Why is a replacement needed?
To begin with, it is worth focusing on the native faucet. Initially, it may seem that its refinement is completely unnecessary, since the engine is already in the cabin, you can open the conditional hood without even getting up from the driver's seat, unscrew and tighten the tap, blocking or opening the way for the coolant
But in practice, not everything is so simple. The layout of the Loaf is quite special, because of which the standard tap is located under the cap on the partition. Getting to it is quite problematic. Also, the faucet has several weak points, which manifest themselves in the form of leaks and other malfunctions. Some are engaged in replacement purely in order to modernize the entire system. Others are faced with such a need, because the loaf crane is simply out of order. In both cases, the faucet needs to be replaced. In the case of faucets, 3 malfunctions can occur.
- Souring problem. Usually on the Loaf, as well as on other machines, the tap turns sour during the summer operation of the car, when no one uses this device. The tap is closed, and back in spring, summer and autumn they practically do not open until the onset of cold weather, since during this period the driver only needs to blow the fan without heating. During this time, the damper begins to turn sour. If the malfunction has just begun to appear, then this can be seen by a weak flow of hot air, even if the tap is opened to the maximum. Having applied extra effort to a soured faucet, it is not difficult to break it completely.
- Leakage. When the housing is depressurized, a leak begins. This can be explained by the wear of seals and seals. As a result, the valve cannot close completely. Because of this, the level of coolant in the reservoir and throughout the system begins to fall.
- Jamming. Most often occurs on cars where low-quality cooling fluids are used, or ordinary tap water is completely poured, the impurities of which clog the faucet. Malfunctions usually manifest themselves in the same way as in the case of souring. Only the causes of failures are different here. Deposits that accumulate in the damper mechanism cause jamming. Therefore, the driver cannot regulate the level of coolant entering the radiator.
Jamming and souring are classified as fairly serious breakdowns, but they are not critical, since there is no loss of cooling fluid. The reverse situation is with leakage, which is recommended to be eliminated as soon as possible after detection. If the coolant level drops to a critical level, this will negatively affect the operation of the entire Loaf's cooling system.
Used types of cranes
When choosing a new stove faucet for the UAZ Loaf, many car owners have a large number of questions. Some do not want to use the same faucets as they used to. The current proposed analogues are cheap, but their quality is of the appropriate level. Practice clearly shows that the faucets supposedly intended for Loafs do not serve for a long time and reliably, quickly fail, plus they cause some discomfort during operation. Therefore, craftsmen came on the scene, who came up with a not quite standard approach to solving the urgent problem of the UAZ Loaf, connected specifically with the stove tap.
Instead of car taps, they use plumbing taps. That is, ordinary durable taps that are sold in plumbing stores. Moreover, they work excellently, serve for a long time, have a more convenient handle for switching, do not turn sour so quickly and do not leak.All these qualities are applicable to a plumbing faucet if you initially choose a quality product, as well as perform the correct installation. If you are also attracted to this option, you will need a certain set of components to work. By choosing a conventional truck crane suitable for Loaf, the installation procedure itself will not change much. In the plumbing store you will need to purchase:
- outlet angle from 1/2 to 1/2;
- ball valve 1/2 to 1/2;
- fitting 1/2 with a comb for connecting a hose;
- the comb itself must fit a hose with a diameter of 18 mm (it is better to make accurate measurements in advance);
- an adapter that will be screwed into the block, from 1/2 to 3/8;
- a hose with a diameter of 18 mm is long enough;
- fumka tape for better sealing.
Initially, it is recommended to buy a faucet that has a fairly long handle. This will make it much more convenient to switch modes from closed to open, and vice versa. Buy quality components in trusted stores if you plan to operate a new faucet on your Loaf for a long time.
How does he work
Structurally, heater taps are fairly simple devices on any car, and not just on the Loaf. The element is connected to the radiator of furnace equipment using bolted connections. Special levers and cables are responsible for the control that is displayed on the dashboard. Moving the lever allows you to open or close the valve, thereby blocking or opening the flow of coolant. In winter, it is logical to open it, because this is how the stove begins to function and it becomes warm in the cabin. But in summer, keeping the tap open is completely impractical, since no one needs a working heater in hot weather. The crane is connected by hoses to the cooling system of the loaf engine. It is through them that the cooling liquid passes. If the valve is open, the coolant begins to pass through the furnace radiator and heat it up. This allows you to get the necessary heat for the cabin.
Features of installing an additional stove on the UAZ Patriot
Any interior heater consists of four parts: a radiator, a fan, an air duct system and a control unit. Usually, a heat exchanger is understood as a stove. You can take any as a second radiator and fan - there is still no regular place for them, but it is desirable that the additional heater is more powerful, and at the same time does not have too large dimensions. Often, the Gazelle stove is used for these purposes - it provides comfortable conditions for staying in an SUV in its rear part in almost any frost. In those regions where the thermometer in winter regularly drops below minus 20, such a re-equipment is simply necessary, regardless of whether the car is used often or from time to time. However, for a milder climate of mid-latitudes, the presence of additional. stoves will be in demand if, for example, the car is used for the daily delivery of children to school / kindergarten and back. In the end, if you are simply dissatisfied with the work of a regular heater, no one forbids you to improve it by increasing the total power of the stove and redistributing excess heat to the rear of the SUV.
Ways to solve the problem
For the reasons described above, the fight against the cold falls on the shoulders of car owners. Currently, there are several options for warming UAZ. Some of them can be called cardinal ways, others are minor upgrades, so no one is forbidden to use a combination of them, as long as everyone is warm. So here are the ways:
- on UAZ of most modifications, a thermostat is installed that operates at a temperature of 70 ° C. Perhaps the designers intended to protect the power unit from overheating in this way, but on most foreign cars, the engine's operating temperature is considered to be 80 degrees.Therefore, the easiest and most obvious way to raise the upper limit of the heater operation temperature is to install an appropriate thermostat instead of the standard one. For example, GAZovsky. That is exactly what many do. In extreme cases, you can simply install a ball valve on the stove radiator pipe, although this measure is not able to provide any significant increase in heat;
- instead of the native heater fan, which is characterized by relatively low performance, you can install a more powerful motor. In particular, with minimal alterations, an electric fan from the VAZ-2108 is suitable for this role. But, again, the increase in airflow speed will primarily affect those in front of the car. At the back, the effect will not be so significant, especially considering the fact that there is no seat heating in the UAZ;
- Another way to improve the microclimate in the car is associated with insufficiently good ventilation system. As a result, excess moisture present in the exhaled air accumulates in the cabin, which, when a critical concentration is reached, will not be slow to affect the fogging of SUV windows. The problem is especially relevant in autumn and spring, during the off-season. And in winter, snow that enters the stove along with outside air also contributes to an increase in the level of humidity inside the car. The problem can be solved by integrating a cabin filter into the ventilation system in the area between the stove and the end deflectors;
- many UAZ owners, especially old modifications, complain about the presence of gaps in important structural elements of the car (windows, doors, panels). The lack of proper tightness is solved by warming the car. For example, using polyethylene foam;
- Finally, the most effective method for improving the microclimate in the cabin of a domestic SUV, associated with insufficient heat transfer from the standard heater, is to install an additional stove on the UAZ. Note that the choice of possible options for upgrading the heating system is unusually wide. But even in terms of the complexity of implementation, this solution requires the car owner to have considerable experience in self-repair skills and the determination to make quite significant changes to the design of the car.
Additional heater UAZ
Reasons for replacing the heater
Before proceeding with the removal of the stove from the UAZ Loaf, you should figure out why exactly such manipulations are carried out, and whether they make sense. Some motorists and experienced owners of this car recommend removing and installing a new stove even when the old standard system is working fine. And if forced replacement is required, then it is even better to dismantle the old equipment and install a more efficient and modern system. In total, experts identify several main reasons for replacing the heater:
- Performance. The standard system demonstrates performance at the level of only 4 kW. This is quite small for a machine of this size and volume of internal space. It can provide heat for the driver and front passenger, but rear passengers may experience a heating deficit;
- Air consumption. The maximum air flow rate in a standard system is 150 m3. For US, this value is 3 times higher, that is, it equals 450 m3 per hour of work. Therefore, heating will be carried out faster and more efficiently;
- Cabin filter. In the standard equipment installed from the factory on the Loaf, there is simply no cabin air filter. This causes people inside the car to breathe dirty, uncleaned air. The new heater has a filter;
- Noise. If we compare the factory system and the new interior and body heater, the low noise level during operation also speaks in favor of the latter. This is an additional plus for comfort;
- Recirculation mode. Pleasure that is not in the factory heater.Due to the recirculation of cabin air, the stove will work better and with fresh air.
These reasons are more than enough to start removing the old stove from your UAZ Loaf and install new NAMI equipment.
Replacement procedure
Trying to repair the old coolant supply control mechanism to the heater does not make any sense. Buying a new kit is much easier and sometimes even cheaper. Plus, it will last for many years, unlike the restored device. To ensure the proper level of sealing of the sanitary faucet, it is recommended to combine all purchased components with a threaded connection using a fum tape in parallel. It will eliminate possible gaps, the liquid will not seep, and therefore the mount will be reliable and durable. Considering the design features of the Loaf and the location of the engine, as well as the installation site of the faucet itself, you will have to work a little. Although in reality everything does not look as complicated as on some other cars.
Place your UAZ on a flat surface. Place an empty container under the radiator to drain the coolant. If you are going to refill it into the system, choose a clean container. Now you can drain the coolant.
Next, the coolant will need to be drained from the engine, for which an appropriate drain hole is provided.
Loosen the hoses that connect the faucet and the cooling system of your loaf engine. Then it will be possible to dismantle the hoses from the nozzles.
Loosen the fasteners on the side of the faucet itself. Disconnect the hoses going to the stove radiator.
Dismantle the fasteners that are directly responsible for the regular crane of your UAZ Loaf itself. It can be difficult to give in. Apply pressure, but do not overdo it, so as not to break or damage anything.
The crane can be removed, without forgetting to first disconnect all connections.
A new system is being screwed in its place.
It is important to add here that the first step is to connect all the hoses connecting the tap to the stove and the engine cooling system, and only then fill in the cooling liquid.
The installation process can be complicated by not the most convenient access. You will need to adapt to the layout of the UAZ Loaf, but as a result, all car owners of this miracle managed to realize the idea. You will get it too. The stove tap, although simple, is a very important element of the stove equipment of any car, including the Loaf. Use analogues of a factory tap, or use some non-standard solutions in the form of plumbing taps, it's up to you. But in practice, it has been proven that a faucet from a plumbing store works excellently, provides convenient control. At the same time, there are no special difficulties during the installation process.