important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

The device and principle of operation of this septic tank

The material for the production of the product is homogeneous propylene, which is durable and environmentally friendly.

The septic tank contains absolutely no metal parts, therefore, the material does not oxidize and has a long service life.

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

The vertical shape of the Topol 5 septic tank is convenient for installation, as it takes up a minimum of space in the backyard - 1.5 m x 1.5 m

At the heart of the septic tank is the aeration principle of cleaning. Organic compounds found in wastewater are oxidized by oxygen. Water is purified by 98%, while there is no need for a sewage machine, since there is no sediment as such. Aerobic bacteria, multiplying rapidly, turn organic matter into activated sludge, which serves as an excellent fertilizer.

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

Scheme of the device of the septic tank "Poplar", which shows the principle of moving wastewater from one chamber to another

After cleaning in a septic tank, water enters a filtration well, a drainage system or a specially prepared trench. It can be used for watering the beds or garden, washing the car, equipping a small fountain.

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

The compressor forces the drains to move in the right direction

The Japanese-made Hiblow compressor that this septic tank is equipped with has a 1-year warranty, while the equipment itself has a full 3 years, which indicates the manufacturer's confidence in the quality of its products. Electricity consumption per day - 1.2 kW.

Mechanism of action

In such systems, biotechnologies are used that allow you to repeatedly reproduce the cleaning cycle and get ordinary water at the outlet. In the drained biomass live aerobic bacteria that absorb pollution. The Poplar Eco Grand septic tank enriches the drains with oxygen, under the influence of which beneficial microorganisms multiply to the amount necessary for complete purification. The work cycle looks like this:

  1. Water used in everyday life enters the receiving chamber of the septic tank. The built-in compressor pumps air into it through the valve in the lid, saturates the liquid with oxygen and creates a favorable environment for the life of bacteria. This is how the crushing and primary biological treatment of wastewater occurs.
  2. The aero pump pumps them into the second, similarly arranged chamber ─ the aerotank. A separate air compressor is designed for it, which increases the efficiency of the system. Here, bacteria that are heavier than water molecules sink to the bottom and form a silty sediment.
  3. The secondary purified liquid is poured into a funnel-shaped compartment, where the remaining excess microelements naturally settle and enter the previous chamber through the hole from below.
  4. Clean water is drained from the funnel into the outlet pipe, and the settled suspension is pumped from the aeration tank to another special compartment - a sludge sump. There it is divided into active bacteria and waste mass. The former are again poured into the receiving chamber when the compartment is filled.

Maintenance and repair

Maintenance procedures for the Poplar septic tank (standard, Long or Long PR) can include both planned work (insulation, routine inspection) and repairs (work with the replacement of consumables or entire septic tank assemblies). Preventive maintenance, including inspection of the design of the Poplar septic tank, replacement of certain elements if necessary, and cleaning of accumulated suspensions from wastewater, is done once a year. During preventive work, it is necessary to check all components for serviceability, including electrics, compressors and other elements of the Topol septic tank.

Other scheduled maintenance work after installation includes work on the insulation of the Topol septic tank.In this case, the compressors and the pump are removed, and sand bottles are placed inside. The lid of the septic tank is equipped with heat-insulating materials. A photo of the design is shown below.

If a breakdown is detected, repairs are required, which is better not to do it yourself. In many cases, an attempt to repair it yourself leads to even greater damage to the Poplar septic tank, and in the event of a factory defect, the device cannot be returned under warranty. If a breakdown is detected before the start of operation of the device, it is worth checking according to the instructions whether the installation was carried out correctly, and then contact the manufacturer.

Advantages of TOPOL station


There is no need to call a sewage truck, purchase special bacteria, etc., and the output is pure process water that is colorless and odorless


Lightweight and durable compact body made of high quality polypropylene and equipped with reinforcement ribs. Service life - more than 100 years


We are constantly increasing production volumes and improving equipment in order to meet market demands on time and in full.


We offer you to use turnkey installation services or installation supervision services, all work is carried out by highly qualified specialists

Installation instructions with video

It is advisable to trust the installation process to professionals if there is no certainty that it will be possible to carry out an independent installation without errors. However, the installation of a Poplar septic tank can be done on your own. Installation workflow:

  • Determination of the location of the septic tank. It is desirable that the sewer pipe be closer to the building, but from the house to the septic tank itself, during installation, there should be at least 5 meters.
  • Determination during installation of the wastewater outlet.
  • Arrangement of the pit (photo can be seen on the page). For the Poplar septic tank, before installation, it is necessary to fill the bottom with a sand mixture with alignment.
  • Installation of sewer pipes leading from the Poplar septic tank to the house. Connection points are sealed during installation.
  • After installing the septic tank, Poplar is covered with sand and soil. To balance the pressure indicators, the septic tank must be filled with liquid by 75% of the total capacity.
  • Verification work of the septic tank Poplar. It is better if the final installation process is carried out by experienced specialists: they will be able to identify problems and get the device working.

After that, the septic tank is completely ready for work. To understand how to use it, you can resort to the photo, description and installation tips, which contains the instructions that come with the kit.

Model range of Topol brand

When choosing a septic tank for your own dacha, you need to decide on the model. This is very easy, since the labeling of products is related to the number of people served. The Topol 5 model is the most popular, as it is designed to serve 5 people (average family standard). This model will clean drains from 2 toilets, 2 sinks and 1 shower. Connection of household appliances is not provided.

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

Before installing a septic tank, it is necessary to make calculations and choose the appropriate model

For comparison, let's take the following model - Topol 8, designed, respectively, to serve 8 people.

The volume of sewage is also increasing. 1 bath and 1 washing machine are added to the listed waste disposal points.

The Topol 150 station has the largest volume, ready to serve several cottages, country villas or a multi-storey building (for example, a sanatorium or a hotel).

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

The Topol-150 model is able to withstand a salvo discharge of up to 4600 liters, can process about 24 m³ of wastewater per day and weighs 3 tons, but also consumes 24 kW of electricity per day

Comparison with other septic tanks

Compared with septic tanks from other companies, the Topol sewer device, whether it is a standard version or Long, looks quite advantageous, but it also has its drawbacks. Many people think about which septic tank is better - Topas or Poplar: it is these two devices that are compared more often.

The photo and comparison of these two Russian-made septic tanks demonstrates that they do not have so many differences: they mainly relate to dimensions (Topol septic tank is smaller than Topas septic tank in width - by 10-15 cm, depending on the variety), as well as performance and energy consumption in service process. The installation process for both devices is approximately the same. The Topol conventional and Long devices are more economical, while the Topas septic tank requires more energy during maintenance.

The main difference between septic tanks is the price: Poplar is much cheaper, which is why it is so popular on the Russian market. Thus, the comparison of the Topol and Topas septic tank does not play in favor of the latter: despite some functional advantages, Poplar has more advantages, as evidenced by positive customer reviews and comparative photos. The Poplar septic tank was mostly negatively commented on by those who incorrectly calculated the capacity upon purchase, did not figure out the installation, and those who encountered marriage, because Poplar's shortcomings can be considered very insignificant, and its installation is more preferable.

Operating recommendations

The estimated period of uninterrupted operation of the Topol station is 50 years. But this is possible only with proper operation and timely care of the system. It is allowed to discharge sewage from showers, baths, baths, toilet bowls, washing machines and dishwashers into an autonomous sewer (without the use of chlorine-containing products). You can throw away toilet paper and use chemical detergents to clean sinks and toilets no more than once a week.

But do not clog drains with such additives:

  • Construction and garden waste.
  • Wool of pets.
  • polymer films.
  • Chemical means: petroleum products, alkali, antifreeze, paints.
  • Medicines.
  • Large remnants of plant foods.

Such inclusions can lead to clogging of the airlift system or the death of aerobic bacteria.

Topol system maintenance ↑

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

To inspect the station, it is necessary to lift the lid and check the amount of sediment

The station should be cleaned at least once a year (for large volumes and uninterrupted operation - once every 6 months). To do this, it is necessary to disconnect the sewer from the mains, lower the drainage pump to the bottom of the sump and pump out the remaining sludge to the ground or into the compost pit.

Preparing the station for frost

Autonomous sewerage Poplar does not require special insulation for the winter. Under conditions of uninterrupted operation, it tolerates cold very well - bacteria produce a sufficient amount of heat. But if the station is installed for seasonal use (for example, in a country house), it is better to preserve the equipment before a long break.

For this you need:

  • Disconnect the system from electricity.
  • Remove unrecycled trash.
  • Flush the system with water and fill the container ¾ full. It is not recommended to completely pump out water, otherwise, during a thaw, groundwater can move the system from the installation site.
  • Remove the drain pump and compressor.
  • Fill several plastic bottles with sand, tie a rope to the neck of each of them and immerse it in the camera - this simple device will help protect the system from deformation in severe frosts.
  • After that, the cover of the station returns to its place and is covered with any insulation, such as mineral wool.

We hope that our review of the Topol autonomous sewage system gave comprehensive answers about the operation of this wastewater treatment system. But if you are not sure that you can handle the installation and maintenance of the station on your own, seek help from specialists.

Nuances of connection and operation

Subject to proper installation and timely prevention, Poplar sewerage will last up to 50 years.

The wastewater treatment plant includes laying pipes from the house, connecting to the station, connecting the septic tank to electricity and leading the treated water to the end point of the drain. These works are technically complex and, as a rule, are carried out by specialists. The pipeline is insulated, cut into the tank wall and soldered. The slope of the trench under it is 2-3 cm per 1 m of length, and the depth is calculated based on the characteristics of the soil. It is recommended to make the length as short as possible in order to avoid frequent sewer blockages. An electrical wire protected by external insulation is connected to the compressors.

The Poplar installation itself is buried in the ground so that the cover protrudes above the ground by at least 20 cm, and is not flooded by precipitation. For maintenance, you need free access to it. They dig a hole with a margin, put gravel and sand on the bottom, after connecting the pipes, the space around the tank is also covered with sand. Before the initial start-up, the tanks are filled with water.

The biological treatment station allows you not to use the services of vacuum trucks, but still requires compliance with several rules for uninterrupted operation. Negative feedback from the owners of the Poplar septic tank is often caused by non-compliance with the instructions. Sewer service includes:

  • external inspection a couple of times a month to make sure that the water drains at a normal speed, has normal transparency and a neutral smell at the outlet, which indicates that there are no breakages and blockages;
  • pumping out with the help of an air pump or manually sampling the spent sludge from the sump by half the volume, adding clean water to the previous level ─ once every 3-6 months, depending on the intensity of use;
  • extraction, washing and drying of air filters from compressors, the frequency is also determined individually;
  • mechanical cleaning of hard deposits from the walls of containers and removal of non-decomposable debris that has entered the installation - if necessary;
  • power outage and conservation of the septic tank if it is planned not to use it for more than 3 months.


The choice of Ego-Grand equipment is supported by quality certificates for the system and components, positive reviews about the Topol septic tank and the easiest process of leaving the units on the market.

How much

The price of Poplar of any model is quite competitive, the septic tank is not cheaper and not more expensive than similar devices from other manufacturers. It is quite understandable that prices for Topol treatment plants increase with the performance of the model and the volume of the main tank.

The table below shows the average cost of treatment plants of different capacities for 2013 for Moscow and nearby regions.

Model of the septic tank Poplar Number of residents in the house Salvo drop Maximum flow inflow, (m3/day) Power consumption, (W/day) Dimensions, (cm) Cost, rub.)
AU 5 up to 5 250 liters 1,1 1200 1030x1000x2485 66500
AU 5 Pr up to 5 250 liters 1,1 1500 1030x1000x2485 73150
AU 5 Long up to 5 250 liters 1,1 1200 1030x1000x2985 79800
AU 5 Long Pr up to 5 250 liters 1,1 1500 1030x1000x2985 95950
AU 8 up to 8 470 liters 1,9 1600 1330x1030x2485 85500
AU 8 Pr up to 8 470 liters 1,9 1900 1330x1030x2485 92150
AU 8 Long up to 8 470 liters 1,9 1600 1330x1030x2985 99750
AU 8 Long Pr up to 8 470 liters 1,9 1900 1330x1030x2985 106400
AU 10 to 10 790 liters 3,3 2300 1928x1120x2485 99750
AU 10 Pr to 10 790 liters 3,3 2600 1928x1120x2485 106400
AU 10 Long to 10 790 liters 3,3 2300 1928x1120x2985 114000
AU 10 Long Pr to 10 790 liters 3,3 2600 1928x1120x2985 120650
AU 15 to 10 900 liters 3,8 2800 2128x1120x2485 121600
AU 15 Pr up to 15 900 liters 3,8 3100 2128x1120x2485 128250
AU 15 Long up to 15 900 liters 3,8 2800 2128x1120x2985 135850

Benefits of treatment plants

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

Therefore, all types of septic tanks are structurally thought out, have high quality workmanship and excellent performance characteristics in any conditions.

The manufacturer of the septic tank is the Granit-M plant. Treatment plants are manufactured using the most modern and high-tech equipment, from raw materials tested in all respects.

  1. All products are thoroughly tested. Confidence in the quality of the purchased autonomous treatment plant is confirmed by performance characteristics and a warranty period of 50 years.
  2. The Poplar station of all modifications is equipped with Japanese-made compressors, which increases the efficiency of septic tanks.
  3. The use of polymeric materials in the manufacture of the hull and other parts minimizes the possibility of corrosion and destruction of the station hull under the influence of atmospheric factors.
  4. The station is designed in such a way that pumping out solid deposits that appear during operation is not required - these fractions can be easily removed on their own, without resorting to the services of sewers. This decision puts the Topol station structurally higher than the Tank or Triton septic tanks.
  5. During operation, the unit does not emit unpleasant odors and does not produce any extraneous noise.
  6. Stations of different power and performance are produced, so choosing the best option for your summer house or home is not a problem.

Among the shortcomings can be called the need to connect electricity to power the compressor and pump, but most suburban and suburban areas have no problems with electricity.

What is a Poplar septic tank

The Topol treatment plant is a durable plastic container, which is divided into four compartments from the inside: each of them has its own stage of wastewater treatment. To intensify the processes, aerators are installed in two chambers, the main task of which is to saturate the water with oxygen and mix it. Transportation of water from compartment to compartment is due to airlifts. They, like aerators, function due to the air pumped by the compressor. The compressor runs on electricity, so Poplar is a volatile wastewater treatment plant that has proven itself to be an efficient septic tank for a country house.

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Ecoimportant opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

Due to the full flow of biological processes, the installation does not emit an unpleasant sewer odor. Organic matter decomposes by 95-98%, and the sludge accumulated over time can be used as fertilizer. As the compartment is filled with sludge, it is removed - there is a convenient removable cover for servicing the installation.

How it works?

In fact, nothing new has been implemented in the Poplar septic tank, and its work is in many ways similar to that for other treatment plants adapted for country houses. First, wastewater enters the receiving chamber, where it is saturated with oxygen due to the operation of the aerator. Here, large fractions are crushed into smaller ones in the process of mixing. It is recommended to add special microorganisms to some VOCs - for Poplar there is no need for such measures, because all the necessary bacteria enter it along with wastewater.

The airlift pumps wastewater into the aeration tank. Here there is a separation of water and sludge, which enters the sludge sump. The spent sludge settles at the bottom of the sump, while the activated sludge, evenly dissolved in water, is poured into the receiving chamber. Purified water from the aeration tank enters the secondary settling tank - the final stage of purification takes place here. From the sump, water, devoid of unpleasant odors and purified by 98%, enters the environment, can be used to water trees, shrubs, or descend into a reservoir.

The manufacturer of treatment plants Topol imposes restrictions on the quality of wastewater. They should not contain plastic films, construction debris, vegetable residues, chemical reagents (for example, used for cleaning plumbing) - i.e. all that can lead to clogging of airlifts and inhibition of microorganisms.

Installation work

The installation of the treatment plant is preceded by earthworks. At the first stage, a suitable place is chosen: as a rule, somewhere in the garden or behind the house on a lawn. After that, they begin to dig a pit for the station and trenches for laying pipes.The pit must not only contain the installation, but there must be a place for sanding - at least 250 mm on each side. In this case, it is necessary that the septic tank cover is approximately 200 mm above the ground surface. This is done in order to protect the product from flooding during heavy rainfall, as well as for convenient maintenance of the station during operation. The septic tank is placed on a bed of sand or gravel, connected to a sewer pipe from the house and an outlet pipe. After that, it is filled with clean water and covered with sand on the sides. Commissioning operations are carried out either by specialists or independently in strict accordance with the instructions attached to the VOC.


  • The treatment plant is made of high quality polypropylene, resistant to negative external factors. This material is durable and environmentally friendly. Finished products are carefully checked for tightness at the factory;
  • the Poplar septic tank is a joint development of Russian and German manufacturers of treatment plants for country houses, which already indicates the high quality of these products;
  • the unit is equipped with efficient and durable Japanese compressors;
  • the station does not require periodic pumping by sewage trucks, purified water does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • versatility of the treatment plant: it can be used both in forced and gravity mode;
  • all accompanying equipment documentation complies with Russian legislation.


The cleaning algorithm in the Poplar septic tank is carried out through aeration in combination with multi-stage wastewater treatment in sections (there is a photo of the diagram on the page). Depending on the model, the technical features and installation method of this septic tank may differ.

Poplar energy consumption varies from 1.2 to 3.3 kW per day, the volume of treated wastewater is 1 cubic meter. Saturation with air ensures the disposal of sewage waste from bacteria, and the design of the sewer device is made in such a way that suspensions can be removed in different ways. A photo of the workflow is posted below.

How to choose the right option

Installing such a structure will cost you a pretty penny, but it will pay off in a few years.

On sale are models for home use and autonomous sewage devices in a small business if necessary. The range allows you to choose the Eco Grand septic tank, taking into account specific conditions:

  1. The number of people living in a private house is up to 10. The number in the title, for example, the Topol 5 septic tank, indicates performance ─ a maximum of 5 people can use this system regularly based on an average daily water consumption of 200 l / person. Devices for 15-150 users are used less often, in particular, in cafes, mini-hotels, and other organizations that are territorially cut off from the central sewerage system.
  2. A one-time discharge volume reserve ─ from 170 to 790 liters for the home, up to 4600 liters for commercial use. This characteristic gives an idea of ​​the capacity of the receiving chamber and the amount of waste that the Topol station can process at maximum load, for example, simultaneous short-term draining of water in the bathroom, in the kitchen, from the washing machine.
  3. The depth of burial of sewer pipes is up to 80 cm, up to 140 cm or over 140 cm. The required value is determined taking into account the type of soil, its level of freezing, the strength of the materials used, and the planned vertical load. The Poplar model with the abbreviation LONG is higher than usual and makes it possible to increase the distance from the surface to the point of connection of the pipeline.
  4. Purified water discharge device ─ spontaneously or forcibly.With a sufficient level difference, it is possible to mount the drain by gravity to the gutter, absorption or storage well. When soil features or insufficient slope prevent this, a Poplar septic tank with a built-in drainage pump is installed. Such models contain the abbreviation PR ─ forced drainage in the name.

How the Topol 5 septic tank works and its modifications

important opinion Septic Topas from Topol Eco

It works well both in constant mode and with non-permanent residence of people in the house.

Waste water is removed by gravity, without the use of drainage pumps.

Purified water can be discharged into the soil, into a drainage well, or simply into a nearby ditch. The maximum inflow of sewage per day is no more than 1.1 m3.

Power consumption - 1.2-1.5 kW per day. All technical characteristics and cost of the station are shown in the table below. Topol 5 station has a polypropylene impact-resistant body.

Model 5 Pr

The station has some differences from the previous model. This is a forced method of discharging sewage, which allows you to discharge effluents into storm sewers. Poplar 5 Pr can serve 3-5 residents in the house.

The septic tank also works in two modes - permanent and non-permanent residence in the house, and this does not affect the quality of work. Poplar 5 Pr is made of polypropylene, the body is divided into four chambers.

The station operates on biological wastewater treatment. Septic tank 5 Pr processes up to 1.1 m3 per day, all other parameters are indicated in the table.

Station 5 Long

This septic tank can also serve up to 5 people. Interrupting the operation of the septic tank does not affect the quality of cleaning. Purified water in the Topol 5 Long station is removed by gravity into the drainage well.

The polypropylene impact-resistant housing withstands seasonal temperature and pressure fluctuations without problems. The difference between the Long modification is that the depth of the inlet pipe into the station is 900-1400 mm from the ground surface, which is 500 mm lower than in the previous model.

This location of the tie-in allows the station to be operated at a high level of groundwater.

The Long septic tank is almost half a meter longer and, accordingly, 30 kg heavier. Station volume and capacity in cubic meters are the same as previous models. Proper operation of the septic tank will allow you to use it for more than 50 years.

  • Sewage treated water is forcibly discharged using a built-in drainage pump.
  • The station has the same dimensions and weight as Topol 5 Pr.
  • The body is polypropylene.
  • The operating voltage is only 220 V.


