Installing the insulator on the ceiling
To achieve the best effect on the ceiling, the "pie" or membrane should not be connected to the wood floor.
This is the principle of operation of this method - to bring down the resonance of sound vibrations. This result is achieved by creating a kind of false ceiling. The fixing of the insulating material is carried out only on an autonomous profile, which is located at a distance of 10 cm from the wooden beam. Thus, an air cushion is formed between the wooden surface and the absorbent material.
The whole structure is attached to the walls along the perimeter, and in the center it is fixed with elastic ceiling hangers. The step between the fasteners is at least 1 m.
It is impossible to fix the membrane directly to the beams, as this will lose the sound-absorbing properties of the structure.
Another option for using a layered insulator. Between the wooden beams, cotton wool is installed using a mesh or slats. Plywood or drywall is stuffed from below, which will serve as a membrane for this option. In this case, the fastening is also carried out not on the beams, but independent. To do this, plywood (drywall) is fixed on the wall 3-5 cm below the ceiling. The principle of operation of the second method is the same as in the first. To dampen sound vibrations, depriving the structure of the opportunity to resonate.
Which material to choose
Since in a wooden house the sound insulation of the floor differs from the classic schemes of concrete floors, the materials are selected precisely for the characteristics of the structure. The most popular and proven sound insulators are:
glass wool
. It is preferred to be used at the base of the floor of the first floor, since the material performs a dual function - insulation and sound absorption. - Cotton wool containing basalt fibers
. This material perfectly copes with its task - sound insulation. It is resistant to fire, is not affected by moisture and is able to muffle percussive sounds. -
is both insulating and sound-absorbing material. It is easy for them to lay the joints of the floors. However, the material is not resistant to burning, it will require special processing. - is an excellent insulator of shock sounds. It is laid directly under the final floor covering.
All these materials can be combined with each other. They are mainly used to eliminate noise and heat leakage problems in wooden structures.
Floor soundproofing is being built at the time of construction, as it is very difficult to fix anything in a finished house. The presence of sound insulation contributes to a comfortable and cozy stay in a wooden house.
What is good about a wooden house is known to many. Its supporters will convincingly talk about the many advantages of wooden housing construction over brick. It is always comfortable in a log house. It breathes easily, there is neither high humidity nor mustiness in the air. On a hot summer day, it will delight you with coolness, and on a cold winter it will keep you warm. Everything seems to be fine, except for one "but".
Soundproofing wooden floors
It is wooden floors that perfectly conduct sound. The role of the resonator is performed by beams that conduct oscillations well at low frequencies. Experts distinguish between 2 types of floors - attic and interfloor.
Each option has its own specifics. In the first case, a layer of mineral wool with a density of 50 kg / m³ and above is laid. The thickness of the material is 100 mm. Such protection allows to provide noise protection on the isolation scale equal to 45 dB.
Soundproofing of interfloor wooden floors is carried out by laying a layer of cotton wool of 200 mm, with a material density of 50 kg / m³.When installing cotton wool, the master must definitely work in goggles and a respirator.
The installation technique for the noise absorber is the same for both options. Builders call this a "pie" or membrane. Between 2 sheets (plywood, OSB) the insulator itself is laid. This takes into account the rule - the thicker the absorber layer, the better it protects against noise. The layered protection technique is used for soundproofing floors between floors, as well as for the ceiling of a wooden house.
Noise insulation of floors and walls
Soundproofing the floor is done in two stages. First, a draft version, consisting of beams, a special material resembling foil, and boards. On the beams that make up the base of the floor, a coating is placed with the reflective side into the house, and the boards are fastened on top with a furniture stapler.
The finished floor is leveled with thin plywood, regardless of roughness or lack thereof. Holes must be drilled in the corners of the plywood boards to allow air to pass through. This is necessary so that stagnation and the appearance of water do not occur. And already on top they cover with linoleum and floor boards, then varnish is applied.
Basalt wool or its analogues can be used as an insulating material. They do not conduct not only noise, but also vibration.
For walls, two layers of materials are needed. In the first, it is better to use glass wool or cotton wool, consisting of fibers. And in the second layer, drywall or brick is used. It is also worth considering that the fastening must be reliable and special gaskets should be used that isolate sound. And everything is attached to a special frame made of guides.
How is the soundproofing of the ceiling in a house with wooden floors
Soundproofing the ceiling in a house with wooden floors is an important stage in the construction of the building. Problems with isolation of noise and sound are always relevant. Especially if some overlaps are unreliable and thin. And this happens in houses made of wood, or where wooden partitions and ceilings are installed.
To avoid unnecessary complications and problems, it is worth eliminating them immediately. When renovating or building a house, everyone is wondering about noise isolation.
And this is the main point, because in a house with wooden coverings such an element is relevant. To solve this problem, you should first figure out what is needed to install the soundproofing of the ceiling in a house with wooden coverings, interfloor ceilings and what errors are allowed during installation.
And in order to eliminate such questions, you should know some facts.
Floor and sound insulation of interfloor ceilings in a wooden house
In this article, we tried to highlight such moments in the construction of a wooden house as thermal insulation of floors and sound insulation of interfloor ceilings. How to carry out these works efficiently, but at the same time at a lower cost? This question arises in front of almost everyone who decides to build their own home. We hope that our experience of arranging the floor and interfloor ceilings in a wooden house described in this article will be useful to you, and you will be able to enjoy the warmth and peace of your home without emptying your wallet.
When building our own house, we faced the following questions:
- How can we get underfloor heating in a winter house for little money?
- How can we achieve the necessary sound insulation, which could adequately protect us from extraneous annoying sounds?
Features of the sound conductivity of wooden buildings
The porosity of the wood has become the main reason for the good transmission of waves of various frequencies. Residents of a wooden house, which was not protected from noise during construction, feel like inside a music box, only it’s not music that is heard around, but all sorts of sounds - the sound of steps, conversation, the operation of a water tap, etc.
In addition, over time, the tree dries out.And this makes the seams between the material more vulnerable, changes the structure of the beam itself. Insulating qualities, which were initially not high, are further reduced. Therefore, the soundproofing of a wooden house is especially relevant. There are a number of ways that solve the problem of sound insulation, but each of them should be considered separately, based on the characteristics of the construction and layout of a wooden house.
Any soundproofing work must be done directly during the construction of the house. This approach will significantly reduce the cost of material, finance, and improve the quality of the operation.
In addition to using special building sound absorbers, you can resort to some tricks that will reduce the conduction of noise in the room. It is primarily textiles. The abundance of curtains, carpets, upholstered furniture, pillows dampens the noise in the room. On the contrary - metal objects, ceramics, stone amplify sound vibrations. But still, the greatest effect is the use of soundproof materials.
Materials for soundproofing wooden floors
If at the stage of the construction of the ceiling you took care of its sound insulation from impact noise, then you can proceed to the isolation of acoustic sound. For this purpose, you will need soft, fibrous, porous materials. Their structure is not monolithic. There is air between its fibers. It is thanks to the internal voids that fibrous and porous materials absorb acoustic sounds and noises.
Soundproofing materials
Such materials include mineral wool mats, basalt slabs, fibreboards. These materials have excellent acoustic sound absorption properties.
The main requirement is that their density should not be lower than 50 kg / m3.
Materials with a lower density simply cannot "confuse" and absorb sounds in their thickness. The wooden floor must be at least 250 mm. Of these, at least 150 mm must be allocated for a layer of fibrous mats.
Mineral wool
Another type of soundproofing material is roll decking. For example, from felt or cork. They also absorb noise very well. The flooring can also include a heavy soundproof membrane based on minerals. Despite the rather thin layer from 2 to 4 mm, all rolled floorings have proven themselves well on wooden floors.
Soundproof membrane
Noise insulation between floors
Of course, to ensure sound insulation between floors, it is worth insulating on both sides, or rather the ceiling and floor, and doing it at the same time to increase the noise impassability. Soundproofing material must be inserted into the main structure of the interfloor ceilings.
The beams that carry the stability of the building are insulated with glass wool, foam rubber or other sound-reflecting material. Boards or plywood are laid on top, and they are fastened with screws to the beams through the insulation.
These structures will last longer if the soundproofing of the ceiling, floor, walls and coatings located between floors is done in accordance with all the rules. Yes, and in wooden houses, the slightest rustle or creak will be heard by the whole house due to the fact that the tree has the ability to perfectly conduct sound. Glass and lacquered wood surfaces also have a similar characteristic.