Pros and cons of panoramic balcony glazing

One often hears complaints about the lack of light in the apartment, about the stupid balcony, which only blocks the sun, but does not provide either additional space or a beautiful view. And the last heat is leaving. Many of these problems can be solved by panoramic glazing. It is gaining more and more popularity both abroad and in our country. And this is due to a number of reasons.

Panoramic windows on the balcony

If you choose a very simple definition, then panoramic glazing is full wall windows. Most often it is used on loggias and balconies. Such decoration is especially effective in high-rise buildings or houses with picturesque views outside the window. In modern construction, there are also houses where 1, 2 or all walls are made of glass.

Varieties of panoramic glazing

In fact, panoramic glazing is presented in a variety of options. Thanks to a wide choice of materials and design methods, it is possible to make full-wall windows in any region, even in cold climates.

Panoramic glazing of a balcony or wall can be of 3 types, depending on what material is used for the frames:

  1. Cold aluminum.
  2. Plastic.
  3. Frameless.

Each option has its own characteristics. So, the latter is considered "cold", so most often it is used to create a panoramic balcony or loggia that is not connected to the main room. Also in this case it can be used 1-chamber double-glazed window. Frameless glazing is also well suited for southern regions, where winters are short and warm.

Varieties of panoramic windows

If the winters in the region are cold, then attention should be paid to the option with plastic or aluminum frames and multi-chamber double-glazed windows. This will avoid heat loss.

Types of glasses and coatings

There are different types of glass for facades:

  • "I-glass" - reduces the noise level, provides a high level of thermal insulation.
  • "K-glass" - gives a high level of security.
  • Tempered glass is strong and durable.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Which windows are better to put on the loggia: plastic or aluminum

Types of glass used for glazing panoramic windows

One of the most significant disadvantages of panoramic glazing is the high probability that from the street or from the windows of the opposite house, someone will be able to observe the private life of residents.

To avoid interference with privacy, there are various options for finishing and coatings for glasses:

  • Mirror finish.
  • Toning. Allows you to select different dimming ratios and even more original design of the facade. You can process only the lower part of the window on the balcony, which will protect privacy from prying eyes.
  • Electromonochrome glass. It can vary the amount and intensity of light transmitted through it. A special remote control is used for control.
  • Energy-saving (more often it is called low-emission). Does not transmit infrared radiation.

Panoramic window tinting on the balcony

When choosing a frameless option, you need to pay attention to all the details of the facade decoration. To hide the seams and give the impression that one large sheet is used, it is necessary to use a transparent polymer sealant to seal the seams and crevices.

Frames can be drop-down or solid. With the second case, everything is clear: the glass stands still, it cannot be moved. In the first case, swing or sliding structures can be used. For swing, special loops are used. For sliding - rollers and guides. The second option requires more careful finishing and sealing.

Features of frameless panoramic glazing

As the name implies, this option does not involve the use of frames. The entire balcony is covered with glass. Sheets are attached to guides on the floor and ceiling. The maximum size of a transparent plate is 3 × 0.65 m.There are 2 types of mechanisms for opening windows:

  1. Swing.
  2. Folding (like a "book").

Frameless glazed balcony

Frameless glazing has its advantages:

  • The balcony takes on a refined, weightless and light look. Sometimes it seems like it doesn't exist at all.
  • The maximum level of illumination. It is always light on such a balcony, no matter on which side of the house it is located.
  • If a “book” mechanism is provided, then all glasses can be washed independently and without risk.
  • The area of ​​the balcony is increasing.
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There are also some disadvantages:

  • Frameless glazing is leaky, so precipitation and dust will fall on the balcony.
  • This is the so-called panoramic "cold" glazing, because it does not retain heat well. There will be gaps between the panes through which warm air will escape, it will be cold here in winter.
  • Low level of sound insulation.
  • Insects can freely fly in through open windows, since the design does not provide for fixing a mosquito net.
  • Frameless panoramic glazing loggias or balconies noticeably more expensive than all other types of finishes.

Advantages and disadvantages of large balcony glass

Frame glazing

In this case, glass in frames is installed on the balcony, which can be made of plastic or aluminum. The advantages of this glazing option:

  • More reliable and durable design.
  • It is possible to make "warm" (with plastic frames) or "cold" (with aluminum) panoramic glazing of your choice.
  • High level of sound insulation.
  • The frame structure is sealed, so snow or rain does not get on the balcony, dust does not penetrate.
  • You can attach a mosquito net.
  • The balcony maintains a comfortable temperature if the “warm” option is selected.

Loggia glazed with a frame method

However, you need to consider the possible disadvantages:

  • In this case, the panoramic glazing of the balcony loses its lightness and weightlessness, becomes more bulky and heavy.
  • Due to the temperature difference, the glass may fog up, so when combining a balcony with a room, it is necessary to provide radiators or slot convectors.
  • The amount of light that enters the room through the balcony is reduced.

Disadvantages of panoramic windows with frames

Question about remodeling

Panoramic glazing of the balcony is an element of redevelopment of the apartment. Therefore, it must be legalized. Otherwise, problems may arise during the subsequent sale of the apartment. The penalty cannot be avoided. In the worst case, the controlling organizations may recognize such a restructuring as illegal and order its dismantling. Then the owner of the living space will have to independently return the balcony to its previous appearance, and all costs, of course, will fall on his shoulders. No one will be reimbursed.

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In order not to face such an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to coordinate and legalize the glazing of the balcony.

How to legalize panoramic glazing of a balcony

This is done in several steps. Need to:

  1. Contact the Department of Architecture and find out if panoramic glazing is possible in a particular house, if there are any restrictions (for example, the building can be recognized as an architectural monument, then any changes to the facade are prohibited, or the building is scheduled to be demolished in 2–3 years).
  2. If this option is possible, then it is necessary to draw up a project. If one of the neighbors has already received permission to carry out work, then you can use the ready-made option.
  3. Coordinate the project with BTI. The Bureau makes a conclusion on the technical feasibility of the submitted project.
  4. Coordinate the project with the city architecture department. Here they decide whether this spoils the appearance of the building, whether it changes its facade too much, etc.
  5. Wait for a decision from the housing inspection and the redevelopment commission. They have the last word.
  6. After completing all the work, it is necessary to sign an act on the completed redevelopment. With papers, you will have to contact the Criminal Code and the Housing Inspectorate.They will check whether the design corresponds to the declared project.
  7. Transfer data on the work performed to the USRR.

Only after completing all the points can we assume that the installation of panoramic glazing is fully legalized.


