Well pumping technology
Pump selection
Scheme of operation of a centrifugal pump for pumping a well
First of all, you should decide which pump to pump the well after drilling. If the owner has a powerful, productive pump, it is strongly recommended to put it away. For work, it is advisable to purchase an inexpensive submersible option. Practice shows that a good pump is best left in the end, for pumping clean water.
Due to dirt, it can break, it will be very expensive to repair, when it is cheaper to repair as an inexpensive simple pump (solid particles will definitely lead to jamming and breakage)
When choosing a pump, be sure to pay attention to the principle of its operation - vibration models are unable to cope with such a load, therefore it is recommended to stop at centrifugal
How to hang correctly?
To work, the pump will plunge directly into the drilled hole. Here the important point is the height of its suspension. Ideally, it should be at a height of 50-80 cm from the gravel pack - this will help it work most efficiently.
Scheme of the device of the well and the filter
How much time will be spent?
The time spent on water purification is affected by the depth of the well
How much to pump a well? It is impossible to plan the time that will be spent on a full pumping. Purification of water can take several hours, but if the water passes through clay or layers of fine sand, the undertaking will take several days. At the same time, the performance of the pump directly affects the pumping speed - the more powerful the device, the faster you can do it.
There is also a statement that in order to fully build up the well, it is necessary to continue pumping water even when it is already running completely transparent. For deep boreholes (from 100 to 500 meters), the process should take at least two days, for less deep ones - a day.
technological break
After the pump for pumping the well after drilling began to supply clear water, take a break for a few days, then try pumping again. If during this time the water has washed away new dirt below, it will also “fly out into the pipe”. During re-pumping, the time spent will be significantly reduced.
Recommendations for the conduct of work
There are several recommendations that will simplify the work and help you avoid making annoying mistakes.
Height. An important parameter is the pump suspension height. If it is not lowered deep enough, then it will not be able to capture the sediment, pumping only clean water, showing a false result. Diving too deep immediately after drilling can lead to pump silting up very quickly, failure and reduced performance, in addition, there is a possibility of gravel being captured from the filter, and it will take much longer to pump the well.
Recommendations for pumping a well
Flushing. Regardless of the degree of contamination, periodically remove the pump, rinse it by supplying ordinary clean water into the system. This will reduce the likelihood of breakdown, increase work efficiency.
Fastening. Use a quality, durable cable to submerge the pump. It is advisable to take a thin metal cable, ideally a winch.
Securely attach it to the pump, if possible - even grab it a couple of times by welding. The loss of a pump at depth will be very unpleasant morally and financially.
Drainage. Drain water as far as possible from the hole, it would be good to connect the pipe to a central water supply or other drain. If water is poured nearby, it will be absorbed back, again silting up the well.
If the water comes in very dirty, a competent pumping of the well after drilling is required.It will allow you to get rid of start-up, clay, silt, and other small contaminants that make water unsuitable for consumption. In this case, the filters will not help, it is necessary to properly pump the well with all the bottom and suspended mud.
You should not rely on clean water immediately after creating a water source, because clay and sand are present in most soils, polluting the water. It is recommended that the costs of the buildup be included in the estimate initially, so that dirty water does not come as a surprise to the owner.
Related video: Rules for flushing a well after drilling
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