Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Where to begin

Of course, from fixing the boiler on the supporting surface and arranging a drain from the cold branch of the home water supply.

The last operation - the arrangement of the tap - is carried out as follows:

  • From the collector to the proposed location of the boiler, a separate branch of the cold water supply is forwarded using ½ inch fittings.
  • If there is no collector in the system, then you need to divide the section of water supply closest to the boiler by installing a standard tee in place of the cut.
  • The installation scheme of the tee depends on the structural material of the pipes. That is, plastic tees are fixed with a pipe soldering iron, metal fittings are attached to the thread, pressing the joint with a lock nut, fittings for metal-plastic pipes are mounted on collet clamps.
  • At the free end of the tee or a specially equipped branch of the water supply, a ball valve is mounted that shuts off the supply of cold water.

Installing the boiler on the supporting surface is even easier:

  • A reciprocal bar is applied to the wall - a part from the standard set for fixing the boiler - align it with the hydraulic level and mark the dowel placement points.
  • At the marked points, holes are drilled with a diameter of 16 millimeters and a depth of 80 mm using a drill or puncher. After that, polymer inserts are driven into the holes.
  • The reciprocal plate is mounted on the wall by driving the dowels from the kit into the inserts or screwing in the screws.
  • The tank is hung on a bar using mounting brackets welded onto the boiler body.

How to connect an Ariston water heater to the mains

The next step is connecting to the power grid. Moreover, for the boiler, you will have to allocate a separate line by installing a standard RCD included in the delivery set in the central switchboard.

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Boiler wiring diagram

The connection process itself is as follows:

  • An RCD is placed in the shield, connecting its input to the output from the central automatic fuse.
  • From the output of the RCD to the point where the boiler is located, a three-core cable 2.5x3 is pulled, hiding the line in a strobe or an external box.
  • A 16 amp fuse is mounted near the boiler, packing this “switch” in a miniature cabinet with a removable front panel.
  • The wire from the RCD is pulled to the input of the 16-amp fuse.
  • The bottom cover is removed from the boiler and a three-wire wire of the same section - 2.5 mm is connected to the contacts of the heating element.
  • The wire from the boiler is connected to the outlet of the fuse.

The ground line - a two-color core in the wire - is connected to the corresponding connector of the central shield. The phase line - a brown or red core - is pulled from the phase of the central shield to the corresponding connector in the boiler. The "zero" line - the blue core - is pulled from the zero bus in the shield to the desired connector in the boiler.

Scheme of connecting the Ariston boiler to the water supply

The next step is to connect the boiler to the water supply. Before doing this, you must de-energize the power supply line.

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Scheme of connecting the Ariston boiler to the water supply

After that, you will have to do the following:

  • Run a vertical pipe at least ½ inch in diameter from the water shut-off assembly - a ball valve on a tee or outlet under the boiler - to the inlet to the water heater.
  • Screw on the "cold" - right from the side of the front panel - fitting t sgon-American.
  • Screw on the drain cock.
  • Screw a one-way safety valve onto this fitting, which reduces the inlet pressure to 6-7 atmospheres.
  • Attach a filter to the lower end of the valve that lowers the level of water hardness.
  • Attach a vertical pipe to the filter outlet, taken away from the valve on the water supply.
  • Insert a non-return valve into the pipe to prevent hot water from draining into cold water supply.
  • Put a hose on the free end of the valve, leading it to a sink or sewer.

The boiler manufacturer recommends using a polymer tape as a sealant. In this case, all joints between fittings and pipeline fittings must be collapsible (threaded).

How to connect a boiler to a hot water circuit

The final stage of the process of connecting the boiler - the installation of a tap to the DHW circuit - is carried out according to the following plan:

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Scheme of connecting the boiler to the hot water circuit

  • First, on the "hot" - left from the side of the front panel - the fitting is screwed on by an American squeegee.
  • Next, a drain cock is screwed onto the overhang.
  • A collector of the DHW system is placed under the tap, the number of outlets of which must match the number of hot water taps in the house (plus a shower and / or bath).
  • A vertical pipe section of the required length is pulled from the tap to the manifold.

Further wiring - from the collector to the point of consumption - is carried out as needed, mounting a ball valve on each outlet.

DIY repair

Some problems can be fixed on your own. The main thing is to follow our recommendations.

The water heater does not turn on

First of all, check if there is voltage in the network. You can check this with a screwdriver with an indicator: it should light up on the “Phase”, but not on “Zero” and “Earth”. If the cable insulation is broken, repair is not recommended. It is better to replace the element immediately, but make sure that the new cable matches the old one in terms of parameters.

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

A short circuit or lack of grounding leads to a permanent shutdown of the RCD. The breakdown of the heating element on the body also leads to similar consequences. In this case, the element is diagnosed and replaced.

The RCD could be broken. To confirm your guesses, press RESET on the instrument panel. Is the light bulb glowing? So food is being served. Then press TEST and then RESET again. If the indicator lights up again, the RCD is working normally.

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Boiler does not heat water

Check the tightness of the contacts between the plug and socket. If everything is in order and the voltage is supplied normally, you need to check the heating element. Do you have a storage boiler? Then drain the water first. A volume of water of 50-80 liters can be removed through the faucet. 100 liters or more is best drained with a valve.

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Remove the case from the wall. Now you need to pull out the flange to which the heating element is attached. In Ariston models of 80 liters, the flange fastens with only one bolt. In other cases, you will have to unscrew 5 bolts.

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Disassembly is done like this:

  • Scroll the flange along the axis.
  • Take it out of the tank.

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

  • Heater diagnostics is carried out with a multimeter. Read more in the article: "Replacing a heating element in a water heater."
  • If the multimeter needle moves, the part is good. Is it in place? You need to put in a new one.

Have you noticed that the water heats up longer than usual? This does not mean that the heater is broken. Perhaps the reason is scale: over time, it grows in a thick layer and interferes with normal heat transfer. Clean the element with special means.

Lack of heat may indicate a broken thermostat. Perform a restart on the boiler panel. If the appliance cannot be restarted, the thermostat is defective.

A tester will help diagnose a breakdown more accurately:

  • Set the multimeter to the maximum position.
  • Attach the probes to the thermostat contacts (located next to the heating element).
  • Does the arrow on the screen move? The device is working.

There is another option:

  • Heat the thermostat with a lighter.
  • Set the multimeter to "minimum".
  • Attach the probes to the contacts.
  • If the arrow moves away from zero, then the part is functioning normally.

In the event of a malfunction, the thermostat must be replaced. Disconnect the wiring from the part, pull it out of the hole.

Installation is carried out in the reverse order.

tank leaking

Found a leak? Carefully inspect all connections, hoses. If everything is in order, you need to inspect the tank itself. A leak can occur as a result of strong water pressure. If the body is swollen, check and replace the relief valve.

If the tank "ran", it will not be difficult to disassemble it for verification.Open the top cover of the product and look inside. Are the walls and heater covered with scale? We need to clean the equipment. Pull out the heating element and the anode (they are located nearby).

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Carefully clean scale from all surfaces and walls of the tank. Then rinse with a solution of the Antinakipin type. Install the heater and a new magnesium anode in the cleaned tank.

The gasket that secures the parts from below can also leak. Inspect it and replace it.

All these works can be done independently.

Important: disconnect equipment from the network before starting work

Typical malfunctions of Ariston heaters

Why is the technology not working? The answer to the question will help to find diagnostics or the boiler itself. Modern models are equipped with control boards that regulate the operation of all nodes in the system. When a breakdown occurs, a fault code is displayed on the display. If there is no display, then the indicators indicate an error (flashing).

Repair of water heaters Ariston Ariston

Deciphering the symbols will help solve problems with the operation of the heater.

Error codes for Ariston boilers: table

Fault code What does How to repair
E01 There are problems with the control board. To exclude a system error, turn the column on and off for 10 minutes. If the error reappears, inspect the board. Maybe it has condensation on it.
E10 Temperature sensor problem. Check the integrity of the wiring, the tightness of the contacts. Test the sensor with a multimeter. In the event of a breakdown, a replacement is made.
E11 Message about exceeding the normal temperature (more than 105 degrees). Causes:

  • Scale, salt deposits on the heating element.
  • TENA failure.
  • Thermal sensor malfunction.
Do-it-yourself repair:

  • Get the heating element, clean it from scale and deposits. Check for correct operation with a tester. Perform replacement.
  • Install a new temperature sensor.
E12 Sensors indicate that the water temperature is 12 degrees higher than it should be. See code E11.
E13 Sensor differential error. Between the temperature sensors, the difference in readings is more than 50 ° C. Diagnostics and installation of new sensors.
E14 Error E14 reports: water heats up very slowly. Make sure the voltage is correct. Clean the heating element from scale.
E15 The system reports that there is no water in the tank. Check the presence of water in the water supply, the condition of the safety valve. Replace defective part.

Since the boiler is simultaneously connected to electricity and water communications, problems can also concern the network or the safety valve and hoses.

Let's analyze the main breakdowns of the Ariston heater:

  • The tank leaked.
  • The device does not turn on.
  • No water heating.

Symptoms of a malfunction can be:

  • Prolonged heating.
  • Noise during work.
  • Water with an unpleasant odor and cloudy color.
  • Quick turn on and off of the boiler.

What to do and how to fix problems, read below.


