Providing protection against electric shock when operating household electrical wiring can be done using simple devices such as plugs for sockets. These devices are especially popular in homes where there are small children who are not fully aware of the danger posed by electric current.
Another purpose of plugs for sockets is to protect electrical contacts from the harmful effects of moisture or fine dust. The socket with a cover usually has a high enough IP rating to allow installation of this device outdoors, as well as in bathrooms and toilets.
The simplest technical solution for providing protection against electric shock is removable devices that must be completely removed from the socket in order to connect the electric plug to it. Such protective devices have a small price and are sold everywhere. At the same time, the quality of such plugs often leaves much to be desired.
Currently, a large number of much more convenient and technically complex versions of protected sockets are presented on the market. Such a variety makes it easy to choose the necessary device for installation in a room with any interior. In addition, it is possible to choose a reliable device for use with sockets designed to supply high power consumers.
Benefits of Using Protected Connectors
The main advantages provided by the use of protected sockets are:
- Ensuring the protection of young children from electric shock. A socket with a cover is able to protect the child even if he intentionally tries to touch conductive parts or insert a metal object into the socket of the device.
- Additional protection against penetration of moisture or foreign objects.
- The ability to choose a plug model that will make the appearance of the outlet more aesthetically attractive.
Plug types
- Childproof caps. The main requirement for such devices is to prevent the child's free access to the electrical connector. Such sockets are equipped with rotary or push mechanisms, the operation of which is possible only when using a standard electrical plug.
- In addition, there are locking mechanisms that can only be opened using a special key.
- Temporary plugs for socket boxes, which are used during repair work to prevent unintentional touching of electrical wires brought into the socket box. Thus, the plug for the socket not only ensures the safety of children from electric shock, but is also used to improve the appearance of the room during a forced break in repair work.
- Plugs for sockets designed to protect electrical contacts from moisture. Such devices are made of dense rubber or silicone. They can be removed from the socket without the use of special devices, which does not give a full guarantee of safety for babies.
- Decorative caps. They are products whose purpose, in addition to protecting the child, is to improve the appearance of the outlet.
- Protective cases for sockets and extension cords. They are devices fixed at the junctions of plug connectors in order to restrict access to them when a consumer of electricity is connected. The use of such cases allows you to achieve reliable protection of the child from the operating electrical equipment.
When choosing a model of a decorative plug, one should be guided not only by the correspondence of its appearance to the overall design of the room, but also by the inconspicuousness of such a product. This quality can significantly increase the likelihood that the child simply does not pay attention to the outlet.
Socket outlets with shutters are devices whose conductive contacts are normally closed. To open the protective mechanism, you must simultaneously press both curtains. For a small child, this is often quite a challenge.
Electrical safety measures
In conclusion, it should be noted that it is possible to ensure reliable protection of children during the operation of household electrical appliances, but for this it is necessary to carry out a set of organizational and technical measures, which include:
- Conducting explanatory work with the child, the purpose of which is to explain the dangers of electric current, as well as to instill in him caution in handling electrical appliances.
- Continuous monitoring of the performance of electricity consumers, as well as compliance with electrical safety rules during their installation and operation.
- Use of protective mechanisms such as outlet covers or devices equipped with shutters.
- The use of relay protection and automation devices, the most common of which are circuit breakers, as well as RCDs and difavtomatov. In addition, a three-wire electrical system with protective earth should be used.
Compliance with all these rules will help protect the child from the dangers associated with the use of electricity in the home.