Best Answers
No, they don't dissolve.
you can but not more than 2-3 at once
Andrey Gorbunov:
Only with a run
Sweet Juliet:
Why not?
I never throw away anything that doesn't dissolve in water.
vve-67@mail :
If you don’t have a trash can, or if your parents raised you that way, then you can throw EVERYTHING that will fit into the toilet. Just stock up on the phone number of the plumber on duty.
can't dissolve
Kazakov family:
The question is why?
no, don't, they don't dissolve like toilet paper.
probably not, if it says that you can on the package, try to throw
Other types of debris that will provide a blockage
- Any construction debris, small wrappers and candy wrappers, labels and stickers should be sent straight to the trash bag, bypassing the toilet.
- If someone in the household smokes, be sure to warn him about the dangers of flushing cigarette butts down the toilet. During cleaning, the contents of the ashtray should also be thrown into a bucket.
- Household chemicals, especially concentrated ones, should not be poured into the sewer. It can damage pipes and create many problems for the residents of the house.
- Paper napkins are much denser than toilet paper. A large volume of wipes accumulated in the sewer dissolves much more slowly, so it can cause a blockage.
- Cat litter after cleaning the tray should be sent to the bucket. For better absorption of moisture and odors, clumping substances are added to their composition: clay and sand. In a large amount of liquid, the filler swells and sticks together, which can lead to blockage in the sewer.
- It would seem that the hair is of natural origin and therefore should not cause much harm to the sewer. But the problem is that they tend to accumulate in pipes, clinging to the slightest ledges or debris, especially large balls of pet hair or long curls. Never flush your hair down the toilet after a haircut! It is better to throw them in the trash or burn them.
You will be surprised how much garbage there will accumulate. But all this could end up in the sewer and create an unpleasant problem as a result.
Be careful with the disposal of even those things that the manufacturer allows to flush down the drain.
Too much debris washed away at the same time will not be able to dissolve quickly. And then you can’t cope without the help of a plumbing specialist.
We hope that all problems with sewer pipes will bypass your house!
Expert answers
Goodbye ***:
You can't of course
It is forbidden
Valentina Velskaya:
It is forbidden!
I don’t know if it’s possible, but I throw away baby wipes. For 1.5 years, nothing clogged. although at first I was afraid
Obormot cat:
Everything is good in moderation ... Do not throw rolls and packs, and if the sewage system is in good condition, then nothing will happen to it, with a normal amount of drain water.
and plugs
Samigatulin denis:
toilet paper - yes napkins - no
It used to be paper, now it's plastic. It is forbidden.
Nick Rika:
you can use toilet paper, it dissolves, it won't clog. But wet wipes are not allowed.
Marina Naumova:
I throw away all my life, nothing gets clogged, it all depends on the state of the sewer system.
Milka Chocolate:
I don’t throw it away, and they often have a drawing on them - not in the toilet.
Tasha Wang:
of course not, on the back of the package there is an icon where a toilet is drawn, crossed out with a cross)
Dmitry Novikov:
Depending on how often and in what quantities to throw paper there, in large shopping centers there is even a specially designated bin for this so that there are no blockages, otherwise you will have to contact a company like this no blockages / about, but if there is one family at home, then I think nothing bad things won't happen
Without Personality:
Depends on local sewerage, not everyone copes. Auchan sells cheap wet TB, it dissolves)) like a normal one
usually, yes, they are painted, it is possible or not
Read on the package.
You can, no more than two sheets at a time.
They went completely crazy, wash it off .... It is necessary to wash, on a delicate mode. Not, well, in general, no savings.
Let's jump:
She's not like napkins. You can wash off. Two - you can wash off the napkins, nothing will clog.
Lamia Bron:
Elena Not beautiful:
can. she dissolves
Leftover food and products
By flushing spoiled food down the toilet, many console themselves with the fact that they are organic. This means that they decompose over time. Yes it is. But it's unlikely to happen very quickly. Especially when a large wad of food clogs the sewer drain.
Never throw the following foods down the drain, rather put them in the trash can.
It absorbs moisture well and swells. Lumps can stick to the pipe walls, trapping other flushed debris.
As a result - an unpleasant blockage in the sewer.
When in contact with cold water, fats quickly harden and settle on the surface. Therefore, in no case do not pour the remaining oil after cooking into the sewer.
After cooking, dishes should be washed only in hot water. And do not spare enough detergent, which will break down the fat molecules and make them water soluble.
Egg shells, tea and coffee grounds
Few people know, but eggshells can also cause clogging. And this applies not only to large, but also to small particles from the shells.
You should not tempt fate by flushing tea from a teapot or coffee grounds down the drain.
Medicines and hygiene products
Doing another check in the first aid kit, many dispose of spoiled medicines in the toilet. It would seem that the tablets dissolve well in water and there can be no blockage.
Unnecessary pills are best thrown away with the packaging in the trash.
Hygiene products that are made from insoluble polymers are strictly forbidden to be discharged into the sewer. No wonder this is warned in almost all toilets. This is the most common cause of blockages.
If you are somehow visually confused by the presence of these things in the urn, then simply wrap the used item in toilet paper. This will help to avoid a large number of domestic problems in the future.
Pros and cons
Of course, such a topic could not do without public discussion. People are divided into two camps, each of which says something different. People who stand on the side of the fact that it is still possible to throw tampons into the toilet, give the following arguments:
- Weakness during menstruation
- What does bloating during menstruation mean?
- Diarrhea during menstruation - the cause of diarrhea
- What to do if menstruation falls on New Year's holidays
- swabs are often flushed into the toilet, because this product is very small and can easily pass through the pipes;
- if there really is a problem of clogging in public places, then nothing will happen to pipes at home;
- sewerage should be able to cope with such a load.
In turn, opponents of this approach to the disposal of personal hygiene products give the following arguments:
- the tampon, although small, swells in water and becomes large. Even one tampon can be enough to make a blockage;
- pipe diameter is now not as large as before in order to save material. This is especially often speculated on in residential buildings. It is impossible to know exactly what diameter the pipes that form the communications network are and how clogged they are already;
- Improper disposal of personal hygiene products destroys the environment, as there is a high probability that such a tampon will fall into water bodies.
Of course, the arguments of the latter are more solid.Also, people often refer to regulatory documents, but they say little about this. The lack of a legal framework allows the problem of disposal of personal hygiene products to still exist.
Possible consequences
Of course, for people who are in a hurry somewhere and do not fully understand what they are doing, the story that tampons clog sewers and interfere with the normal flow of sewage through pipes is not particularly convincing. However, once faced with the problem of pipe clogging, you will listen to such advice for a long time to come. Also, throwing out tampons and other means negatively affects the amount of water that the pipe can take in. It is reduced, as it is designed exclusively for water without additional foreign objects.
On the other hand, there is the problem of the water treatment plant system, which, even if a regular tampon gets into them, can experience a lot of problems up to a stoppage of work. And this is very dangerous, firstly, because the amount of water needed to meet the needs of the population will not be purified, and secondly, because special chemicals are used during purification, and if their supply is not turned off in time, the water will become unusable at home. A lot of problems hidden to our eyes can be caused by one small oversight.
In addition, it is worth talking about the moral and ethical side of the issue. The entire array of human knowledge about ethics and cultural behavior shows us with confidence that even there it is forbidden to throw personal hygiene products into the toilets. It is terrible to understand that not everyone fully feels responsible to nature for their actions and cannot realize how detrimental they are to the ecosystem of the region with one of their rash decisions.
In addition, it is important to understand that “dry” waste is much easier to dispose of, and several types of waste processing plants already exist. They dispose of everything unnecessary, but at the same time prevent the passage of harmful and toxic substances into the atmosphere.
If you care about the environment and the people around you, throw tampons either just in the trash or in special bins for collecting recycled paper. Often they can be recognized by the inscription "container for the collection of personal hygiene items."