassk Pulp and Paper Mill (Leningrad Region). On November 3, 1969, the launch took place, but the first batch of hygiene products ran into zero interest from consumers: Soviet citizens simply did not know what they were intended for. Only after a large-scale advertising campaign (rollers about toilet paper from the Syassky plant were played before screenings in cinemas) did a real boom begin. A personal hygiene product, so familiar all over the world, instantly became a shortage in the USSR and until the 80s it could only be obtained by standing in a huge queue.

So, the need for a toilet paper holder arose relatively recently.

Depending on the slope of the sewer pipe:

  • for a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm - at least 2 cm per meter
  • for a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm - at least 3 cm per meter

At what height is the sewer for plumbing fixtures?

For an attached toilet bowl 160-190 mm (depending on the manufacturer and model), fitting in place will give the most correct answer.

In other cases:

  • for wall-mounted toilet 220-240 mm from the floor
  • for shower cabin with 60 mm tray
  • for washbasin 500-550 mm
  • for bathtub 100-150 mm
  • for kitchen sink 300-400 mm
  • for washing machine and dishwasher 600-700 mm

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

If, for technical reasons, the sewer outlets for the bathroom (shower, toilet) are made higher, then a podium can be made under the bath (shower, toilet) to the required height.

Installation standards

According to SNiP 3.05.01, developed back in the days of the distant 1985, the standard height of the sink in the bathroom is 85 centimeters, while during installation a deviation with a tolerance of 20 mm up or down is allowed.

This value is a compromise between the level of the washbasin, which is convenient for use by men, and women, who are traditionally slightly shorter. That is why most Russian and foreign manufacturers produce sinks on a pedestal and cabinets with built-in sinks 83-87 centimeters high.

Height from the level of the finished floor to the outlet outlet of the outlet of the common riser

The correct choice of the distance from the floor to the top side of the sink has a significant impact on the comfort of using the plumbing fixture:

  1. It depends on whether plumbing fixtures are installed correctly, how convenient it will be for a person to use them. If the sink is set too low, then you will have to bend over when washing, which can cause vertebral pain. If the washbasin, on the contrary, is too high, then children will not be able to use it.
  2. The distance between the floor and the sink affect their connection to the water supply and sewerage. As a rule, a water meter is also located under the washbasin, sometimes filters for cleaning and other appliances, the installation of which takes up a lot of space. The need to install additional equipment must also be taken into account when choosing the level of the washbasin.


