Forms of biological preparations for cesspools
Cesspool bacteria are cultured cultures that feed on organic matter. Depending on the form of the preparation, they are dried (powders and tablet preparations) or an aqueous solution is made. In the preparation, the bacteria are in a dormant state; certain actions are required to activate them. They depend on the form of release and are written in detail on the packaging. Accurate execution of the instructions is very important to obtain the result.
Regardless of the form of release, most of the drugs can be used to enhance processing in septic tanks. Dosages change (septic tanks usually have a larger volume than a pit) and the method of "delivery" to the destination. In the case of house sewers, bacteria can also unclog drains. To do this, the drug is poured into the sewer and not used for at least 24 hours. During this time, microorganisms dissolve fats and stuck waste and water begins to drain better. This is a good replacement for chemicals, especially for septic tanks or for VOCs, because after cleaning with chemicals, the quality of processing is noticeably reduced. And so you just add another batch of bacteria from which the drains will only become cleaner.
They produce bacteria for cesspools in preparations of three types:
- dosed powders;
- liquid solutions;
- in the form of tablets.
In principle, the form of release does not matter
The number of microorganisms, their condition and the degree of "freshness" are important. All drugs have a limited shelf life
When buying, be sure to check the dates. The later the date is, the worse - the bacteria could die.
Storage conditions are also standardized by manufacturers. Usually this is the temperature - the drug should not freeze (even cool below + 10 ° C, in theory, should not). It is impossible to know whether the storage conditions were observed. It will only be possible to believe empirically - if the drug does not work, the reason may be that the bacteria died as a result of improper storage.
What to do with bacteria in powder form
Cesspool products in powder form occupy a large part of the market. It is convenient: they are packaged in small bags. It is usually necessary to pour out one bag at a time, more is required only at the start (first) load. Inside there may be a powder, or there may be granules - different manufacturers have different ways.
How to use pit bacterium in powder form
As a rule, the powder must be diluted in water, left for a while, and then pour the “sourdough” into the cesspool.
Liquid cesspool cleaner
It is a concentrated solution of bacteria. As well as dry preparations, concentrates must be “fresh” and stored at positive temperatures. Overheating is also not allowed - the upper limit of the viability of most bacteria is 40-45 ° C.
Liquid products usually just pour out
Using septic tank fluid is even easier. All that is needed is to measure the required volume (set in milliliters or caps) and pour it into the pit. Sometimes you need to dilute the drug in water, then pour it. Everything is clearly spelled out in the instructions.
toilet tablets
This type of cesspool bacteria is molded into small, tablet-like discs, only much larger in diameter. There is a certain amount of them in a package or tube. Each of the tablets is packed in a polyethylene film. Before adding a cesspool, the shell is removed, the product is thrown inside.
Pills for country toilets are simply thrown inside
If the home sewer is made on the basis of a septic tank, the tablet is thrown into the toilet, waiting for it to dissolve, after which the water is flushed.
Rating of biological products and cleaners for septic tanks and country toilets
Useful information for our summer residents readers: a list of liquid and powder products for cleaning autonomous sewer systems.
- Biological products for septic tanks and cesspools - a powdered agent that accelerates the decomposition of waste in a country toilet;
- Cleaners for septic tanks and country toilets - a liquid product for cleaning sewers, containing special bacteria;
- Biogranules for rapid decomposition of waste;
- Concentrated biological product for wastewater treatment - neutralizes aggressive chemicals that enter the waste from the use of washing powders, detergents, etc.;
- Bioactivator for septic tanks - provides rapid decomposition of waste.
The composition of such products includes natural microorganisms (bacteria) that decompose fossils, fats, paper, and eliminate unpleasant odors in country toilets.
Possible problems
Nowadays, you can find various biological preparations that are needed for use in mounted septic tanks and toilets in the country. However, all of them are needed for the disposal of organic waste, their neutralization, the elimination of unpleasant odors, and the reduction of sediment volume.
With a low level of liquid in the pit, microbacteria will not be able to fully develop and work. It is the presence of the required volume of moisture that is a condition for a good result. After all, the life process of microbacteria depends on the conditions in which they exist. And the norm for them is the maximum liquid medium.
- Ideally, when the water level in the cesspool is at least 20 mm higher than the amount of solid waste.
- If this is not the case, then before adding the product, pour 20 liters of clean water into the pit.
- Before adding, the agent must be prepared as indicated in the description for the preparation.
Before buying certain bacteria, you should consult with professionals
Attention! After the product is added to the pit, it is necessary to control the water level for 2-3 days. If it decreases, then another 20 liters of water should be poured in.
How and what bacteria purify water
The use of chemicals to clean the local sewerage was actively used in ancient times. Such drugs can be used at any temperature (the main thing is that the contents of the septic tank do not freeze).
Cesspool bacteria are relatively inexpensive
They are not afraid:
- hard water;
- Impurities of chlorine;
- Other antiseptic substances.
But chemicals adversely affect both the sewer itself (especially those made of metal) and the atmosphere. Today, products based on active microscopic organisms are used for wastewater treatment.
The first group is anaerobic microorganisms, which are part of biological preparations for wastewater treatment. Their common feature is the ability to survive without oxygen. They are used as a means for servicing sewers, septic tanks.
For microbacteria to work well, they need:
- Carbon;
- sulfates;
- Nitrates.
The second group is aerobic protozoa that require oxygen to live. Drains themselves do not contain air, so oxygen must be supplied from a compressor in order for bacteria to clean the water.
When to Use a Cesspool Cleaner
The stench that spreads around the treatment plant, as well as the deterioration of the quality of wastewater at the outlet of the treatment plant, can give out a malfunction in the local sewerage system.
This may occur due to the death of active biomass, which occurs for several reasons:
- when chemicals lethal to microorganisms (antibiotics, chlorine-containing cleaning products, etc.) enter the drains;
- as a result of exposure to low temperatures at the stations, for example, in the absence of tank insulation;
- stopping for a long time the flow of waste into the sewer, which is food for bacteria.
Wastewater treatment can also be inadequate in the first weeks after the commissioning of the treatment plant.
In all the cases described, a specially selected product for septic tanks will help restore the local sewage system. There are bacterial agents that will reduce the amount of sediment in the septic tank, cesspools and country toilets.
A brief overview of popular tools
With regular use, it extends the life of the septic tank, toilet, cesspool. The greatest activity of bacteria is observed at pH=5-8.5. Waste water processed by Vodogray can be used for watering horticultural crops, it is odorless and absolutely harmless. The sludge formed as a result of processing is neutral in its chemical composition and does not exceed 3% of the total amount of processed effluents.
The manufacturer does not recommend draining water containing household chemicals into the sewer a day before and the same amount of time after throwing the drug into the pit. In the future, you can use both a washing machine and a dishwasher, since the Vodogray preparation is adapted to chemicals used in everyday life.
The preparation "Vodogray" contains aerobic microorganisms, so there must be a ventilation window in the hatch of the septic tank through which fresh air will enter the chamber.
The frequency of use is monthly. You can not use "Vodogray" together with means that eliminate blockages in pipes.
Actively processes sewage and other organic matter. Before use, the drug is diluted in warm unboiled water, after which it is poured into a cesspool. The unpleasant smell disappears within 2 weeks after the start of application. The full cycle of waste processing is one month. The product is harmless to people and the environment. For 1 m3 of sewage, 75 grams of bacteria (1 sachet) are taken. An increased dosage (150 grams) is used when draining water containing household chemicals.
"Removal force" allows you to restore the drainage properties of the bottom of the cesspool.
Recycled effluents do not pollute the soil and groundwater. With the help of the drug, you can also free the sewer pipes from growths.
Enzymes and live microorganisms replace cesspools
The product effectively fights unpleasant odors, contains additives-catalysts that accelerate the process of waste disposal.
To activate the bacteria, use unfiltered, settled water for a day. If the agent is not poured into the septic tank, but into the sink or toilet bowl, the pipes should be flushed with 30 liters of water so that the maximum number of bacteria can reach the septic tank chamber.
Owners of private houses do not have to worry about the state of the cesspool, special bacteria will do all the “dirty work” - they will process waste and eliminate unpleasant odors. In order not to disturb the biological balance of the system, it is worth switching to home cleaning products marked "bio".
Types of bioactivators
When choosing the best tool for a septic tank, you should know that there are several different types that differ not only in capabilities, but also in the need for certain conditions, without which they will not work, will not give the desired effect.
Therefore, it is worth knowing exactly the difference between bacteria for a septic tank in order to select the most optimal organisms for your treatment plant that can work in this particular environment.
As for the features of use, the septic tank will work as efficiently as possible if bacteria are often used and fed with bioactivators. What to add to the septic tank for the winter so that it does not freeze? And here bioactivators will come to the rescue: if there are no owners on the site in the winter months, then before the start of the summer season it is definitely worth buying them.The septic tank, if I may say so, must be constantly “fed”. It is very simple to use the product - just pour it into the drain, sometimes it needs to be diluted beforehand.
The use of bioactivators
Among modern bioactivators, it is worth highlighting separately anaerobic bacteria for septic tanks and the so-called aerobic ones. In the first case, the presence of air in the septic tank will not be fundamental. When using anaerobic bacteria, the fermentation process will begin in the middle of the tank, then the particles will sink to the bottom, where they will decompose. The anaerobic types of bacteria themselves are able to purify and clarify water. This tool should be added to the treatment plant quite often, at least once every 2 months. The advantages of this tool include the fact that it is universal and the most popular. For him, there is no need to purchase a pump, for constant air injection, there is no need for other manipulations.
Aerobic bacteria require air to function. These microorganisms cannot survive without the presence of air. Air can be pumped into any septic tank using a compressor, where the process of mixing wastewater with air will take place. Bacteria are collected in colonies, on special shields reserved for this purpose, made of micro-fluffy fabrics. This is necessary so that the microorganisms are not drained by water flows, or by a strong air flow. Purification occurs due to the fact that organic elements decay.
In fact, any of the above types of bacteria work as purification catalysts, elements that can not only activate the recycling process, but also improve it.
The advantage of using bioactivators
Among other things, many have encountered the problem of clogging sewer systems when manual cleaning is necessary. But, today, it is biologically active substances that can not only help with effective waste treatment, but also resist the appearance of blockages.
It is this tool that provides a non-toxic recycling process, environmentally friendly. Septic tanks, like bioactivators, are completely safe for humans. Feel free to use them. Another feature of bacteria is that you can very quickly get rid of unpleasant odors, ensure efficient processing of feces, processing them into water and carbon dioxide.
Among the advantages of bioactivators, it is worth mentioning the most important ones:
- When using such means, disinfection and cleaning of the septic tank, or cesspool, occurs;
- The volume of household waste is significantly reduced;
- The number of necessary sewage pumpings will decrease;
- The unpleasant smell will be minimal, or completely disappear;
- The sediment that forms in the septic tanks will be liquefied.
The best manufacturers of live bacteria for Topas, Unilos, Tank, Unibac, Astra septic tanks and cesspools
Along with the growth in the scale of suburban construction, the needs of the population for new generation life support systems are also increasing. Such systems include autonomous sewage devices that require effective means of biological treatment of sediments. Among such means, you can choose the following:
- "Doctor Robik" - according to user reviews - the most effective means for the disposal of wastewater on an individual farm. "Doctor Robik" for cesspools contains a composition of potent bacteria Bacilus that can break down sediments, including proteins, fats, cellulose, nitrates, starch, urea, eliminating unpleasant odors at the same time. It has a preventive effect on the state of drainage, destroys fossils, cleans the pores, contributing to the removal of purified water into the ground. Validity - 1 year. Average prices - from 1000 rubles. for a bottle of 798 ml. Designed for waste volumes up to 2000 liters.
- "Sanex" for cesspools is a substance whose action is based on the use of bacterial processing of sewage, including vegetable waste, fats, paper, vegetable residues, etc. Prevents precipitation, eliminates unpleasant odors. Sanex can be used to clean deposits on drain and drain pipes. Available in powder form. Before use, "Sanex" is diluted in a certain ratio with heated water and, after infusion, is poured into the sewer. It is produced in various modifications, including Sanex + EcoSeptic - for biological cleaning of septic tanks, Sanex + EcoSliv - for cleaning sewer pipes from deposits, etc. Price - 230 rubles. for a 100 gram package.
- "Bioseptic" is the best tool for disposal of sewage waste in septic tanks, cesspools, sewer pipes. Bacteria contained in the "Bioseptika" process biological waste (fats, tissue residues, detergents, phenols, including solid waste) into gel-like substances, destroying and neutralizing odors. Treatment with "Bioseptic" helps to reduce the need for pumping out sewage. Price - from 1500 rubles. per package 960 g. Designed to treat 2000 liters of wastewater.
- Waste utilizer-biocomposition "Dachny" is recommended for use in country cesspools, septic tanks and toilets. Environmentally friendly composition based on bacterial treatment of sewage. To achieve the result, it is recommended for periodic monthly use. Prevents clogging of septic tanks and sewer pipes. Price: 100 rubles. for a package of 100 g.
Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are necessary for owners of cottages and private houses.
Tips for choosing and using a bacterial agent
The first thing to be guided by when buying biological products is the instructions and special instructions on the product label.
It is worth paying attention to the amount of dry residue, which is indicated on the packaging of the product.
The smaller this value, the better.
This is especially important when choosing bacteria for a septic tank.
The wide variety of microorganism species that make up the product is a positive feature, as it will allow the processing of various types of waste.
It is also necessary to look at the concentration of microbes, since the required frequency of adding the drug with bacteria directly depends on this indicator.
The label also indicates how much waste the product is designed for. If the amount of waste exceeds the "power" of the biomass, then the microbes may die.
A particularly high-quality product can process not only purely fecal effluents, but also toilet paper and plant waste.
When choosing bacteria for the toilet and cesspool, it is better to give preference to the tablet form if the sediment is planned to be used in compost.
When using bacteria to clean wastewater, it is necessary to take into account a few more nuances.
- The use of aggressive detergents in the household, as well as the discharge of fuels and lubricants, solvents, antibiotics, flushing water from water treatment plants, etc. into the sewer, will lead to the death of microbes.
- Long breaks in the use of a septic tank deprive the bacteria of nutrition. As a result, microbes die. Therefore, the use of special biological preparations for conservation is required.
- Microbes can carry out normal life activity at a temperature not lower than + 4, but not higher than +30 degrees.
- Above the solid fraction of the waste there should be a liquid layer of at least 20-30 mm.
Knowing these simple rules, you can buy and use bacteria for sewage and get the maximum effect from them.
Methods for cleaning cesspools and septic tanks
There are three methods by which the contents of a drain pit or septic tank can be removed.
- Mechanical (removal of sewage by a pump).
- Chemical (disinfection by introducing chlorine-containing preparations).
- Bacterial-enzymatic (the use of special microorganisms that split wastewater into two components - sludge and water).
In the recent past, disinfection of sewage treatment plants was most often carried out using bleach, which destroyed the walls of septic tanks and glorious pits. The chemical method negatively affects human health. The mechanical cleaning method is quite expensive and inconvenient. The "settlement" of the cesspool with bacteria is a modern and effective way to clean the sewer. The use of living microorganisms allows a natural way to solve the problem of waste disposal.
Biohelpers can die in the cold season and with a lack of nutrients
Bacteria grown in laboratory conditions allow:
- clean sewer pipes from organic deposits and eliminate unpleasant odors;
- clean the septic tank, cesspool, drainage well;
- reduce the volume of sewage and the frequency of pumping wastewater;
- neutralize waste water.
An environment comfortable for microorganisms should have a temperature of +5° to +30°. Bacteria are safe for humans, they also cannot destroy the walls of the treatment plant.
Application Benefits
An innovative agent for septic tanks is usually a concentrate, which contains strains of natural microbacteria. They need organic matter to live.
The advantages of using such bacteria are as follows:
- Eliminates unpleasant odors from the sewer system;
- The volume of sewage is reduced;
- Drains are disinfected;
- The sediment at the bottom is liquefied;
- With systematic use, the frequency of pumping waste from a septic tank or pit is significantly reduced;
- The products do not harm the pipeline and septic system.
In addition, the products used are absolutely safe for both the human body and nature.
When choosing a special tool for sewage, you need to take into account some points
Before using bacteria, read the instructions on the package.
In such a situation, it will be necessary to clean the septic tank chamber less frequently. For a toilet in the country, it is good to choose special tablets. They actively process feces and paper into an environmentally friendly liquid and sediment (minerals), which can become the basis of compost. One tablet is suitable for processing 1 m3 of waste.
Factors that reduce the effectiveness of live bacteria
When using a bioactive drug, one must understand that there are factors that can reduce the effectiveness.
Among them:
- Infrequent use of the sewer system. If the waste products required for the life of microbacteria cease to flow, then living microorganisms may die. Usually, downtime of the sewer for more than 1.5-2 weeks should not be allowed. Tip: if a family lives in a private house only in the summer, then you need to take special additives used for long-term conservation of septic tanks. When using this product in the spring, the volume of activated sludge normalizes many times more actively.
- Receipt in the sewer network at the dacha of household chemicals, which contain chlorine. The use of powders for washing and cleaning with antibacterial special additives can provoke the inhibition of microbacteria colonies. If a dishwasher and a washing machine are often used in the country, then as a biologically active additive, you need to choose a preparation for communications with an appropriate mark, the active elements of which can survive in an aggressive environment.
- The use of filters for drinking water, which is supplied from a well or plumbing system. When washing such filters, substances that adversely affect microbacteria, such as manganese, can enter the sewer network. Do not pour the water that was used to flush the filter into the sewer network.
- Penetration of antibacterial drugs into the sewer system can make drain drugs not useful at all. Never throw medications into the local sewer system.
It is better to work with bacteria with gloves
If a substance that negatively affects microbacteria still gets into the pit, or it needs to be restored after a long downtime, then clean water should be poured into the sewer network and the drug should be added again in the amount prescribed in the instructions.
These drugs are produced specifically for the rapid growth of a colony of microbacteria, which will make it possible to quickly establish the functioning of the septic tank to the maximum. If there is any doubt about the choice of the drug, it would be right to contact the manager of a specialized store.
The use of drugs for local sewage systems is rational. Firstly, maintenance costs are reduced, since the unpleasant and expensive procedure for cleaning waste from waste will have to be carried out many times less often. Secondly, using a biological product for cesspools and septic tanks, people take care of the environment.
How the bacterial method works with Dr. Robik
Unlike chemical disinfectants, any biological sewage agent works using enzymes and live bacteria that have the ability to process waste in the course of their own life. By adding a septic tank and cesspool agent to wastewater, biomass is obtained - silt and water that are safe for wildlife.
Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are a special substance - a mixture of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms that do not pose a danger to the environment. There are also preparations containing only anaerobic bacteria, which in the process of life do not need air oxygen. If you use a preparation containing aerobic bacteria in a sewer tank to disinfect wastewater, you will need to pump into the air necessary for the life support of bacteria.
The result of the joint work of two types of bacteria is a two-stage wastewater treatment and water that can be used to water plants - soil bacteria will perform the final cleaning. Purified industrial water is pumped out from the sewer tank using a water pump.
Under the influence of microorganisms, sewage is decomposed into silt and water.
In order for the sewer cleaner and the bacteria contained in it to begin their work, it is enough to dilute a certain amount of the biological product with warm water and drain it into a cesspool or sewer sump. The use of preparations containing live bacteria for the processing of sewage provides:
- fast processing of waste into organic fertilizers for plants;
- absence of unpleasant odors and fumes;
- the possibility of safe use, no irritating effect for humans;
- safety of plastic and metal tanks (septic tanks).
How to choose a bioactivator
Bioactivators should be chosen according to several indicators.
Particular attention should be paid to the level of concentration of microorganisms. This will directly affect the frequency and volume of drug additions to the purification system.
Next, you should select the tool, based on the calculations of its required amount. For example, you need to calculate how much the tablet is designed for, or the package of the proposed remedy.
Types of bioactivators
It is possible that for you there will be a lot, or vice versa, a little potential purchase. And you should just make a small supply, so that it would be enough for the entire period of active operation of the cleaning system (meaning, if you use a septic tank, you come, you live in the country only in the summer months).
Further, it will be extremely important to find out how many types of different bacteria are present in the proposed remedy. Here you should not chase the maximum amount - it is better to find a middle ground.
A useful point will be the ability of bacteria not only to deal with the main task - to process, clean feces, but also the ability to process organic fibers and paper. This will also affect the functionality of the cleaning system in the best possible way, as well as its effectiveness.
A very important point when choosing a tool will be the expected result. It hardly makes sense to buy a cheap product that is not capable of producing results. Such a purchase would simply be inappropriate. The product should be selected according to its destination.
Intended use
Nuances of interaction with treatment facilities
As already mentioned, bioactivators can not only increase cleaning efficiency, but also provide maximum protection for the entire sewer system. In particular, the absence of blockages will allow you to remain as productive as possible. The absence of organics on the pipes will allow them to serve for a long time. There will be no need to change rotten, defective parts, deteriorated pipes, etc.
Live bacteria and effluent composition
Features of the method of wastewater treatment using bioactivators and bacteria is that it is not necessary to use aggressive chemicals, which will not only remove organic matter (turning them into sediment, lowering the performance of the septic tank), but can also cause serious damage to the components of the purification system, after which it will be necessary carry out an expensive and laborious process. The presence of bacteria in the effluents will avoid many problems.
They are applicable to absolutely all existing cleaning systems, for a variety of types and types of septic tanks.
Factors that reduce the effectiveness of the use of biological products
Factors that can reduce the effectiveness of the use of biological products include improper operation of the cleaning system. In particular, when the user will pour gasoline, kerosene, any building mixtures and the like down the drain. All this can lead either to a decrease in the effectiveness of bacteria, or even to their complete extinction. Further, do not pour into the drain and various medicines, especially antibiotics - they can cause irreparable harm to beneficial microorganisms.
Using biomixes in the wrong amount, or at infrequent intervals, can also harm beneficial bacteria. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions for the tool.
Terms of Use
Possible ways to treat wastewater with tablets that decompose solid waste
The technologies developed to date make it easy to cope with the tasks of operating septic tanks and cleaning sewage. There are several most effective ways to dispose of waste and treat wastewater on a personal plot:
- The most familiar and simple: calling a sewage truck to pump out sewage.
- Chemicals for septic tanks and cesspools, quickly and effectively decontaminating and decomposing sewage.
- Biological products for cesspools (septic tanks) - live bacteria for a septic tank are able to process household waste into a harmless liquid in a matter of hours, which can be used later as biofertilizers.
Live bacteria for cesspools
There are 2 types of bacteria: anaerobic (developing without oxygen) and aerobic (requiring oxygen access).
During the activity of anaerobes, solid decomposition products are formed, which gradually sink to the bottom, while the liquid is clarified. The sediment obtained in this way cannot be used as fertilizer.
Anaerobic bacteria produce methane, so there is always a characteristic smell in the chamber. Wastewater treatment with bacteria in an oxygen-free environment can be carried out by 60-70%.Anaerobic microorganisms are very popular among summer residents whose septic tank is not equipped with ventilation holes.
Microorganisms break down sewage into water, gas and minerals
Aerobic bacteria need oxygen, so the septic tank must be equipped with a compressor that pumps air into the tank. With the help of aerobic microorganisms, you can clean the pit by 80-90%. According to the reviews of the owners of local treatment facilities, these are the most effective bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks. The resulting activated sludge can be used as fertilizer.
Bioactivators in the form of granules, powder or liquid are poured into the cesspool. Dry bacteria must first be diluted with water - “wake up” before use. Liquid products do not need preparation before use, but their shelf life is shorter.
In order for the bacteria to “wake up”, it is necessary to fill them with settled water and wait about 2 hours. After that, they are able to actively process organic matter: human waste products, kitchen waste, paper. After 4-6 hours, the odor intensity decreases by 40-60%.
If a septic tank is installed in the country house, preference should be given to a biological product that “can” liquefy the bottom sediment, reducing the proportion of solid waste. For country cesspools, there are special tablets on sale (1 tablet will allow you to process a cubic meter of waste).
On sale you can find bacteria for both the septic tank and the drain pit. They differ in some properties and characteristics
Microorganisms, processing waste, emit heat. If the temperature inside the septic tank is 4 ° C or higher, the biological product can also be used in winter.
In order for microorganisms to “take root” in a drain pit or septic tank, a number of conditions must be met.
- There must be sufficient moisture inside the sump chamber. After introducing the bacteria, monitor the liquid level in the pit for several days. If it drops, add water.
- If the drug is in the form of a powder, it must be diluted with settled water according to the instructions.
- Bioactivators may cease to perform their functions when there is a break in the use of sewage for more than 2 weeks.
- When using dry or liquid bacteria for cesspools, you can not use products with antibacterial additives and chlorine. Manganese and drugs can also kill beneficial microorganisms.
Different types of bacteria are used for the cesspool and septic tank.