Troubleshooting on the heating main
Reading required: 3 min. In private households, the heat source is often located outside the home. In order to provide an efficient heating system, it is necessary to deliver the coolant to the room with minimal losses. Regardless of where the heating main is laid - underground or above it - care should be taken to select pipes from the most suitable material and to ensure high-quality thermal insulation.
“Why is the heating main being repaired during the heating period? Replacing the heating main and hot water pipes is an important and necessary matter. But why new?
Defective sheet for heating repair sample
Even if there was a slight breakdown in the heating system, and it was decided to use the services of a team of craftsmen, in any case, a defective statement for heating repair is drawn up, a sample of which can be found on the Internet.
Its presence is necessary in the event that the result of the work did not satisfy the client and everything ends with a trial.
Most often, specialists are faced with problems that arise as a result of an accident in the heating system.
Here are some of the main problems and how to solve them:
- There is no heating in the riser. Initially, specialists check valves and vents, because the reason may lie in repair work not agreed with the housing and communal services or in employees who forgot to check this item. If the valves and discharges are in working condition, then the risers are distilled to discharge in both directions. Often the cause can be an ordinary piece of slag in a pipe bend or a sunken valve in a wine faucet. If the water passes through the riser, then it is enough just to go up to the floor above and bleed the air there, if we are talking about a two-story or multi-story building;
- Fistula in the pipe. If the riser or eyeliner is still in good condition, then the specialists simply apply a bandage, thereby eliminating the leak. Welding work is best left to professionals, besides, few people have the necessary equipment at home, and it will not be possible to buy it inexpensively;
- Large pressure between sections of radiators. The cause here may be a burst nipple. In this case, the drain is discharged, and the radiator itself is dismantled and moved to eliminate the defect;
- The flush valve does not close after flushing. In this case, it is necessary to reset the riser and change the gasket No.
- The access heating is defrosted and the water begins to flow outside. It is necessary to turn off the riser and dismantle all damaged sections. If possible, welding work is applied, and the sections are returned to their place again.
What threatens neglect in relation to the heating system
Maintenance and repair of heating systems are interrelated concepts. If maintenance is performed irregularly (or not performed at all), then it is possible to learn about the deterioration in the condition of individual elements only when something else equally unpleasant happens.
Maintenance allows you to identify at an early stage possible defects such as:
pipe corrosion (reducing the pipe wall thickness increases the risk of pipe rupture);
- tightness problems;
- air pockets in radiators.
Another negative consequence of a disregard for the state of the heating system can be considered the fact that the defects themselves will fully manifest themselves only at the start of the heating season. Well, if this happened in a private house - you can simply turn off the heating for the period of repair. But in a high-rise building, turning off the heating is a whole story, because ZhEKs are famous for their slowness
Defective sample sheet
The unified form of the document is not approved at the official level.In this regard, the form of the act must be developed by the enterprise independently. The document is attached to the accounting policy. The organization, as a rule, has different OS groups. In this regard, it is advisable to develop several different versions of the act: for cars, real estate, office equipment, and so on. When drawing up the form, one should be guided by the requirements of Art. 9 FZ No. 129. The following rules must be taken into account:
1. All business transactions carried out at the enterprise must be documented with supporting documents. They act as primary securities, in accordance with which accounting is carried out.
2. Documents are accepted by the accounting department if they are drawn up in the form that is present in the albums of unified forms. If it is not established for any act, then it must contain such details as:
- paper name;
- Date of preparation;
- the name of the enterprise on behalf of which the act is drawn up;
- Contents of operation;
- measures of the event in monetary and in-kind terms;
- the title of the positions of those persons who are responsible for the performance of this business transaction, compliance with the registration procedure;
- personal signatures of authorized employees.
3. The list of persons who have the right to certify primary documents is approved by the head of the enterprise in agreement with Ch. accountant.
4. The act must be drawn up at the time of the business transaction. If for some reason this is not possible, then immediately after its completion. The high-quality and timely execution of primary documentation, as well as its transfer within the prescribed period for reflection in accounting, the reliability of the information contained in it, must be ensured by the persons who compiled and signed it.
Withdrawal procedure
Investigation/inquiry authorities, prosecutor's offices, courts, tax inspectors and police officers can take primary documentation from the enterprise. Withdrawal is carried out only if there are relevant regulations. Ch. an accountant or other official may, with the consent and in the presence of representatives of the above structures, make copies of documents. At the same time, the reason and date of withdrawal are affixed on copies of the papers.
At construction enterprises, in heavy engineering and a number of other companies, a procedure has been established for documenting the wear and tear of mechanical equipment, frame structures, computer and office equipment. In the event of a breakdown, a defective statement is compiled containing technical information about the defects found, methods of repair and the approximate cost of restoring the original characteristics of the object.
The structure of the statement is not regulated at the state level. Samples of its filling (as well as) are in the public domain and are updated annually, taking into account the needs of a particular industry.
Main questions
The defective statement should reflect a number of points. In particular, it states:
- The object to be inspected. It needs to be identified and described. An accountant is involved in the preparation of this part of the act. It indicates the inventory number of the object, information from the technical documentation (registration certificate number, PTS, cadastral number).
- The reason why the material value needs repair. This part of the act indicates the appeared and possible shortcomings of the object, if the necessary work is not carried out in a timely manner. This information is entered by representatives of the operational unit. They are aware of the technical regulations, in accordance with which it is necessary to carry out planned repair activities on time. These persons describe the emergency, directly the essence of the breakdown.
- The nature of the measures, as a result of which the shortcomings will be eliminated. This part provides a direct description of the repair. In particular, it is indicated which parts need to be purchased or which work to be done.A representative of the repair unit or a contractor can correctly draw up a description of the activities.
How to write a defective statement for the repair of x in and hot water
Perform a fine finish of the premises 6 Defect of the junction of the column and the crossbar Joints of the frame of the reinforced concrete column K400 have sags and unimpacted slag The unit of support of the transverse crossbar on the reinforced concrete column K400 is not standard Welds of this unit through plates - 8x160 have unacceptable lack of penetration and sagging B Provide reinforce this node by the project, monolithic the joint of the column with the crossbar 7 Defect of the junction of the column and the crossbar In the node of supporting the crossbar P400 on the column K400 in the room through the embedded part (square - 20x300) with the embedded part of the column, welding was skipped. B Weld the embedded parts, cast in place the connection 8 Defect of the column and crossbar junction In the node of the support of the P400 crossbar on the K400 column through the embedded part (square - 20x300) with the embedded part of the column, welding was missed.
Defective statement
- roofing, roof, ceilings on them;
- thermal insulation issue;
- presence and condition of stairs;
- condition of balconies, loggias, terraces and canopies;
- facade works of a decorative plan;
- internal and other finishing processes.
Inspection and repair of plumbing and plumbing units. Controlled and fixed:
- condition of pipes, water supply and sewerage communications;
- serviceability of heating and hot water supply;
- installation of exhaust and ventilation system and components;
- gas supply;
- installation and condition of wiring both indoors and outside to the connection point;
- ebbs, slopes, blocks, valves;
- other works related to the areas under consideration.
Download a sample of a defective statement for the repair of a room in MS Word format.
Features and errors in the preparation of a defective statement for the repair of premises
Caution Treat with hydrophobic compounds. Perform a fine finish of the premises 1st floor 2 Defect of the junction of the column and the crossbar Joint / concrete column K400 with a transverse reinforced concrete crossbar P400 and with floor slabs along the wall of the room 2 (photo 13) has a non-standard supporting element (corner ∟ 75x130x5) - photo 14
Welds at the joint of this element with the embedded part of the column have unacceptable undercuts, areas with unremoved slag, traces of corrosion up to 1 mm anti-corrosion protection of elements has partial damage in some areas wet spots, in some areas in places with a small amount of protective layer, traces of corrosion of distribution fittings or clamps appear. B Clean the fittings.
How to write a defective repair report
All the information contained in it answers three main questions:
- Name of the premises or object (building, structure). Such information is provided by a representative of the accounting department of the enterprise, since he has a complete list of objects that are on the balance sheet of the organization.
Determination of defects, malfunctions and their causes. This information must be provided by a representative of the operating unit.
- A listing of all types of repair work designed to restore the original or other workable condition of the premises.
This is the prerogative of the representative of the repair and commissioning service.
The above data is displayed in the defective sheet. At the same time, this document does not have a strict pattern that should be followed.
Features of compiling a list of defects
The structure of the write-off document for repairs depends on the type of breakdown and the scope of the company. The standard form includes:
- Cap.The entry begins with the word “I approve” and contains the multiple legal name of the organization, full name and position of the head or responsible person, and if approved by the employee, the number of the power of attorney.
- Title. Includes document name and internal code. Example: "Defective statement No. 12/3 for the repair of a vehicle."
- The place where the document was drawn up (up to the locality) and the date of the examination.
- tabular part. If the defective statement is compiled for one object, the name, inventory number and owner (when repairing a car) are indicated in the table header, and the list includes defective elements with comments. The last column of the table is reserved for the term for troubleshooting. For a statement for a group of objects, each of them corresponds to one table entry, and the columns must include the quantity and unit of measure. Repair methods, recommended spare parts, and expert appraiser's comments can be listed in the table next to the relevant fault/part or at the bottom of the document before the signature block.
When repairing transport equipment, the name of the owner, type (car, bus, construction loader, etc.), model, service life and license plate number (if any) are indicated. The troubleshooting list for the property must contain either the exact address or the cadastral number.
Sample compilation of a defective statement
- At the top left or right (it does not matter), several lines are allocated for approval by the head of the enterprise. This includes:
- his position (director, general director),
- Full Name,
- full name of the company.
- Then, in the middle of the line, the name of the document and its number according to the internal document flow are written, below - the locality in which the company is registered, and the date the statement was compiled.
- Next comes the main part. It is in the form of a table
- in the first column of which the serial number is entered,
- in the second - defects and damages found during the examination,
- in the third - the required measures to eliminate them,
- in the fourth - the terms in which the damage must be corrected.
- At the end, the document is signed by the members of the commission who participated in the inspection of the equipment, device or inventory, indicating their positions and deciphering autographs.
Features of the selection and laying of heating mains for an autonomous heating system
From the Editor: The main technological requirements for the repair of heating networks are scattered across various regulatory documents. It usually takes a considerable amount of time to become familiar with them. Therefore, for convenience, below is a selection of all these requirements, compiled by the Chief State Inspector for Energy Supervision A. Vasiliev Ivgosenergonadzor.
There are a lot of mysterious and inexplicable things in the housing and communal services sector.
Works 1 Replacement of worn-out sections of yard heating networks in the green zone, one line of the pipeline, dia. Unlike the statement, it is drawn up by the employees themselves, authorized by the management or the head of the shop. That is, in this case there is no need to form a special commission of three representatives. However, the act must also reflect the full picture of the situation. It, like the statement, should indicate specific breakdowns, activities that need to be carried out, as well as the cost of work. Defective list: filling sample Laying heating and gas supply pipelines from seamless steel pipes with a diameter of 65 mm to-1,
Approved by the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation A. Popov on April 25 of the year. These guidelines for determining the technical condition of heat supply systems, hot water supply, cold water supply and sanitation by conducting a survey further - Recommendations establish the procedure and methods for the technical examination of pipeline networks and equipment. The technical examination of pipelines is carried out by a person or a group of persons responsible for their good condition and safe operation.Technical examination of pipelines registered with the bodies of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, hereinafter referred to as Rostekhnadzor, is carried out by specialists of specialized organizations licensed by Rostekhnadzor to carry out activities for the examination of industrial safety of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities. On the basis of these Recommendations, thermal power enterprises draw up an organization standard or local instructions for the technical examination of pipelines of heating networks, taking into account the features and specific operating conditions.
Contractor 7 Manufacture of metal structures (fixed support) t 0, Contractor 8 Replacement of small metal structures, mass.
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Defective statement for the repair of the heating system
For current repairs, a defective statement for repairing the heating system is not required, but it will still not be superfluous to take a document from the contractor that confirms the fact that it was he who was involved in fixing the identified problems in the heating system.
You need to be realistic and understand that in the current state of housing and communal services, most of the repair work is not carried out regularly, or is not carried out at all. That is why private teams of masters come to the rescue.
During the current repair of the heating system, attention is paid to the following points:
- Check valves. At this stage, valves, gate valves are checked and, if defects are detected, repairs are carried out. In addition, periodic maintenance is carried out, that is, the rods are lubricated and the seals are stuffed, which allows the heating system to work longer. When it comes to repairing valves, in most cases it’s just about replacing the gasket, which you can replace yourself. Revision of shut-off valves and repair of gate valves is a more complex process;
- Rewinding locknuts on risers. This procedure is also required with special frequency, since sanitary flax simply burns out over time;
- Replacing the riser, fixing leaks and more. This is a very serious problem that needs immediate attention. If a small fistula is observed, then it is simply brewed. If a large area was damaged by corrosion, then in this regard, a complete replacement of the part occurs. In the basement, small fistulas can simply be bandaged with a clamp or thick rubber;
- Maintenance of the heating system. This item includes starting, stopping heating, eliminating air locks, flushing the heating system, and so on. This applies to multi-storey buildings, where housing and communal services workers should deal with this matter. If we are talking about a private house, then this stage can be carried out independently or you can call a specialist.
Defective car repair record
Who is compiled
A car to be repaired or upgraded must be inspected by a specialist to ascertain and determine the defects to be eliminated. The document in which the fact and results of the inspection will be recorded is a defective statement.
To draw up this act in a company that will repair or upgrade a vehicle, a special person who has an acceptable qualification for this purpose is authorized. He certifies the “defect” with his signature, thereby fixing his responsibility to his own superiors, the owner of the car, and also the tax office.
When is compiled
The compilation of a defective statement may be caused by one of the following reasons:
- economic - the need to fix defects and plan the necessary actions for repair (modernization) and prevention;
- tax - based on the statement, the effectiveness of investments in repairs and write-off of the corresponding costs is calculated, which is tightly controlled by the tax authorities;
- clarifying - this document is decisive in establishing the type of work required (repair, modernization, improvement, restoration), and hence their price category.
What to look for when compiling a statement
Since the "debugging" is an important document that is important for regulatory authorities and for lawyers in the event of disputes, special attention should be paid to its preparation.
- The brand of the car, the names of parts, the name of the repair organization must be given without abbreviations.
- The statement must be accompanied by annexes - documents for the purchase of parts, the performance of certain types of work by contractors, etc.
- The document must be necessarily certified by the signature of the responsible person, as well as the head or accountant. The signature of the owner of the car is required for familiarization.
- Corrections and errors are not allowed.
- The document must have a number that is registered in the register of "primary".
- Fill out the statement by hand with black or blue ink.
APPROVEDGeneral DirectorOOO "Avtodoctor" / A.P. Samosvalov / Samosvalov A.P. 18.05.2017
Defective statement No. 12/16 for vehicle repair
Bus, brand TS KAVZ 5683-22, state number s 098 MK 78
Owner: Lestrid LLC
from 16 to 17 May 2017
No. p \ p | date | Cause of defect | Name of works | Unit. | Qty |
1. | 16.05 | Piston ring (ISBe) - outer surface wear | Unsuitable for repair, replacement | PC. | 4 |
2. | 16.05 | Piston pin - seat wear | Unsuitable for repair, replacement | PC. | 4 |
3. | 17.05 | Main bushing (ISBe) - plain bearing wear | Unsuitable for repair, replacement | PC. | 10 |
Familiarized with the defective statement: authorized representative of Lestrid LLC / Voinov / A.P. Voinov
The meaning of the act
A defective statement is necessary in an enterprise for several reasons. The first is economic. The act reflects the essence of the defect, the circumstances in which it arose. This makes it possible to prevent such shortcomings in the future, to develop measures that exclude expenses of this nature. Taxation is another important reason why a defective statement is drawn up. The form contains information justifying the need to eliminate certain shortcomings in the economic sense. For example, if the ceiling is painted twice a year at an enterprise, then the inspector may doubt that it needs to be done exactly that many times, and consider that once is enough. The accountant will not be able to explain to him the economic feasibility of expenses if he does not have a defective statement. The form, drawn up with the participation of technical specialists, will explain the reasons why certain events are held with a certain frequency. The third reason for drawing up an act is the need to distinguish between the elimination of deficiencies in an object and its modernization. Often these activities are distinguished by the criterion of cost. If you need a little money, then it is considered that this is a repair, if a lot - modernization. According to the Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-03-06/1/289, it is not the cost of events that matters, but their content.