Installing a socket in a concrete wall

For installation of sockets and switches in walls built of concrete, brick, cinder block or similar materials, concrete sockets are used. Since concealed wiring is currently the most widespread, not a single repair in an apartment can do without the installation of mounting boxes.

socket boxes

The quality of the socket box, as well as the correctness of its installation, significantly affect the operating conditions of sockets and switches, which means their reliability, durability, and electrical safety. Incorrect installation of the mounting box, in addition to an aesthetically unacceptable appearance, can lead to unreliable fixation of the electrical wiring element in it, squeezing or breaking the wires and, as a result, failure of the outlet.

Types of sockets

To date, the material for the manufacture of socket boxes in most cases is plastic (polypropylene). In comparison with metal boxes, which were actively used in laying the electrical wiring of old houses, the new models have a number of significant advantages. The main ones include:

  1. Corrosion resistance.
  2. Ease of use.
  3. dielectric properties.
  4. Reliable holding of sliding legs of the socket.

There are the following types of sockets:

  • Sockets for concrete. They are fixed in the wall with alabaster or gypsum mortar. The sizes of such products are standard. Their outer diameter is 68 mm, the center distance is 71 mm, the body length varies from 25 to 80 mm, while the most popular models are socket boxes with a depth of 40 or 45 mm. This size is perfect for installing most sockets and switches, while it is possible to conveniently locate a loop of wire behind the working part of the device, the length of which is sufficient to perform work on replacing or repairing a socket or switch.

sockets for concrete

  • Drywall sockets. For fastening such products, spacer legs are used. If it is necessary to install several sockets or switches in a plasterboard wall, special blocks are used, consisting of the required number of socket boxes.

drywall socket

Hardware stores often offer universal mounting boxes designed for installation in both a concrete wall and drywall. In the case of using such products as concrete sockets, the spacer tabs must first be unscrewed.

Procedure for installing a socket in a concrete wall

The installation work of the socket box can be conditionally divided into several stages.

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When marking, it is important to determine the number and location of sockets and switches in the room based on maximum functionality, ease of use and the overall interior of the room.

It should be noted that the guidelines adopted to date do not put forward overly stringent requirements for the placement of these electrical wiring elements. The main rules that must be followed when installing them include:

  • In living rooms, sockets are installed at a height of 30 cm from the surface of the floor covering, switches - at a height of 90 cm. This arrangement of wiring elements is called the "European standard", often it turns out to be the most convenient.
  • Install the switch at a distance of at least 10 cm from the edge of the door frame.
  • In the kitchen, sockets are placed at a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the countertop.

After determining the exact location of the socket, it is necessary to make a mark on the wall with a pencil corresponding to the center of the socket to be installed. Two lines intersecting at right angles are drawn from the center, showing the horizontal and vertical plane. Drawing these lines in the future will help to quickly and correctly install the socket, which is extremely important when using gypsum mortar or alabaster.

Drilling a hole for the socket

In order to make a hole in which the socket will be installed, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Using a crown for concrete. This method is the most effective, but requires a special tool - crowns with victorious teeth. It has a diameter of 70 mm and is designed specifically for drilling holes into which socket boxes are installed. For centering, as well as to ensure easy removal of concrete from the niche of the socket box, the crown is equipped with a drill with a pobedite tip. It should be noted that for more efficient use of the crown, it is first necessary to drill a hole in the center of the future niche using an ordinary concrete drill. The depth of this hole should be between 5 and 7 cm, the drill diameter should be 6 or 8 mm.

bit for concrete

  • Using a hammer drill or drill. This method is much more laborious than the previous one. Its use is justified in cases where it is necessary to install only one or two sockets and it makes no sense to purchase a special crown for this. The essence of this method is as follows: the socket box is applied to the wall at the place of future installation and outlined with a pencil, after which holes are drilled in the center and the entire length of the resulting circle using a concrete drill or a drill for a perforator. Next, using a chisel, concrete is removed from the niche to install the socket box.
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drilling a niche for a socket

  • Using an angle grinder. It is a relatively simple and perhaps the fastest way to make holes for socket boxes. At the same time, the use of a “grinder” has quite serious disadvantages, which include a large amount of dust that accompanies the process of performing work, the need to use a disk of a sufficiently large diameter, which, in turn, leads to cutting through extra sections of the wall and the need for their subsequent puttying .

When using any of the above methods for making a hole for the mounting box, you should carefully ensure that the depth of the resulting niche is 3–5 mm greater than the length of the socket. This is necessary to ensure possible bending of the wire, as well as to lay the solution that fixes the product in the wall.

Laying the wire in the socket

Before performing any work on the electrical cable, make sure that there is no voltage on it, and that the ends of the wire are securely insulated.

To perform this procedure, it is necessary to make a small strobe through which the electrical wire can be led into the niche of the socket. As a rule, the wiring and, accordingly, the chasing of the walls, is carried out before the installation of the mounting boxes. Therefore, it is usually enough to deepen the gate a little and make a slight bevel towards the niche.

laying wires in the socket

Next, using a knife, you should make a hole in the body of the mounting box; for this, several blanks are provided on it. Any of them is selected only for reasons of ease of installation, however, it is still preferable to use holes in the rear wall, since in this case the most convenient connection of the working part of the socket or switch is provided.

After inserting the cable into the socket, remove the top insulation and release the individual wires, which are used to connect to the electrical terminals.

Fixing the socket

To install the mounting box, in most cases, building gypsum or alabaster is used. Before preparing the solution, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the manufactured niche from debris and dust, and then moisten it with water or a primer. If the installation site is not pre-moistened, then a situation may arise when the water from the gypsum mortar is absorbed into the wall material, without providing a proper connection.

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The preparation of the solution is carried out in a small container, into which alabaster is first poured, and then water is added in small portions. The finished solution has the consistency of thick sour cream, it should be used as soon as possible, because it seizes very quickly and becomes unusable after 5 minutes.

The solution is applied to the niche with a small spatula, while the back wall of the socket must be completely covered with the solution.

Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the edges of the product to be installed do not protrude from the wall, as this will certainly create difficulties during the further installation of the outlet. In this case, it will not be possible to ensure its tight fit to the wall. An exception is the installation of a socket under tiles or plaster (although, if possible, such installation should be carried out after laying the wall cladding material).

After setting the even position of the socket box and its preliminary fixation, the solution is laid in the side gaps.

Features of mounting a double socket box

In general, the installation of two or more socket boxes is carried out similarly to the installation of a single model. The main difference is that in order to lay the wire between the sockets in this case, it is necessary to use special connectors, which are popularly called "butterflies".

socket connectors

The marking of the wall for the installation of a group of socket boxes is carried out, starting from the last product in the row. After that, using a level, a line is drawn, the length of which corresponds to the total length of the socket block. Further, on this line, every 71 mm, points are marked corresponding to the centers of the products included in the block.

For quick attachment of the "butterfly" to the socket box, the latter is equipped with special grooves on both sides. In this way, any number of sockets or switches can be installed.

It should be remembered that the more of these products are installed side by side, the more carefully you need to set them using the level.

After making a hole for each socket using one of the methods listed above, it is necessary to cut the connecting niches between these holes. For this purpose, it is best to use the "Bulgarian".

In conclusion, it must be said that socket boxes should be purchased along with sockets. In this case, you can check the conformity of their dimensions on the spot and avoid problems with the installation of these elements. electrical wiring.


