Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Drainage in a private house

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterPlumbing scheme in a private house

For the full functioning of the home plumbing system in a country house or cottage, a sewer pipeline should be installed. The cross section of the line depends on the total volume of discharged effluents. But for domestic sewage, tubes with a diameter of 150-200 mm are more often taken.

The main requirement of SNiP is that the pipes are laid with a mandatory slope towards the cesspool or septic tank. This eliminates the malfunction of the system. According to the norms, the slope indicator varies depending on the section of the pipes. For a diameter of 200 mm, the level is 0.8 cm per linear meter of the line. With a decrease in the cross section of the sewer, the slope level increases.

The drainage system is also mounted below the freezing level of the ground.

If this cannot be done due to the peculiarities of the relief on the site, it is important to provide for high-quality insulation of the main line. It is undesirable to conduct / bring sewerage along the top on the street

Otherwise, the system will constantly freeze. Or with this installation method, a high-quality insulation is used.

By law, it is prohibited to install open (leaky) cesspools on a plot in the yard. This leads to an ecological catastrophe, pollution of the groundwater of the village. As a wastewater receiver, it is better to arrange a home-made septic tank for 2-3 chambers and discharge waste into it. Many users/craftsmen prefer to install a factory cleaning tank. This is a plastic container with stiffeners. The places where the collector is connected to the tank are securely sealed to avoid leakage of effluents into the ground. A sealed septic tank does not let in a specific smell and qualitatively cleans the drains before they are drained into the ground.

Wellbore formation

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterHand Rope Drilling Process

In order to freely conduct water into the house from the well, you must first reach the aquifer on your own or with the help of professionals. To do this, use the following drilling methods:

  • Screw. It implies a gradual deepening around its axis of the installation with rounded blades and excavation upward. It is used in order to drill a mine in soft sandy-clay soils.
  • Shock-rope. Here, a heavy steel sleeve with sharp teeth and a closing sash comes into play. The glass is sharply lowered into the ground from a height of 0.5-1 m. Thus, it captures part of the soil in its flask and lifts it up. The sash of the sleeve prevents the soil from spilling out.
  • Rotary drilling with parallel water supply to the mine for washing it.

For independent percussion drilling, it is advisable to mount the winch on a tripod. It will automatically lift the mass of the driving glass with the soil up.

Water quality

The difference between a well and a well is quite large. It's all about the aquifers, which are located at different depths. A well drilled in sand up to 50 m meets all sanitary control standards.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

But only analysis in the laboratory will help to determine the suitability of the source more accurately. The flow rate of the installation depends on the correct drilling and installation of the casing. Also an important factor in the constant presence of fluid is the aquifer itself.

In artesian wells, the water resource is cleaner and more reliable. Due to the passage of liquid through several layers of soil and clay, it is cleaned and filtered. Often the flow rate of the source is so strong that it comes from the depths to the surface. To get into such a vein is a great success for the owners of the land.

A key well can dry up at any minute or last for decades. As for the water quality, it is relatively high.The pressure that causes the fluid to move from the bowels to the surface, pushing it through the multiple rocks of the soil, cleansing it.

In the mine well, water still needs to be reached and its quality leaves much to be desired. In this case, you need to know exactly where to start excavation. Often it is unsuitable for drinking and cooking. In the garden or cottage, it can be used for watering or animals.

The Abyssinian spring is deeper than the mine one, which means that the water in it is cleaner. Silting the core well does not threaten. The aquifer through which the pipe passes lies at a depth of up to 40 m. The source is recharged through the upper and lower sandy layers. The artesian located nearby has a positive effect on the flow rate of the well.

Well type selection

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterThe presence of water in the house is the main component of a comfortable human existence.

To organize the water supply system of the cottage, including a bathhouse, a swimming pool, all plumbing points of the house use a sandy or artesian source.

The first has a depth of 15 to 40 meters, depending on the terrain and the location of the aquifer. Before drilling a sandy hydraulic structure, it is desirable to conduct reconnaissance hydrogeological surveys. The advantages of such a well:

  • service life - 10-15 years;
  • good quality of water that can be drunk immediately, often it is not even necessary to install complex filter systems for iron removal or reverse osmosis;
  • the possibility of drilling with your own hands, the process will take from 2 to 5 days;
  • productivity - 0.5-1.5 m3 / hour;
  • minimal silting of the source, provided that it is located in coarse sand.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterThe structure of an artesian well and a sand well

The sand well can be freely mothballed for the winter, if necessary.

The artesian spring has a depth of 50 to 200 meters. The level of occurrence of the aquifer depends on the volume of the resource in the floodplain of the river of a particular region. The well has a high productivity of 2-5 m3/hour. This allows you to supply water to several large cottages or even a small village at the same time. The drilling of an artesian source is carried out only with the use of sophisticated equipment. In addition, a well of this type requires a license / permit. Artesian source resources are taxed. The life of the well is about 50 years.

Choosing a place for drilling

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterThe well must be located so that distances are observed to guarantee its protection from contamination.

Before installing a water supply system from a well in a private house with your own hands, it is important to determine the location of the source. It must meet the following criteria:

Distance from residential buildings at least 5 meters.
The distance between the well and the point of discharge of sewage waste should be maximum, but not less than 15-20 meters.
It is important to maintain the possibility of free access to the source. It may be needed during repairs or maintenance. You can determine the location of the drilling (the proposed location of the aquifer) with the help of professionals or by external signs

The proximity of the underground vein is evidenced by:

You can determine the location of drilling (the proposed location of the aquifer) with the help of professionals or by external signs. The proximity of the underground vein is evidenced by:

  • lush vegetation, characterized by juiciness even in the heat;
  • abundance of midges in the desired area in the evening;
  • the love of dogs for the location of the aquifer on hot days;
  • thick swirling fog in the morning over the aquifer.

Comparison of a well and a well

In a private or country house, there are often problems with water supply. Usually the owners equip an autonomous source. As a rule, choose a well or borehole option.

To compare the pros and cons, a number of criteria are used. First, the difficulty of finding the water layer is taken into account. From this point of view, the arrangement of a well is very difficult, because it requires thorough drilling. And for the well, due to the shallow depth, the procedure will not cause problems.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterWhen choosing a source for water, it is necessary to take into account the level of its pollution.

For residents, water quality comes first. In a well source, the liquid is protected by a large layer of soil. In the well, pollution can easily get into the source due to the shallow depth.

When installing the well, professional equipment is used, which simplifies the process. But for the well, the bulk of the work is done manually. But when connecting communications, there are more difficulties - when arranging the downhole option.

The amount of fluid in the well is greater than in the well. And this does not depend on the season, which is often observed at the wells. The quality of the downhole fluid itself is quite high, but there may be impurities in the fluid. The problem is fixed with a filter. The quality of the water in the well every year is getting worse and worse.

The durability of a borehole source can be measured in decades. At the same time, maintenance of the installation is rarely required. The well is also durable, but requires periodic cleaning. A higher cost is observed during the arrangement of the well.

This is interesting: Abyssinian wells for water

Water supply of a private house from a well system diagram for a private house

In order to draw up a scheme for supplying drinking or technical water to your country house, you must first decide on the schedule for its operation. If the building is supposed to be used seasonally, then arranging a water supply system from a well would be the best option to meet household needs. For permanent residence, taking into account the volume of daily water consumption, it is recommended from a well.

What factors to consider when developing a scheme for arranging a well for water

The choice of a water consumption plan begins with geological surveys of the site and determination of the type of water intake source. Wells and wells in their structure and method of construction may differ slightly from each other. The degree of their difference depends on the boundary of the aquifer.

Resources according to the nature of the location and hydraulic features are divided into several types:

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Wells and wells differ in structure.

  • top water;
  • ground;
  • interlayer (filter);
  • artesian (pressure).

Verkhovodka, as well as layers with groundwater, are located close to the surface and are not reliable, since their reserves depend on the volume of precipitation.

Filter and artesian springs are located at great depths, have a powerful aquifer independent of weather conditions, have a constant temperature and are protected from pollution.

Taking into account the characteristics of workings, we carry out test drilling at the site. After that, we determine the location of the water intake point, the depth of development and the method of supplying the resource. Based on the data obtained, we select equipment, the type and completeness of which depends on the following factors:

  1. How is it planned to take the resource (with a deep-well pump or a pumping station with automation and a hydraulic accumulator will be used).
  2. The length of the route from the source to the place where water enters the building.
  3. The number of devices for water in a private house.
  4. Required amount of resource.

The information obtained will allow competently and professionally to draw up a water supply project for the building, taking into account permanent residence.

Advantages and disadvantages of a typical water supply scheme for a private house from a well

from underground workings, in comparison with the central supply system, has several advantages:

  1. Ensuring the household needs of the house without the participation of the city water utility.
  2. No monthly subscription fee.
  3. The force of pressure and the quality of drinking water depend only on the material capabilities of the user.
  4. The volume of the resource is regulated by the owner of the house based on the amount of installed equipment.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Plumbing in the country from underground workings.


  1. The depth of aquifer placement depends on regional conditions.
  2. If an artesian well is used, then the price of the finished working is high.
  3. The need to install additional devices (pump, automation, caisson, etc.).
  4. With a weak horizon, there is a possibility of siltation of the channel.

Features of the tower water supply scheme in a private house from a well

The tower method of supply involves the installation of an additional tank at the top of the building. To adjust the filling level of the tank, the tank is equipped with a float valve.

A submersible pump pumps water through an open valve into the expansion chamber. At the same time, the float gradually rises under the action of the liquid, dragging the mechanism flap with it, and upon reaching the maximum planned threshold, it shuts off the flow.

Scheme of a well for water in a private house with a pump and two-stage supply

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Device diagram.

With a two-stage method of supplying a resource to the system, an additional pump is inserted behind the storage tank, and a hydraulic accumulator is placed behind it. This method allows you to stabilize the pressure in the line even with a low power supply station.

After filling the expansion tank, water from the tank flows by gravity into the pump chamber, which pumps it into the membrane cavity of the unit. The diaphragm of the device at the right moment pushes the liquid further along the line, thereby maintaining the necessary pressure force at all flow points.

The difference between a well, well and column

In addition to wells and various types of wells, in the absence of a centralized water supply, water intake columns are often used, which are distinguished by a relatively simple design installed in a well or directly on the ground, and represented by a valve, an ejector, water pipes, and a column with a special lever.

Despite sufficient performance and external attractiveness, such designs have a number of disadvantages:

  • the mandatory presence of a sufficiently high pressure in the water supply network, which will allow the equipment to fully function;
  • the likelihood of water freezing in winter, especially if there is too low pressure in the system;
  • risk of groundwater or rainwater ingress, even if there is an appropriate valve system that is designed to limit the intrusion of foreign liquids.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

filter well

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

A well is called a filtering well, which beats to interstratal waters, which lie at a depth of up to 80 meters. Most often, such wells are equipped for private or economic use. For the manufacture of such a well, powerful equipment is required. In some cases, you can assemble it yourself if you have certain skills. In areas with soft soils, auger drilling is used. In other cases, rotary drilling stations are used. They do a great job with stones and hard layers.

Pros and cons

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Among the advantages of such a well are:

  • high water quality;
  • long service life;
  • good debit;
  • good water mirror.

Water can come from underground rivers, as well as that which falls with precipitation. At the same time, it is very well filtered, because it passes through several different layers. The service life of such a source can exceed 15 years. In some cases, water is supplied at such a pressure that no pumping equipment is required to lift it. Only the surface is needed. Good wells are ready to produce up to 4 cubic meters of water per hour. There are some downsides to this solution:

  • high costs;
  • service complexity;
  • rust may appear.
  • a permit for the development of subsoil is required;
  • possible high mineral content.

In most cases, you will have to hire a contractor who would cope with the task of drilling such a well for water. It is necessary to obtain some permissions from the relevant authorities to drill at such a depth. Water from such a well may have increased salinity. This is manifested in heavy scale on the dishes, as well as salt deposits in human organs. To reduce it, you will need to install a good water filter station, which brings with it additional costs. Maintenance of such a well for water is also not an easy task, which requires additional pumping equipment or the use of reagents.

Well equipment with pumping equipment

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterTypical scheme of autonomous water supply from a well

As soon as the source for the village house is drilled, the casing is installed, it's time to start installing the water supply from the well. A good pump must be used to supply liquid to the cottage and all other auxiliary premises. It is selected according to the following source parameters:

  • total depth;
  • the level of the water table in the well;
  • source performance;
  • head: the total length of the vertical and horizontal sections of the pipeline from the point of water intake to the farthest plumbing equipment;
  • power - a frequency converter will help reduce power consumption.

One of the types of pumps is used for drinking wells:

  • Surface. It supplies water from a depth of up to 8-9 meters. Ideal for springs, which are also called Abyssinian. They are drilled on top water. But such a structure does not have a large debit. More often productivity makes about 0,3 m3/hour.
  • Submersible deep. It pumps water from different levels of the source from 20 to 150 m. It looks like a cylinder, which is placed in the casing string. The price of a submersible unit is always higher than a surface one.

Additionally, pumping equipment is recommended to be equipped with a hydraulic accumulator. The accumulative membrane tank maintains a stable pressure in the system, excludes the presence of air in it. In the event of an emergency power outage on the site, the family has a supply of water for 1-3 hours, depending on the volume of the accumulator. The optimal tank volume is 50-150 liters for 3-4 people living in the house. A detailed diagram of the water supply of a private house from a well with a hydraulic accumulator:

  • submersible deep pump;
  • downhole adapter (the fixture looks like a dovetail);
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • check valve;
  • pipeline from the tank to the house.

All elements are assembled sequentially into one system, using high-quality sealant.

Pump installation

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterScheme of the correct location of the submersible pump in the well

The submersible deep pump is mounted as follows:

  • A water supply pipe is attached to the outlet pipe using a fitting. Its length should reach the location of the downhole adapter.
  • In parallel, an electric cable for the pump and a safety cable are laid on the ground. It is advisable to take not steel, but strong nylon.
  • All three elements (cable, pipe, cable) are tightened with clamps in increments of 1 m. Strong tension or sagging of each of the fastener components should be avoided.
  • In the casing below the level of soil freezing, a technical hole is made for the outlet of the borehole adapter. Its back is joined to the water intake hose and inserted into the connector. On the outer side of the casing, the first part of the adapter is connected to the front and is well tightened.
  • A piece of pipe is connected to the element, which will lead to the accumulator.

Installation of a hydraulic tank

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterA visual diagram of the connection of the pump and accumulator

The storage tank is placed in the caisson, connecting it to the water supply pipe. At the inlet to the tank and at the outlet, one check valve must be installed.Their connection prevents the outflow of water from the system.

The step-by-step principle of the drive is simple:

  • When filling the reservoir chamber, the membrane partition leads to a change in pressure (its increase).
  • At this point, the pump is switched off.
  • As soon as the taps in the house open, the liquid leaves the accumulator, and the pressure in it drops.
  • When the atmospheric indicator decreases, the pump turns on again, replenishing the water in the tank.

In order for the on / off cycles of the injection equipment to be normal, the operating pressure indicators are adjusted. To do this, a home-made station must be completed with a pressure gauge with a sensor and a relay. The lower pressure limit is 1.5 atm. Upper - 3.5.

At the outlet from the hydraulic tank, a pipeline is pulled from the caisson to the house.

Pump installation

Before conducting water to the house from the well, the pump is equipped with a check valve. Such a scheme is designed so that the water does not drain back into the source, and to prevent hydraulic shocks, which increase many times at great depths with pressure drops. The valve is connected to the line through a compression coupling - an American.

The pump is driven into the well using a cable or synthetic cord, which is attached to the lugs on the body. An electrical cable is attached to the cord to connect the pump. The pump should not reach the bottom, otherwise it will pull the sludge up. Before you remove the pump from the well (for repair, maintenance, or winter storage), it is disconnected from the mains.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Water is supplied to the house through pipes laid in the ground at a depth below the freezing point, the entire route is insulated. The easiest way to make insulation is with a PPU shell, it is cheaper to fill the track with a layer of expanded clay, which is waterproofed from above. Water must be brought into the house through the foundation, it is better to turn the pipe into a vertical position smoothly, not at an angle of 90 0 - this approach will reduce the possibility of water hammer.

The pipe from the well is connected to the storage tank, from which water is diluted to the points of water intake and supplied to other equipment - a boiler, a boiler, a washing machine, and so on. Before the start of operation of home water supply, it is checked for operability and tightness.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

In the scheme, when the pump is in a well or connected to a well at depth, and the equipment is indoors, and not outdoors, the storage tank is installed lower than the pressure switch.

Before you independently bring water into the house and distribute flows in plumbing equipment, you need to make sure that it is potable. To do this, conduct a water analysis in the local SES.

A set of filters is purchased depending on the results of the analyzes. These filters are added to the circuit regardless of the previously installed coarse and fine filters at the ends of the water supply.

Providing a private house or summer cottage with water is one of the main aspects of a comfortable human life. Adequate water supply and proper sanitation allow you to solve a number of domestic issues, and also make it possible to use all the benefits of civilization: a washing machine and dishwasher, various plumbing fixtures.

The most common method of water supply is water supply from a well. Consider the main stages of arranging water supply at home and practical recommendations that ensure the reliability and stability of the water supply system.

Outdoor plumbing

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is betterLaying external water supply networks

When installing a water supply system for a private house from a well with a hydraulic accumulator, it is important to properly lay the pipes outside. The best options are products made of HDPE.

Low-pressure polyethylene withstands temperature changes well, is easy to install, resistant to deformation.

Under the laying of pipes, you need to dig a trench from the caisson to the foundation of the cottage, pool, etc. The depth of the channel is below the freezing level of the soil.This parameter is often 0.8-1.5 m, depending on the region.

Docking of pipes is carried out using special electrical couplings. When heated, they melt the HDPE material and make the joints tight.

It is better to start a line into the house through the foundation. Here you should make a hole with the help of a perforator crown. It is reinforced with a steel sleeve. The water supply to the house from the well is hermetically sealed, and all gaps are additionally coated with bituminous mastic.

A well on a personal plot of the dignity of autonomous water supply

For the water supply of a private house, various sources of water intake can be used: a centralized water supply system, a well or a well.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Water supply of a private house from a well has some advantages:

  1. Autonomy of water supply. The homeowner establishes control over the volume of water supply independently.
  2. High quality and environmental friendliness of water. A simple and artesian well has sufficient depth, so the water from them does not contain harmful compounds and impurities.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

The first step is to decide on the type of well: "sandy" or artesian.

The "sandy" well has a depth of 40-50 meters - to the upper aquifers of the sandy horizon. If you get to the bed of an underground river, then the level of drilling a well can be reduced to 15 meters.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Advantages of a well "on sand":

  • water quality is better than in a well or a centralized main;
  • well completion speed (2-3 days);
  • It is possible to drill a well without the involvement of special equipment.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Disadvantages of a "sandy" well:

  • low productivity - about 1.5 m3 / h;
  • service life - up to 10 years;
  • water may contain impurities;
  • needs periodic pumping.

❝A “sandy” well is suitable for seasonal water supply to a summer cottage, for a cottage or a private house it is better to equip an artesian well❞

The depth of an artesian well can reach 200 meters - it affects the aquifer of calcareous rocks. The drilling of an artesian well must be coordinated, since the calcareous aquifer is considered a strategic reserve of the state.

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better

Advantages of an artesian well:

  • high productivity - about 10 m3 / hour;
  • unlimited supply of lime water;
  • service life - about 50 years;
  • high water quality;
  • water is supplied under high pressure.

Disadvantages of an artesian well:

  • the need to coordinate the project and obtain permits;
  • high cost of drilling a well (work must be performed by a specialized company).

Pros and cons of a well and a well for a summer residence, at home, which is better


