Young families with children often have to live in one-room apartments. While the child is a few months old, this does not cause much discomfort. However, the baby is growing, and over time he will need a separate place. The owners will have to decide how to plan their odnushka so that each family member has his own territory. Competent zoning of the premises solves this difficult task, with the methods of which we will introduce you today.
Methods for zoning a one-room apartment
It is known that internal walls only take up space, but at the same time they are almost impossible to use effectively. Therefore, when dividing a small room into zones it is worth abandoning the construction of additional walls or blank plasterboard partitions, otherwise you will get small rooms where even a bed and a table will not fit. It is better to use other zoning methods that will maximize the use of the space of the apartment. The space can be divided without dusty renovation using:
- Furniture. This is the most common option. For example, an open rack is installed in a room perpendicular to one of the walls. It takes on the function of a partition.
- Curtains or curtains. This is ideal for separating the sleeping area. They do not take up space at all, but perfectly create the illusion of privacy. At night, they are tightly twitched, and people will not interfere with each other.
- Bar counter. This method is suitable for studio apartments with separating the kitchen area from the living area.
- Podium. This is another convenient option for creating a separate zone. This trick is widely used in design and interior design. Different floor heights will not only allow you to separate one zone from another, but also create additional storage space for the whole family: often large roomy drawers are equipped on the catwalks.
- The difference in height on the ceiling or the installation of a beam, which is often found in Khrushchev. Such zoning is easy to implement when using multi-level stretch ceilings. You can also choose your own colors for each zone.
If for some reason partitions and objects suitable for their role are undesirable, then you can divide the room with the help of visual effects. For example, you can zone the space using materials that differ in color or texture.
Zoning principles and options
One-room apartments can have a different layout, renovation and square. There are typical Khrushchevs on the market, studio apartments and housing in elite houses, created according to time-based design projects. In each case, the area of the apartment will be different.
So, one-room Khrushchevs, depending on the layout, can occupy from 25 to 35 m2. Studios are offered from very small - 18 m2 - to those that are 1.5–2 times larger than typical housing. Elite one-room apartments are not less than 50 square meters.
However, when creating an interior design for any home, you must adhere to the same principles. In an apartment intended for a family with a child, the following zones should be provided:
- Kitchen.
- Living room.
- Bedroom.
- Children's.
- Office (if necessary).
In this case, one-room apartments in Khrushchev and elite houses receive a great advantage, since the premises in them are already divided into 2 parts: a kitchen and a living room, which is convenient for a family. Consequently, in a small area there will be no strong mixing of functional areas, which is so detrimental to design and interior. As a rule, the following options are used here:
- The kitchen is also the living room. If the room where food is prepared has a fairly large area, then you can put a soft corner or a sofa near the table here.Then it will be convenient to receive guests here, while you won’t have to go far for tea and cookies.
- A kitchen that turns into an office. This option is convenient only if the work does not require anything other than a spacious desk. Although some office equipment (for example, a laptop) can be periodically removed to the windowsill.
- Bedroom + children's room. Parents and children sleep and rest in the same room.
- If people in the same room work and do their homework, then this is already an option for a bedroom + a nursery + a study.
- Kitchen-bedroom. In some cases, parents decide that it is better for them to sleep in the kitchen. For this, a folding sofa is used.
- Bedroom + living room + nursery is another common option when people receive guests in the same place where they relax and spend their free time.
When distributing functional areas, it is very important not to overload the room. Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable and cramped.
It is more difficult with small one-room studio apartments, where a large number of functional areas need to be organized in one room during the repair process. In this case, they try to get by with the necessary minimum: a bedroom, a kitchen and a nursery, without allocating a separate place for receiving guests or a study.
Zone rules
One-room apartments in Khrushchev are small. To compensate for the lack of space, some tricks are used in interior design. They will help get rid of tightness, as well as expand the functionality of the rooms. Some tips will be useful not only for singles, but also for twos in Khrushchev.
- You need to try not to overload a small one-room apartment with furniture, so as not to reduce the already cramped space. The best solution in this case is transformer furniture. For example, a folding tabletop can be attached to the shelving that separates the children's area. So the child will have a job. The same can be done on the opposite side for adults.
- Another option for the original design of the room is the division into tiers. In the upper part there is a bed, and under it there is a desk and a wardrobe. And it all stands on a spacious podium where things are stored. This solution is often used in the interior of the children's area. It is easier for a child to climb up, and he gets used to the fact that all his things are always in one place.
- A significant role is played by the configuration of the furniture itself. For example, if there is not enough space, sliding wardrobes are more practical, because you do not need to leave 0.5 m for opening doors. It is desirable that the partitions, if used for zoning, could fold like an accordion.
- Of great importance for design and interior is the color scheme of the room. So, when using light colors during the repair, a visually more spacious apartment is obtained. Dark colors, on the contrary, reduce space. The ceiling should be lighter than the walls, then it will seem that it is higher than it really is.
Mirrors also visually enlarge the space. They can also be used when dividing an apartment into zones.
An example of zoning an apartment if there is a child in the house
When repairing a one-room apartment in Khrushchev, it is very important to take into account the needs of adults and the baby. The first need a sleeping and working place, the second - a space for games and sleep. If the child goes to school, then also a personal desk. However, to design an interior that would suit everyone is very difficult. Some of the techniques that experts use when developing the design of small apartments will help to solve this problem:
- A large room in Khrushchev is divided into 2 parts using a rack or cabinet, or both. It is desirable that the shelves face the child: they can store both toys and school supplies.
- It is preferable that the parents' sleeping place is additionally fenced off with a screen or the bed is hidden behind curtains, while they should match the design and interior of the entire room.
- It is better to place the child in the part of the room where the window is located so that he has enough natural light.
- An additional separation effect can be achieved by decorating the children's and adult parts in different styles.
Zoning a one-room apartment in Khrushchev and not only is not an easy task, but quite feasible. It is worth remembering that the lack of space makes special demands on the furniture and design of the room. Only then will the family feel comfortable.