Unusual disguise options
In some non-standard kitchens, there are strange options for gas wiring. In order to hide pipelines in such premises, special masking methods are also used.
For example, if the gas valve in the kitchen is installed at a height of 75 cm or even lower, then when installing kitchen furniture, it becomes inaccessible. There is a non-standard way out of this situation - to design a removable tabletop.
There is another solution to this problem, invented by craftsmen. It is enough to make a hole in the countertop exactly above the valve and fix a long handle in it, rigidly fixed at the bottom of the tap. In this case, only the upper part will protrude above the surface of the tabletop, which can be beautifully decorated. It is easy to turn off the gas with such a handle without disassembling or moving parts of the kitchen set. Moreover, this exotic method does not violate the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the safety of the operation of gas equipment.
Often, apartment owners are faced with the problem of a gas pipe in the kitchen during repairs, which runs along the entire wall in the “apron” area. You can’t hide such “ugliness” under the countertop, you can’t close it with a box or cabinets. But this situation can be dealt with with the help of rails. Such a hanging system for storing a lot of necessary little things will allow you to arrange different shelves and hooks with kitchen utensils in such a way that the gas pipe becomes, as it were, part of the structure. In fact, of course, nothing can be attached to it. You just need to carefully clean the pipe and paint it in a metallic color.
- When the style of your future kitchen is ultra-modern (hi-tech or techno), the pipes will not spoil, but decorate the interior, they will become its “highlight”. It is only necessary to place accents in an appropriate way, to highlight them in any way - to make them contrasting, shiny, bright.
- Making the room in an eco-style will allow you to turn a vertical gas riser into a trunk of a sprawling tree. Having decorated it with pieces of bark, adding the appropriate painting on the walls and furniture, you can “grow” a tender birch, a mighty oak or a pacifying pine right in the kitchen. For an oriental-style kitchen, exotic bamboo is suitable if you close the pipeline with a half of a bamboo stem bought at a hardware supermarket.
Objects with a diameter of more than 3-4 cm will give beauty to the original version - decoration with mosaics. The material is fragments of glass, ceramics or wood, beads, eggshells, stone and even pieces of fur. The main thing is to apply a layer of fixing substance to the surface, which is used as an adhesive composition or a special cement mortar. The technology of drawing up a pattern and its originality depends on the selected raw materials and the artist's imagination.
How to close hide pipe
1. Plasterboard box or cabinet
Drywall is an easy-to-install and inexpensive material. It is perfect to hide pipes for any room. To do this, you need to make a box for a gas pipe. We will need drywall sheets, galvanized metal profiles, self-tapping screws, as well as putty and paint.
It is necessary to make a frame of metal profiles. It must be fixed in 3 places - at the junction of sheets, on the floor and on the walls. This allows to provide the necessary rigidity of the structure. Previously prepared pieces of drywall are attached to the mounted frame. Then, the box must be puttied and painted. Or subject to another finish. For example, you can paste over the box with wallpaper or lay tiles on it. It all depends on the design of the kitchen and your imagination.
By the same principle, you can create a structure from chipboard, plywood or plastic.
Pipes hidden behind a plasterboard false wall.
Pipes in plasterboard box. Tiling decoration.
To access communications (gas valve and meter), you can make a box with a door.
Box for a pipe from white plastic.
2. Kitchen module
If the placement of the pipe allows, then you can save the ideal interior. Using wall cabinets. which do not have back walls. Vertical pipes can be hidden behind cabinets. and horizontal - to place along the shelves of kitchen cabinets. It is better to use blind doors or lattice facades. The pipe will be visible through the glass door.
By the same principle, you can use a solid tall cabinet-pencil case.
Gas meter and pipe in the far right pencil case (column) - large photo
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Please tell me, is the tile very thick and what did you put it on?) Looks very cool)
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Thank you very much for the opportunity to reflect the project that is in my head))) it’s bad that you can’t do much, but even for the fact that I can.
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An important element in the execution of a drywall box is the profile on which it is mounted. The profile, like any other material, is available in various sizes. Sometimes it turns out that the profile seems to be of the same size does not converge, one is slightly shorter than the other (in width). In order not to get into such a situation, drywall profiles should be taken from one batch and from one manufacturer. The main profile sizes and their functional purpose, where UD is the guide profile, and CD is the main profile.
UD 27/28, CD 60/27 - profiles are common for all types of premises, but not for stretch ceilings. They are used in rooms whose length does not exceed 5 meters.
- UD 50/40 and CD 50/50 are profiles for floor and wall ducts that allow mechanical and physical stress. They are also used on multi-level ceilings, in rooms with a length of more than 5 meters. Sometimes used for decorative boxes.
- UD 50/40 and CD 75/50 - approximately the same as the previous size, but allows the installation of stretch ceilings (in rooms with a length of no more than 5 meters), but not recommended for floor boxes.
- UD 75/40 and CD 75/50, UD 100/40 and CD 100/50 - all of the above, but with a room length of more than 8 meters, suitable for verandas, terraces.
Is it possible to disguise a pipe in a box
The above methods allow you to mask the pipe, but it will not be possible to hide it from prying eyes. If there is a desire to hide the gas main, then for this you need to make a decorative box. To ensure maximum safety, the following rules must be observed:
- Part of the box must be removable, which will provide access to utilities if necessary.
- In the protective structure, it is necessary to provide a lattice or perforation for ventilation of the space. If this is not done, then a possible gas leak will provoke its accumulation and explosion.
Many users ignore these requirements and build an airtight box. They believe that a thick hermetic pipe will not be able to pass the gas. Perhaps this statement is correct, but such a design does not meet safety requirements. The first inspection of the gas service will reveal discrepancies. The owner of the apartment will receive a fine and will be required to release utilities from such a box. It is better not to create problems for yourself and make a camouflage element in accordance with all the rules. The decor of the box can be any, it necessarily provides for a removable grill.
If necessary, masking the meter and gas pipes, the box can be made from drywall sheets and a metal profile. The entire workflow occurs according to the following algorithm:
- We make markings on the wall, determine the places for fixing metal guides.When designing a structure, it must be taken into account that the width of the product must be sufficient to service the pipeline.
- We carry out the installation of a steel frame, while using the building level.
- We cut out parts of the required size from a sheet of drywall.
- We fix the drywall on the frame, we fix a removable decorative grille on the box.
Polycarbonate is often used for the device of the box. A part of the required width is cut off from a whole sheet. In places in the middle of the stiffness lines, cuts are made and the element is bent so that the product has the shape of the symbol P. Several holes are drilled in the box for ventilation, then fixed to the wall.
Instead of drywall, wood or polycarbonate, plywood sheets, organic glass, plastic and wooden lining can be used to build a decorative box. Any available material will work for the panel, but it must be removable, ventilated, and easy to remove. There are various designs for masking gas pipes on sale, they are quickly installed on the surface of the wall and just as quickly disassembled. The main advantage of the box is the possibility of masking the pipeline, but this product occupies a certain area.
How to hide the pipeline behind the kitchen facade
Kitchen furniture allows you to mask horizontal and vertical sections of pipelines, as well as some gas equipment, such as columns or meters. It is better to install the kitchen facade during repair work, for this they order a false cabinet of the right size or upgrade existing furniture.
The main condition for such masking is sufficient ventilation of the space, which will prevent the accumulation of gas during a leak. To do this, several holes are made in inconspicuous places, but they should not be blocked by pots or jars. The ideal way out of the situation would be the installation of the grate. Vertical pipes are usually hidden in a pencil case, and horizontal pipes are placed in a cabinet. The main condition for such a disguise is unhindered access to engineering communications.
Recommendations regarding the decision to dismantle the gas pipe
It is practically impossible to remove a gas pipe in an apartment. No one will allow to dismantle the gas pipe. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then you can try by contacting the gas department at the place of residence, taking into account the fact that the work that is supposed to be carried out is explosive. In any case, no one has the right to re-equip anything (to transfer the gas pipe in the apartment) without the sanction of this organization.
The gas service, once every three years, performs pressure testing of gas networks, both individual and common houses, while monitoring the condition of gas equipment and drawing up an appropriate act. Detection of unauthorized changes in the installation of gas pipelines (for example, when replacing gas pipes in an apartment) will lead to penalties. In addition, you are responsible for the safety of your neighbors.
How to decorate a pipe
1. Pipe painting
The most budgetary and easiest option is to paint the pipe.
It is not necessary to choose a color to match the wall, you can come up with more original solutions. I will note that this is an exciting and creative process. You just need to connect your imagination or be inspired by other works. And your hated pipe will turn into a stunning art object. It is worth remembering that the pipes must be painted with a specially designed paint. So the coating will lie down more evenly, and the surface will look neater.
Monochrome painting of the pipe in the color of the wall.
Monochromatic painting of the pipe in contrast with the wall.
2. Decoupage
You will need a special film for decoupage (available at a needlework store) or ordinary napkins with a suitable pattern. It is necessary to pre-clean the surface of the pipe.Then apply glue to the pipe, place a napkin on top. Cover the napkin with a second layer of glue on top so that it is sufficiently saturated. The last step is fixing with varnish.
3. Decorative painting
If you draw beautifully, then you can paint a pre-painted pipe with decorative patterns or ornaments. This will give your interior a special uniqueness.
Decorative painting on pipes.
Options for disguising a gas pipe in the interior
It is impossible to sew up tightly with decorative panels and hide a gas pipe (as well as a pipe for heating and water supply) into the wall, since this will entail complicating repair work in the event of an emergency.
Installation of a camouflage case
Special casings for gas pipes are commercially available
One of the options on how to hide a gas pipe in the interior is to decorate it with an elegant lattice, or with laminated or plastic panels:
- A frame made of a UD metal profile, commonly used in drywall systems, is mounted along the pipe. When installing it, to obtain an even design, you should use a level.
- Two UD profiles are interconnected so that the grooves are directed in different directions, forming a corner fragment.
- The resulting fragment is connected using self-tapping screws for metal with guides located on the wall.
- A plastic starting profile is attached to the resulting frame.
- The length of the panel is measured, cut off with a hacksaw and installed in the grooves of the starting profile.
- After decorating the gas pipe with panels is completed, it is necessary to make several holes on each of the panels using a special cutter.
Other ways to decorate the pipe
Winding a gas pipe with hemp rope
A less noticeable gas pipe can be made if:
- Paint the pipe to match the color of the wallpaper.
- Having wrapped a hemp rope along the entire length of the pipe, tie several ribbons of strong fabric on it.
Pipe decor to match the color of the wallpaper in the room
- You can make a height meter for a child on a gas pipe using dark paint, simply by drawing a vertical scale measured in centimeters.
- Tie a very bright small toy at the very top of the pipe.
- You can stick several store-bought or hand-made multi-colored butterflies on the gas pipe. Butterflies can be made on your own from small colored shreds.
- Decorate the pipe when this style is combined with the style of the kitchen or room, purchased from the building market with halves of bamboo trunks.
Bamboo gas pipe decor
- Glue on the pipe in a scatter, and not along a line, heads of artificial flowers of different shades and sizes.
- Another option on how to disguise a gas pipe, which is located vertically in a niche, is to build a cabinet, which, moreover, is always useful in everyday life for storing various little things. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen a special frame in a niche and then hang the cabinet itself on the hinges.
Since over time such a design can deform from gravity, it is advisable to attach small valves from the inside. The finished product is varnished and decorated, for example, by sticking small shells on it.
- Thick pipes can be decorated by using interior mosaics for this purpose, which will create an unusual and interesting piece of furniture that will look stylish and fresh.
- If you have the ability for artistic creativity, how to hide gas pipes will not be difficult for you.
You can paint the gas pipe. For example, the pipe will be a birch trunk, and the leaves will be depicted on the wall.
The pipe can be painted with various patterns. Painting can be done on your own, but if there are doubts about your abilities and strengths, then it is better to entrust this matter to a professional designer or artist.
The original method of masking the gas pipe
An interesting design option for a gas pipe is also the use of decoupage technique.
To perform such decoration, you will need multi-layered napkins with a pattern, varnish and PVA glue. First you need to carefully clean the pipe and paint it.
Then, moistening the napkin with PVA glue, separate the top layer of paper with a pattern. This layer is glued to the gas pipe, while simultaneously smoothing the picture.
The result should be a unique ornament on the pipe. The napkins must dry completely, then the pipe is varnished to give the surface a shine.
There are many ways to decorate a gas pipe in the interior - just show your imagination. But it is always necessary to remember about safety, therefore, when closing the pipe with decorative cabinets, they must, of course, be carried out without a back wall and with full access if necessary.
Pipe as part of the interior
1. Use of decorative textiles
This decor option will allow you to more organically fit the pipe into the interior. There are also plenty of options here. The most popular materials are twine, shadow cord, rope.
Decorative rope should be tightly wrapped around the pipes. To secure the rope in the process of refueling its ends, you must use glue. You can add decorative elements. For example, glass beads, shells or artificial leaves and flowers.
Making a pipe with decorative twine.
2. Bamboo
Decorative bamboo looks non-standard, moreover, it has a shape identical to the pipes, which makes it easy to mount it, you just need to choose the bamboo of the desired diameter.
Decorating pipes with bamboo.
3. Chrome Bar Pipe
If the kitchen has a bar counter or roof rails, this element will fit well into the interior. You just need to choose the right railing diameter and pass a gas hose through it.
Bar pipe in the design of a gas pipe.
Instead of a bar pipe, you can use a flexible hose, pass it between the cabinets and the countertop into the prepared hole.
If the pipe is located horizontally, it can also be beaten with railings. The railing system includes an innumerable number of shelves, hooks and hangers to accommodate all kinds of kitchen utensils. In this situation, the gas pipe can serve as the main element for fastening. To make the pipe look aesthetically pleasing, you need to clean the pipe to a shine and cover it with chrome paint. The main thing is not to overload the pipe.
You can also fix the rails in such a way that the pipe is between them and the wall. You just have to paint it either in the color of the railing or in the color of the apron. to make it even less noticeable.
Gas pipe transfer main steps
As noted above, the gas pipeline is made of steel, usually low-carbon grades are used, which lend themselves well to welding. At present, it is not customary to make a hard connection to outdoor gas appliances - this makes it difficult to maintain them, clean them from dirt, clean rooms, and wash floors.
To connect gas stoves, flexible rubber hoses with a fabric cord are usually used, the service life of which reaches 10 years.
The distribution network sells polymer and bellows piping in the form of a corrugated stainless steel hose with yellow markings (strip, color, polymer sheath), which is also used to connect plates.
The process of carrying a gas pipe can be divided into several stages:
a). Training. All the components and tools necessary for carrying are brought by specialists, the customer only needs to purchase a flexible inlet hose made of rubber or corrugated stainless steel.
Before carrying out work, the consumer should ask how the installation will be carried out, more precisely, find out the welding technology used.
Two methods of welding are most often used - using electrodes or in an environment of combustible gases. The first option is used when welding pipelines in apartments without finishing, where falling hot sparks from the electrodes cannot damage the finishing coating of floors and walls.
Gas welding using refractory wire solders is used when working in rooms with decorative finishes - with this connection method, there are no falling hot sparks and there is no likelihood of damage to the finishing coating and furniture (with the exception of a small welding area).
b). Dismantling. Dismantling is not particularly difficult for workers, usually the gas pipe is cut with a grinder below the shut-off valve and gas meter, slightly pulled away from the wall, removing the fastening clamps. Then the pipe edge is cleaned of paint with an emery wheel for a grinder and a solvent from traces of soot and grease.
Sometimes the owners do not want to leave a massive meter and a shut-off valve in a conspicuous place, in this case they cut the pipeline above the fittings in order to transfer it or install a new one in another place.
Rice. 8 Installation of an additional branch by gas welding
c). Welding a new section of the pipeline.
- The extension piece is assembled separately if it has a complex configuration with several 90-degree bends. To do this, the pipeline is welded in a convenient place on the table or floor, shut-off and metering valves are attached to it on threaded connections using sealing materials - linen tow, FUM tape.
- Then the welded and assembled assembly is brought to the cut pipe and final welding is carried out; for the convenience of work, the site can be pre-fixed in the wall with several clamps.
- After connecting the pipeline in one line, fix it on the wall with clamps.
- Connect a flexible rubber or bellows hose to the gas pipeline and stove, turn on the gas supply with a shut-off valve, and check the entire line with a gas analyzer for leaks. When they are detected, nuts are tightened or permanent joints are welded more efficiently.
- If no leaks are found in the line and the line functions without comment, paint the pipeline with metal paint in one color.
Rice. 9 Examples of installation of metering devices and verification by a gas analyzer
Theoretically, transfer work can be carried out by third-party commercial organizations, which often happens in the private sector, but commissioning of the equipment requires verification of the correct connection and coordination with the service organization.
What do the regulations say?
Before making a decision regarding the masking of the gas pipeline, you need to understand the requirements for the operation of such pipes in a private house or city apartment. Here is what the legal acts say:
- The user must provide unhindered access to the lines for the elimination of gas leaks and repairs. Failure to comply with such norms can cost a human life.
- It is forbidden to close the pipe tightly, for example with a box. This will contribute to the accumulation of fuel, which will ultimately increase the likelihood of an explosion. It is not recommended to hide engineering communications in the wall structure. To do this, you need to use decorative ventilated products.
- It is forbidden to independently replace pipes and other elements of the gas pipeline. This must be done by a qualified person.
- Pipelines need to be painted. A layer of paint prevents metal corrosion, extends the life of the pipeline.
- Do not hang heavy objects on pipes or try to repair them in case of breakage or gas leakage.
When carrying out repair work, be sure to turn off the supply valve. Do not try to make the interior of the kitchen perfect; when choosing a decor, follow the recommendations of a gas specialist.