Drywall arches in the kitchen (28 photos)

Plasterboard arches in the kitchen are one of the worthy ways to ennoble the interior, visually expand the space and highlight functional areas. This technique is especially relevant in small-sized apartments of the Khrushchev and Brezhnev buildings. Photos of arched structures in different styles, options for their location and detailed descriptions will help you choose an interesting option for any apartment.

Plasterboard arches in the interior of the kitchen

Types of arches

The most popular types of arched structures used in modern interiors:

  • Classic - a rectangular through opening in the wall with a symmetrical semicircular upper arc. The arch in the classical style looks especially advantageous in combination with columns decorated with stucco.

Classic shape

  • Art Nouveau assumes the shape of an arch, with an arched vault without a smooth transition. In the interior of a spacious kitchen, arched products look stylish in functional areas, door and window openings.


  • The portal arch is a rectangular structure with a simple or voluminous superstructure, which can be decorated with spotlights and openwork decorative elements. The portal can be used to design a door and window opening in a small kitchen in Khrushchev, to visually expand the passage to the kitchen-living room, to designate functional areas in large apartments and studios. Often, to enhance the effect, a combination of a vault in a doorway with a bar counter is used.


  • The arch in the form of an ellipse and a semi-ellipse-rectangle combines classics, modernity, romanticism, and modernity. Elliptical designs look perfect in the interiors of large rooms, but in Khrushchev they reduce the height.


  • The trapezoid arch has beveled corners in the vault. The trapezoidal shape fits into the design of any size kitchen and is easily mounted in door and window openings.


  • The arch in the romantic style is a variation of the classical design, characterized by smooth rounded contours of arched vaults.


  • The fantasy arch is distinguished by its free configuration, wavy lines, asymmetry, and an abundance of curly elements. Creating a structure of this type with your own hands requires certain skills, so it is better for beginners to resort to the help of professionals.

fantasy design

Arch in the kitchen-Khrushchev

Arches in the interior of a small kitchen should create the illusion of volumetric space, an abundance of air and light.

  • A portal with an asymmetric vault in the doorway fits into the design of the kitchen with access to a narrow corridor.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Design of a two-level plasterboard ceiling for the kitchen: 12 photos

asymmetrical arch

  • The entrance to the kitchen from the square hallway is designed in the form of an arch in the classic or modern style. You can slightly expand the opening on one side and from above if the wall is not load-bearing.

Modern and classic

  • The dining area is distinguished by a tall, narrow structure with a bar counter that acts as a table. The asymmetric vault looks impressive.
  • The selection of the working area will be emphasized by a wide Art Nouveau arch or a simple rectangular portal from floor to ceiling. Lamps and spotlights are mounted in the vault.

Zone selection

  • The trend is redevelopment with the combination of different functional blocks of the apartment. To implement this idea, the wall between the kitchen and residential blocks is partially or completely demolished. A GKL module is built into the resulting opening, supplemented with brickwork, which includes various elements - a figured partition, a large fantasy arch or a romantic-style structure with a bar counter.

Large design with a bar

Important! To redevelop an apartment, you must obtain permission from the BTI, housing inspection, utilities, since damage or demolition of a load-bearing wall can adversely affect the general condition of the building.

Arch design in Brezhnevka

The kitchen in Brezhnevka does not benefit much in size compared to Khrushchev, however, the “extra” 2–3 m² matter when creating a design.

  • The doorway in the form of an arch in the modern or romantic style contributes to the visual expansion of the space.
  • A small empty space between the window and the working area can be highlighted with a rectangular portal arch or a fantasy design can be designed in the form of an incomplete semicircle. In the resulting corner, you can install a coffee table with chairs, a corner sofa, a rack with indoor plants. Tall furniture - pencil cases, hanging cabinets - it is better not to use it there so as not to limit natural light.

custom design

  • A light, graceful arch will effectively highlight the dining area with a table and stools or chairs.

Allocation of the dining area

  • The entrance to the kitchen from the hallway can be designed in the form of an arch in the Art Nouveau style or an ellipsoid design.
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Entrance to the kitchen ellipsoid shape

  • In Brezhnevka, redevelopment with the combination of the hall with the kitchen is especially popular. The wide arched structure with stained-glass windows, the classic arch with columns, and the forms with an asymmetric arched vault look impressive.

Arch-partition with stained-glass windows between the living room and kitchen

Advice. It is not worth expanding the kitchen area at the expense of a bathroom or a hallway in apartments of Khrushchev and Brezhnev buildings. In the first case, the already narrow and cramped space of the bathroom will decrease, and reinstalling the equipment can lead to a disruption in communications. In the second - a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway will visually limit the overall interior of the apartment.

Arch design in a large kitchen

Spacious kitchens with high ceilings provide almost unlimited possibilities in terms of building arched structures.

Arches of an unusual shape

  • A wide entrance opening is designed as a classic, ellipsoidal, figured or trapezoidal arch.

interesting arch

  • A voluminous fantasy undulating vault will highlight the dining room, work area, and relaxation area.

Volumetric fantasy design

  • An unusual visual effect is created by a multi-tiered ceiling structure combined with an asymmetric arch.
  • A round or figured variation between the kitchen and the hall or living room gives the interior a special sophistication.

figured design

If possible, it is desirable to arrange arched windows in the appropriate style, however, if standard rectangular window structures are installed in the apartment, it is difficult to obtain permission from the governing bodies, since it will be necessary to carry out work with the main wall and arched windows will change the general appearance of the facade. You can limit yourself to installing a decorative vault in the interior so as not to disturb the exterior of the building.

  • A kitchen with a balcony or loggia can be decorated with an arcuate arch from floor to ceiling on the inside.

You need to know: important nuances

When self-assembling the structure, the following recommendations will be useful:

  • When choosing a plasterboard arch for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of its manufacture, place in the interior, compatibility with ceiling, wall and floor coverings, kitchen equipment, furniture, lighting fixtures.
  • Given the microclimate of the kitchen, it is necessary to use GKLV (moisture-resistant drywall) or GKLVO (moisture and fire-resistant drywall). Materials - sheets, profiles, self-tapping screws - it is advisable to buy with a margin.
  • Before you start cutting the material, you need to draw a sketch or create a computer model of the kitchen interior.
  • It is imperative to take measurements, make a drawing on paper, then transfer to the GCR.
  • It is better to entrust the installation of a complex figured vault or a multi-level ceiling composition, which includes an arch, to professionals.
  • After the successful installation of the arch, it should be decorated.
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Interior modeled in a special design program

Ways to decorate arches

For finishing arches are used:

  • alkyd enamel;
  • water-based and water-dispersion paints;
  • non-woven and vinyl wallpaper;
  • decorative plaster;
  • metal and wooden moldings;
  • cornices, pediments, moldings, polyurethane and PVC baguettes;
  • plastic corners;
  • wood veneer;
  • facing tiles imitating brickwork, natural stone, wood;
  • mirror tiles;
  • stained glass;
  • mosaic.

Mosaic finish

Choose the design of the arch should be in accordance with the style of the interior and your preferences.

  • It is advisable to decorate portals in a small kitchen in light colors, a tone or two darker or lighter than wall coverings.
  • You can create a one-piece structure that merges with the walls, or mark the edges with relief masonry made of artificial stone or molding that imitates a wooden frame.

Decoration with decorative stone

  • Visually expand the space will help mirror tiles, laid out in fragments or along the entire side of the structure.
  • Spotlights, LED strip, decorative lighting fixtures can be mounted in the inner surfaces of the arch.

Lanterns in the arch

  • Bright wallpaper with a gold or silver pattern, pasted on the columns in a round arch, will emphasize the splendor of the interior in the Byzantine, Greek, Victorian style.

Wallpaper on a round arch

  • It is desirable to accentuate the figured vault in a large kitchen in contrasting colors. Structural plaster finish looks impressive.
  • You can give a stylish look to the arched structure using polyurethane moldings.
  • Pasting the arch with wood veneer, imitating precious woods, gives the structure solidity.

Veneered arch

  • Complex carved elements can be painted or finished with decorative plaster and left hollow, but the play of light in the stained-glass windows inserted into the slots creates a special mood.

With stained glass

  • In a high-tech kitchen, it is desirable to trim the arch with metal moldings.

The drywall arch in the interior of the kitchen should last at least ten years, so it is important to think through every detail and finish the structure as carefully as possible.


