Ultraviolet cleaning is recognized as one of the most modern and effective methods of water purification. A system originally from the USA is recognized by experts as more useful and safer than other methods. UV filters for water purification have a narrowly focused effect: they are not designed to eliminate various impurities, their goal is to completely disinfect water, ridding it of bacteria and other microorganisms. Let's figure out what these new devices on the Russian market are and get acquainted with the rules for choosing them.
UV filter
Water treatment with ultraviolet light came to Russia from the United States and almost immediately gained considerable popularity. This method is universal, it is able to destroy all types of microorganisms that may be present in the water, even those that the chlorination method cannot cope with.
The ultraviolet cleaning method is completely harmless to humans and environmentally friendly, and the price of filters compared to analogues is relatively low.
Other advantages include undemanding maintenance, in contrast to the more familiar methods of ozonation and chlorination, which saves money. Maintenance of the system is elementary, even a non-specialist can cope with it.
Advantages and disadvantages of UV filters
Among the advantages of water purification systems with ultraviolet light should be highlighted:
- ease and simplicity in service;
- system reliability;
- safety for the health of users;
- productivity in the elimination of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms;
- availability.
Despite the abundance of advantages, UV filters have a number of disadvantages:
- After treatment, water can quickly return to its original state, that is, become contaminated again.
- This method will not work with very strong pollution, so it will not work to eliminate chemicals, as well as purify lake or swamp water with a UV filter.
- Experts do not recommend using ultraviolet radiation in large purification systems, since the filter cannot cope with large volumes of water.
Features of work
Although there are many models of UV filters on the market, in general terms, their principle of operation is identical. The filter device includes a water tank in which special nozzles are located. UV lamps are also mounted there, which start working when water enters. After cleaning, the water exits through special pipes.
The main role in the operation of the filter is given to the UV lamp, which, by spreading light, kills pathogenic bacteria and other microflora. Ultraviolet rays contribute to the fact that microorganisms lose their ability to reproduce and die.
Important! With various impurities, such as heavy metals, nitrates and other harmful compounds, the ultraviolet filter cannot cope, therefore, when using it, mandatory preliminary mechanical cleaning is required.
Among the main diseases that the filter successfully fights, the following should be highlighted:
- hepatitis;
- flu;
- coli;
- cholera
- typhus;
- salmonella;
- dysentery bacillus.
The key to high-quality filter operation is the timely replacement of lamps. Over time, they wear out, reducing the efficiency of the device. On average, the lamp life is about 1500 hours, after which a mandatory replacement is required.
The features of the ultraviolet filter device are such that users can clean their individual sections without removing the device itself. No human participation is required in the operation of the device - an automatic control unit is responsible for turning the lamp on and off.The lamp is activated immediately, as soon as water gets inside, most often there is an additional indication system about possible problems. All this makes ultraviolet water filters one of the easiest models to use.
Industrial installations are the most efficient in operation - they also cope with mechanical pollution thanks to special additional filters. This allows the system to work simultaneously with large volumes of liquid, and the number of lamps in the installation can reach 10 or more.
For home use, this scale is not required - a simpler model will suffice. The release of such devices has already been established by many manufacturers, and the price of UV filters is affordable.
- The main criterion by which models are divided is performance. The higher this parameter, the faster water can pass through the device.
- Another important criterion is the UV transmittance. It depends, first of all, on the properties of the liquid itself: the more turbid the water, the greater the dose of radiation required.
- Don't forget about power. It should be noted right away: this parameter is selected on an individual basis; for an accurate determination, a chemical analysis of the liquid is required.
Choosing a UV filter
There is a wide range of UV water filters on the market today. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the desired model, you should pay attention to the following indicators:
- types of microorganisms in the water;
- water temperature;
- flow level;
- required degree of disinfection.
Let's consider these parameters in more detail.
- A certain dose of radiation is required to eliminate a particular type of microbe. It is calculated on the basis of special tables. From them you can also find out what dose can destroy all existing types of bacteria and microbes.
- Water temperature is a very important parameter. Among the entire range of UV filters, there are two types of lamps that react differently to temperature fluctuations. A water temperature of 16-20 degrees is optimal for low pressure lamps, and medium pressure lamps are not affected by temperatures up to 85 degrees. If this parameter is exceeded or lowered, it will be necessary to control the flow of water accordingly.
- Another important indicator is the nature of the water flow. For the correct choice of the filter, it is necessary to know the maximum and minimum flow levels, since the filter operation adapts to its change.
- Finally, the required degree of disinfection also plays an important role. It all depends on the purpose for which the water will be used. For example, for drinking water, the degree of purification should be 100 percent. For water used for domestic purposes, absolutely all microbiological contaminants do not need to be removed.