How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

Universal boilers Stropuva

  • Coal.
  • Pellets.
  • Wood waste.
  • Firewood.

The universal solid fuel boiler Stropuva, ​​according to research and consumer reviews, can be attributed to the most economical types of heating equipment manufactured by Stropuva.

It is not allowed to use exclusively wood waste. With each firebox, you will need to add a small amount of high-quality solid fuel. Universal dual-fuel boilers Stropuva coal-firewood require regular maintenance.

In practice, it has been proven that it is better to use coal for a combi boiler. This type of fuel significantly increases the battery life from one tab, as well as the efficiency of heat transfer. In normal mode without extreme loads, the unit is able to work up to 130 hours. Firebox capacity 220 kg. It is not allowed to lay coal during the firebox.

Installation and operation of boilers Stropuva

During installation and connection, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules that apply to all solid fuel units. In the housing there are two outlets for the supply and return of the coolant, and connection to the central heating of the house.

It is mandatory to install an overheating protection system. If necessary, install circulation equipment.

A non-return valve and a coarse filter must be installed in the boiler piping. For the universal and pellet models, you will additionally need to purchase and install an air manifold.

The chimney is located on the back side of the body. It is recommended to install a chimney using insulated sandwich pipes.

Cleaning of carbon deposits is necessary after each burning of the fuel. It is carried out through a special hatch located at the bottom of the boiler.

Kindling is carried out as follows:

  • The air damper opens and the draft regulator is fixed in the raised position with a cable.
  • Firewood is laid in layers. As a rule, large logs are located in the center of the firebox, small ones along the edges.
  • The top layer is filled with sawdust and chips. Throwing firewood until the already laid fuel has burned out will not work, due to the internal structure and principle of operation of the unit. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to fill the furnace (with the exception of the first kindling) completely.
  • The reason for the lack of draft may be the accumulation of soot in the flue manifold, as well as insufficient heating of the chimney. Therefore, until the firewood flares up, it is recommended to leave the damper open. This will provide good traction and reduce the formation of condensate.

Stropuva boiler piping diagrams

Stropuva boilers were able to truly solve the problem of the autonomy of solid fuel equipment. Of course, they also have their drawbacks, but their choice is the best solution for heating a private house with no possibility of gasification.

Why a solid fuel boiler is an economical solution

The choice of the device is primarily correct for residents of summer cottages and cottages that are not connected to centralized heating. Even if such a connection is present, this unit will help to significantly save on payments for gas, solid fuel is widely available and has a low price.

In the modern market, you can find a suitable equipment option for planning a house of any complexity, even with a fairly large area. Having studied the above recommendations on how to use and how to maintain the boiler, these actions will take a minimum of time.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boilerIt would seem, what does it mean “correctly” to heat the boiler with firewood? What's so complicated, throw yourself firewood into the firebox until the coals have cooled down, and the whole process. It turns out that it's not so simple.How efficiently the boiler works does not primarily depend on its design. First of all, the result of its work, as well as efficiency, depends on the quality of the fuel used. Not only the type of wood is important, but also whether it is dry or damp, the condition of the dampers and chokes. The nuances of operating solid fuel boilers will be discussed in the article.

About firewood

As mentioned above, the quality of the fuel is of great importance. And for the efficiency of the heating equipment, and to increase its service life. This is especially true of firewood - a very unstable type of fuel. The efficiency of the boiler depends on the uniform supply of fuel, moreover, aligned according to its calorific value.

This is most important for modern technological heating devices burdened with automation.

Firewood, on the other hand, differs in its technical qualities - humidity, specific heat of combustion. That is why manufacturers of boiler equipment insist on choosing high-quality fuel.

Pellets and fuel briquettes - more efficient fuel for a wood-burning boiler

The easiest way to achieve this requirement will be the choice of artificial "logs" - pellets, fuel briquettes.

You can read more about the differences in firewood and their varieties in the article Pros and cons of various types of solid fuel for boilers: wood and its derivatives.

The manufacturer's recommendations, as a rule, have an indication of what length of logs are suitable for a firebox of a particular model. There are options for boilers that fit meter-long logs into the combustion chamber.

Log log strife

The wood of different tree species has a different density, which means the ability to release heat. But besides it, other features of firewood that affect the operation of the boiler are also important: the amount of non-combustible (ballast) substances and the presence of resins that pollute the chimney and the internal structure of the device during combustion.

birch firewood

Birch has dense wood, so it burns hot and gives off a lot of heat - 3750 kcal, even if the firewood is damp. It is highly flammable. But when burning such firewood, especially raw, tar is released - a substance that is useful in medicine, cosmetology or for protecting surfaces from decay, but extremely harmful to the insides of the boiler.

Soot on the boiler heat exchanger

Alder firewood

Burning alder firewood practically does not emit soot. Moreover, burning alder wood helps to clean the chimney. Alder is flammable, burns well and gives off a sufficient amount of heat - 2100 kcal.

Aspen firewood

Burning aspen, like alder, cleans the chimney. But by themselves, such firewood emits a little heat during combustion - up to 1650 kcal.

Pine firewood

They burn well and rather hotly (3800 kcal), but pine wood is resinous, a lot of soot is formed during combustion.

Firewood in the warehouse

Spruce firewood

Spruce firewood is comparable in quality to pine, but has a slightly higher specific heat of combustion - 3900 kcal, besides, they are less resinous.

Poplar firewood

Poplar burns hot, but quickly burns out.

Firewood from apple and pear

Firewood from fruit trees - apple trees or pears - have dense wood, which means they emit a lot of heat, burn and smolder for a long time. But these species are usually grown for their fruits, so such firewood is not common. Another feature: the trunks of pears and apple trees are clumsy, the chocks do not prick well, and the logs turn out to be knotty, it is difficult to stack them tightly in the firebox.

Oak, beech, ash firewood

Oak, beech, ash have dense wood, when burning these species, a lot of heat is released - up to 3600 kcal. Of the minuses of oak or beech firewood, one can name their rarity on sale and the difficulty in splitting and melting the boiler with them.

Considering the described qualities of wood as a fuel, a good owner stocks up different types of firewood: some - so that they flare up easily, the second - so that they burn for a long time and hot, and the third - to periodically clean the chimney from soot.

How does a solid fuel boiler work on wood

The boiler works as follows:

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

  • As a result of the combustion of wood in a firebox, a certain amount of heat is released, which is different for different species.
  • The heat goes to heat the water tank located above the firebox.
  • Water circulates through the pipeline from the tank to the radiators and back through a closed circuit. Circulation can be either natural (with pipes located at a slight slope), or forced, by means of a circulation pump.
  • The products of combustion are discharged through the chimney to the street. In order for the draft to be normal, the vertical part of the chimney is made three or more than three meters high.
  • The intensity of combustion is regulated by the dampers of the furnace and chimney.

The heating unit is equipped with a safety system for emergency pressure relief in case of overheating. If this is not done, the boiler becomes dangerous in operation.

How to heat a solid fuel boiler with wood

Before starting to heat, it is necessary to competently make kindling, but if you ignore it, smoke may begin to seep into the dwelling. Different types of wood are better suited for different stages of the process, the size of firewood in this case also matters.

What firewood to choose

It is recommended to heat with well-dried wood, and it is worth dwelling on its varieties separately.

Birch - gives a lot of heat, burns for a long time, but in the process of combustion, a large amount of tar remains on the walls of the chimney from it.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

Alder - gives one and a half times less heat than birch, but practically does not leave soot. Good for kindling as it is highly flammable.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

Aspen also does not give soot, and emits little heat, it is also advisable to use it as kindling.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

Pine burns hot, but contains a lot of resin and produces a large amount of soot. Spruce wood burns hotter than pine wood, while releasing less soot.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

Poplar, releasing a lot of heat, burns out very quickly.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

Apple and pear give a lot of heat, good coals, but knotty and poorly prickly.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

Oak, ash and beech are dense and hard, hard to prick. During combustion, they emit a lot of heat, soot gives little. Rarely found on sale.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boiler

Taking into account the above properties, firewood is selected both for kindling and for directly heating the boiler.

The correct sequence of actions

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boilerThe process begins with cleaning the ash pan and subsequent kindling. In time, this stage can take about an hour. The meaning of kindling is to warm up the firebox and chimney to create sufficient draft. The complexity and duration of the process is due to the shape of the chimney and the presence of horizontal sections in it.

How to use the gate on a solid fuel boilerCrumpled paper, bark, small wood chips are used as kindling. Then lay thin logs. After they are ignited, firewood is added little by little to half the load of the firebox. The dampers of the blower and chimney are opened wide during the kindling process to ensure good air flow. It is also recommended to open the windows in the room to increase the flow of fresh air. After the flame flares up well, the dampers are half-covered.

After sufficient warming up, full bookmarks begin to be carried out, while the rate of their burnout is determined by the type of wood and the position of the dampers.

To automate the adjustment process, thermostatic draft regulators and fans with controllers equipped with a temperature sensor are used. These devices make it possible to significantly simplify temperature control and increase the efficiency of the boiler.


