How to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heating

Decorative plasters

Plastering ceilings is still in fashion today, thanks to the variety of compositions that can cover the base. They are produced for any budget - from the most budgetary acrylic, to Venetian plaster, reminiscent of medieval frescoes in temples. In skillful hands, this material can finish the ceiling no worse than a stretch one, and at the same time win in value.

Of the obvious advantages of the coating, it should be noted that it is laid in a thin layer, so the height of the ceilings does not suffer at all. This nuance should be adopted by the owners of apartments with low ceilings. If you have not yet decided how to finish the ceiling in the corridor, where it is quite crowded, plastering will be the right decision. She will keep the height as much as possible, and will not require special costs.

How to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heatingOn a flat plaster surface, any crack is clearly visible, so it is better not to use this material in fresh buildings.

When choosing a certain type of decorative coating, pay attention to its technical properties. For kitchens, acrylic plasters are recommended, which can be cleaned and washed with liquid products.

In bedrooms, it is better to finish the ceiling with a polyvinyl acetate coating, which allows air to pass through perfectly. But in the bathroom, it instantly deteriorates, as it is sensitive to moisture. Styrene-acrylic and butadiene-styrene compositions have been developed for wet rooms. But they are not ideal either, because when the temperature rises above 65 degrees, they turn yellow, and they don’t even “breathe”.

Plasters are not recommended for newly built houses. The fact is that for 5-7 years the building will shrink until the earth is finally tamped down. At the same time, the ceiling can crack, which is clearly visible on the plaster. In "fresh" buildings, it is easiest to finish the ceilings with liquid wallpaper. They are suitable for the climate of the rooms, and behave well in the kitchens.

Other options

Of the latest options for ceiling finishes, pay attention to the following:

  • ceiling panels made of wood and laminate (they are suitable everywhere, except for bathrooms, but create high acoustics);
  • metal slatted ceilings (they can visually expand the room, but do not hold heat well);
  • cullets (easy to glue, fireproof, can be repainted several times, but require a perfectly even base).

How to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heatingLiquid wallpaper in appearance often resembles decorative plaster, but differs in the technology of applying the composition

As you can see, different indoor climates require “their own” ceiling coverings. Analyze all the nuances of your home, and only in this case the ceiling will meet your expectations.

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Best Answers


we had a tension over the oven. It was even attached to the fluff of the chimney with ordinary dowels. The stove was used regularly (in winter). — There were no problems with the ceiling for three years (now we live in a different place)

Vladimir Petrov:

In the kitchen, stretch ceilings are installed in my place. But you have to look at the stove on the spot. Measure the temperature during the burning of the stove and how your pipe is insulated. Can put a hood over the pipe


It will survive, two meters is a lot. Can you stay two meters from the stove?

Natalya Klemyatich:

Waves will come..


I think the tape will hold up. The stretch ceiling is not afraid of temperatures, does not lose color. But it is better to consult professionals. If you are from Moscow, I can give you the number of the company that installed stretch ceilings in my house. 8(800)555-0904. Call, they will provide you with all the necessary information, answer all your questions.

Alexander Sevastyanov:

Everything will be fine, don't worry. The tape will last. By the way, for questions about stretch ceilings, you can contact here. Here you will be prompted by experts, and besides, there is a large selection of stretch ceilings at low prices!

tyga loryal:

Good day. If you want to know more about your problem, I would like to recommend this site to you, where you can learn a lot of useful information, I hope I helped you.

Dmitry Brozhevnikov:

To resolve such issues, it is better to call the expert service. Call the number: +7 (495) 135 00 36 />How to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heating


The second most popular finishing material is drywall. Its natural components - gypsum and paper - maintain healthy indoor air and are well ventilated. And if you live in a private house, then you can’t think of any better options than drywall (with the exception of a natural board and its ennobled varieties). Having finished the GKL ceiling, you will get a very even, environmentally friendly and fireproof coating. Moreover, it can be used both in classic interiors and in more daring, youthful styles, if you create multi-level designs.

How to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heatingAll kinds of lighting is easily mounted in drywall constructions, giving the interior an unusually spectacular look.

And yet, it is the natural components that are “to blame” for the disadvantages of this coating:

  • This material is quite heavy, so one cannot cope with installation.
  • Gypsum filler is fragile and unable to hold heavy objects, such as a hanging chair or a punching bag. They try not to mount anything superfluous in such ceilings (except for lamps).
  • In case of an accidental flood (if there are neighbors from above!) It will swell so much that it will not be able to return to its previous shape after drying, and you will have to completely dismantle the finish.

  • Does not like rooms with high humidity. Even if you plan to finish the ceiling in the bathroom with moisture-resistant drywall, it will be less reliable than tiles or panels. And since gypsum passes moisture well, with warm vapor it will settle on the inside of the finish and provoke the development of mold, fungus, which is very difficult to get rid of. In the bathroom, a stretch ceiling finish is advantageous, whose moisture-proof properties are much better than those of gypsum boards. If you have a wooden base, then the film will be a good protection against mold.
  • It steals about 10 cm in height, as it requires the creation of a strong frame. So in apartments with low ceilings (2.4-2.2 m in height) it is not recommended for use. In this case, the more levels will be created, the lower the room will become.
  • A significant disadvantage is the complexity of installation and a lot of dirty work. So, the sheets will have to be covered with a layer of putty on top, and then it will be cleaned, primed, painted ... Dust and cleaning will be up to the ears.

How to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heatingFor a ceiling of several levels, you will need a complex frame that will steal many centimeters of height

Expert answers


they cannot be glued to the lining, but it is best sheathed with iron

Svetlana Smirnova:

The husband bought refractory sheets (for sure, not metal), which are excellent. iron ones do not heat up at all, however, it was more than 10 years ago

Uncle from the Future...

As an option. . This is the pie. . Basalt slab, ADC, again a layer of basalt slab, and a decorative stainless steel overlay ...

How to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heating


The simplest glass-magnesium sheet - sml - it is inexpensive and not combustible (you can even finish the fireboxes) - you can do it in two layers - and there are already stones on it.

By the way, you can directly make slabs of sml with a stone, and then push them into place and fix them with a gap from the lining.


We also have steel polished sheets in the bath


many options. you can clad the walls with mineralite (do not forget about the air gap), or with stainless steel screens with a heat-insulating layer. The stones you proposed Serpentine or Soapstone can also be used, but you need to glue it on a hard coating of a special false wall (minerite, csp, in extreme cases, if you do not plan to wash in this room, then moisture-resistant drywall). Can't stick to wood.


Sheet asbestos.


at the old dacha there were asbestos sheets, it is effective and inexpensive. And in the new house, the husband made a layer of basalt slab and stainless steel on top. The oven itself is lined with red brick, in melall. grid, and on top of the stones. But it's too expensive for the money.

Lyubov Andrukhova:

If you are afraid of everything, you need to live in natural dugouts. I like my ceiling made of plastic panels - for 3 years already. Look at the photoHow to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heatingBy the way, I advise glossy - the room seems higher and always a built-in curtain. How to finish the ceiling in a private house with stove heating


Yes! As a civil engineer, I advise. The ceiling is easy to clean. And painting and wallpaper cannot be washed off as plastic

Maria Yudina:

I don't think it's worth it. This is harmful and dangerous.

Natalia Shklyaruk:

I wouldn’t do it myself, some office version will turn yellow over time.

jiva te:


turns yellow over time and is not particularly environmentally friendly when heated. I'm all for the aluminum rack. when self-assembly, it is not particularly expensive.


There was an experience. If you change the interior for a while, then it's worth it. And so, after smoking the ceiling, it will be dark in the kitchen. Like new, will never wash. the only huge plus is no dirt and quick installation.

just a plumber

is there a cheaper option?


Well, I don’t know, I don’t complain about plastic. but when I shoot 5 cm of whitewash in the ceiling at the objects (imagine how such a ceiling visually looks), I understand what the beauty of plastic is, it can always be washed and it is always even!!!

Misha Oslopovskikh:

Make a stretch 350-500r. sq. meters will do it! plus lamps only not halogens! I have some kind of plaque in my bathroom all the time!

Allochka R:

But we made aluminum rack I advise !!!


The normal option is worth it.

Sergey Dmitriev:

I have been standing for more than 3 years, there is no yellowness. The yellowness comes from buying cheap Chinese plastic. True, the dirt on the ceiling was visible - until I installed the hood (I also added an additional fan to the venkanal)


Plastic used to be better... Now there are a lot of fakes, stamped in the suburbs. The smell of solvent is terrible. Smell before taking. Al - rack and pinion is certainly better, but more expensive (I'm against stretch rubber, a lot of bad reviews).

All are equal boys:

5 years since the plastic ceiling was installed, there is no yellowness ... it is convenient to wash .. always clean and even ...

Albert Belkov:

Quite often I do: easy, fast, at least every year, new ones! In the kitchen, you can't sit without fresh air!

How to bypass pipes when installing stretch ceilings

Of course, the ideal option is to install pipes after the installation of suspended ceilings, but even if this is possible, it can damage the coating. That is why in most cases the only possible decision is made - the cut of the material and the use of decorative elements that hide it.

Before performing installation work, it is necessary to carefully study the installation diagram, which must indicate all the structural elements that can accommodate the installation of the coating. After that, it is advisable to once again make sure that the data indicated in the diagram correspond to the actual position of the pipes.

Considering that stretch ceilings are quite expensive, it is better to be too careful than to make them unusable due to too much haste.

After that, on the surface of the film or fabric, it is necessary to draw the outline of the pipe (taking into account all available sizes). The cutting of the canvas will be carried out directly on the ceiling, before its edge is inserted into the baguette.


