The water running through the central water supply is not distinguished by its purity and usefulness, moreover, it can contain many elements and microorganisms harmful to our body. There are quite a few cleaning methods, but the most commonly used is a carbon water filter. As the name implies, coal acts as an absorbent element in it.
How does charcoal help purify water?
Carbon filters for water purification are one of the most commonly used devices. Especially in those regions where, after treatment with treatment facilities, the water still remains of insufficient quality. The working substance in the described filters is activated carbon, obtained from coconut shells and hardwoods. After their heat treatment, the resulting material is mixed with coke and other carbon-rich compounds. This increases the porosity of the working substance, gives it the properties necessary for cleaning, in particular, the ability to retain impurities by passing water through it.
Large pores are able to hold large organic molecules, and small, respectively, small particles of all kinds of chemicals.
Charcoal activity is measured by a parameter called the iodine index.
Also, in the production of activated carbon, its hardness is taken into account. If this indicator deviates from the norm, then particles of the working substance will fall into the liquid that has already been cleaned.
Activated carbon that meets all standards is placed in flasks and cartridges and used as a filter medium. It is widely used in household and industry for water purification, as an air filtration element (in hoods), as well as in medicine. True, in the latter case, activation occurs in a slightly different way.
The main purpose of carbon filters
Activated carbon filtration devices solve the following tasks:
- They help to purify water from unpleasant aftertaste, foreign smell, unnatural color, rust, dirt.
- Remove organic pollution, the sources of which are harmful microorganisms.
- They help to purify water from the remnants of disinfectants and bleach.
Salts, radioactive ions, bacteria are not removed by coal. Additional accessories will help to expand the cleaning range.
Varieties of carbon filters
The design of the filter affects its throughput, cleaning quality and other additional options. It is connected to the central water supply system, as a rule, through a pipe connected to a drinking water source tap, this allows you to protect the main system from pressure drops. If more complex and productive samples are used, they are installed directly on the main pipes. This device is called main water filter.
You can determine which water filter you need by carefully studying its main properties and purposes.
For domestic needs, the following types of filters are most often used:
- Pitchers. They are distinguished by a low degree of purification, water purification cartridges require replacement every 2 months. But at the same time, such devices are easy to operate, compact, and not tied to a water supply system.
- Faucet nozzles. Compact, mobile, easy to use, but have a low degree of filtration, require replacement of cartridges every 3 months.
- cartridge filters. They belong to devices that provide an average degree of cleaning.Carbon cartridges in them can be used as a separate filter or be part of devices that use several degrees of purification. They are divided into: drinking (installed under the sink), with a separate drinking water tap, they have a good filtration rate and resource. And main - flasks with carbon cartridges are installed on cold and / or hot water lines. This filter protects hair and skin from irritation and dryness caused by chlorinated water. The recommended replacement period for the carbon cartridge is after 6 months.
- Balloon (backfill) filters are stationary automated systems that include a cylinder filled with activated carbon. They have high performance, which allows them to be used in private homes, hotels, large food processing plants and other facilities. Such systems are more bulky and more expensive than jugs and nozzles.
- Elements reverse osmosis systems. A modern development, using which you get a crystal clear liquid, consisting only of water and oxygen molecules. Carry out the highest degree of purification.
Features of use
In order to be able to operate the carbon filter for a long time and get water free from harmful elements, one should not forget about some restrictions:
- Monitor the level of pressure in the plumbing system, it should not be higher than recommended by manufacturers (usually 8 atmospheres).
- Pay attention to the operating temperature - it is indicated on the cartridge label. There are carbon cartridges only for cold water, but there are universal ones - for cold and hot.
- For optimal performance of the filter, the humidity in the room where it is installed should not exceed 70%.
- To prevent coal dust from entering the purified water, it is recommended to rinse the cartridge for 1-2 minutes before first use.
How to replace the cartridge?
The sequence of actions will be as follows:
- The water supply valve is closed.
- Using the wrench included in the kit, the lower part of the filter is unscrewed.
- The old cartridge is pulled out, the rubber seal is washed or replaced with a new one.
- The remaining water in the flask is poured out, and the flask itself is washed without the use of household chemicals.
- A new cartridge is installed.
- The flask is twisted manually, without the help of a key. The key is for spinning only.
- The water supply is restored. Do not forget to check how well the cleaning system works after the replacement.
Homemade charcoal filter
It is quite possible to make a water filter with your own hands. True, this will be the most primitive version of the cleaning device. It is made from a plastic bottle.
- Cut off the bottom of the bottle.
- Prepare a container with a lid. For our purposes, a plastic bucket is quite suitable; in its lid it is necessary to cut a hole similar in diameter to the neck of a bottle.
- Insert the bottle into the hole you made. To ensure tightness of the connection, it is recommended to use a rubber seal.
- We put the filler in the bottle. To make it, we mix charcoal, sand and gravel.
- To wash out the smallest particles of coal, pass several liters of water through our homemade filter.
To ensure the health and safety of your family, the use of water purification systems is a must. Even the simplest carbon filters will protect you from many harmful organic and chemical compounds.