Cleaning and priming the surface of radiators
If the procedure for removing paint from cast-iron batteries is clear, and the composition can be removed completely, then it will be difficult to do this with powder-coated radiators of a new type.
A smooth polymer surface is an obstacle to getting good adhesion between old and new paint. In this situation, there is only one way to remove the paint from the battery - this is mechanical cleaning of the surface of the device with sandpaper.
When the gloss is removed and the old coating is cleaned, the entire radiator is degreased with white spirit, nefras or a similar solvent. The next steps depend on the type of paint chosen. Enamels based on heat-resistant varnish or silicone can be applied directly to the metal, while alkyd and acrylic compounds need a base that ensures good adhesion of the new coating to the surface.
To extend the life of newly painted heating equipment, it is necessary to perform a primer with high quality, and the composition for this should be prepared in advance. The most popular brand is GF-021, which is intended for acrylic and alkyd paints. Usually it has a gray and red-brown color.
How to remove paint from a heating radiator
Good day! If you see that your heating radiators are cracked or the paint is swollen, then it will need to be removed. To do this, you can use any method.
The easiest and fastest way to remove paint that is already outdated from a heater is to use chemicals. This tool can be purchased at a store selling building materials and tools. These funds are sold in the form of powders, gels and aerosols. You need to purchase this or that remedy only after you know what type of paint the heaters were painted with. This is due to the fact that a different substance is used for any type of paint.
For example, if heating radiators were painted with oil-based paint, then it is most advisable to purchase an aerosol to remove the paint. It is applied to the surface of the heater for 15-20 minutes, after which the paint is removed with a dry cloth. Where the paint has not been removed, the procedure is repeated.
When removing paint with chemicals, it is especially important to follow basic safety rules. These rules include the fact that all work is done only with gloves.
During chemical paint removal, it is most advisable to ventilate the room, since such substances will have a bad effect on health.
It will also be possible to use chemical-based products that will have a water base. This method of washing consists in the fact that the wash will need to be applied to the surface of the battery with an ordinary brush. Before you apply the remover, you will need to cover the floor so that it does not get on the surface of it. In order for a water-based chemical wash to be sufficient, it will be necessary to correctly calculate the number of sections. The consumption of such a wash should be calculated from the fact that 1 liter of wash goes to 12 sections.
It will be possible to use a thermal method for removing obsolete paint from the surface of heating radiators. This method of removing obsolete paint takes into account the use of a blowtorch or a building hair dryer. With the help of these conventional devices it will be possible to remove the paint. To do this, the outdated layer of paint is perfectly warmed up and removed using the usual metal spatula. When you remove the paint in a thermal way, you will need to open the windows, since a very unpleasant smell will be released during the heating of the paint.
If you don’t have a blowtorch or a building hair dryer, but you have an angle grinder, then you can use a mechanical method for removing paint from heating appliances. To do this, it will be necessary to put a specialized circle on the angle grinder, which will have the same surface as the sandpaper. After that, the surface of the batteries is perfectly finished. A In order to be able to remove the paint between sections, it is best to remove the batteries and disassemble them section by section. Once the paint is completely peeled off, you will need to apply 2-3 coats of paint to all parts and combine them together. After all the parts are fastened together, they can be installed in the old place.
If your money allows, then you will be able to apply a real way to remove obsolete paint from the surface of heating devices, and sand blasting is considered to be such a method. This method of removing paint from you will not require expensive equipment, but will require some ability. To remove old paint in this way, you only need an air blower and a nozzle that is needed to work with sandblasting. All other work will be submitted directly from you. The paint with this option is removed quite easily and quickly, and most importantly, it does not take very much time.
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Best Answers
Vyzhevsky E.A:
file sandpaper grinder
There is a special building hair dryer for removing paint. Or liquid, it is true, very caustic
It is better to change them immediately, there will be less problems
Spatula, and then a knife. It is not necessary to grind to metal. The main thing is that the surface is evenly displayed
metal brushes are sold in hardware stores (or construction stores), for a battery it is better to take with a long “pile”. the sound will be unpleasant, but the effect is obvious.
Mikhail Alekseev:
In household goods, a wash of old paint is sold - on acid. A very caustic thing. Effect - 100% of the current should be very careful, following the instructions and without children in the room where this cleaning
liquid to remove old paint, but better with gloves—-
Methods for removing old paint from a radiator
The paintwork on the surface of the batteries may blister, crack, or be damaged due to exposure to high temperatures.
To restore the product to its former beauty, you will need to completely remove the old coating and reapply the finish. But not many people know how to remove paint from a radiator.
This procedure is not very complicated, but it takes time and certain skills. Consider the most effective methods of coating removal.
Gel wash application
In any hardware store, along with paints and enamels, a large assortment of washes designed to remove old paintwork is presented. The most common option is a wash-gel.
The composition of such a tool contains components that destroy the lining layer, be it old paint or varnish.
As a result of exposure to chemicals, the coating layer is destroyed, the paint begins to peel off, becomes soft, thin, and it is much easier to remove it.
Advice! When choosing, it is better to pay attention to chemical compositions that do not flow from vertical surfaces. How to remove old paint in this way? The removal process is done with a brush
But this method has a rather big minus, it can be difficult to apply and wash off the product from the inside of battery radiators.
How to remove old paint in this way? The removal process is done with a brush. But this method has a rather big minus, it can be difficult to apply and wash off the product from the inside of battery radiators.
During this procedure, you will need to observe security measures. You also need to be careful and make sure that the solution does not spill out of the container.The container is made of special high-strength materials, so the product should only be in it.
To clean cast iron batteries with a chemical method, you must follow the following instructions:
- The solution is drawn onto the brush directly from the container.
- The entire cast-iron battery is processed with wide strokes.
- The duration of the chemical composition can vary from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the cost of the product and the condition of the surface to be treated.
- While the treated coating has not had time to dry, it is necessary to remove the old layer with a spatula or brush.
- After the radiators are washed with soapy water and dried thoroughly. As a result, no traces of the old coating should remain on the battery.
Important! When performing such a procedure, you need to be as careful as possible. Chemicals can cause significant harm to health
Use protective gloves, goggles and a respirator.
Spray paint removal
When choosing an aerosol for cleaning cast iron radiators, the following safety rules must first be considered:
- The process should be carried out in a room with good air circulation.
- Floor finishes, furniture and other items will need to be protected when spraying.
- Rubber gloves should be used to protect hands.
- The eyes are protected with special sealed goggles.
- To prevent poisoning, it is recommended to wear a respirator.
Important! Aerosol washes are a versatile product. They are suitable for removing any kind of paintwork layer without harm to products.
How to remove old trim with aerosol? To remove paint from a heating battery using an aerosol, you will need to follow the following instructions:
- The composition is sprayed onto the product. One container of the mixture is enough for a complete surface treatment of a cast-iron radiator.
- After about 10-40 minutes, the coating will swell, provided that the temperature is 10-25 degrees. Depending on the type of aerosol, the time parameters may vary.
- Further, the swollen finish can be removed with a metal tool, such as a spatula.
Advice! If it was not possible to completely remove the old paint from the battery, this procedure will need to be repeated after a couple of hours.
On the video: removing old paint from a cast-iron battery.
Expert answers
Lilia Shirokova:
Sunflower oil!
ordinary margarine or butter, then - fairy))) It's the master's business ...
Michael Kruchko:
Acetone. Petrol. Solvent. Vegetable oil.
User deleted:
gasoline or some solvent
Solvent or acetone
White Spirit.
wipe with soap and water afterwards
Acetone, white spirit or, at worst, gasoline wash off perfectly
vegetable oil
If the paint is oil, then you can use vegetable oil, go with turpentine. In general, now it is full of all sorts of solvents that everyone can clean.
I also always slobber, so I put on gloves, or gasoline, I wipe it with a solvent
Miramistin +))))
Anatoly Ozornin:
If the paint is oily, then it is washed off with butter. And if the enamel is nitro, then rinse off with a solvent or acetone.
Kostya Komar:
Alenka Moya, you are not the first to set such a goal. I don't think it's the last. So all attempts in the following ways will not lead to good. Hair dryers will burn the gaskets and the radiator will leak after such a mockery. Treatment of oil paint with acids is not effective. All oil paint washes are ALKALINE, not acid based. Conclusion: either tint or change. Touch up will cost at least a thousand, and change at least five thousand. But it is new and beautiful and new, not painted old. Tighten up, find four thousand. (16 years of experience in plumbing. I'm not bragging, I'm sharing my experience)
valentina semerenko:
nazdackoi ili slifovalnoi masinkoi i bistree i kacestvennei.v arendu mozno vzjat.
Andrey Kubin:
Industrial hot air gun.
Evgeny Milovanov:
And why take off the old paint, unpainted cast-iron batteries are somehow rough. Paint in the color you want and that's it
acid, hands, sandpaper
Borya Bonev:
remove - rinse - clean, wash, spatula, emery
Industrial hair dryer will help you. Exactly! Good luck!
build a fire, paint and burn. In general, put aluminum in it's like - EARTH AND SKY
Until the batteries are turned off with a building thermal gun and remove the paint, since a lot of energy is spent on heating the cast iron. Thermal gun + narrow hard spatula. And when they turn off the sandpaper, take a bigger walk and you will be happy. Bosch or Makita thermal gun - you need a temperature of about 650-700 degrees. Ask at the rental.
It will be very difficult to remove it more or less qualitatively. The geometry of the radiator is rather complicated - it is difficult to paint it, let alone remove the old layers of enamel. The technology is not easy. Yes, and there will be a lot of fuss. And do you have a building hair dryer? That kind of advice isn't for everyone, you know. We painted our radiator directly using old paint, good imported enamel, suitable for painting heating radiators. Even dust and dirt could not be properly cleaned with the same white spirit. And nothing - lay down very well. Of course, it is clear that there are many layers, but this does not make the radiator look worse. Personally, I can’t imagine how it is possible to remove all these layers completely from it.
I do not recommend burning the radiator with a hair dryer. Gaskets burn out. Then you have to regroup the entire radiator. Slot poisoning is also risky for the same reason. leave it as is or throw it out.
Alexander Koretsky:
Look at the attachments on the drill for grinding Something like this
Denis Gritsaev:
Propane torch.
It is impossible to answer better than Kostya Komar answered! This is just the case when "our mournful work" will be lost. Whatever it concerns, in the end it's cheaper and more aesthetically pleasing to replace it with a new one (of course, if it's not a rarity). Good luck!
oleg panchikhin:
You can use the "wash of the old paint." It is used in auto repair. Apply with a brush and hold for some time according to the instructions, then easily clean off with a narrow spatula. The smell is not very pleasant. You need to ask the seller that the product does not contain paraffin, if paraffin is present, not a single paint will fall on top.