Design the perfect summer kitchen

How to build a gazebo with fireplaces step by step work plan

The implementation of the idea of ​​arranging the site by building a cozy gazebo with a fireplace in the backyard area involves the following typical algorithm of actions:

– development of a project that takes into account the general artistic concept;
— coordination of the project;
- costing and creation of a budget estimate indicating all the materials necessary for construction;
- purchase of materials;
- construction works.

When drafting a project, you need to understand that there are no formal norms or canons that would affect the design of the building. The owner can build a gazebo of any shape and decorate it to your liking with original decor.

However, it is extremely important to comply with the requirements regarding the competent choice of the foundation for the building and not neglect the rules for using fireplaces.

Design the perfect summer kitchen

How to build a brazier fireplace from metal

The fireplace can be built from metal. The product consists of compartments for fuel and a smokehouse. The latter has grates in which smoked products can be placed. To be able to regulate the flow of smoke, a chimney damper is present in the design.

Such a fireplace is made of steel sheets with a thickness of 1 mm. For the stove and the bottom of the ash pan, sheets 2 mm thick will be needed.

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Scheme of the device of a brazier-smokehouse made of metal.

To lighten the load on the bottom of the ash pan, it makes sense to make a pedestal of gas blocks and bricks. You can make a stand from other materials.

In order to build a fireplace out of metal, you need to prepare parts according to patterns. Finished elements are connected with steel corners. To avoid coal falling out of the ash pan onto the floor, you need to monitor the density of the wall joints. If necessary, you will need to connect the inconsistent places with a welding machine.

You need to assemble the brazier in the correct sequence. Only in this way the design will serve for a long time.

A variation of this type of fireplace is a smaller version of the Russian stove. With this design, you can bake bakery products, fry and stew food. To do this, the fireplace must be heated for 2 hours, after which the ashes and coals must be removed. To smoke products, you need to leave the coals and add dry sawdust.

If it is not possible to equip a complex fireplace-barbecue, you can use a propane tank. The design is made as follows:

  1. The balloon is filled with water.
  2. Holes are cut out.
  3. The outlet is welded.
  4. A damper is installed at the junction of the pipe and the outlet. Hinges are mounted and sealed with a lid.
  5. Stands are being built.

It is quite simple to build a brazier fireplace if you follow the manufacturing technology and have the necessary elements.

How to make a brazier with your own hands from natural stones and concrete blocks

The easiest way to build a brazier is to lay concrete blocks in a U-shape. To do this, prepare a place and a pillow as follows:

Design the perfect summer kitchen

Scheme of a brazier from blocks and bricks.

  1. First of all, a concrete base is prepared.
  2. The first row of bricks is laid out around the perimeter.
  3. Concrete blocks are laid out along two rows along the walls at the back and sides at a distance of 1 cm from the brickwork.
  4. Blocks and bricks are connected after 25 cm using ties.
  5. Steel rods are inserted at the level of the eighth row with a protrusion of approximately 10 cm.
  6. On the 10th row, rods for the grate are installed.
  7. Seams are being stitched.
  8. Bricks are laid over the fourth row of blocks.
  9. Equal stones are installed in the upper part of the brazier.

A fireplace made of natural stones with a combination of sand and clay mixture can decorate any area.If such a brazier is located near a pond or an equipped gazebo, then it can become the center of landscape design.

In the process of choosing the location of the brazier, it is important to take into account the direction of strong winds, the level of groundwater occurrence and the features of the terrain.

The technology for making a brazier from natural stones is as follows:

  1. The foundation is laid (boundaries are marked, a pit is pulled out, pillows are compacted, formwork is erected, reinforcement is made, concrete mixture is poured).
  2. The stone is laid with a mixture of clay. The ratio of sand and clay should be 3 to 1.
  3. Filling with cement mortar.

Construction of a fireplace

The construction of all brick buildings begins with the preparation of the foundation - the foundation.


At the preparatory stage of its construction, a pit is dug, the depth of which will depend on the massiveness of the structure and the composition of the soil. The average depth of the pit, repeating the outlines of the foundation of the future structure, is 40 cm.

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Need a good foundation

  • A pillow of crushed stone or gravel is laid at the bottom of the pit and is well compacted. The thickness of this layer should be from 15 to 35 cm.
  • The next step is the installation of formwork for pouring concrete.
  • A reinforcing structure is installed - it can be welded or simply pulled together with stainless wire.
  • For the upper part of the foundation, a solution is mixed, consisting of sand and cement 3 × 1. If for some reason a deeper pit is dug, then it is poured in two layers, with different solutions: the lower one is pebbles and cement, and the upper one is sand and cement. The reinforcing mesh must pass through both arranged layers.
  • The top of the foundation is aligned with the horizontal beacons and left to dry.
  • Next, a sheet of waterproofing material is laid over the base, on which the first row of brickwork will be laid.

Fireplace wall masonry

The brazier fireplace is laid out according to a pre-drawn scheme and plan. If the master is doing such work for the first time and has no experience in this art, it is better to use ready-made, already proven schemes. In this case, we can consider one of the examples of simple buildings, the intricacies of which are quite possible to understand.

One of the simple designs of a barbecue fireplace

This option can be installed both under the roof in the gazebo or on the terrace, and in the open air. It is convenient for its compactness and simplicity. At the same time, this model provides all the maximum possible functions for it. The design allows you to arrange a brazier for barbecue and barbecue, as well as, if desired, a grill, if you make holes for the skewer at the level of the third row of the fireplace insert.

The diagram clearly shows the ordinal masonry of the fireplace-barbecue, focusing on which, you can easily cope with this important work.

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Ordinal layout of the lower part

  • The first row is laid out solid, but you need to follow the brick laying pattern.
  • Further, until the fifth row, everything is arranged according to the scheme. On the fifth row, it is necessary to fix a metal corner or strips to support the bricks of the next row, since the sixth and seventh rows will be solid.
  • The eighth, ninth and tenth rows have the same configuration and are placed in accordance with the scheme.

Row 10 and above

  • The eleventh row will also require metal strips or corners.
  • The twelfth and thirteenth must have a solid surface.
  • From the fourteenth to the nineteenth row, a silicate brick is laid inside the firebox - it is installed on the edge.
  • On the twenty-first row, it is also necessary to install a corner, since the laying of the chimney will go further, where the rows are arranged with an offset inside the structure - this continues until the twenty-eighth row.
  • Then work is carried out on the pipe device according to the provided scheme.
  • An umbrella must be attached to the top of the pipe so that moisture cannot penetrate the chimney cavity.

General recommendations

In order for the result of the work to be successful, it is necessary to follow some tips that will help you navigate the process of building a structure.
After installing the foundation, take your time, wait for it to dry completely. This will take about fourteen days (sometimes more), depending on the thickness of its concrete layer.
In the absence of experience in such work, do not be lazy and fold the entire fireplace-brazier without mortar

This will help to understand the whole internal structure.
Each row must also first be laid without mortar - this process is necessary in order to match the bricks to size, and if necessary, shorten one or more of them.
It is very important to keep under control the evenness of corners, horizontal and vertical surfaces. This is done using a level corner, a plumb line.
If the fireplace will not be decorated with finishing material, the grouting must be carried out immediately, without waiting for the mortar to solidify.
For laying silicate bricks used in the furnace, a special sand-clay mortar is used.
After the work is completed, the entire structure should dry well before it can be used to prepare your favorite delicacies.

This will take ten to fourteen days.

On the video attached to the article, the home master shares his experience of building a brazier fireplace with his own hands. Although there are critical reviews for such a project, however, this is a completely workable and uncomplicated option:

Main stages of construction

After all the preparatory work, the construction of a gazebo with a barbecue, stove or barbecue begins directly. For any type of gazebo and any stove option, the construction steps are usually the same:

  • Site preparation for construction. Preparation includes removing the topsoil.
  • Marking and construction of the foundation. The foundation can be columnar if the structure is made of wood or metal, or tape if a heavy brick structure is expected.

Design the perfect summer kitchen

Construction of the foundation of the future gazebo

Create a frame or supports. Support poles are installed vertically, and then they are tied (usually from above and below).

Design the perfect summer kitchen

The construction of the frame and supports of the future gazebo

Construction of a brazier, oven or other device. If a decision is made to build a furnace on their own, they build it from fireclay (refractory clay), stone or metal according to a previously prepared scheme. If it is intended to use a finished structure, including a mobile one, they immediately proceed to the next stage.

Design the perfect summer kitchen

It is better to entrust the work of erecting a brazier or stove to a specialist

Building a chimney. In order for the combustion products to be brought out, and not to accumulate under the roof of the gazebo, a chimney must be made of brick, tin or other metal.

Design the perfect summer kitchen

After the construction of the furnace, the construction of the chimney begins

  • Roof erection. Depending on the chosen form of the gazebo, a roof is installed. Most often, all work on the preparation of rafters is carried out on the ground, and then they are placed on the base. A variety of materials can be used to finish the roof: tiles, boards, plastic, etc.
  • Arbor decoration. The design and decoration of the building is the final stage of construction. At this stage, walls, floors, railings, windows, steps are designed and other finishing work is carried out, provided for by the project.

Design the perfect summer kitchen

When the gazebo is built, you can start decorating and decorating it.

When building with your own hands, it is important to consider that the gazebo with the stove is as safe as possible. Flame sparks from the wind should not fall on flammable elements, the walls inside should be made of materials that will not melt from high temperature, the electric cable, if provided, should be placed in a special corrugated hose, etc.

All these points should be taken into account even at the stage of project preparation and a detailed construction plan.

Design the perfect summer kitchen

Combined gazebo made of stone and wood

Design the perfect summer kitchen

Inside the gazebo you can organize a real mini-kitchen

Fireplaces-braziers in the landscape of the site

Having caught fire with the construction of a fireplace, think carefully and objectively assess your strengths, choose a place to install it. Only after that you can decide on the type of building.

To help with the choice of a fireplace-barbecue model, several interesting options are given. These are both the simplest fireplaces and more complex ones that have many useful functions.

The simplest construction, accessible even to beginners

This is the simplest version of the brazier-fireplace, which even a beginner can fold. It does not need to arrange a deep foundation, since the building is not very massive. It can be laid out of any brick, as it has a decorative finish. An important condition will be the layout of the firebox - in any case, it should be made of silicate brick.

The top panel of a brazier has a lattice on which products for frying will keep within. You can even arrange a grill in the firebox, as its area and volume allow you to do this. To do this, you need to make holes in the walls through which you can pass the skewer. The outer surface of the walls is finished with limestone tiles, which turns the building into a decorative decoration of the site. The only drawback of this brazier is that in the winter it must be covered with a waterproof cloth or film.

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Fireplace-brazier under a canopy - the rain is not terrible

This version of the fireplace is more complex in construction, and is installed in an equipped place under the roof. Next to it is a cutting table and a sink. The brazier is equipped with a metal grill that encloses the coals, which is extremely convenient for laying skewers or fried foods on top. The fireplace is completely made of silicate brick, which will allow it to serve for a long time. A supply of firewood can be placed in the niche provided in the lower part of the building. Despite the more complex design, it is also not difficult to build such a barbecue grill - you just need to make a calculation of the entire structure and the necessary materials in advance.

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The center of a cozy corner for outdoor recreation

In this case, a complex consisting of benches and a table is arranged around the fireplace-barbecue, which is convenient for vacationers. Everything is decorated with natural materials - stone and wood, they support the fusion of the complex with the environment. In this design, there are no particular difficulties in execution, it is similar to the above-described in-line scheme, except for the chimney made of metal.

Of the functions, a barbecue and a barbecue are provided here, although the building has all the possibilities to additionally arrange a grill.

I would like to draw attention to the area in front of the fireplace - it is originally laid with wooden round timber. The designer did a good job on the decor of the composition and perfectly matched the finish of the fireplace itself and homemade garden furniture.

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For those who are especially experienced in construction - a multifunctional building

And the last one would like to bring a multifunctional complex, which includes a fireplace-barbecue. This is a complex design, and its execution requires experience in operation and a well-thought-out scheme.

In this version, next to the fireplace there is an oven for baking bread or roasting meat, a stove with a hob on which you can cook any dish, including real Uzbek pilaf in a cast-iron cauldron set on an open fire.

This complex will require more cost and time to set it up, but thanks to it you will be able to surprise guests with a variety of delicious dishes.

How to lay a stove brick

Brick outdoor stoves are heavy and are assembled on a solid foundation. This can be a strip foundation, a reinforced concrete slab or screw piles connected by a grillage.

There are the following rules for the manufacture of brick structures:

  1. A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the concrete. Roofing material or dense polyethylene is used.
  2. The lower part (woodcutter) is laid out from oven bricks. The shape of this part is arbitrary. The optimal solution is a woodshed with a height of 12 rows.
  3. The brazier is made of fireclay bricks resistant to high temperatures.
  4. In order for stone ovens to maintain strength and tightness, a solution of clay and sand is used to connect the stones.

To control the verticality of the walls, it is recommended to use a plumb or bubble level.


