How to drill tiles correctly: tips and tricks

The tile is one of the most widespread finishing materials. She is often covered with walls and floors in bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and hallways. Many have heard about the fragility of this material and faced the problem of splitting when hanging a mirror or shelf on a tile. Therefore, in order to make a neat hole and not damage the coating, you should know how to drill tiles correctly.

how to drill tiles

What are the best tools to use?

To properly and safely drill tiles, you must use the following tools:

  • drill (manual or electric);
  • base drill;
  • a special drill for working with tiles - victorious with an annular tip;
  • paper tape or mounting tape;
  • marker;
  • carbide cutter and circular drill for large holes;
  • building level;
  • broom or vacuum cleaner.

Drill selection

In order to make a small hole, you can use a drill with a victorious soldering. Some craftsmen recommend purchasing glass drills. Most often they are found in two types - with diamond coating and hard-alloy metal soldering.

drill bit for tiles

Well drills tiles and a tubular drill with diamond grit, sprayed on the end.

Holes for sockets and pipes must be made using a crown with a diamond or corundum coating.

crown with corundum coating

Such a tool is quite expensive, so among the inhabitants it is not very common. Most often, circular ballerina drills are used to drill large holes.


Tips & Tricks

Since it is quite difficult to drill a tile correctly, you should seriously prepare for this work. There are some nuances that will help you quickly and without any hassle to cope with the task:

  • To avoid chips and cracks, do not drill tiles at the edge and in gaps.
  • To prevent the drill from overheating, it is necessary to periodically moisten it with water.

Important! This can only be done when the drill is unplugged from the mains.

  • If a suitable drill is not at hand, you can use the one designed for metal. They can drill tiles at low speeds. The only negative is that such a drill is only enough for a single use.
  • When you need to drill not only the tile, but also the wall behind it, use a puncher or drill. It is recommended to work at low speeds and very carefully. When a hole is made in the tile, the drill is switched to the "no impact" mode.

Work order

Not everyone knows how to properly drill a tile so that it does not crack, and the hole is neat and even. To do this, it is better to follow the instructions:

  • Before you make a hole in the tile, you need to knock on it. If you hear a dull and dense sound, this is the right place to drill.
  • It is marked with a marker or felt-tip pen directly on the tile.
  • To prevent the drill from sliding on the smooth surface of the tile, masking tape is glued to the drilling site. If it is not at hand, you can use adhesive tape.

drilling mark

Advice! Experienced craftsmen recommend drilling tiles through a wooden or steel plate with holes. They call her a conductor. In the selected place, it is pressed against the tile and drilling begins. By doing so, you can prevent the drill from slipping.


  • On the drill, turn off the "shock mode" function.
  • A puncher or drill is placed at a right angle and at low speeds they begin to make a hole. You can gradually increase the speed.
  • The resulting dust must be removed immediately.
  • After the drill has reached the base (concrete slab, wood), it is changed to the corresponding, identical size.

Advice! If it is necessary to drill a tile that is not glued, then it must be placed on a concrete or wooden even base.In no case should you drill tiles on a metal surface.

  • Drill the wall in impact mode to the required depth.

If you need to make a hole for the dowel, then the hole in the tile should be a couple of millimeters larger than the diameter of the dowel. When the work is done, the dowel is inserted as carefully as possible. An inaccurate or too strong blow with a hammer can damage the ceramic material.

To properly drill a tile without risking a crack or chip, you should follow the tips and recommendations described above.


