kirov-sud.ruLaw on silence perm full text


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The local version of the silence law instructs citizens to refrain from noisy activities for a set time. According to the same law, night time is usually understood as the period from 22:00 to 7:00 on ordinary weekdays and the period from 22:00 to 9:00 on weekends and holidays. More specifically, at night it is forbidden:

  1. Perform any construction, repair, loading and unloading operations that produce a high level of noise.
  2. Do not take any action if the car alarm is activated.
  3. Use pyrotechnics day and night, except for the New Year or some acceptable occasions.
  4. Talking loudly, shouting, singing, swearing, whistling and making loud noises.
  5. Play any musical instrument, while exceeding the permissible noise level.
  6. Watch TV, listen to a tape recorder or other devices at high volume.
  7. Use straight-through mufflers on vehicles.
  8. Often there are situations when a small child becomes a disturber of the peace of neighbors. Then the neighbors turn to his parents with a request to take some measures in a timely manner. If the parents do not fulfill their direct duties, and the child cries very often, then the neighbors have every right to contact any service dealing with children's rights and ask for an examination of the child's living conditions and how the parents fulfill their duties.

Making noise at night is strictly prohibited, for which a fine is expected.

The law does not apply to such cases:

  1. Actions aimed at preventing crimes, offenses.
  2. Actions carried out as part of the elimination of accidents, emergencies, consequences of natural disasters, etc.
  3. Holidays of city and federal scale.
  4. New Year celebration. This is the only night of the year when it is legal to make noise from 23:00 to 07:00 on January 1st. In addition, fireworks are allowed on that night only.

kirov-sud.ruLaw on silence perm full text

Liability and fines

In case of violation of the peace and quiet of the residents of apartment buildings, administrative responsibility arises. There is one more reason for bringing violators to justice - the article "Household debauchery", it includes, among other things, violations of peace and quiet in the house. The actions of a rowdy most directly violate the rights of other citizens, since as a result of these actions a conflict is created and, as a rule, it is accompanied by swearing, scolding, and insults.

Here it is necessary to call the police for investigation, their duty is to stop the offense and refer the case to the administrative commission, which will decide on the recovery of a fine from the brawler.

Violating the law on silence, every citizen must remember that penalties are provided for this. For ordinary citizens, this will be the amount of 3,000-5,000 rubles, for officials - 30,000-50,000 rubles, and for entrepreneurs - 50,000-100,000 rubles.

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