Podium for shower cabin
How nice it is to take a cool shower on a hot day! And after a hard day's work, relax under a warm stream of water! Shower cabins are a good opportunity to experience such pleasant moments. I must say that this is also an alternative option for many. Someone, in principle, does not accept a bath, someone does not have a place to have one, and a cabin is quite appropriate. Other reasons also allow the broad masses of the people to have this miracle of nature - a shower cabin. What only there are no models! And with the functions of hydromassage and with the function of steam generation. Yes, this is no longer a shower cabin at all, but a hydro massager and a steam room! Even the latest news can be found by basking under running water and turning on the built-in FM receiver.
But now let's pay attention to the installation of this device in your apartment.
and, in particular, to such a situation, when the sewer outlet is located high enough and in order for there to be a normal flow into the sewer, it is necessary to raise the booth well above the floor level.
First, why would this happen? The passion for redevelopment, which literally flooded the minds of many homeowners, leads to the fact that this device for taking a shower and listening to the news can gradually move further and further away from the sewer riser. And this means that in order to have a good drain, the outlet for the sewer for the shower needs to be raised higher and higher. Well, the cabin itself, respectively.
Another reason is that such booths are installed in places for which they are not intended at all. For example, in many corridor-type dormitories that existed in Soviet times, now they are no longer inhabited by residents with a temporary residence permit, but by owners who managed to privatize the rooms. And amenities in the hallway. Some, however, strive to stretch pipes with water supply and sewerage into their room. Then the issue of personal hygiene can be solved without going out into the corridor. A shower would help. Yes, a long sewer line again requires an additional rise of such a cabin above sea level.
So, no matter why, it is still important what to do if you need to raise the shower cabin above the floor level. The usual option when people build a podium for a shower
But it's not always that easy
A common option when people build a podium for a shower cabin. But it's not always that easy.
- First, labor costs
- secondly - an additional headache.
If there is a podium, what kind? What will it look like, what shape and so on. Design, you know, is not an easy thing.
And another reason to be wary of this option, since for various reasons such podiums had to be dismantled over time
How to raise a shower cabin? What is the alternative?
She is. The truth is not suitable for all models, but for those in which the pallet is installed on a metal frame. Such a frame made of a profile pipe has screwed legs in the form of studs, that is, threaded rods. These legs, by rotation, can, to some extent, adjust the height of the installation of the pallet and, accordingly, the cabin itself. But the height changes slightly. Your version requires more. A simple solution looks like this. Buy a stud of the same diameter and with the same thread.
Cut the studs to the length you need with a hacksaw. And now throw out those legs that were in the kit and screw your own.
Of course, leave the rubber supports that are put on the studs and stand on the floor and put them on new legs. That's all!
The positive moment is speed and onslaught! No podium for the shower you now do not need!
The negative point is that a wonderful gap appears between the pallet and the floor.But I must say that for many, convenience and simplicity cover the emerging shortcomings. And if you don’t find fault, then the space between the floor and the pallet can even look quite natural.
It's like it was meant to be! Design step, you know. What do you think?
Concrete podium
Sometimes it is best to make a structure of concrete. This strong, durable material is not subjected to deformation and the destructive effects of time.
Before developing a concrete elevation, we need to fit a pallet in its place, circle its contours with a marker, adding a couple of centimeters from all sides, remove the pallet and start diluting the concrete composition.
Before pouring the mortar, it is necessary to remove the tile in the height setting area, if any, carry out a waterproofing layer, make a frame of iron reinforcement and formwork. Then the concrete will take the necessary shape, cracks will not appear on its plane. Then a place is chosen for the upcoming drain.
For the solution, one part of cement, three parts of sand and three parts of crushed stone are taken. Water at room temperature is added there until the consistency of thick sour cream is reached.
The prepared system for elevation is poured with a solvent, taking into account the place for the tile, which surface will be laid out. You will need to leave for her approximately 25 centimeters. After pouring the mixture, the layer that is on top is leveled.
Now it is time to wait 2-3 weeks for the podium under the shower stall to be ready for further work, such as installing a drain system, sealing joints and gaps. Then the drainage structure is checked and the tiles are laid.
The drain in the end must be placed at the level of the built elevation. When the work is finished, you can install the shower cabin.
Recommendations for installing a podium for a new shower cabin
The comfort and convenience conditions created by the installation of a shower cabin are undeniable.
To carry out the construction of the podium, you need:
- install a pallet;
- connect it to the drain channel;
- connect the shower to the water supply;
- carry out the necessary electrical wiring;
- mount the walls and ceiling panel of the cabin;
- install the doors provided for this;
- fix handles, mirrors and other decorative fittings;
- seal all seams.
However, in the process of implementing such an idea, as a rule, a number of certain difficulties arise. Everything is determined by the fact that the tee, which is used in the sewer system, is installed quite often high (it's about 10-16 cm above the floor level). In order to obtain a good drainage of water, it is recommended to adhere to the angle of inclination (we are talking about a horizontal section) within 3 ° and not less. So the use of the construction of a special podium is an original and beautiful solution to this issue.
At the time of the technical calculation of the design of the podium, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the length of the gap between its surface and the drain pipe should reach 6-7 cm and no more
Raise the shower
The height of the installed shower cabin is not enough (the drain “slows down”), so as not to change the studs, is it possible to substitute something under the paws of the same height? Do you have scraps of imported non-slip tiles at hand - if a couple of pieces of the order of 10x10 cm will not roll off over time? And if on a tile - then it is necessary to put it on glue or will it not slip off? Or are there easier ways? Thanks in advance to everyone for advice.
Had the same problem. I even attached a pump for washing machines to drain. Alas, it did not work well - it was airy. The pump did not catch small levels of water in the sump. I had to remove the pump, and put the cabin on bricks and decorate the front ones. But there was the possibility of cleaning under the cab.
2noviBEERets Yes, whatever.Almost answered your own question. Glue the tile. And better as ZeleBoba did.
Brick flat around the perimeter of the shower. Plaster it and tile it. Put a cabin on it.
Brick around the perimeter (podium) - it is necessary to clean / disassemble the cabin. There is no particular desire to do this. Therefore, I just want to evenly raise all 5 legs. Additional finishing is not required - there is an "apron". What's the point of tiling? Will it slip? Has anyone had precedents?
novosiBEERets wrote: Brick across the perimeter (podium) - it is necessary to clean / disassemble the cabin.
Then put something of the same thickness under the legs, only it will not look very good.
Yuri-Electric wrote: Then put something of the same thickness under the legs, only it will not look very good.
This is the option I'm leaning towards. Nothing will be visible under the "apron" - the main thing is that there is no slipping. I tried to rub two tiles against each other - no matter how they slip. The floor is similarly non-slippery. As they say "cheap and cheerful" - do not buy anything and the labor costs are minuscule, and so the tiles to throw away and fence the podium are extra costs and not only time. The main thing now is to find out - has anyone heard about the negative of this method?
Design features of shower cabins
The very assembly of the shower cabin (-lessons will help you understand the process) is largely predetermined by the type and features of different models of cabins.
The main components of showers:
- Pallet (usually equipped with a special frame).
- Doors (check for special fasteners and rollers).
- Cabin cover (also called a ceiling panel, it is not always included in the equipment package).
- Side panels and cab wall (also depends on the model configuration).
General assembly scheme
The easiest installation of shower cabins, models of which do not have walls and panels (this is the minimum configuration).
To install such a cabin, you will need two walls and a corner in the bathroom - they will serve as the walls of the shower cabin.
All other models of shower cabins are much more difficult to install. Instructions for installing a shower cabin, as a rule, are developed by each manufacturer.
But in the event that you purchase a budget model made in China, you can’t count on a detailed description. Therefore, we will use the advice of experienced masters.
A word of advice: make a "pre-assembly" in a large room (for example, in a room), where it will be convenient to spread out and assemble everything.
A “preliminary” assembly of a shower cabin with your own hands will help you sort out all the components (it may happen that they are not enough, then you will have to buy more), determine the dimensions of the equipment and view their actual location in a permanent place.
Only after everyone has “felt” with their own hands, you can proceed to install the shower cabin in a permanent place.
Essential Elevation Installation Requirements
Before you make a shower cabin podium, you need to consider certain points. First of all, you should calculate the distance from the plane of the future structure to the drain pipe. It should not be more than 6 centimeters.
The height of the elevation must be necessary to ensure that water leaves through the sewer, otherwise stagnation cannot be avoided
It is also important to leave enough free space between the shower ceiling and the cubicle.
Whether the podium will closely adjoin the wall depends on the variant and type of cabin model, the specifics of the room where the system is installed.
A weighty device will then be located on its plane, and therefore the podium must be strong. It is better to tile the part on top to avoid damage, scratches on the plane of the tray and the shower cabin.
Necessary raw materials and materials to create a podium
In the process of building a podium, you can not do without the following types of materials:
- appropriate type of brick,
- iron fittings,
- wood in the form of boards for formwork,
- metallic profile,
- beams
- tes,
- construction level,
- yardstick,
- yellow sand,
- crushed stone and silicone sealant,
- markers (black or colored),
- tile.
Wood blocks are a great option to build a podium. It is recommended to install a shower cabin on them. The space between the floor and the pallet should be covered with plastic. Despite all its simplicity and economy, this solution has one significant drawback, the essence of which is the need for constant treatment of wood with an antiseptic. Humid environment has an adverse effect on this type of material during its operation.
Shower drain installation
The drain is built into the cement podium for the shower cabin itself, for which all contours, according to the project, are transferred to the floor and walls, respectively. If necessary, the tile is removed. After the completion of this procedure, waterproofing is carried out by installing formwork and a metal frame to prevent cracking of the cement. For successful installation of the drain, it is recommended to foresee the space for its installation in advance.
Preparing a solution for pouring
To prepare a mortar for pouring, it is necessary to evenly mix 1 part of cement with 3 parts of fine crushed stone and 3 parts of yellow sand. At the same time, water is added gradually so as not to miss the moment of obtaining the consistency of non-liquid sour cream. The condition for the correct filling of the prepared solution is also important, i.e. keep a distance of 25 mm under the level of laying ceramic tiles. To ensure the correct horizontal position, it is checked using a special level.
At the end of the hardening of this solution (this is about 2 weeks), a drain system is installed and all joints are sealed. It is best to test the functioning of the drain structure before laying tiles on the podium.
Masonry methods
The most common and popular today is the construction of a podium for a shower cabin using brickwork. Cost-effectiveness and a beautiful outline are the main distinguishing features of this method, which are especially noticeable with a large number of bends in the podium structure. As a rule, a podium of stepped shape and architecture is made for these purposes.
Using and installing a brick structure, it is also recommended to foresee the creation of a drain channel in advance in order to avoid unpleasant situations. In this case, the brick is laid out over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure. And only after a thorough check and test of functional readiness, tiles are laid.
It should be noted that at the time of the final installation, it is recommended that all input and output nodes be securely connected to certain structural details, and the correct functioning of the electrical network should be checked.
In addition, the assembly of the shower cabin on its own must fully comply with the rules and regulations of safe work. And especially when it comes to a hydromassage shower cabin, since both pumps and the corresponding compressors are used here. The shower cabin must be grounded and equipped with devices for protective shutdown of the mains.