Drywall is one of the most popular materials used in home renovations. It is used when leveling walls and ceilings, creating niches, fireplaces, arches and suspended structures. Builders are primarily interested in the quality characteristics of the material, but sometimes you need to know how much a drywall sheet weighs. Let's find out what this value depends on.
Types of drywall
According to the nature of the environment in which it is intended to be used GKL, the following varieties are distinguished:
- Normal, abbreviated "GKL". The most common and commonly used type. It is used to create structures that do not experience serious loads: walls, suspended ceilings, partitions.
- Moisture resistant, labeled "GKLV". It is used for finishing work in rooms where there is excess moisture, usually a bathroom or kitchen.
- Fire-resistant, designated "GKLO". It is used at high ambient temperatures, for example, in ventilation or air ducts, when lining fireplaces. In addition, it is used where it is necessary to provide increased fire protection. In the apartment, they often sheathe a children's room.
- Moisture resistant. This is a rather exotic species, designated "GKLVO", used where high humidity is adjacent to high temperature, for example, when finishing baths or saunas.
Parameters of different types of drywall
There is GOST, which determines how much each type of drywall weighs per 1 m2:
- The moisture-resistant type of GKL, like the usual one, should not weigh more than 1 kg per 1 mm of thickness.
- The range for fire-resistant and moisture-resistant is somewhat wider and ranges from 0.8 to 1.06 kg per 1 m2.
The material can also have different thicknesses: from 6.5 to 24 mm. Depending on this parameter, the following types are distinguished:
- Wall, used for wall cladding and creating partitions. The thickness of such sheets is usually 12.5 mm.
- Plasterboard sheets for the ceiling are thinner - 9.5 mm.
- The main thing that is required from the arched variety is the ability to easily bend and take the desired shape. This is the thinnest type - only 6.5 mm.
And of course, the weight of drywall depends on such a parameter as the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet. In construction, I most often use standard sheets with dimensions of 1.2 × 2.5 m. Accordingly, their area will be 3 m2.
On sale you can find GKL having other sizes:
- The length can be from two to four meters, the size step is 50 cm.
- Narrow sheets having a width of 600 mm. They are used to form slopes or sheathing of loggias and balconies.
How much does drywall weigh
It turns out that the approximate weight of a drywall sheet can be determined by knowing its type, area and thickness. We give approximate values.
Weight 1 sq. m drywall sheet will be approximately as follows:
- for arched plasterboard 6.5 mm thick - about 5 kg;
- for ceiling drywall with a thickness of 9.5 mm - approximately 7.5 kg;
- for wall plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 mm - an average of 9.5 kg.
Sheets of the same area and thickness from different manufacturers may differ in weight. This is due to differences in technology or raw materials used.
Estimated weight values for one drywall sheet will be as follows:
- ordinary ceiling plasterboard of a standard size 1.2 × 2.5 m with a thickness of 9.5 mm -20.5–22 kg;
- wall plasterboard 1.2 × 2.5 m 12.5 mm thick - 27.4–29 kg;
- arched 6.5 mm - 14–15 kg.
Please note: the weight of the sheet may differ slightly from that indicated by the manufacturer: the material absorbs moisture well, so it may become slightly heavier if the storage and transportation conditions are not fully observed.
Each manufacturer must report the mass of their product of a particular brand and size.It is enough to look into any online store to be convinced of this.
The subtleties of movement and storage
Drywall is a rather fragile material and can be easily damaged. In order to avoid unnecessary costs, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules and recommendations:
- This material can only be stored in a horizontal position on a completely flat base. This rule also applies to transportation. Any pebble or bolt that gets under a stack of drywall sheets will ruin at least one of them. The material will simply break or crumble under its own weight.
- GKL is transferred in an upright position together. If you carry it flat, it will break, unable to withstand the vibration.
- As a rule, they carry the sheet, picking it up with one hand from below, and holding it with the other and preventing it from swinging. But this is quite inconvenient, besides, there are problems when passing through doorways. Therefore, professional loaders use special devices in the form of a kind of hook. They seem to "lengthen" the arm, which makes carrying much more convenient.
- During transportation and storage, it is imperative to protect the material from moisture.