IV. The procedure for making payments for electrical energy power, including when selling at non-regulated prices

Tariff for three zones peak, semi-peak, night on the territory of Moscow, except for the Troitsky and Novomoskovsk administrative districts

from 01/01/2019 to 06/30/2019 from 07/01/2019 to 12/31/2019
Indicator (groups of consumers with a breakdown by rates and differentiation by day zones) Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh
1. Urban population
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 6,57 6,57
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 5,47 5,47
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 1,95 2,13
2. Population living in houses equipped with stationary electric stoves
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 5,25 5,58
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 4,37 4,65
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 1,37 1,50
3. The population living in rural settlements and equated to them.
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 6,57 6,57
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 5,47 5,47
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 1,95 2,13
4. Horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit associations of citizens
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 5,47 4,97
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 4,54 4,12
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 1,95 2,13

Tariffs for electric energy for the population and categories of consumers equated to it in the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow for 2019

Benefits for paying for electricity in Moscow and the Moscow region, how to apply, how to calculate when paying on your own, what to do if they don’t accrue Clarifications from Mosenergosbyt

Our family pays all the time on time. In January, a letter came from Mosenergosbyt about an overpayment of 1947 rubles. for December 2015. In January we didn't pay yet. We entered data in our personal account. Now we have a debt of 1425 rubles, some accruals of 1000 rubles. and when entering the testimony now, on February 19, they counted another 1296 rubles. (although even when calculating “minus 45 kW”, the amount is less than = 1187 rubles, which is 109 rubles more according to all the rules of mathematics. We don’t understand - a decision has already been issued to change the multiplication rules. Publish the link, please, we are all happy honor.

Hello, Svetlana Mikhailovna. If you live alone (confirmed by an extract from the financial and personal account of the MFC), then a 50% payment of 80 kW is required. If not, then 50% payment for 70 kW (in this case, you do not need to provide an extract from the MFC to the Customer Service of Mosenergosbyt in your area). Calculation: 1. Monthly consumption T1 (peak) more than 80 (70) kW subtract 80 (70) kW from your value, multiply the difference by the tariff value, and multiply 80 (70) by the tariff and divide by 2, then add these two values ​​(difference and benefit); night (T2) and half-peak (T3) multiplied by full rates. If T1 is less than 80 (70) kW: Multiply the consumption for T1 by the tariff and divide in half. The difference from 80 (70) kW at T1 is subtracted from T3, multiplied by the tariff and divided in half, the remainder is 100%, T2 is 100%. If the readings for T1 and T3 in total are less than 80 (70) kW, then multiply both of these values ​​by the tariff and divide in half, and subtract the remainder from T1 and T3 from the readings of T1 and T3 by the tariff and divide in half, then add the difference multiplied by 100% . Good luck!

Calculation of electricity online calculator for home use

Any owner is interested in the money that he will pay for the services provided. Our calculator calculates them quickly, but to get the result you need to enter the data:

  1. the power of the electrical appliance or the total electricity consumption;
  2. the cost of 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity, concluded in the contract;
  3. payment period.

Enter these data in the appropriate columns of the table below and click the "Calculate" button. The online calculator will accurately give you the result you are interested in.

At the end of the work, you can easily delete the received information.

However, it's time to think about how you should save money by using modern technologies and smart appliances.

How to calculate electricity on the meter and the amount of payment for it

IV. The procedure for making payments for electrical energy power, including when selling at non-regulated pricesIn order to calculate the electricity consumption taken into account by the electric meter, you will need to take readings from it twice.To do this, at the end of the next month (or during installation, if the meter is new), write down all the numbers displayed on the scoreboard that are before the decimal point (in some models of meters, the numbers after the decimal point are highlighted in a different color). The numbers after the decimal point can be ignored, as they mean too little volume.

Exactly one month later (it is better to do this every day), take the meter readings again and subtract the previous readings from the received figure - this will be the amount of electricity you consumed over the past month. To find out the amount that must be paid for the consumed energy, the resulting figure must be multiplied by the cost of 1 kW / h. Data on the cost of 1 kW / h can be obtained from the receipt you received or by contacting the dispatch service of its supplier. Also, information about tariffs, as a rule, is posted on the official website of the latter.

The situation is approximately the same with two-tariff meters, which are now gaining popularity and are distinguished by the division of metering of consumed electricity into night and day. In such metering devices there are two displays: one indicates the indication of electricity consumed during the day, and the other at night. In order to calculate the amount, you will need to take both readings, subtract the corresponding readings obtained last month, multiply each of the values ​​​​by the price of 1 kW / h (it is different in the daytime and at night) and add the resulting values.

Household electricity meter

The general house electricity meter shows how much electricity was spent to illuminate common areas (stairwells, elevators, porches, etc.) and other needs related to all residents of the house. The fixed volume of consumed energy, as in the previous case, is converted into an amount payable, after which this amount is divided proportionally among all the owners of the premises.

In order to calculate how much you need to pay for the total amount of energy consumed by the house, you will need to find out the readings for the month and subtract the readings from a month ago from the received figure. Then the amount of energy is divided by the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving premises in the house - you get the calculation of energy consumed per 1 sq. meter of living space. This figure must be multiplied by the number of square meters you occupy, after which you will receive the amount of electricity for which you need to pay for a common house meter (the same tariff applies here as in the case of an apartment).

Benefits for paying for electricity who are entitled to, how to calculate and receive

According to the procedure for granting benefits for paying for electricity, the discount begins to operate from the next month after the application. The benefit is given only for one residential area - it can be either an apartment by registration, or the place of actual residence of the beneficiary.

  • Passport of the Russian Federation.
  • A document confirming the basis for granting a discount. Such a document can be a certificate of disability or a certificate of a labor veteran.
  • A certificate confirming that now the beneficiary pays the full cost for the "communal".
  • Application for benefits. The application form can be easily found on the Internet.

How to apply for electricity benefits for needy citizens

Citizens eligible for a subsidy from the state are interested in the question of where to apply for a benefit for electricity? This is done in a company that provides the population with electricity. To apply for a discount, you will need to visit this institution and submit an application with a request to provide a benefit and a package of necessary documents. You can also do this in a multifunctional center (MFC).

The legislation clearly defines the circle of persons who are entitled to receive compensation for payment for electricity. If a person falls under several categories at once, then the discount does not increase. In this case, the citizen will need to choose one of the possible benefits.

Benefits for labor veterans to pay for electricity

Citizens are allowed to submit documentation through representatives. Their personal presence is not required. It is recommended to attach a power of attorney to the package of documents. It is necessary to transfer to the social security authorities copies of documents that have been certified by a notary. Along with copies, you will need to present the originals of some documents.

  • lone veterans of labor can use 50 kWh if they use gas appliances for cooking, and 80 kWh if an electric stove is operating;
  • families of several people are provided with standards of 45 and 70 kWh when using a gas and electric stove, respectively.

Definition of concepts

Here are a number of terms that characterize this service and are associated with it:

1. Electricity is the amount of resource that enters the general network and reaches the consumer.

2. Social consumption standard - the amount of electricity consumption established by law per person. Applies in the following cases:

  • no individual metering device installed;
  • meter readings were submitted later than the deadline;
  • the meter is out of order or deliberately damaged.

3. Kilowatt hour - the amount of energy consumed by household lighting and other appliances.

4. Basic tariff - the total cost of a unit of electricity for apartments and houses equipped with gas stoves and central heating.

Legal framework

Legislative acts on issues related to the establishment and application of electricity consumption standards are as follows:

  • Federal Law No. 614 “On the procedure for establishing and applying the social norm for the consumption of electrical energy”;
  • Federal Law No. 35 "On the electric power industry";
  • Federal Law No. 261 “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”;
  • regional regulations that establish the resource standard per one living in a residential building and the rules for applying the social norm.

It should be noted that the state draws the attention of citizens to saving natural resources, therefore, it takes measures to ensure that metering devices are installed in homes. In order to stimulate the population, it is necessary to apply increasing coefficients when calculating electricity prices

Then it simply becomes unprofitable to pay more than is actually spent. And the real consumption can be determined only by individual metering devices.

Tariff for three zones peak, semi-peak, night on the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsk administrative districts of Moscow

from 01/01/2019 to 06/30/2019 from 07/01/2019 to 12/31/2019
Indicator (groups of consumers with a breakdown by rates and differentiation by day zones) Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh Price (tariff) in rubles/kWh
1. Urban population
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 6,57 6,57
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 5,47 5,47
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 2,45 2,13
2. Population living in houses equipped with stationary electric stoves
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 5,01 5,58
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 4,18 4,65
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 1,73 1,50
3. The population living in rural settlements and equated to them.
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 4,60 4,60
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 3,83 3,83
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 1,73 1,89
4. Horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit associations of citizens
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 5,13 4,97
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 4,26 4,12
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 2,30 2,13
5. Population with the exception of horticultural, horticultural or dacha associations
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 – 21.00 6,57 6,57
Semi-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 – 23.00 5,47 5,47
Night zone 23:00 – 07:00 2,45 2,13

Link to the archive of electricity tariffs in 2018 in Moscow and the Moscow region.

On the official website of Mosenergosbyt, in the tariffs and payment section, three menu items are presented: “Information for the population on payments for electricity, taking into account general house needs (ODN)”, “Methods of paying for electricity” and “Tariffs”, in turn, in the “Tariffs” section are description of electricity tariffs in force in Moscow and the Moscow region, by clicking on the "tariffs" section you can familiarize yourself with them in more detail to calculate your electricity costs.

IV. The procedure for making payments for electrical energy power, including when selling at non-regulated prices

On the basis of such pricing, Mosenergosbyt provides electricity tariffs broken down by rates and day zones, based on the individual needs of its subscribers. There are one-, two- and multi-tariff payment systems. With a multi-tariff system, not only day and night electricity consumption is taken into account, but also its peak hours.

Electricity for general house needs (ODN) and its calculation.

In the section "Information for the population on payments for electricity, taking into account general house needs (ODN)" you can find a detailed diagram of the cost of electricity in an apartment building.

IV. The procedure for making payments for electrical energy power, including when selling at non-regulated prices

The rules for the provision of public services are reflected in Decree No. 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 (as amended on 02/27/2017) "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings."

In addition to paying for individual electricity consumption, residents also need to pay for common house needs (ODN). Such amounts are calculated, accrued and allocated in the payment receipt separately from each other.

Payment for general house electricity in an apartment building is mandatory for everyone, does not depend on the availability of individual metering devices (IPU) for consumers and is proportional to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises occupied by them.

If there is a common house meter, the amount of electricity supplied to the ONE, subject to payment, is calculated by subtracting the total volume of individual consumption in all premises of the apartment building from the readings of the common house metering device.

If a common house electric meter is not installed, then the calculation of charges is carried out according to current standards.

Expert answers


To do this, you need to know the previous meter reading (what was paid last month), it can be found in the ticket. Then find the difference between the readings for today and that figure, and multiply this difference by 2.22 For example, last month you paid meter readings for 013077, then you will need to pay 13177-13077=100, 100*2.22= 222 rubles.


I need readings for the previous month. from the readings of this month, subtract the readings of the last month, and multiply the difference by 2.22

Pavel Kpon:

To calculate for the consumed electricity, all digits up to the decimal point are counted on the meter. This number is equal to the amount of energy, measured in kilowatts per hour, that you used up in a month. After a comma, and in some cases it is not, but the last digit is highlighted in color, tenths are written, which do not need to be taken into account.

Ildar Suleymanov:

must be counted

Nail Gaynutdinov:

There is e. counters with 4 integer digits up to a comma, there are with 5 integer digits up to a comma. Most likely you have 4 integer digits before the comma. This means that the readings at the beginning of the month are 9701, and at the end of the month 9843. If you subtract the first number from the second, you get 142 kW. But if 10 more apartments are connected to your meter, then I don’t know.


some counters have a comma, some do not. look for your type on an Internet. and everything is written there.


if the last digit After the decimal point, or red, or differs from the others, you do not need to consider it and your consumption in this case will be 142 kW per month.

if all the numbers are the same without any commas on the screen, then you have calculated correctly 1427kW per month

Lucky Zero:

Why the fuck confuse people??? All sorts of ZAPATHY??? We fucking live in the 21st century, the world of computer technology and other garbage!!! **************** growing up rub. Or fucking at school, enter the following subject: how to calculate a communal apartment, NOT IN A EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF Utilities. But IN SCHOOL BLEAD!

Sergey Zhiltsov:

IV. The procedure for making payments for electrical energy power, including when selling at non-regulated prices

How to calculate electricity discount

These changes establish that disabled people and families with disabled children under the age of 18, as well as people exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site (and persons equated to them), 50% discount on utility bills (heating, water supply, sewerage, hot water supply (water heating), electricity, gas) based on the volume of utility services consumed, determined according to meter readings, but not more than consumption standardsapproved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the absence of these metering devices - based on the standards for the consumption of utilities.

“In connection with the entry into force of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 23, 2015 No. 932-PP “On Amending the Legal Acts of the City of Moscow and Recognizing Legal Acts (Certain Provisions of a Legal Act) of the City of Moscow as Invalid”, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 06/26/2015 No. 176-FZ "On amendments to the housing code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" from January 1, 2016 in Moscow the procedure for determining the amount of benefits provided to certain categories of citizens has been changed.


