Industrial electric heating of pipelines

Industrial electrical heating systems

Industrial electric heating of pipelines                                                            

The EA-TERM system is a system of optimally selected components for organizing electric heating at oil and gas, petrochemical and industrial facilities. The system is designed to maintain the required temperature, protect against freezing and icing of the following process areas and equipment:

  • Pipelines
  • Capacities
  • Pumps
  • Shut-off and control valves
  • Instrumentation equipment
  • Impulse lines of instrumentation and automation
  • Floors of pumping and other technological sites
  • Roofs of buildings and structures

The use of the system allows you to automatically:

  • Control the temperature regime in the areas of technological installations
  • Monitor ambient temperature
  • Perform visual control over the operation of the system using AWS
  • Control the components of the electric heating system in automatic and manual mode
  • Promptly receive notification of failures and accidents of the heating system
  • Track the dynamics of temperature changes in controlled areas of the technological system
  • Store information about the executed control actions and system characteristics

The composition of the system (in explosion-proof and general industrial versions)

  • Power cabinets ("EA-KPT-mp", "EA-KPT-vp", "EA-KPT-ex")
  • Power, measurement and control devices ("EA-KAT-mp", "EA-KAT-ex")
  • Communication and control cabinets ("EA-KIT-sv", "EA-KIT-serv")
  • Automated workplace of the operator ("EA-AWP")
  • Specialized software ("EA-ASUEO")
  • Temperature transducers ("EA-PT")
  • Junction boxes ("EA-KS")
  • Power distribution boxes ("EA-KR")
  • Junction boxes for control cables ("EA-KRK")
  • Heating elements ("EA-NS", "EA-NR")
  • Heated instrumentation cabinets ("EA-tBOX")
  • Thermal covers ("EA-tCASE")
  • Mounting products


Certificate of Conformity of the Customs Union: EA-PT

Certificate of Approval type of measuring instruments: EA-PT

Certificate of Conformity of the Customs Union: EA-NS, EA-NR

Certificate of conformity with INTERGAZCERT requirements: Complete devices "EAKAT", "EA-KPT", "EA-KIT"

Certificate of Conformity of the Customs Union: EA-TERM

Certificate of Conformity of the Customs Union EA-tBOX

Certificate of Conformity of the Customs Union: EA-K

Certificate of Conformity of the Customs Union EA-KAT, EA-KPT, EA-KIT

Certificate of Conformity of the Customs Union EA-KPTex, EA-KATEx


