How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Bathtub painting detailed instructions

This article will consider such a procedure as painting a bath with your own hands, various nuances associated with it, and brief instructions for painting.

A bath, like any other item, has its own service life, which someday ends, requiring renewal or replacement.

Bath restoration

The essence of the problem

Erased enamel on an old bath looks rather unsightly, there are three ways out of this situation:

  • Replacement instead of restoration of the bath;
  • Installing an acrylic liner;
  • Painting your bath with your own hands or with the help of specialists.

The first two methods are more suitable in the case of a complete bathroom renovation, since they require serious financial costs and include a large amount of work to be performed.

And you can paint the bath with your own hands at minimal cost and in a fairly short period of time.

At the same time, it is important to understand that self-applied enamel cannot be compared in quality and durability with enamel applied by the manufacturer. But this work is much cheaper, and the bath can be painted in almost any color.

You also need to know what kind of paint you can paint the bath. For this, two-component polyurethane enamels are usually used, to which a hardener is added according to the instructions attached to the enamel. Before applying each layer, a new portion of enamel is prepared, since already finished enamel cannot be stored.

Bath coloring

After the paint for the bath is selected, they begin to prepare the base, that is, the bath itself. It is washed with an enamel detergent, and the old coating is cleaned with an abrasive sponge.

In the presence of cracks and chips, they are puttied, it is advisable to use putty, which is recommended by the enamel manufacturer.

Next, the bath for painting is degreased, after which all surfaces are pasted over with masking tape, on which enamel is unacceptable. A film is laid on the floor. Enamel is applied in even layers with a brush, avoiding smudges.

The paint is usually applied in two coats. The last layer dries out for several days, during which it will not be possible to use the bathroom. When performing work, gloves and a respirator should be used. Next, painting - do-it-yourself restoration of the bathtub will be considered in more detail.


painted bath

To paint the bath you will need:

  • Bath enamel;
  • Hardener;
  • Measured glass;
  • 100 g of oxalic acid;
  • 0.5 l of acetone;
  • Two glass jars of 0.5 l;
  • The spatula is narrow;
  • Brush;
  • Sandpaper (waterproof);
  • Rubber gloves.


In the case of an old bath, painting includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of enamel for work. The jar with the lid removed is placed in hot water for 30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly mixed and allowed to cool;
  2. With the use of gloves, the bathroom, inventory and the bath itself are washed as follows. Oxalic acid is poured onto the bottom of the bath and moistened with water, turning it into a gruel, after which it is evenly distributed over the bottom of the bath;
  3. With the help of sandpaper, slightly wetted in acid, the entire surface of the bath is treated, removing bumps, rust and a layer of old paint;
  4. The acid is washed off with warm water and the bathtub is washed again with a cleaning agent. Next, the bath is filled with hot water for 10 minutes, after which it and the space surrounding the bath are wiped dry with a clean cloth;
  5. Acetone is applied to a rag and the surface of the bath is degreased;
  6. Preparing for painting the first jar. To do this, pour 200 ml of enamel into a measuring cup, pour it into a glass jar and add acetone (about 10 ml).Stir the mixture, then add the hardener (20 ml) and mix thoroughly for about 10 minutes;
  7. Using a brush, apply the first layer, starting from the side of the bath. First, several vertical stripes are applied to a small area, after which the enamel is distributed horizontally with rubbing movements. Paint the entire bath in this way;

Important: the enamel should be applied with even, thin movements, avoiding the formation of unpainted spots and smudges.

  1. After 15 minutes, a second coat of paint is applied in the same way.

The bath can be used in a week, when the enamel is completely dry and sets.

That's all I wanted to talk about how the painting of the bath is done. Before you begin to restore the bath with staining, you should carefully consider whether this is the best solution to the problem of a yellowed bath, or is it better to replace it.

When choosing a stain, it is necessary to correctly select the paint, and when applying it, follow all the provisions of the manufacturer's instructions and this instruction.

What paint to paint the bath at home

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and VideoEvery year the coating of the cast-iron bath deteriorates. It loses its luster and attractiveness. The surface itself in some places is covered with rust, becomes rough. Washing in such a cast-iron bath does not give any pleasure, and microcracks are clogged with dirt, from which you can get some kind of disease.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and VideoChanging a bath is quite expensive, so most owners decide to restore it instead of replacing it. Nowadays, home conditions allow you to paint the bath.

A lot of different companies and individual entrepreneurs are engaged in such work. They restore bathtubs right at home, and always with high quality.

To paint the bath yourself at home, you need to study the technology of this case and do everything in strict sequence.

For painting, you must have a special paint for cast iron baths and a hardener. You can paint a cast-iron structure only with it. Dilution of paint must be carried out exactly according to the attached instructions.

Best Answers


buy a bathtub. or put a new one, minus all costs from the payment for the apartment.

Evgenia Voldkova:

the main thing is that the hostess is pretty and doesn’t mind the shower together with the swami, but lying with her is not the main thing! ;-))

Bolshevik cats:

Well, degrease and paint with alkyd enamel.

Sergey Vasiliev:

They painted the shower tray with white enamel for 3 times, several years have passed, nothing has happened, it has not even turned yellow from the water ...

647 acc:

The game is not worth the candle, don’t even think about it, especially in a rented apartment !! ! We hired bathtub enamellers, the paint literally peeled off from it in a week, they called them to redo it again, history repeated itself. So we bought a new bathroom...


To prevent the enamel from peeling off, you must first clean it well (sand the bathtub), then apply a layer of primer, sand it again and then apply the enamel. Moreover, you also need to know which enamel to cover. In short, hemorrhoids, but if you do everything right, then the coating will be for a long time

How to paint the battery with your own hands

If the manufacturer does not indicate in the instructions the possibility of applying the composition to the old paint, then the radiators require pre-rinsing, cleaning from the old paint layer, then priming and coloring in 2 layers.

Work is being carried out wearing goggles
, respirator and gloves.

A set of overalls is the best protection against harmful dust and chemicals.
To protect the space around the radiator from accidental splashes, the surfaces are protected with plastic wrap, cardboard or paper. You will also be interested in:

You will also be interested in:

Wiping the radiator

Accumulated dust, small debris is removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Rinse thoroughly with detergent internal and external surfaces.

Remove the old paint layer with one of 3 ways:

  • washed off with a chemical composition;
  • removed mechanically using a drill and special nozzles - brushes;
  • soften old paint
    building hair dryer or burner, remove with a spatula.

Removing old paint

Chemical compositions for removing old paint (washes) are produced in the form of a liquid or aerosols.

When choosing a flushing solution, pay attention to the composition
: it must include components that prevent corrosion. The softened paint layer is removed with a spatula, a rag is also suitable. Removal of paint without softening is done using a drill with a brush head with metal teeth.

After cleaning off the old paint, the surface is dedusted
: manually - with a brush, brush or vacuum cleaner

Removal of paint without softening is done using a drill with a brush head with metal teeth. After cleaning off the old paint, the surface is dedusted
: manually - with a brush, brush or vacuum cleaner

The softened paint layer is removed with a spatula, a rag is also suitable. Removal of paint without softening is done using a drill with a brush head with metal teeth. Cleaning off old paint the surface is dedusted
: manually - with a brush, brush or vacuum cleaner.

Surface sanding

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Surface of radiators sanded down to metal.
This work can be done manually, with sandpaper, but cleaning with a grinder is faster and better.

Dedusted surface degrease
if it is planned to paint with alkyd compounds - gasoline or white spirit, when painting with acrylic - acetone.


Before priming, flaws, large irregularities putty.
Apply putty for metal, designed for high (from 80 °C
) temperature (epoxy, automotive). The dried layer is sanded, dusted and degreased.

The primer is selected in accordance with the paint.
Some manufacturers allow the use of paint diluted with water or solvent instead of primer (5% of volume
). This point should be described in detail in the instructions for the paint.


To properly paint the battery, you need flute brushes:
medium width with a straight handle and narrow with a curved handle.

Instead of a flute with a curved handle, you can make a tampon from a piece of foam rubber
attached to a wire. The wire is easy to bend at the right angle, all hard-to-reach places are easy to paint over

What color to paint the battery

white radiator
- classic. It is customary for us to place batteries under the windows, and they are almost always white. A radiator in the color of the window sill and frames is the most familiar and absolutely organic solution. However, it is far from the only one.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Very relevant today black batteries
. There is an opinion that a black-painted radiator heats a little better than a white one. However, experts say that the difference, if any, does not exceed 1-2%. The black color of the battery is more a tribute to design than a concern for warmth. Such radiators can often be found in modern interiors, especially those that are decorated.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Battery in the color of the wall
- the solution is less common, but, of course, successful. Of course, this does not mask the battery and does not make it invisible. However, thanks to this technique, the radiator does not stand out from the general space and does not look like something alien.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Photo from the project of designer Galina Yurieva

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Not many dare to paint the radiator in a bright color that contrasts with the walls. Making the battery an accent is a bold move. And very effective. This design option is suitable for a modern minimalist interior.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

An interesting idea is to color the battery using the ombre (or gradient) technique. The end section is painted, for example, white. The second has a subtle color, and each subsequent section becomes more and more saturated.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Photo source:

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Colored batteries are especially appropriate in children's rooms.Here you can safely be creative. For example, decorate the radiator with patterns, drawings, thematic painting. Or color the battery in the form of colored pencils, rainbows, etc.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Sky-high prices for good quality cast-iron bathtubs make you look for a real alternative to buying a new cast-iron thing. The easiest way to solve the problem is to restore the enamel coating, for example, paint a bathtub. The way to solve the problem does not cause any particular difficulties. It remains to choose how to paint the cast-iron bath inside. To be honest, the range of materials is extremely limited, any polymer coating is inferior in its characteristics to mineral enamels that cover the bath. But it’s still worth trying to repair a cast-iron bathtub with paint, because if you’re lucky, you can solve a serious problem at the lowest cost.

Proven Restoration Products, Like New Bath

To date, there are only four types of paint that can be used to paint a cast-iron bath in a house:

  • Epoxy two-component enamel or glue;
  • Acrylic two-component materials;
  • Powder paints;
  • Specialized paints and varnishes for restoring the enamel coating of bathtubs from leading manufacturers.

In addition to the above, there is a huge number of paint coatings that, in theory, can be used to repair cast iron bathtubs. These are stoving automotive paints. They give a uniquely smooth finish and hold up well to soap and shampoo, but the process of applying to a bathtub requires some pretty sophisticated equipment. Shine and gloss on cast iron walls is determined by the amount of glyptal varnish added to the paint.

In search of how to repair enamel scratches on a cast-iron bathtub, it is best to stop at white oven-dried automotive enamel.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

You only need to prepare a bath, dry and degrease the damaged area, apply a thin layer of paint with a pneumatic spray gun and dry the patch with a hot hairdryer. To be sure, you can lay 3-4 layers on the cast-iron wall.

The advantage of car paint is that the enamel can be laid in the bath in a small spot, and the coating will not peel off during operation. All other paint options - epoxy, acrylic, and even the vaunted Tikkurila enamels - require a complete painting of the cast-iron bowl.

If the house has powerful 1000 W halogen spotlights, then you can try to repair the bathtub with automotive paint in full. But before you paint the cast-iron bath, you need to make high-quality exhaust ventilation and tightly seal the doors to the room at the time of drying. Automotive paints have a very unpleasant, irritating odor.

Briefly about enamels


Acrylic (latex) paint is the main component of acrylic. Also applies to two-component coatings.

In most cases, to restore the coating of the bathtub with acrylic, a bulk method is used.

Alkyd enamel - contains components such as alkyd resin, organic solvent, vegetable oils and auxiliary ingredients.

Advantages and disadvantages of enamel coatings

Dye Epoxy Acrylic Alkyd
Advantages Even coverage. High resistance to aggressive chemicals. Doesn't thin out. Suitable for metal and cast iron Holds color for a long time. Resistant to all sorts of damage (shocks, chips). Low thermal conductivity.

Suitable for steel, cast iron, acrylic


Retains color for a long time.

It is applied to all types of a covering and ceramics.

Flaws Toxic. The finished solution quickly hardens. There may be smudges during application. Loses whiteness quickly. Toxic.
Big expense. Do not use detergents containing acids and alkalis. Improper application may damage the integrity of the coating.
Perfect surface preparation required.

Big expense.

Application is difficult.

All types of paints are produced in aerosols. Their main advantage is easy, fast, uniform application that does not require special skills. Loyal price.


The main disadvantage of aerosol enamel is a thin layer and a limited range of colors.

It is worthwhile to approach the choice of enamel in spray cans for the bathroom carefully.

What color to paint a cast iron radiator


Classics of the genre. A classic color that will fit into absolutely any interior, especially if the batteries are traditionally located under white metal-plastic windows and window sills.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and VideoHow to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video


A color that is suitable for interiors decorated in dark colors. Batteries painted black will not stand out as brightly against dark walls as white ones. There is an opinion that black batteries heat better. But experts say that there is practically no difference. Therefore, black is more about design than about increasing heat dissipation.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and VideoHow to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

In the color of the wall.

An excellent solution for masking the battery against bright walls. You can choose a shade of painting to match the wall or choose a couple of tones lighter or darker.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and VideoHow to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Contrasting color.

A bold solution that is suitable for modern interiors decorated in the style of minimalism, modern, eclectic and related

Such a battery will undoubtedly attract attention, so it is important to correctly place bright accents in the room. Otherwise, it may turn out that the radiators will become the center of the visual composition.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and VideoHow to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video


Very interesting and fashionable coloring technique. It consists in a soft and gradual transition from a lighter shade to a darker one. A cast iron battery is ideal for this purpose. The end section is painted white, for example. Each next section has more and more saturated color.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

How to paint cast iron batteries you now know

If there is a need to buy new ones, we recommend that you pay attention to. Cast iron bathroom paint is designed for the restoration of old products

She saves her from disposal, because the bathroom is a necessary room in a house or apartment. Many residents of apartment buildings have cast iron products, as they are convenient and practical to use. Cast iron bathtubs - a design in which you can swim, wash clothes. They have a long service life

Cast iron bathroom paint is designed for the restoration of old products. She saves her from disposal, because the bathroom is a necessary room in a house or apartment. Many residents of apartment buildings have cast iron products, as they are convenient and practical to use. Cast iron bathtubs - a design in which you can swim, wash clothes. They have a long service life.

But after mechanical and chemical influences (chips, scratches, detergents), the coating inside eventually becomes unusable. Acquires a gray tint, cracks, yellowness. You can correct the shortcomings without calling a specialist, with self-painting of the product. Painting a cast iron bath at home with your own hands is the perfect solution.

For painting, it is necessary to choose only a dye for metal structures.

This method has a number of advantages:

  • Large selection of tones of paint and varnish coatings;
  • The price of the dye saves a lot of money;
  • The ability to paint a cast-iron bath without calling specialists;
  • Saving time and effort, fast execution;
  • No unpleasant odor after the dye dries;
  • Nice glossy finish.

However, this method of updating the surface has disadvantages:

  • The outer coating must be treated with a grinder before applying the composition, and after with a soil mixture;
  • It is necessary to apply a dye for an old cast iron product only after treating the coating with an antifungal compound;
  • There are acrylic solutions that dry for a long time - three days.

How can you paint a cast iron bath? First you need to find the appropriate paint, only then begin work on the surface treatment of cast iron.

How to paint types of enamels for cast iron radiators

Heat-resistant enamels for cast iron batteries are produced resin based
(alkyd, acrylic, silicone), aqueous dispersions
(acrylic and silicone), there are also powder paints, but their use requires special equipment, painting is done in the factory.

Acrylic compositions (water-soluble or organic solvents) and alkyd are popular for do-it-yourself painting at home.


How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Photo 1. Alkyd enamel for cast iron radiators with plastic effect from the manufacturer "Tex".

The lack of enamels - drying time and unpleasant odor
, which remains indoors for several days, may appear at a high temperature of the coolant; you cannot name harmless enamel.

Alkyd enamel applied in 2 layers
on a pre-primed surface with a brush or with a spray gun.

Water-dispersion acrylic

Acrylic water-based enamel dries quickly, the paint layer is smooth, even like plastic. It has no smell, does not burn, safe and environmentally friendly
, possesses high adhesion to metal.

The disadvantage of acrylic water-dispersed enamels is resistance to abrasives
(surface cannot be cleaned with powders).

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Photo 2. Acrylic glossy enamel for cast iron batteries PROFI VD-AK-1179 dries quickly and leaves no smell.

Acrylic with solvent

In addition to acrylic resin, the composition includes pigments, additives and a solvent - White Spirit.
Enamel forms a durable and stable coating, paint can be applied to surfaces previously treated with acrylic or alkyd composition. Layer durable, non-yellowing
with time.

The disadvantage is the unpleasant odor and the drying time - the painted surface dries in about 8 hours
, the second layer is applied in a day.

bath liner

How can you paint a bath? This question may not be asked, because this restoration method is called “bath to bath”. In an old cast-iron bathtub, an insert is placed on the glue, which completely repeats the shape of the bathtub.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

This method has the following advantages:

  • The new coating consists of acrylic, which is able to withstand impacts, and is resistant to chemical attack by detergents;
  • The surface does not change color over time;
  • The bath is like new - smooth and radiant.

However, there are a couple of nuances when installing the liner in the bathroom. If the bathroom is made of thin cast iron, then in the future the deflection of the structure cannot be avoided, as a result of which the liner is deformed. Also, before laying the acrylic surface, the siphon is dismantled. From the foregoing, we can conclude how and how to properly paint a cast-iron bathtub inside and out.

Coating Requirements for Cast Iron Surface

The industry produces a huge number of different composition of paints and varnishes. Approximately half of them enter the market, are widely available to the average buyer, and several brands of coatings can be used as paint for a cast-iron bath. There are certain restrictions on the use of cast iron bathroom paint:

  • The layer of paintwork applied to the bath should be as dense as possible, hard and give a gloss, the smoother the coating is, the longer the new enamel will last;
  • The paint must not contain toxic or irritating ingredients or solvents. All residues should not pass into water, evaporate into the air, wipe off during mechanical cleaning or dissolve under the action of detergents.

Before you paint a cast iron bath at home, apply a few strips of purchased enamel on a small sheet of glass.

Firstly, it will help to evaluate the actual color, how the bath will look after the paint layer has dried.To do this, you just need to look at the paint from the back, that is, through the glass. Secondly, you can evaluate how much the bath "sheds" after the first two washes using a liquid agent. You can forget about powders, even laundry detergents, soda or dish detergent after painting a cast-iron bath. Due to excessive care for sterility, the cast iron bath will lose the paint layer in a few months.

How to choose and use bath enamel

Main selection criteria

Pay attention to the composition. Avoid paints that contain impurities that affect health.
Thermal conductivity is also an important indicator

The lower the level, the longer the water temperature remains.
Life time.
The degree of damage to the coating.
Bathroom material.

Aerosol paints leading the market

CHAMPION COLOR - epoxy enamel

Producer Poland. Super glossy finish. Long service life.


  • Spray paint can be prepared independently.
  • You will need a spray gun, preferably an electric spray gun. Paint in a can. And a solvent (the type of solvent is indicated on the package).
  • Alkyd paints are diluted with white - alcohol.

How to paint a bathtub with spray paint

  1. Before starting work, cover plumbing and walls with foil. Otherwise, after the end of the work, you will have to clean off the splashes of paint. The process is long and laborious.
  2. Bath clean from dirt. Rust residues are unacceptable. Otherwise, it will come through and a stain will form.
  3. Then, using medium sandpaper or a grinder, the gloss is removed. The machine will significantly reduce the time of work, but greatly increase the pollution of the room.
  4. After sanding is completed, the coating is thoroughly washed with water. All remaining dust is removed.
  5. The bath is dried and treated with a solvent.
  6. Everything is ready for painting.
    Shake the can well for 2-3 minutes before applying the enamel.
  7. Always keep the can in an upright position.
  8. Spray at a distance of 30 cm from the product. Try to cover evenly, in a thin layer.
  9. Subsequent layers are applied at intervals of 5-10 minutes.
  10. If there are sagging, remove them with a rubber spatula.
  11. Complete drying of the paint will take from 2 to 5 days. Depends on the type of paint and layer thickness.


  • Wear a respirator and gloves
  • The paint is flammable. Avoid spraying near fire.
  • Enamel storage temperature is not more than 24 degrees.
  • The room must be well ventilated.

Otherwise, the restoration instructions are identical.

Self-preparation of paint for spraying, unlike aerosols, makes it possible to choose any color. It is enough to choose the desired color or several. It all depends on imagination and desire.

Follow the rules, and the bath will return its former freshness and beauty.

How to paint a bath What paint and how is the bath painted

How to paint a bath with your own hands

Sometimes, in order to update the bath, it is not necessary to change it to a new product. An old cast-iron bathtub can be safely painted and given a “second life”. How to paint a bath with your own hands, how to paint a bath and the choice of paint for this will be discussed in the article.

Painting a bathtub at home is a simple procedure. Nevertheless, a good result can only be obtained with certain knowledge of how to paint the bathtub correctly, as well as what kind of paint and tool is best to use for this.

What color to paint the bath?

Everything must start, of course, with the choice of paint. First of all, it must have moisture resistance, and secondly, it must adhere perfectly to any surface, otherwise it will begin to peel off over time. Professionals recommend compositions consisting of three components, which are kneaded immediately before painting.

Before starting work, the container must be prepared.To do this, it needs to be cleaned and degreased. It is not recommended to use products containing chlorine. On a well-cleaned and degreased bathtub, drops and trickles of water are completely absent when the surface is wetted, and the glossy enamel layer is also removed.

Then the bath dries well. To do this, you can use, for example, a hair dryer. And then pour hot water into the tank, which must be drained after about 15 minutes, then wipe the tank dry and apply a primer.

How to paint a bath with your own hands?

Then the process of painting the bath at home begins. In order to protect the bath from dust, it is necessary to tightly close all windows - doors and do not open them for some time after the bath is painted. It depends on how long the paint will dry.

For the painting itself, it is advisable to use a brush with a natural bristle of a flat shape. It is better to dilute the paint in such a way that about half of the prepared volume of the coloring matter goes to the first layer.

It is necessary to start painting the bath from the edges, gradually descending to its bottom. After the first layer dries, you need to apply the second. Bath paint, during painting, must be diluted in several parts, and not all at once, otherwise it may dry out before it is used.

You can use the bathroom no earlier than a week and a half after painting it.

Preparing the bath for painting

After the question of what paint to paint the bath was sorted out and the final conclusion was made, it is necessary to begin work on preparing the surface of the cast iron for applying the coloring composition:

  • First of all, the drain and pipes are removed from the cast-iron bath;
  • All fat and lime deposits are removed from the inner surface with the help of special detergents, which include alkali (oxalic acid or baking soda). The cast iron bath is polished from the outside;
  • Peeling paint, enamel is removed with a grinding wheel or an electric drill with abrasive nozzles to smooth the surface;
  • Cracks and log cabins are polished separately with sandpaper;
  • The primer is distributed throughout the bath, a thick layer is applied to the chips and to the edges of the sides of the bath;
  • We prepare the mixture - we breed. You need to know that the diluted composition should not stand for more than half an hour - this is the time for painting the bath, as it begins to harden.
  • Next, a coloring composition is applied to the dried surface and evenly distributed over the surface of the cast-iron bath with your hands;
  • The second layer of cast iron or metal bathroom paint (quick-drying option) is applied only after the first layer has dried;
  • After application, allow to dry for at least a day with doors and windows closed.

The grinding nozzle is selected in accordance with the material being processed - for metal, you can also use sandpaper or a steel brush.

in our climate heating required 6-7 months a year
Therefore, radiators are an integral part of the interior.

Cast iron batteries do not look the best, it is not always possible to close them with grates.

So that the battery does not spoil the look of the room, with the help of paints you can make her attractive.

Types of paints

The dye is divided into four types:

  1. Epoxy resin (two-component);
  2. Acrylic (liquid base);
  3. Epoxy;
  4. Aerosol - well suited for long products.


For painting a cast-iron bathtub with severe surface corrosion (chips, deep cracks). Epoxy enamel is applied in a thick layer, even without preliminary ground surface treatment.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

The resin is diluted with solvents to a thick consistency, applied to the chips, and then to the entire surface.

Acrylic dye (enamel)

How to paint, process a cast-iron bath inside at home? Acrylic. Do-it-yourself resurfacing of cast iron is a simple, easy method of resurfacing.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

Acrylic is liquid in consistency, which makes it easier to work with its distribution over the coating. After drying, the acrylic composition becomes glossy, which is why this paintwork is popular today. The service life of an acrylic film is from 7 to 20 years with proper care, so it will be beneficial to paint the product with such a composition.

Epoxy dye

Epoxy paint is resistant to mechanical influences. It is a synthetic resin-based oligomer. Durable, durable coating for metal and industrial equipment. Paint with a glossy effect, hydrophobic in nature. You can paint with any convenient tool: roller, brush, spray gun.


Cast iron bath paint is an aerosol, namely a dye for cast iron products.

How to paint a bathroom inside at home choosing a paint Photo and Video

It is applied after surface treatment with grinding equipment and a primer. This is a topcoat with a large assortment - from a bright varied palette to the manufacturer. The paint is quick-drying, it can be processed in hard-to-reach places.


