Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

Second group

This is a paint that can lighten hair by 3 - 4 tones, radically change hair color, paint over gray hair as the first up to 30%, and 100%. A cardinal color change is when you are dark blond, and after coloring - fiery red, for example. This group of dyes contains one or another percentage of ammonia, or its substitute - ethanolamine.

It works with melanin, in the cortex, as we know, partially dissolving it and immediately adding one or another shade to the hair.

Previously dyed dark hair, for example, cannot be lightened with the second group. But you can paint it darker.

All shades lighter than the 7th row (and the seventh row too) can lighten by 1-2-3 tones. Of course, for clarification, you need to take 9 or as light as possible, for this paint, 10th row. That is, as a result, you will get a more natural color of the blond.

! It is important to understand that the paint will never lighten up to the maximum white. Almost all shades, even cold ones, do not give much yellowness, since there is quite a lot of pigment left.

Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

Mixing ratio 1 : 1 with 6% or 9% oxide. The effect on the hair is much softer than when using the first group.

Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

Special blond

This is a stand-alone line of brightening dyes, it is more powerful in terms of the degree of impact on the pigment. With this line, you can achieve a lighter color result than the usual paint belonging to the second group. In addition, she paints gray hair very well. But this is also the second group, just more effective. It gives lightening up to 5 tones, but the pigment also does not dissolve completely and yellowness cannot be avoided. Well, as yellowness, here we mean golden, creamy shades, which can also be cold - cold "wheat" or "champagne", for example.

Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

You can see the shades in the color chart as in the photo, which shows the Wella palette, other brands have their own palette and price, respectively. But how does this shade "fall" on your strands? If you have very dark hair, then the color in the color with the selected shade, you can not get it, there will be yellowness. If light or with gray hair, it will be very close.

"Special Blond" only works on natural hair. It is not applied to previously bleached hair, it can be burned or fall off. Works 9% on the roots and 12% on the length of the primary coloring.

Mixing ratio 1 : 2 with oxide.

Subsequent staining, roots by 9%, and along the length of "pastel tinting" 9 or 10 rows with ordinary resistant paint. As a rule, in the 9-10th row there are identical shades, if not, then we make up the color.

That's all, actually paints that can make a blonde out of a girl or woman. It's up to you to choose, now you know the basic information to understand the clarification processes. Warned about possible negative consequences to avoid them, but I assure you, from the point of view of a professional colorist, you have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Basic, shall we say, things.

I will be glad to your comments. Subscribe to the news and share your favorite publication on social networks.

Until we meet again on the Internet.

What paint to paint a crib

Furniture for a child should be safe, but at the same time it is good to protect the tree from damage, and the baby from injury in the presence of roughness on the surface.

Varieties of paints for artistic creativityInterior paint.

There are other requirements for finishing materials:

a prerequisite is the absence of various volatile components in the composition of the material;
paint should not contain heavy metals, toxic and other hazardous substances, because

children often bite improvised objects;
high drying rate, solvents in the composition must be harmless;
no flammable substances are used in the production of paint for children's furniture; in addition, they pay attention to the properties of materials, their behavior during combustion - the components should not emit toxic compounds;
resistance to moisture, aggressive media and mechanical stress;
ease of care;
elasticity, which ensures the resistance of the material to the influence of negative factors, prolongs the service life.

Water based

Water-dispersed compositions are considered the most preferable for painting surfaces and structures in a children's room. Such materials are divided into the following types:

  1. acrylic compositions. The paint of this group meets the requirements for finishing materials in the nursery. In addition, the price is acceptable. The benefits include the presence of antibacterial additives in the composition. It dries quickly and has a smooth finish. The material well tolerates the effects of mechanical stress, moisture, temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Latex. The paint is based on synthetic latex. The price of the compositions of this group is lower than acrylic. When stained, a moderately durable coating is created. The material tolerates contact with liquid well, which makes it easy to care for. Disadvantages: exposure to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes.
  3. silicone compounds. They are moisture resistant. When stained, a film is formed on the surface of the wood, prone to self-cleaning. It is characterized by hydrophobic properties, is elastic, is not affected by microorganisms, passes steam, tolerates temperature extremes well and has a long service life.
  4. polyvinyl acetate materials. This option is also suitable for finishing children's furniture. Advantages of the material: does not emit toxic substances during combustion, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, aggressive environments. The coating is elastic, but does not tolerate contact with moisture.

Based on milk casein

Varieties of paints for artistic creativityPaint based on milk casein

These are safe materials, they do not contain volatile components. The composition includes milk casein, porcelain. The last of them acts as a hardening agent. The first is in the form of a binding component.

When applied to wood, a characteristic odor does not appear, the composition is characterized by high adhesion, which makes it possible to process even surfaces on which old paint remains.

Such materials are considered conditionally safe. This expands the scope of their application. The composition of this type can be used to improve the appearance of chipboard: DPS, fiberboard, chipboard. The material can be used indoors.

The requirement for the chosen dye

The first criterion for choosing a paint material for radiators of a room heating system is represented by heat resistance. If the maximum operating temperature of the composition corresponds to a maximum of 80 degrees Celsius, it is strongly not recommended to take it. Otherwise, functioning heating will cause the coating to turn yellow, crack and peel off. Therefore, a compatible paint must resist abrasion loads and liquids for a long time, dry in a short period of time, and be made from environmentally friendly components.

Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

The above processes are caused by the destruction of polymeric or chalk components under the influence of strong heating of the fluid transporting thermal energy. Therefore, the batteries of the heating system are covered with two layers of dye, the drying speed of which controls the period of readiness of the product for operation.

The second criterion makes it necessary to determine the type of coverage being created. The glossy sheen will show the irregularities remaining after the application of the pigmenting material, therefore, rough cast iron products are painted with a darkened composition that does not reflect the sun's rays on the bumps and depressions of the relief. If you diligently grind the surfaces with sandpaper, the thinned ribs will cause the appearance of fistulas and subsequent leakage of the product.

Types of paints

What paint to cover the surface of a wooden frame? In order to determine the answer to this question, it is necessary to consider the main types of coloring compositions that are presented on the domestic building materials market. Today, buyers can purchase the following varieties of popular products:

  • Alkyd. The composition of the paint includes resin and oil compounds, which are characterized by high penetrating ability and good protective qualities, which can effectively deal with the negative effects of the environment. The properties of this substance allow you to keep the window material intact for five years. Paint of this kind dries long enough, and white spirit is used to dilute it. The surfaces to which this composition is applied can be cleaned with almost any detergent.
  • Acrylic. This type of paint is water-based and contains a large amount of polymeric substances, thanks to which the treated surface is resistant to fading and the effects of weather and climatic factors. The acrylic substance is diluted with water, dries quickly, has no harmful fragrances and has a neutral smell.
  • Oil. It is based on various oils. A distinctive feature of this paint is its deep penetration into the solid wood and the formation of a waterproof shell that can effectively protect the surface of the treated frame from water. Depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment, the drying process can take three days.

Varieties of paints for artistic creativity The most popular coloring compounds are alkyd, acrylic and oil.

It should be noted that old wooden windows must be painted with alkyd paint. from the inside, and acrylic - from the outside.

The history of hair dyes

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A comment

  • Svetlana
    2017-04-10 12:08:02

    I have been using LONDA paint for 10 years, and now it has disappeared.
    Why, and will it appear in stores again?

  • Anastasia
    2017-03-18 10:58:15

    Great review, thanks!

ceiling painting

Having figured out what paint is better to paint the ceiling, now let's look at how to properly perform this operation. Work should begin with the preparation of the room. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the room - remove all furniture, cover the floor and other surfaces that need to be protected from paint contamination.


After cleaning the room, you need to prepare a tool for applying paint.

For these purposes, you can use:

  • Brush;
  • roller;
  • Spray.

Most often, the work is done with a roller, and hard-to-reach places are tinted with a brush. In this case, you still need a pallet or other container for paint.

Foundation preparation

Before painting the ceiling in the room, it is necessary to prepare the base.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • Substrate preparation begins with the removal of the old coating. This procedure is performed in different ways, depending on the type of old coating, for example, whitewash and water-based paint is simply washed off with water. Waterproof paint will have to be removed mechanically - with a spatula or grinder with a special nozzle.
  • Then, the ceiling must be treated with a primer, which will improve adhesion between materials, have an antiseptic effect on the ceiling, and also strengthen the base, for example, old plaster. The primer is applied to the surface with a roller, in a uniform thin layer. Typically, this operation is performed in two steps.
  • After the primer dries, the surface must be puttied to remove all cracks and other flaws that may have appeared during the removal of the old finish.The putty is applied in a uniform thin layer with a wide spatula. As a rule, two layers of material are applied to the ceiling - starting putty and finishing.

After drying the finish layer, it must be sanded with a fine sandpaper to get a perfect surface.

The final stage in the preparation of the base is the application of another layer of primer. This procedure is necessary, as it will reduce paint consumption and ensure its uniform absorption.


After performing all the above manipulations, you will get an absolutely flat and smooth surface, prepared for painting. We can say that the most difficult part of the work is done. Now you need to figure out how to paint the ceiling correctly.

So, it's done like this:

You can do this either directly in the store, using a special apparatus (if any) or with your own hands. In the second case, you must first mix a small amount of paint with color to find out the proportions to obtain the desired color. After that, the color is added to the main part of the composition and thoroughly mixed with a mixer or an electric drill with a nozzle.

  • Then the material must be poured into a special pallet for the paint roller.
  • Before application, the tool should be dipped into the paint and squeezed out on a special platform to avoid drips and splashing.
  • As a rule, novice masters are interested in where to start painting the ceiling? Experts recommend starting painting from the opposite corner from the window, as shown in the diagram. The paint should go on in a thin, even layer, so you should not try to perfectly paint over the surface the first time.
  • After drying the first layer of the coating, the paint is applied again. The direction of painting should be perpendicular to the first layer.
  • Then hard-to-reach places can be tinted with a brush.

This completes the painting, now you can start finishing the rest of the surfaces of the room.

Hair color palettes of various brands


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Recommendations for the selection and application of paint and varnish on wooden windows

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich

Master of Architecture, graduated from the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Despite the great popularity of plastic windows, many owners of apartments and private houses, due to various circumstances, prefer to use wooden structures. For some, this is a tribute to the classic interior, while others prefer the ecological cleanliness of the room. To restore the former attractiveness of residential apartments, today there is a wide range of materials, such as varnish and paint for wooden windows.

Tools needed for painting wooden windows

Repair of wooden frames begins with their detailed inspection and preparation of building materials and tools. To paint old wooden windows, you will need the following materials and tools: a scraper, spatula, sandpaper, grinder, roller, brushes, adhesive tape, window film, primer, putty, white spirit, thinner and paint.Do not forget about the mandatory ways to protect yourself from harmful volatile substances: mask, goggles, gloves and panama.

For painting wooden windows from the inside of the room, oil-based alkyd paint is usually used, and from the side of the street - acrylic paint for outdoor use. The choice of domestic or imported paint will depend on the cost of your repair and preferences.

Choosing the right paint

Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

On the shelves of the store you can see an abundance of various colors

It is important to select the material so that it fits not only in color, but also in composition. So some paints and varnishes have excessive moisture resistance properties that are not suitable for painting at home.

It is also important to choose a paint for an existing primer. So under acrylic primer it is best to buy acrylic paint.

What paint is better to paint a tree in the house, and what kind on the street? These questions can be solved by analyzing different types of paints. The paints listed below contain the main coloring element that affects their performance. It is he who gives the paint certain performance qualities.

Acrylic water-based paints

This paint and varnish product contains acrylic. Drying on the tree, it creates a durable protective film that reliably protects the tree from drying out and UV. Also, the thin film can shrink or stretch along with the wood structure. It has good vapor resistance, the wood breathes through a thin layer of paint. At the same time, moisture is not allowed inside the room. The composition of the paint does not include sharply smelling components. The paint material is not afraid of weather changes, and can be used when repairing the walls of building facades.

Water-based paints with a latex base

Made using latex and acrylic resins, paints are great for outdoor work. The material has increased hydrophobic properties and can be used on walls that are often exposed to precipitation or moisture. Latex particles give the painted wall a matte texture. The paint is well suited for processing doorways or window frames.

Paint with alkyds

The composition of this paint contains alkyd resins, which form a smooth glossy surface on the treated wood. This contributes to better protection against moisture or sudden changes in temperature. However, this type of paint fades quickly and needs to be renewed. They are suitable for processing window elements, doorways or surfaces that are not subjected to frequent mechanical stress.

Oil paints

They are used for repair work when finishing outbuildings or fences, as they do not have high performance characteristics.
When choosing paint, it is necessary to take the material with a certain margin. For example, on a wall of 20 sq.m. it is better to take paints for 25 sq.m. It often happens that paint of the same color from the same manufacturer may differ slightly in tone. Therefore, it is better not to buy more material gradually, but to buy the required volume at a time.


To decide how to paint the ceiling in an apartment, you should choose not only the type of mixture, but also a trusted manufacturer. There are many different coloring compositions on the construction market, but not all of them are popular. We will describe the most popular manufacturers of coloring mixtures.


Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

German paint for painting the ceiling of the Caparol brand is an environmentally friendly water-soluble mixture. They do not contain plasticizers and organic solvents.

Features of Caparol paints:

  1. The price of high-quality German paints is quite high, but their popularity does not decrease from this.
  2. The long service life compensates for the high cost.
  3. Resistance to mechanical stress and abrasion.
  4. Can be washed using any detergent.


Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

Don't know which ceiling paint to choose? Pay attention to Tikkurila brand products. This Finnish company has been producing paints and varnishes since 1862.

The company's product range includes many types of ceiling paints suitable for different surfaces. Their advantages:

  • low material consumption (120 grams per square meter);
  • good hiding power;
  • the presence of antiseptic components;
  • suitable for places with high humidity;
  • rich color palette;
  • high performance;
  • Tikkurila paints are characterized by saturation and brightness of shades;
  • easy to apply, adheres well to the base;
  • setting speed - 35 minutes, and complete drying - up to three hours;
  • environmentally friendly, without a strong smell.


Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

Under this brand, several companies that are located in different countries are united. The main office is located in Poland. Painting the ceiling with Snow is beneficial for many reasons:

  • the coloring compositions of this brand are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly;
  • the coating is resistant to temperature changes;
  • moisture resistant;
  • the surface under the paint layer breathes;
  • allowed to wash;
  • abrasion resistance.


Varieties of paints for artistic creativity

The products of the British brand Dulux have proven themselves well. The main office of the company today is located in the Netherlands. Dulux factories produce alkyd and water based paints. The ingredients are different:

  • ease and speed of application;
  • drying speed;
  • high quality;
  • no strong odor;
  • good hiding power;
  • hydrophobic properties.

Dulux coloring mixtures are allowed to be used for painting the ceiling in the kitchen, bathroom or bathroom. The coating well hides small cracks and other defects in the base. Also in the assortment of the company there is a unique coloring mixture that will not allow you to leave a single unpainted area. Its name is "Magic White". During application, the composition has a pinkish tint, and after drying it becomes pure white. Thanks to this property, it is possible to paint over all areas of the surface and draw a conclusion about the complete drying of the coating.

In addition, the plant produces a composition with silver ions intended for children's rooms. It protects the surface from damage by microorganisms and purifies the air. Consumption is 170 g/m². And the time of complete drying reaches 6 hours.

Painting technology

Given the above requirements for covering a crib, you need to choose the right composition and avoid mistakes when applying. As a result, the design will retain its attractiveness for a long period. The paint can be of any color, but more often the composition of a bright shade is chosen.

Painting a baby crib for the first time

If the furniture is made to order, it is not always coated. Then the owner paints the crib by himself. A ready-made color composition or white is purchased, a color scheme of the required shade is added to it. Coloring instructions:

  1. The entire surface of the crib is cleaned of dirt: dust, chips, oil stains.
  2. The first layer of material is a primer. This measure will ensure high adhesion of paint and wood.
  3. To distribute the composition, rollers and brushes are used.
  4. To make the color more saturated, and the coating uniform, paint is applied in several layers. Breaks are taken between stages, as it must dry completely before painting work continues.

If a water-based composition is used, the tool must be washed after completion of work. The drying speed of such paint is high. The coating ceases to be sticky after 30-60 minutes. The crib can be used after 2 days. However, the complete hardening of the material occurs after 10 days.After that, the coating becomes resistant to aggressive media (solvents, detergents).

Renewal of previously painted products

If you need to repaint the crib, it is not necessary to completely remove the layer of old lining. Modern materials are highly adhesive, so it is permissible to start work on top of a previously applied coating. Instruction:

  1. Sandpaper of medium or high grit is treated with a crib. This measure allows you to enhance the adhesion of the paint to the old coating. When it begins to peel off, it is completely removed with a spatula.
  2. The old layer of lining is cleaned, degreased.
  3. If there are defects on the surface, they are removed at this stage. You can use mastic, putty for woodworking. When these areas are dry, proceed to the next step - staining. Previously, the tree is re-cleaned and primed.
  4. The composition is applied according to the same principle as in the previously considered case - when a new bed is painted.

It should be borne in mind that water-dispersion compositions are not recommended for finishing laminated particle boards.

What wallpaper can be painted

It should be noted right away that not all wallpapers can be painted. So, inexpensive paper canvases can simply get wet and lose their attractiveness. They can also bubble and peel off. And no matter how much paint you put on them, the wallpaper will look unpresentable.

That is why, choosing wallpaper for painting, it is better not to save. It is worth giving preference to vinyl or non-woven options. Such wallpapers are distinguished by a relief surface that can be repainted many times.

Wallpaper intended for painting, even if you are satisfied with their original white color, must be painted. This will protect their surface and improve performance.

A worthy alternative to the usual finishing materials, which can be easily painted in the desired colors, are glass. They look very nice, and the widest range will allow you to choose the right pattern.

Dark hair color procedure

Do an allergy test the day before staining. Apply some paint to the skin behind the ear. If after a day there are no manifestations of an allergic reaction (rash, itching, redness, burning), you can start dyeing your hair. Before the procedure, protect the skin from paint: put on gloves and apply petroleum jelly along the hairline on the face and décolleté.

Pre-moisten your bleached hair with conditioner. You can do this 1-2 days before staining. To keep the color as long as possible, add a protein hair filler to the paint. If you decide to apply permanent paint, mix it with the activator, following the instructions on the package.

Separate a small strand from the neck. Starting from the roots, apply the prepared paint along the entire length of the strand with a brush. Wait for the time indicated in the instructions (usually 20 minutes). Rinse the strand or wipe it with a white towel and evaluate the result. Perhaps for the desired color you need a little more time or it turns out that the result is radically different from the planned one. With the wrong combination of colors, yellowness or a dirty shade often appears. Adjust paint composition or exposure time.

Apply the dye to all hair, after dividing it into four parts. You also need to apply paint from the roots, moving towards the tips and carefully painting over the strands. After processing all 4 parts, spread the dye through the hair with massaging movements of the fingers, as when washing the head.

Soak the paint for the prescribed time, then rinse your head with clean water. The water must be warm. Apply the conditioner that comes with the paint to the curls. Keep it on your hair for the amount of time indicated in the instructions, then rinse.

Blot your hair with a towel and let it dry on its own. Try to avoid drying with a hair dryer, hair damaged by bleaching and dyeing should not be dried out further.

Choice of colors

As for the color palette, here the choice falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner of the home. The following combinations can be recommended as a recommendation:

  • for interiors of any design, traditional white color is always suitable;
  • for windows facing the north side of the world, you can use warm colors;
  • it is desirable to give cold shades to windows located on the south side of the room;
  • if the facade of the house is made in muted colors, then the windows should be given a bright and saturated shade;
  • for window decoration in a classic wooden house, which is made in the Russian style, only varnish or glazing matte composition can be used;
  • if it is necessary to visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, then in this case it is necessary to use bright shades of yellow for both the room itself and the windows installed in it.

Varieties of paints for artistic creativity The color of the window frame should be combined with both the facade and the interior of the home.

The main thing in this matter is that the window frames are in harmony with both the facade of the house and the interior of the apartment.

Choice of dye for bleached hair

Carefully study the color of bleached curls and choose the right dark paint. The fact is that bleached hair is not strictly white, but can be with a yellow tint, pinkish, bluish, pearl, ashy, etc. color overlap.

For example, with an existing blond with a yellow tint, when dyeing your hair with blue pigment, you will most likely get a greenish tint of hair. But the purple pigment compensates for this yellowness, so the staining result will be better. Examine the palette list to determine the base color. The base color is indicated on the packaging of paints (violet, violet-red, red, blue, blue-violet, etc.).

Depending on how long you want to be a brunette, choose the type of paint:

  1. Permanent dyes stay on the hair for a long time and give it a rich color. However, the active ingredients contained in them can further damage the structure of bleached hair. In addition, to obtain a lasting effect, the paint will have to be kept on the head longer. Permanent paints come off after 20-25 shampooing.
  2. Semi-permanent paints are less stable, washed off after 10 washes. Usually they do not contain hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, so they are much less harmful to the hair. The shade obtained with them is more natural, for example chestnut.
  3. Washable paints are good to use when you are not sure which color suits you best and want to experiment with different shades. Such paints are available in the form of sprays, mousses, etc. They color the top layer of the hair, without penetrating deep into, and go already for 2-3 washing of the head. With such means, it is easy to get light blond.


