Sinks made of artificial marble

Features of natural marble

Marble kitchen sinks look very presentable, make a lasting impression on guests and, at the same time, are quite functional. However, limestone in its pure form is very capricious: it requires special care and careful handling, which is not always possible for kitchen plumbing. So before installing such a sink, it is worth weighing its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Natural stone is unique and can have a variety of shades: snow-white, gray, light brown, creamy pink and even green. It has a stunning appearance, creating an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication in any interior.
  • Outwardly, it exudes coolness, but to the touch it is a rather pleasant stone.
  • Marble is not afraid of either the heat in the kitchen or the sun's rays.
  • The large wall thickness absorbs the sound of running water.
  • High maintainability - relatively soft marble is easily polished if necessary.


  • Marble differs from other natural stones not just in porous, but in layered structure. Because of this, stubborn stains from any spilled liquids easily form on its surface (if they are not wiped off immediately).
  • This material requires special care using special non-aggressive cleaning agents. Marble is afraid of exposure to any acids - even vinegar or lemon juice is not recommended to be applied to it. Therefore, pouring the remains of marinades or compotes into the sink, immediately rinse it with clean water.
  • Low heat resistance - do not pour boiling water into the marble sink or put hot dishes on it.
  • The heavy weight of the product requires professional installation and reliable supports.
  • Natural marble is easily scratched, and from careless blows, chips can form on it.

Sinks made of artificial marble

Care rules

To keep your marble sink looking new for longer, all you need to do is follow our natural stone care tips:

  • Clean only with neutral products, pH ≤ 7.
  • Treat regularly with special wax coatings, as well as safe water-repellent impregnations.
  • At least once a year, call the master for grinding and updating the surface.

Marble products

Artificial stone, invented at the end of the 20th century, has become an alternative to expensive natural marble. It is much cheaper, since production waste (stone chips) and synthetic binders, such as acrylic resins, are used for its manufacture. Sometimes dyes are added to the composition of the composite in a small amount, thanks to which an even greater variety of colors and shades is obtained. The texture of the future product and how the pattern will turn out depend on the size of the marble chips (medium or small fraction).

The strength and quality of washing are directly related to the percentage of components in the artificial stone. Ideally, the amount of stone chips and polymers should be kept at 80% to 20%. In the best models, the content of crushed marble reaches 94-95%. And artificial components minimize its shortcomings, making ready-made sinks quite suitable for daily use.

Advantages of artificial marble:

  • The best combination of attractive appearance with practicality.
  • The ability to cast products of any shape, size and shade - even imitation of other finishing stones.
  • Good noise reduction.
  • Smooth, non-porous surface for maximum kitchen sink hygiene. Some manufacturers even treat sinks with antibacterial coatings.
  • Chemical and thermal resistance (up to +280 °С).

Sinks made of artificial marble

There were fewer shortcomings, but it was not possible to completely get rid of them. For artificial marble it is:

  • Still quite a high cost, although not as exorbitant as in the case of natural stone.
  • Large weight and as a result - problems with installation and transportation.
  • The possibility of surface damage by abrasives and metal utensils.

Features of choice

According to their shape, there are two types of kitchen sinks:

  1. Monolithic - complex structures, where the sink is integral with the countertop. These are produced only on order, but in terms of practicality, these products are far from the best. If you drop something into the sink and crack it, the entire monolith will have to be repaired or even replaced.
  2. Mortise sink is much more practical. And if you want it to blend perfectly with the main countertop, you can order their production from one manufacturer. So you will definitely get into the color and pattern.

The variety of textures and colors makes it possible to combine marble with many fashionable styles. This sink is perfect for kitchens in the following areas:

  • Classic - it is simply impossible to imagine such an interior without a marble sink.
  • Ethno - but only with a Scandinavian or Mediterranean "bias".
  • Modern - modern or traditional, it quite accepts the use of beautiful stone products.
  • Minimalism - a little luxury does not hurt such a kitchen, but it is better to choose a sink in discreet pastel colors.
  • Art Deco - there is always a place for chic marble products, and it would be useful to repeat the sink pattern in furniture elements.
  • Eclectic - easily combines different styles and materials.

However, marble stone is not suitable for every style. For example, in the Russian ethnic style (and in any village style) it is impossible to imagine such a luxurious sink. High-tech, loft and urban are also not very supportive of vintage material, although if you choose a composite with interesting color effects, it may be quite appropriate in a modern style.

Before buying a sink, you need to decide on the place of its installation, the height of neighboring furniture and household appliances. This will help to calculate the optimal width of the sink and even the possible number of bowls. A large artificial marble sink will not fit in a miniature kitchen - it is better to choose a narrow, but deep enough model here.

A good option is an angular structure that will occupy the “dead” zone. In addition, the size of the sink will depend on how many dishes you wash daily. If the family consists of 2-3 people, then there is no need for overall plumbing, and if there are many households, it is better to look for a sink with at least a couple of separate bowls.

In the store, you should check the entire sink for scratches and damage, be sure to ask the seller about the terms of the guarantee and return. The color range of composite sinks from different manufacturers is represented, as a rule, by 12-30 shades close to natural ones. And although it may seem a little to someone, stainless steel has no options at all.


