Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and cons

Oil type heaters

These devices are very widely used to increase the air temperature in an apartment or house. Installing them is extremely simple, it does not require any special skills and knowledge. I plugged the device into a power outlet, placing it closer to the heated place - and you're done. Due to the simplest design, breakdowns in the electrical circuit of the device are unlikely.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consSeveral models of oil coolers - the one on the far left is equipped with a fan.

The design of the oil cooler is based on a metal tank filled with mineral oil. In the oil, in turn, there is an element for heating. As a rule, a device of this type is equipped with a rheostat for temperature control, a compartment for a power cord and electrical protection against overheating. Sometimes there is also a sensor in the heater that determines the deviation from the horizontal. This allows you to automatically turn off the overturned device. The oil coolers are also splash-proof.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consOil radiators are equipped with a handle for easy movement around the apartment.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consHeaters are equipped with swivel wheels.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consCompartment for the cord, designed to store the power cable when not in use.

Advantages of the oil device:

  • Low price;
  • Quiet operation;
  • Ease of movement over various distances, for example, from room to room.

To determine how much power the device will need to make the room warm, we use the following rule. If the ceiling height does not exceed three meters, then a radiator with a capacity of 1 kilowatt is needed to heat 10 square meters of a room. Basically, similar devices are produced with a power range from 1 to 2.5 kilowatts.

The appliance usually has a thermostat that automatically sets the desired temperature, maintaining it at the same level. Models equipped with a timer are very convenient - it will turn on the heater at the appointed hour. For example, you can schedule heating in the morning or in the evening, for the arrival of all household members from work. Thus, the timer allows you to save a fair amount of electricity, which is oh so expensive today.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consHeater with electronic control system.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consMechanical control system.

Convector type heaters

They differ from oil coolers in the shape of the body - they have it flat and smooth. It has a room thermostat, thanks to which the desired temperature is maintained in the room.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consSimple convector heaters in a classic design.

Unlike oil-type heaters, which are mainly floor-mounted, convector radiators are mainly fixed to the walls. But there are also floor models - usually they have wheels for movement.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consThe convector, which has fasteners, can either be hung on the wall or mounted on wheels.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consSkirting convectors can be from 15 cm high and 1500 cm long.

Oil type heaters radiate heat. Convectors have minimal heat radiation - only from the front panel. And the air is heated by the exchange of heat between cold and hot air masses. In this case, there is a constant movement of air along the surfaces of the heater.

Convectors do not make any noise, their work is based on a natural process - air convection. They heat the room quickly and evenly. Mounting the device on the wall is easy and simple, and if desired, you can install it on the floor. There are convector heaters for both home and office, commercial or industrial premises.

In a convector device, air moves, moving to different heights.Hot, rarefied air flies up to the ceiling, and heavy cold air tends down to the floor. If convection occurs correctly, then constantly there are flows of air masses that heat the room.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consThis is how air masses move during convection.

The device consists of the following elements:

  • Convection chamber (heater body);
  • Heating element built into the housing.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consConvector heater with front cover removed.

During operation, cold air entering the convector is heated by a heating element. The air becomes lighter, it rises and exits through the upper shutters. Well, in place of the cold room air that has gone up, a new portion comes.

The heated air has the temperature set on the thermostat. It turns on and off the heating element. The efficiency of this device is very high. The slits located on the front panel are designed to let hot air out. So that it does not move straight up, but heats the floor and walls, the blinds for its exit are directed downwards. The air does not come out immediately, but accumulates inside and receives excess pressure. After that, it exits the device in a horizontal direction.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consConvector heater thermostat.

Since the heating element is specially fixed in the housing, you do not have to worry about grounding. After all, the heating element does not have contact with the metal of the case - between them there are stops made of special heat-resistant plastic. And structurally, the device is made in such a way that the heat in the room is distributed evenly. This achieves coziness and comfort.

For those who cannot decide what to buy a convector or an oil heater, it will not be superfluous to know about the advantages of convector heaters:

  • These devices are fireproof and meet the requirements of Eurostandard.
  • Such heaters placed in each room and combined into one network can be used to obtain a modular heating system. In a dacha or in a country cottage, it may well be used instead of a boiler, which is expensive and requires the installation of numerous heating pipes,
  • Thanks to the electronic thermostat and various operating modes, you can save a lot of electricity.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consElectronic control system and on-off timer.

Pros and cons of convectors

This device is considered more modern than an oil heater. The converter appeared in houses relatively recently, but has already found its customers. The principle of operation of the device is quite simple. The converter is connected to the electrical network. As a result of the operation of the heating elements, the temperature of the air around them rises. Warm gases, according to the laws of physics, rise up, and cold gases come in their place. The air in the room is gradually mixed and heated.

The device, regardless of the manufacturer, includes three main components:

  1. A heating element.
  2. Control system. It can have both complex electronic "stuffing" and simple mechanical manipulators. In almost all designs, the control system is equipped with temperature control.
  3. Frame. Serves to protect the control system and heating elements from external influences. In the production of the case, modern materials are used that do not heat up. This reduces the risk of getting burned when in contact with the device.

Each design has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the case of the converter, experts include the following among the pluses:

  1. Simplicity. The converter consists of three main elements. The fewer parts, the more reliable the technique. Simplicity also ensures the absence of difficulties in operation.
  2. Due to the work due to air circulation, the converters evenly heat the entire space in the room.
  3. Several installation options.Almost all modern models of converters are equipped with devices for mounting them on walls. In addition, there is always the possibility of installing the structure on the floor.
  4. Long service life. Manufacturers indicate a minimum service life of ten years.
  5. Ease of maintenance. The consumer does not need to carry out any work to maintain the device in working order. It is enough to periodically clean the case from dust and dirt.
  6. Environmental friendliness. There are no environmentally harmful components in the design.
  7. Compactness. In converters, unlike oil heaters, there is no container with a coolant. The device does not take up a lot of free space.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consThere are other relative advantages. So, the positive side includes the great functionality of some models. They have the ability to set the operating mode, on and off time, and so on. But some users consider such “add-ons” to be disadvantages.

If we talk about the cons of converters, then they are present. Here, energy consumption comes first. This indicator depends entirely on the volume of the room that needs to be heated. The larger it is, the more time and electricity the device will need.

Important! Converters are highly dependent on the volume of the premises. So, they are not effective in rooms with high ceilings.

Also the disadvantages include the creation of drafts. When the converter is turned on, air circulation starts. Drafts can not only affect human health, but also create dust in the room.

Which is safer, an oil heater or an electric convector

The oil cooler heats up to 150 ° C, if handled carelessly, you can get burned. Convectors only heat up to 60°C

If an oil-filled heater does not have a thermostat and sensors that protect against overheating, such a device cannot be left unattended. Convectors operate in fully automatic mode and can be operated without human presence for a long time.

The opinion of experts on the account of device security is unequivocal. An oil cooler dries out the air and is often the cause of a healthy indoor climate. The convector keeps natural normal humidity in the room.

Which heater to choose, oil or convector

Having considered the pros and cons of a radiator and a convector, we can conclude that the main advantage of an oil heater is its mobility and relatively low cost. But the features associated with the operation of the device limit its operation. It is not recommended to use oil heaters as a permanent source of heating.

Convectors, on the contrary, are economical, have fast heat transfer, and are completely safe in operation. Electric convectors cost approximately 1.5-2 times more. But they can be installed for constant space heating.

Comparison of oil heaters and electric convectors showed a clear advantage of the latter. The popularity of oil heaters, despite all the obvious shortcomings, is not decreasing. This is due to the low cost and mobility.

Household convectors have not yet received wide recognition from the domestic consumer. But convection heaters are worth choosing if you need an economical and safe source of heat in the house.

Operating comfort

Comparing oil radiators and electric heating convectors with a thermostat, attention should be paid to the comfort during the operation of the presented devices. This applies to mounting and carrying the device.

Convectors are more mobile than radiators. They are easy to move from room to room, as the weight of such devices does not exceed 10 kg. Oil coolers are heavier. Their weight is 18-25 kg. In this case, the whole structure turns out to be rather cumbersome. It cannot be installed on the wall.This is always floor type heaters.

The convector can be mounted on the wall. At the same time, the wires will not interfere under your feet, and cleaning will be much easier. If desired, the convector can also be floor type. To do this, you need to purchase special stands or wheels.

How a convector is arranged and works

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and cons

Outwardly, it is very easy to distinguish a convector from an oil cooler. If the latter looks like an "accordion on legs", then the former has a flat, smooth body with slots at the top and bottom. The main difference between these devices is the method of heating the room. The radiator first heats the oil, and the convector directly heats the air masses.

The principle of operation of the convector is based on the physical properties of cold and hot air. The second one is known to be easier. In the hollow body of the convector there is only a heating element (spiral) and a temperature sensor. Cold air enters the convector through slots located at the bottom of the appliance. Then the air masses, heated by the heating element, naturally exit through the holes located in the upper part of the housing. And their place is again taken by cold air, the process repeats.

Each convector heater is equipped with a temperature sensor that turns the device on and off depending on whether the air in the room has reached the set temperature. This is very convenient since there is no need to monitor the device. Automation independently maintains a comfortable temperature in the room.

Almost all models of convectors have two ways of placement. They can be hung on the wall or installed on special legs and placed in a convenient place on the floor.

Principles of operation of convector batteries

The most popular heating radiators today are steel heating convectors (or steel convector-type batteries).

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and cons

The principle of operation of the convector system.

Among heating devices, the convector is the leader in terms of the total number of advantages and the minimum number of disadvantages. Making a choice in his favor is the best way to take care of the warm comfort of your home.

When convector-type heating radiators work in the room, hot air masses are mixed with cold ones, and the air heats up evenly and quickly. All steel radiators and convectors are automatically switched off in case of strong heating and are equipped with an independent temperature control function. Convectors are safe to use because they have special protective panels that do not heat up to such a temperature that, if touched, cause burns. The possibility of moisture getting inside is practically excluded, so the convectors are resistant to corrosion processes.

Which convector to choose

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consWhich device to choose?

On sale you can find different types of convectors. In order to choose the right model, you need to take into account several indicators at once:

  1. The cost of the device.
  2. Device type.
  3. Device power.
  4. Design safety.

For water systems, special heating convectors are selected, steel, having a rather complex design. They are based on a volumetric heat exchanger. It connects to the main hot water supply system and effectively heats the room.

The heat exchanger is made of pipes cast from an alloy of non-ferrous metals. But it is the design of the casing itself that provides good heat transfer, controlling the rational use of energy.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce steel convectors with a protective and decorative coating. Powder coating contributes to the creation of a variety of color schemes, so the decorative value of this option is obvious.

Gas convectors heat the air in the room due to the combustion of gas, which occurs in a separate chamber. At the same time, air is taken in, as well as the removal of combustion products.It should be noted that such appliances are much safer from an environmental point of view than conventional gas stoves.

There is no water circuit in the gas convector, so there is no need to lay pipes around the room, connect pumping equipment, or install fittings. Therefore, often this heating option is chosen for country houses.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consWater convectors

For the described structures, copper casings are often used. This convector is distinguished by the highest technical characteristics and unique design, so it is in perfect harmony with any interior.

Electric ones practically do not burn oxygen in the room. And this has a beneficial effect on human health. They do not have a metal spiral, instead of which there is a finned tube. The body is never hot. Most devices are equipped with an additional overheating protection system.

The thermostat will automatically turn off the device if the temperature exceeds the set norm. As a result, the device works intermittently, which helps to save energy consumption and extend its life.

In terms of consumer parameters, electric convectors significantly outperform their competitors listed above, so it is no coincidence that they have recently become very popular heating systems.

As you can see, you can choose a convector based on your own wishes and technical features of the devices. All modern radiators, convectors and radiators are very effective. They help to increase the degree of comfort, create more favorable conditions for living in the cold season, so you can’t do without them.

Service life and cost

A convector or radiator is characterized by a different service life. What is better, expert reviews on the duration of the operation of the devices will help. Oil radiators are significantly inferior to convectors in this parameter. Their service life does not exceed 7 years at best. First, a small crack forms in the body of the device. Then it grows, and through it the oil flows out. Then such a heater can simply be thrown away.

The convector works on average from 10 to 15 years. At the same time, manufacturers give a guarantee on their products for about 5 years. This is a significant advantage of a convector over a radiator. It is worth noting that you should not save on the quality of the device. Oil radiators are much cheaper than convectors. But this is the only point on which the presented equipment wins.

Having considered the main characteristics of the presented heaters, as well as comparing their advantages and disadvantages, we can name a clear winner. In almost all respects, the convector is in the lead. Let its cost be slightly higher than that of an oil cooler, but the reliability, safety and comfort of use outweigh the price indicator.

Advantages and disadvantages

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consBased on consumer reviews, we tried to highlight the main disadvantages and advantages of such heating devices. The advantages of an oil heater include the following:

  • Low cost.
  • High-quality heating of the surrounding air due to the increased heat transfer area.
  • "Soft" heating. If we compare with heaters with an open coil, it can be noted that the oil cooler does not dry out the air. In addition, during its operation, dust particles in the immediate vicinity do not burn. That is why in the process of work there are no foreign odors.
  • Mobility. Since oil heaters are 98% floor standing and have wheels, they can be easily placed in any location of your choice.
  • Durability and reliable performance.

However, in addition to the undeniable advantages, radiators also have disadvantages. Customer reviews also helped to discover them. So the cons:

  • Fairly high t˚ C of the body. During operation at maximum power, the walls of the oil cooler can reach temperatures in excess of 90 C. This fact calls for thinking about the issue of safety.
  • Impressive weight. Some models of oil heaters can "pull" up to 25 kg, and the smallest ones rarely weigh less than 10 kg. This can create additional inconvenience when moving.
  • The probability of leakage of coolant (oil) in case of mechanical damage to the housing. Moreover, if this happens, the heater will simply have to be thrown away. The cost of repair is often incomparable with the cost of a new device.

Comparative table of technical characteristics of oil and covector heaters

Parameters oil heater Convector heater
economy - Not economical. + More economical by about 25%.
Heating time + - Conventional models heat up for a long time, and those equipped with fans quickly. -Heats the room for a long time.
Comfort in use -Average. + More convenient, both floor and wall models.
Safety - High surface temperature (but there are models with a protective cover); if the operating rules are violated, there is a possibility of an explosion. + The surface of the convector is not exposed to strong heat; can be left unattended.
Life time -Average +Large
Environmental friendliness - Raises dust particles by convection - Raises dust particles by convection

And on the basis of all this, deciding what to choose a convector or an oil heater, we can unequivocally conclude: of course, a convector. Light, compact, silent and safe, these heaters are gradually replacing heavy, short-lived devices filled with hot oil from apartments and offices. So we can say that oil heaters have almost become yesterday's day in the matter of space heating. The only thing is that models of oil heaters equipped with fans are able to heat the room somewhat faster, but the process of heating its surface remains long. See below for detailed materials on the selection of these heaters.

Convector and oil heater comparison reveals the undisputed leader

So, let's compare the main indicators of the two most popular heaters.

1. Economy of use. An oil radiator consumes a quarter more electricity than a convector one. Since electricity tariffs are constantly growing, this fact can be decisive when choosing a device.

2. Warm-up time. Heating the air with an oil heater goes through several stages: first, electricity heats the heating element, then heating element - oil, and it, in turn, heats the fins of the body, which gives off heat to the air masses. It takes a lot of time (and electricity, which costs a lot) - the device has long been turned on, and the cold is still in the room. Fans built into the oil heater can speed up the process.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consOil type heater with built-in electric fan.

At the convector, the heater immediately heats the body, so its efficiency is at least 95 percent. But the heating rate is also not so great, and an oil cooler equipped with a fan, all other things being equal, is more likely to outperform a convector.

3. Comfort at work. This refers to the ease of carrying and installation. It should be noted that convectors in this regard are more convenient and mobile. Their weight is no more than 10 kilograms, and oil devices are more bulky and heavy - their weight ranges from 18 to 25 kilograms. It is more convenient to move convectors on wheels, and it is not difficult to fix them on the wall, which will save space in the apartment and facilitate cleaning. In addition, the temperature created by the convector is more comfortable. It has no differences throughout the volume of the room.

4. Safety. You understand that hot oil is not the best neighbor. It heats the body of the heater so that it is not far from a burn.The exception is heaters equipped with a protective cover.

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and consRadiator with a protective cover to protect against burns, which can be obtained by touching a hot radiator case.

But convector devices can be called absolutely safe. After all, their body heats up to only 60 degrees, and at this temperature you can’t get burned. Equipped with a protection function, the convector, left unattended, will not catch the owner. But in no case should an oil appliance be left alone with the room - after all, some of its models do not even have an overheating sensor.

5. Service life. Probably more than one person has witnessed oil leaking from an oil heater. Sooner or later, a leak appears. First, a microcrack appears on the body, then oil begins to slowly evaporate through it. Well, as a result, the heater fails, and no one undertakes to repair it - is it possible to find a tiny microcrack. As for convector heaters, they serve for 10 and 15 years, although the manufacturer usually indicates a 5-year warranty period.

6. Environmental friendliness of the device. To begin with, let's take it as an axiom that the dust in the room will always rise during the movement of air during convection. Therefore, dealers who talk about some special models of convection or oil heaters that do not raise dust are lying. Now about burning oxygen. For convectors, the peculiarity of the heating element material and the heating temperature of the body are such that this process is physically impossible. Some people argue that burning oxygen is still possible with oil coolers. Don't believe it - it's not true.

7. The cost of the device. Here, oil heaters take the lead - their prices are significantly lower than for convectors. But do not forget about the ratio of price and quality, that is, compare not only prices, but also the most important technical indicators (which were discussed above).

Performance characteristics

First of all, it is necessary to consider the performance characteristics that a convector or an oil cooler has. The pros and cons of these devices are quite significant.

An oil radiator, according to reviews of consumers and experts of electric heating equipment, consumes ¼ more energy than a convector. This is due to the heating rate and the principle of operation of the system. The oil cooler first heats the liquid inside, then the walls of the container. Only after this, the fins of the device give off heat to the environment. In the convector, the heating element is in direct contact with the air.Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and cons

The time required to warm up the device requires additional energy costs. If an additional fan is installed in the instrument, the temperature rises faster. But the heater at the same time works with some level of noise.

Convectors or radiators

Any specialist will tell you that a convector and a radiator are completely different devices. Both those and others heat the room, but they do it in different ways.

Radiators produce heat by radiating heat that comes from their surface. The mechanism of the convector is completely different. Cold air is heated by the plates, rises, cools there, descends and heats up again in the convector plates.

Radiators are traditional, and their design is well known. It consists of individual elements, the number of which depends on the power of the device.

Radiators help to evenly heat the room, they keep heat longer, they are easier to care for. They have tangible benefits. This:

  1. Efficient heat dissipation.
  2. Economy of operation.
  3. Affordable price.

Convectors are heating panels that can be used for basic heating where the use of radiators is not possible. But most often, such devices are used as an additional source of heat. It is also easy to list the advantages of such a choice:

  1. They take up less space than radiators.
  2. More safe to use.
  3. They can be installed so that they are not visible - for example, built into the floor or wall.

Given the characteristics of each heat source, you can easily make your choice.

The main types of heaters

Today, there are many different types of heaters on the shelves of specialized stores. First of all, they are distinguished by the type of fuel used, which is necessary for pumping a certain temperature.Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and cons

Electrical varieties include convector, oil cooler, UFO, floor cable systems. The advantage of such heaters is the availability of electricity. Even in a country house, you can use this energy source to make both comfortable and basic heating.

The hotel group includes water heating convectors. Consumer reviews make it clear that this type of heater is used for arranging autonomous heating. But its installation can require a lot of time and effort. Boilers heat water or liquid inside radiators. They can run on solid fuel, gas, agricultural waste, etc.

For residents of cities and owners of country houses who want to purchase an additional device to support the main heating, electric convectors or oil coolers are more suitable.

Environmental friendliness

Many users make a comparison of convectors and radiators on the principle of environmental friendliness. This issue needs to be sorted out further. Since both heaters operate on the principle of convection, the dust will rise up in any case. It is invariably picked up by streams of heated air. You will have to come to terms with this fact when purchasing a convector or radiator.

It should also be said that some sellers of the presented equipment claim that these heaters burn oxygen. However, according to the laws of physics, this process is impossible even in an oil cooler, not to mention a convector.

Pros and cons

Convector or radiator which is better, comparison, pros and cons

Consumer reviews will also help us determine all the advantages and disadvantages.

  • When using a convector, you can set the exact (literally up to a degree) temperature in the room and the automation will maintain it.
  • The case of the device is heated no higher than 60 C, which is much safer than in the case of oil appliances.
  • With a little effort, you can connect several convectors to a common heating system. An oil-type heater works exclusively individually.

Nevertheless, the convector has its drawbacks:

  • Customer reviews allow us to conclude that when using such equipment in the room, a slight draft may occur.
  • Rooms with high (above 3 m) ceilings may not be warmed up very well by the convector. Warm air will "hang" under the ceiling and the device may not work efficiently enough.
  • Natural convection can lead to increased movement of microorganisms and dust particles. This can be unpleasant for people prone to allergic reactions or diseases of the ENT organs.


