Basic provisions for safety when starting gas into the system
Gas start process
The gas start-up process must be carried out at a low flow rate. The feed speed should be in the range of 15–25 m/s. This is necessary to prevent an explosion of the gas-air mixture from the possible formation of sparks during the friction of metal objects with the inner surface of gas pipelines. The pressure indicator during the filling process should not exceed 0.1 MPa.
All employees involved in gas hazardous work must wear protective canvas suits, helmets and rubber dielectric shoes, as well as insulating gas masks, goggles and special gloves. In addition, the working team should have a first aid kit, equipped with all the necessary medicines for first aid.
The place where pressure testing of the gas pipeline and other work is carried out along with it should be fenced off and equipped, if necessary, with special posts in order to exclude unauthorized people from being in a high-risk area. During the start-up of gas into the system, it is forbidden to smoke, conduct hot work and use open fire.
Related video: Pressure testing of gas supply systems
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Basic norms and rules for gas hazardous work
Pneumatic pressure testing of the gas pipeline is carried out in accordance with the regulations, which are provided for in GOST R 54983 2012.
Control pressure testing with air in the connected section of the pipe must be carried out before it is tapped into the existing gas pipeline.
Rules for conducting gas hazardous work
The control check of the cut section of the pipe, as a rule, is carried out due to the formation of excess air pressure equal to 100 kPa and holding it for 60 minutes. To control the pressure indicator, a pressure gauge with an accuracy class not exceeding 0.6 must be used.
The indicator of the created excess pressure in the pipeline must remain unchanged until the end of the pressure testing procedure and remain until it is connected to the existing distribution communications.
After the work on the insertion of the pipe section has been completed and the certificate of commissioning of the facility has been drawn up, a re-check for tightness must be carried out six months later, in accordance with the requirements of the set of rules SP 62.13330.2011.
When is heating pressure tested?
Tests for “strength and density” in accordance with the Rules for the Technical Operation (PTE) of thermal power plants from the Ministry of Energy of Russia (clause 9.2.12) are carried out in the following cases:
- Primary. In cottage-type houses, the system is tested after installation before commissioning, diagnostic work is carried out before the pipelines are embedded in strobes and heated floors are poured. It should be noted that it is possible to re-hydrotest the heating circuits after sealing all pipelines into the walls and screed - this will save expensive finishing materials if leaks are detected.
- Periodic. Hydrotests are carried out annually at the end of the heating season, their purpose is to prepare for the operation of heating networks in case of their unplanned connection to work.Before the beginning of each heating season, a repeated hydraulic check of the heating systems is carried out.
- Extraordinary. After the repair, before starting up after a long downtime with the draining of the heat carrier, the system needs to be hydrotested for tightness and strength.
It is clear that in all the above cases, pressure testing is a diagnostic tool that allows you to pre-determine problem areas and equipment that can lead to a coolant leak - which means repair and lack of heating at home in cold weather.
Rice. 3 Example of installation of heating systems with a water circuit of a warm floor
Pressure testing with water
One of the elements of any heating system is a drain cock. It is always located at the lowest point. A pump is connected to it, after which water begins to be pumped into the system. Gradually filling the pipes, it displaces air from them, which is bled several times during the tests. Dirt and lime deposits accumulate inside pipes and radiators during their operation. Thus, simultaneously with the tests, their washing is also carried out. Pressure testing of the heating system is done until the pipes are completely filled. After that, the pressure begins to rise in them. Its changes are monitored using a manometer. The pressure should remain unchanged for 20-30 minutes. In the event that it falls, work is carried out aimed at detecting leaks. At the same time, all welds, valves, radiators, etc. are checked. After all troubleshooting work has been completed, injection is carried out again.
Equipment and testing frequency
Crimping of centralized systems is carried out by personnel using standard tools, so it is hardly worth talking about it. But not everyone knows for sure what private heating and water supply are experiencing. These are special pumps. There are two types - manual and electric (automatic). Manual crimping pumps are autonomous, the pressure is pumped with a lever, they control the pressure created by the manometer built into the device. Such pumps can be used for small systems - pumping is quite difficult.
Manual crimping machine
Electric crimping pumps are more complex and expensive equipment. They usually have the ability to create a certain pressure. It is set by the operator, and it is “caught up” automatically. Such equipment is bought by firms engaged in crimping professionally.
According to SNiP, hydraulic testing of heating systems should be carried out annually, before the start of the heating season. This applies to private houses too, but few people fulfill this norm. Check at best, every 5-7 years. If you are not going to test your heating annually, then there is no point in buying a pressure tester. The cheapest manual costs about $150, and a good one starts at $250. In principle, you can rent it (usually available in companies selling components for heating systems or in offices for renting equipment). The amount will be small - you need a device for a few hours. So this is a good way out.
Pressurization of the system and removal of air from the circuit
According to the norms of SNiP, pressure testing is required:
- when a new system is put into operation;
- after replacement of system elements (risers, batteries, pipes);
- in preparation for the heating period.
The air that has entered the heating system disrupts the circulation of the coolant, causes uneven heating of the batteries, and reduces the efficiency of the circuit. An analysis of the causes and the answer to the question of where the air comes from in the heating system is ambiguous. There are many reasons, the main ones are:
- violation of installation rules;
- improper filling of the heating system;
- poor sealing of joints, threaded connections and seams;
- hit during repair work;
- malfunction of air vents;
- low pressure in the circuit;
- the release of dissolved air from the coolant when heated.
Sequence of work
Pressure testing is carried out with the heating system turned off with the coolant removed from it. To prevent violation of the integrity of the pipeline, it is necessary to constantly monitor the pressure level.
Tests should be carried out taking into account the specific characteristics of the system and take into account:
- pipeline material parameters;
- quality indicators of reinforcement;
- number of storeys of the building;
- wiring diagram.
The sequence of actions during pressure testing is unified and is carried out in the following order:
- The part of the pipeline that is to be checked is turned off. With autonomous heating, the boiler is stopped.
- Remove coolant.
- The heating circuit is filled with water with a temperature below 45 degrees Celsius.
- In the course of filling the line, air is discharged.
- The system includes equipment for pressurizing.
- Increase the pressure to the value provided by the project as a working one. At the same time, a visual control of the state of the system is carried out.
- Slowly increase the pressure (this is a prerequisite) to the level specified by the test.
- Record the pressure value on the control pressure gauge.
- Maintain test pressure for 10 minutes.
- Visually inspect to detect obvious leaks, suspicious areas of connections and other malfunctions. Check the functionality of the stop valves.
- Take readings from the manometer. If no pressure drop is observed, the system is considered to have passed the test. If there are problems, they are eliminated, and the procedure is repeated.
- As a result of the event, an act is drawn up.
Air pressure testing is used when it is not possible to use water or when testing at low temperatures, when there is a possibility of liquid freezing in the pipeline. When using the pneumatic test method, the indicator of the depressurization of the circuit is the change in pressure readings on the manometer. To identify emergency areas, places that may have problems are covered with soapy water.
What tests are carried out in the heating system
To check the reliability of pipelines, radiators after the installation of heating, a check is carried out - hydraulic, thermal, pneumatic. All stages are required to confirm the efficiency of the equipment, are performed by specialists and are confirmed by a test report.
Hydraulic tests
They are carried out to check the tightness of the equipment by filling it with water, and show the readiness of the devices for operation.
Before hydraulic tests of the heating system are carried out, the presence of all necessary conditions is checked:
- The air temperature is not lower than +5 C.
- The pump connection unit for filling pipelines, radiators is located at the lowest point of the circuit - in the return pipe of the coolant.
- If there are closed sections of the heating system, the protection is removed. This is necessary for visual determination of integrity.
The check is carried out 1.5-2 months before the start of the heating supply, in the supply unit of the apartment building it is necessary to open the collectors, the pressure is adjusted by the elevator unit. After the completion of the processes, an act is drawn up, signed by the employees of the management company, but residents can request a copy of the act.
Pneumatic tests
If the repair was carried out in the winter, then the conditions for the hydraulic check are not met, a pneumatic examination of the heating is carried out. The bottom line is to create a pressure of 100 kPa in the lines and track the rate of decline.Within 10 minutes, the pressure drop should not be lower than 10 kPa, for which pressure gauges of accuracy class 2.5 and division value not higher than 5 kPa are used. The characteristics of the equipment being tested are specified in the pneumatic test report.
Checks are not carried out on pipelines made of polymeric material, but the legislation allows testing pipes made of polypropylene, metal-plastic, if the technical conditions do not allow filling the system with a liquid carrier (antifreeze), the temperature has dropped below +0 C, or there is no coolant in the required volume.
When conducting a pneumatic test, it is difficult to find areas with poor tightness, they are determined by a sharp decrease in pressure - areas have to be examined with particular care. Therefore, hydraulic testing is considered more convenient. After the completion of the manipulation, acts on the verification are filled out, where the final results are entered.
Thermal test
It is carried out to determine the uniformity of the coolant supply to all elements of the system, the same level of heating of the batteries. The procedure is recommended to be performed, including for autonomous heating systems. In multi-storey buildings, the check is not carried out every year, but when the system is put into operation (a new house) or after replacing most of the elements, changing the configuration of pipelines, and the power of radiators.
Checking for warming up most often accompanies a trial run of the heating system before the onset of cold weather and the start of the coolant. First, the elements are cleaned in order to eliminate everything that could interfere with normal circulation, then the system is checked for uniform heating. It is recommended to combine hydraulic and thermal testing to prevent the formation of air pockets.
Structural device of a manual pressure test pump
A typical manual pressure test pump for a heating system consists of:
- pressure part 1 with handle 5 installed on cover 6 of tank 2.
- A pressure hose 3 is connected to the outlet of the injection unit, which is connected to the test line through a special fitting.
- The plunger pump 1 is the main unit of the unit and includes a cylindrical head 4, a distribution fitting 15, internal valves, two valves 7 and 8.
- The valve 7 opens and closes the hole for draining the liquid, and the valve 8 serves to turn off the device after the necessary pressure has been injected into the line.
- Water enters the system under test through a cylindrical head 4 and a suction pipe 10 with a filter placed at the end and fixed with a nut 11.
- For ease of use, the side of the tank is equipped with a hook for attaching a handle, which is also used to carry the unit.
- To monitor the pressure of the equipment, the device is equipped with a built-in pressure gauge 9 with a dial indicator.
Rice. 4 Design of a manual hydraulic crimping machine
When is pressing done
Pressure testing of the heating system involves a leak test. This event is required:
- when starting after installation is completed;
- when carrying out repair work on the contour section;
- in the implementation of planned preventive work in preparation for the heating season.
In fact, pressure testing is the determination of the level of tightness of the heating system. It consists in the sequential execution of a series of operations:
- creating pressure by injecting water or air;
- depressurization detection;
- identification of areas where liquid or air leaves the system.
Modern heating designs do not require a large number of people to carry out such a check. Special equipment helps.
The presence of increased pressure will cause failure of devices and components in emergency areas.Elements that are in a normal state will not be adversely affected by excessive pressure.
What is an air separator
Air separators or their other name - air collectors for heating systems are designed to remove air from the coolant that circulates in the circuit. It is applied to systems of any type, in systems of heat-insulated floors and in thermal pumps. Water is passed through a separator to remove dissolved gases and various contaminants that adversely affect the system and contaminate various valves. The air separator makes the question - how to properly remove air from the heating system, absolutely irrelevant. But to increase the reliability and durability of the system, a separator and manual or automatic air vents are installed in the heating system of a house or enterprise.
Air separators have many useful properties that improve heating circuits:
- installation of a separator improves heat transfer;
- high reliability due to the extreme simplicity of the design;
- significant improvement in the quality of water in the circuit;
- cleaning from accumulated contaminants can be done without stopping the system;
- low cost and ease of installation;
- removal of the smallest particles of dirt from the coolant.
Therefore, the answer to the popular question - how to bleed air from the heating system, is simplified. There will be so little air in the system that its scanty remnants can be easily removed manually. For this, Mayevsky cranes and automatic air vents are used. There is a fundamental difference between manual and automatic air vents. The Mayevsky crane removes, for example, air congestion that has accumulated at the top points.
The separator extracts the air dissolved in the water and removes it.
That is, when the water that has passed through the separator is heated, no air will be released. Of course, it is expensive to use a separator for small systems, it is easy and simple to remove air manually. Air separators are most widely used in complex, large heating circuits. If you decide to buy an air separator for heating, the price will depend on the performance ranging from 3,000 to 40,000 rubles.
Carrying out preparatory work before pressing
Each heating system maintains a working pressure that provides movement along the coolant circuit necessary for heating pipes and heating radiators, which, in turn, heat the air around them in the room. The force of the working pressure must be sufficient to raise the coolant to the required height (for more details: “Working pressure in the heating system - standards and tests“). This leads to the conclusion that for taller houses a higher value of system pressure is required.
Before pressure testing of the heating system, it should be noted that when pressure testing with air, or pneumatic pressure testing, the working pressure should exceed the norm by 40-50%. The increase in pressure in the system is associated with ongoing hydraulic processes on the way of the coolant to the building from the main.
The procedure for pressure testing the heating system begins with preparatory work, including the following steps:
- Checking shut-off valves (for example, valves) in each section of the system
- Leak test, which can be ensured by sealing the required areas with glands
- Inspection and, if necessary, repair of elements intended for pipeline insulation
- Shutdown of the building in which the pressure test of the circuit is carried out, using a plug from the common heating system
Next, the drain valve, located on the "return", is prepared for further filling the pipes with tap water. When filling the heating system with water, it is necessary to close the valves, taps, and leave the air vents open.
How to crimp a collector heating system, a detailed video:
Pneumatic crimping
Crimping air is used quite rarely, most often when testing in private homes. Thus, the quality of the assembly of the system is checked in the absence of water or related equipment.
For testing, a compressor equipped with a pressure gauge is connected to a supply or drain cock. At the same time, the design of the pump and its drive do not play a role, the main thing is that its power is at a sufficient level. For safety reasons, excess pressure is not increased by more than 1.5 atm. Air valves are replaced with plugs.
The pressure holding time in the system is longer compared to a hydraulic test. This is due to the properties of gases, since the stabilization of pressure in the circuit is slow. Its value will initially inevitably decrease even with serviceable equipment. After stabilization of the air pressure, the shutter speed should be more than half an hour.
Despite the simplicity of the operations carried out during pressure testing, this is a responsible undertaking, which it is advisable to entrust to a qualified specialist.
How is the heating system pressure tested?
For private houses, the coolant in the heating system during pressure testing must be under pressure of 2 atmospheres. When it enters the heating system, it displaces the air accumulated in the pipes. The coolant, which is ordinary tap water or antifreeze, must fill each element of the pipeline. Using antifreeze as a coolant is a more expensive solution, but in this case you will be insured against damage to a frozen system in the event of a heating shutdown.
Do-it-yourself pressure testing of the heating system should be carried out using a special device - a pressure tester, you can see what it is from the photo:
If you strictly follow the procedure for pressure testing the heating system, you will detect the slightest malfunction of the system in a timely manner.
You should pay attention, first of all, to radiators, valves, gaskets and threaded connections. Weak points are the elements of the system poured into the floor
Having found areas requiring repair, all water should be drained from the system and the damaged areas should be replaced or repaired.
Knowing how to pressure test the heating system and having independently carried out all the necessary actions, including correcting the defects found, it should be taken into account that the systems located in children's, medical or administrative buildings are subject to mandatory acceptance by supervisory authorities.
What is heating system balancing?
Adjustment or adjustment of the heating system is needed after installation, flushing, replacement of the coolant. The process is also performed when changing radiators, their configuration, for example, adding new sections. If the procedure is not done, then the heating can be carried out unevenly - the circuits closest to the heat source are heated normally, and the distant ones do not receive anything.
Hydraulic balancing of the heating system is also required in a private house, to identify the uniformity of heating of appliances, assess the operating mode of the boiler, and save energy.
Balancing is carried out according to the coolant flow or temperature, consider both methods:
The coolant flow rate is the most accurate accounting method, indicating the water consumption for each section of the pipeline, the presence of control equipment on each riser and the use of a special balancing device. The process is complex, requires knowledge and skills, and is carried out by specialists.
Temperature setting is a simpler option, which is recommended for use in private buildings, where the system can be made according to its own calculations without complying with standard pressure indicators, other parameters
It is only important to adjust each radiator according to temperature. The easiest way to do this is using a special valve (sold in stores and called balance valves with a flask)
Such a device is placed at the output of each battery and allows for a rough adjustment.
Start of work
Each type of building has its own operating pressure. The heating of the building and the circulation of the coolant through the heating system depend on this indicator. The operating pressure primarily depends on the number of floors in the building. If there are many floors, then a higher working pressure will be required.
Such processes can cause pressure surges in the system that can be several times the normal operating pressure. Such jumps are called hydraulic shocks. For this reason, the pressure testing of the system is carried out at a pressure that exceeds the working pressure by at least 40%.
Pressure measurement during hydraulic testing of a heating system
Preparatory work is a condition under which:
- Valves are checked, as well as an audit of all valves of the shut-off type.
- Various gland seals are added to provide a higher level of tightness. This is optional, only if necessary.
- Restoration of insulating layers of pipelines is being carried out.
- By means of a blank plug, the house will be cut off from the general system.
How is the heating system pressure tested?
For private houses, the coolant in the heating system during pressure testing must be under pressure of 2 atmospheres. When it enters the heating system, it displaces the air accumulated in the pipes. The coolant, which is ordinary tap water or antifreeze, must fill each element of the pipeline. Using antifreeze as a coolant is a more expensive solution, but in this case you will be insured against damage to a frozen system in the event of a heating shutdown.
Do-it-yourself pressure testing of the heating system should be carried out using a special device - a pressure tester, you can see what it is from the photo:
If you strictly follow the procedure for pressure testing the heating system, you will detect the slightest malfunction of the system in a timely manner.
You should pay attention, first of all, to radiators, valves, gaskets and threaded connections. Weak points are the elements of the system poured into the floor
Having found areas requiring repair, all water should be drained from the system and the damaged areas should be replaced or repaired.
Knowing how to pressure test the heating system and having independently carried out all the necessary actions, including correcting the defects found, it should be taken into account that the systems located in children's, medical or administrative buildings are subject to mandatory acceptance by supervisory authorities.
Pneumatic crimping
Crimping air is used quite rarely, most often when testing in private homes. Thus, the quality of the assembly of the system is checked in the absence of water or related equipment.
For testing, a compressor equipped with a pressure gauge is connected to a supply or drain cock. At the same time, the design of the pump and its drive do not play a role, the main thing is that its power is at a sufficient level. For safety reasons, excess pressure is not increased by more than 1.5 atm. Air valves are replaced with plugs.
The pressure holding time in the system is longer compared to a hydraulic test. This is due to the properties of gases, since the stabilization of pressure in the circuit is slow. Its value will initially inevitably decrease even with serviceable equipment. After stabilization of the air pressure, the shutter speed should be more than half an hour.
Despite the simplicity of the operations carried out during pressure testing, this is a responsible undertaking, which it is advisable to entrust to a qualified specialist.
What works are included in the scheduled maintenance of the heating system
Maintenance involves regular monitoring of the operation of the system, elimination of planned malfunctions.
Before the onset of cold weather, a list of actions is compiled, including:
- detailed inspection of distributing pipelines;
- assessment of the integrity of pumps, the main part of the pipeline;
- removal of excess air through air collectors or air outlet valves, especially required when the pressure on the supply line drops;
- assessment of the temperature and pressure of the coolant (if it is present in the system);
- flushing, cleaning of mud collectors;
- elimination of leaks, other defects;
- checking the functionality of shut-off and control valves.
In the process of scheduled work, defective parts are replaced, leaks are eliminated, and the thermal insulation of the main line is restored. If planned work is carried out in a multi-storey building, then they may include checking the integrity and safety of all heating devices in the apartments. If inconsistent changes or violations are detected, a fine is imposed on the owner, the owner can be forced to return the entire system to its original position.
Signs of air pockets
The first sign of air in the system is poor heating of the batteries. The battery warms up unevenly, not enough, and if some sounds appear in it, then the answer is unambiguous - the air in the heating batteries prevents the circuit from working properly. If the radiators have a bottom connection, and its upper part is cold, then air has accumulated in such a radiator and bleeding from the heating radiator will restore normal operation.
Ventilation of heating circuits
What needs to be done and how to remove air from the heating battery is written a lot on the net. For open heating systems with an expansion tank, this problem is not relevant. In such systems, air exits independently through a tank located at the highest point of the circuit. There may be problems with some radiators, especially if the slope is not chosen correctly. Such air bubbles are removed using Mayevsky taps or automatic air vents.
For closed systems with forced circulation, the problem of how to get rid of air in the heating system is also quite solvable. The air from the batteries is removed manually by opening the Mayevsky tap. If a hiss is heard when it is opened, then the actions are correct, there is air in the system. It is necessary to release air until water appears at the outlet of the Mayevsky tap.
The most dangerous air congestion on bends and turns of pipelines.
Such accumulations of air can completely stop the circulation of water in the system. If the installation of problem areas of the circuit, for some reason, cannot be changed, then in such problem areas an air release valve of the heating system is installed to bleed it.
Features of aluminum radiators
An unpleasant phenomenon is sometimes observed in aluminum radiators. Radiator material reacts with water. As a result, gases are constantly formed and they must be constantly removed from the radiator, and how to remove air from the radiator is described above. To avoid the problem described above, it is enough to buy and install aluminum radiators with an internal anti-corrosion coating. The correct solution would be to replace the aluminum radiator with a bimetallic one.
Crimping process
Pressure testing of heating systems of a private house begins with disconnecting the heating boiler, automatic air vents and expansion tank from the system.If shut-off valves lead to this equipment, you can close them, but if the valves turn out to be faulty, the expansion tank will definitely fail, and the boiler, depending on the pressure that you apply to it. Therefore, it is better to remove the expansion tank, especially since this is not difficult to do, but in the case of the boiler, you will have to rely on the serviceability of the taps. If there are thermostats on the radiators, it is also advisable to remove them - they are not designed for high pressure.
Sometimes not all heating is tested, but only some part. If possible, it is cut off with the help of shut-off valves or temporary jumpers are installed - drives.
There are two important points: pressure testing can be carried out at an air temperature not lower than +5°C, the system is filled with water at a temperature not higher than +45°C.
Next, the process is:
- If the system was in operation, the coolant is drained.
- A pressurizer is connected to the system. A hose extends from it, ending with a union nut. This hose is connected to the system in any suitable place, even in place of the removed expansion tank or instead of a drain cock.
- Water is poured into the capacity of the pressure test pump, and pumped into the system with the help of a pump.
The device is connected to any available input - on the supply or return pipeline - it does not matter
Remove all air from the system before pressurizing. To do this, you can pump the system a little with the drain valve open or lower it through the air vents on the radiators (Mayevsky taps).
The system is brought to operating pressure, maintained for at least 10 minutes. During this time, all the remaining air descends.
The pressure rises to the test pressure, a certain period of time is maintained (regulated by the regulations of the Ministry of Energy). During the test, all devices and connections are checked. They are inspected for leaks. Moreover, even a slightly damp connection is considered a leak (fogging also needs to be eliminated).
During crimping, the pressure level is controlled. If, during the test, its fall does not exceed the norm (registered in SNiP), the system is considered serviceable. If the pressure drops even slightly below normal, you need to look for a leak, fix it, then start the pressure test again.
As already mentioned, the test pressure depends on the type of equipment and system being tested (heating or hot water). The recommendations of the Ministry of Energy set forth in the "Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants" (clause 9.2.13) are summarized in a table for ease of use.
Type of equipment tested
System test pressure
To avoid an emergency, pressure testing should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. This standard provides for a pressure for testing 50% higher than the working level, but not less than 0.6 MPa. The rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants recommend pressure testing under milder conditions: with an excess pressure of 25% higher than the working one, but not less than 0.2 MPa.
Thus, the working pressure is the base value for testing. In houses with no more than three floors, the value is less than 2 atm. and controlled by actuating a check valve. In houses with a large number of floors, this figure is higher and changes with an increase in the number of floors, it can reach 10 atm.
Normative documentation indicates that the pressure during the test is selected between the maximum and minimum. The minimum value is taken in the range of 20-30% above the working one. The maximum value is determined by the project.
In the general case, it is required to study the passport data of absolutely all devices and devices included in the heating system so as not to harm them during testing.