Modular paintings (12 photos) in the interior of the living room: modern style

Paintings have been used as interior decor for centuries. Fashion trends are changing, but the desire to decorate residential and non-residential premises is still relevant. A new interpretation of the familiar decorative element - Modular pictures in the interior of the living room, consisting of two or more modules or segments, united by one plot - are widely used in modern design.

Choosing a modular picture for the wall above the sofa in the living room

Depending on the number of such segments, there are:

  • diptych - a picture consisting of two modules;
  • triptych - an image of three elements;
  • quadriptych - out of four;
  • polyptych - from five or more segments.

Segments can be of the same or different sizes, rectangular and square, vertical and horizontal. The unity of the composition is ensured by the absence of elements limiting each module, such as frames or baguettes.

Floral triptych in the interior of the hall

The plot of a modular picture can be presented in any genre:

  • landscape;
  • still life;
  • a portrait of one or more characters;
  • animalistic;
  • floristic;
  • domestic;
  • historical.

Modular paintings can decorate the interiors of the living room and bedrooms, office and nursery, kitchen and hall, spacious bathroom.

For each room, images should be selected in accordance with the style, colors of wall, ceiling and floor coverings, ceiling height, lighting level, area.

How to choose a modular picture in the living room

The living room is one of the most significant rooms in the apartment, where it is customary for the whole family to gather, celebrate solemn events, and receive guests. Modular paintings in the interior of the hall should attract attention and be in perfect harmony with the overall design. It is important to correctly position the image so that the view opens from the entrance to the room. Usually in the living room in the most advantageous place it is customary to place a sofa, so the most effective is the location of the modular picture on the wall just above this piece of furniture.

Spectacular modular picture perfectly harmonizes with the modern interior of the hall


style matching

When considering how to choose a decorative composition, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. When choosing an image, we focus on living room style:

  • Modular paintings for a spacious hall, decorated in a classic style, can be floral, historical, domestic.
  • In a high-tech living room with black, white, dark gray or chocolate walls, abstract and futuristic canvases look great.
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Segmented image for high-tech living room

  • In the Mediterranean-style hall, antique-style images, seascapes, panoramic views of Italian and Greek landscapes look especially advantageous.
  • In a bright variety of ethnic styles, African style is recognized as one of the most popular, which is distinguished by its originality and special color of the Black Continent. In the African-style living room, sand dunes, the African savannah with grazing herds of buffalo, images of giraffes, antelopes, and lion prides look extremely impressive.

Modular panels in the loft-style living room

Important Points

It is equally important to remember the following nuances:

  • A spacious living room on the sunny side will look especially advantageous if you decorate the wall above the sofa with a polyptych - a modular picture of several segments. The ideal number is 3 to 7.
  • The color palette of the canvas can be chosen in accordance with the general background or act as a contrast.

The perfect combination of colors of canvas and interior

  • The choice of genre is practically unlimited and depends on the preferences of the owners and the style of the interior - it can be tropical jungle or savannah, sea, rural and urban landscapes, photos of family members, favorite pets, wild animals, flowers, plants, fruits.African motifs, night cities, historical sights, alpine meadows are extremely popular today.
  • Bright colors uplift the mood, calm neutral tones create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.
  • Modular paintings in the interior of a small living room above the sofa need to be highlighted. You can achieve the desired level of illumination by mounting a wall lamp on the sides of the picture, a row of spotlights, or by placing a floor lamp next to the sofa.

Properly organized image illumination

Choice for a small room

Modular paintings for the living room in a small apartment must be selected according to the following criteria:

  • The effect of visual expansion of space is possessed by images of a garden, a forest, an open veranda, entwined with greenery, the sea, a sandy beach.
  • Narrow vertical modules visually raise the ceiling in a standard Khrushchev.
  • The image should not be too large or wide.
  • The allowed number of modules is no more than 3.

For a living room on the shady side, it is advisable to choose a picture in light warm colors - a landscape with the sun rising over the sea, a still life with bright juicy fruits - oranges, bananas, peaches, large flowers.

Canvas in sunny colors - a good choice for a small room on the north side

Module placement

There are uniform criteria for decorating spacious and small living rooms:

  • The ideal place for a modular picture is a plain wall in light colors without bright decorative elements, painted or finished with wallpaper or decorative plaster.
  • Depending on the plot and composition, segments can be located on one or more levels.
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Diptych looks expressive on a plain wall

  • When placing modules at different levels, the lower edge of the last module should be at least 12-15 cm above the back of the sofa.
  • The center of the composition should be located above the central part of the sofa.
  • To create the effect of movement and volume, the modules should be placed at some distance from each other.
  • The gaps between the segments must be the same.
  • Vertical modules visually increase the room in height, horizontal modules expand it.

Proper placement of modules of different sizes

Types of modular paintings and manufacturing methods

In contemporary art, the choice of all kinds of materials and methods for making decorative elements is practically inorganic. Among the most popular and expensive techniques for creating modular paintings:

  • oil painting on canvas stretched on a slatted stretcher;
  • paintings made by glass printing;
  • paintings made using the silk-screen printing technique;
  • embroidery;
  • mosaic panels made of patches of natural or artificial leather with fragments of stone, metal, wood.

Pentaptych painted in oil

Modular paintings-reproductions of works by Chinese artists, made using the silk-screen printing technique, are a great decor for a hall decorated in Chinese style.

Mosaic panels made of leather, wood, metal, stone will become an exquisite touch in an ethnic living room.

You can choose a modular painting in accordance with your wishes on the personal websites of artists or in specialized online stores.

Is it possible to make a modular picture with your own hands?

The most affordable are paintings made using the photoprint method, the cost of which does not exceed 3-5 thousand rubles. You can create such compositions yourself by selecting and printing an image from the Internet. Then the picture should be transferred to a dense base, pasted on wallpaper or other high-quality coating material, carefully cut into the required number of fragments and attached to a wooden frame, which should be located on the wrong side of the product.

You can use your favorite photos to make your own painting.

Modular paintings in the interior of the living room, placed above the sofa, photos of which are presented on the websites of design agencies and online stores, will help many people find their own style and create a unique composition.


