How to make a shower tray in the bathroom with your own hands

Bath classically, lazily, soundly

In general, the bath was taken in ancient Rome. At that time, mud was everywhere, and therefore it was impossible to do without water procedures. Yes, most likely, the Romans did not even think what to choose, and would have settled on a horizontal enameled and large basin. A shower is for a warrior, and a bath is for kings.

How to make a shower tray in the bathroom with your own hands

If there are children in the house, especially between the ages of 1 and up to 3 years, then for them the bath is almost like the sea. In it, it is more pleasant and convenient for them to perform water procedures, there they quickly get used to hardening, learn to swim and generally behave in water.


  • In comparison, a shower or bath, the latter noticeably loses on such points as area and water consumption.
  • The bath takes up much more space, has a complex installation and delivery process.
  • In addition, the water that will go to one bath is quite the total amount of bathing liquid in the shower for a family of four.

Combined bathroom

Combining a small-sized bathroom with a toilet allows you to increase its area by about 1.5 times and get rid of an extra door, freeing up a corner for a shower. It is unlikely that it will be possible to shove a cabin there, but the use of such a practical solution as shower enclosures will be very out of place.

“The advantage of fences is that they allow you to create individual layouts of bathrooms,” says Tatyana Nikiforova, an interior designer from St. Petersburg. As the specialist explains, shower enclosures are made of impact-resistant tempered glass, and they can be installed either on a pallet or directly on the bathroom floor by building a drain drain into it. This allows you to make shower areas of any shape and size, in accordance with the dimensions and features of the layout of a particular bathroom.

How to make a shower tray in the bathroom with your own hands

“The fence is made according to the individual dimensions of the customer, so it allows you to implement any idea and design concept. In our practice, there are many cases when a bathtub and a shower corner coexist in a small bathroom. In order to make the most of the available space, fences are designed with different wall heights, complex perimeters, corner doors, etc., depending on the specific task. It is possible to make curvilinear fencing. In some cases, when a shower and a bathtub need to be placed along the same wall, one of the walls of the fence is mounted directly on the side of the bathtub. For any option, you can choose swing or sliding doors of various configurations. Even standard enclosure kits can be “tailored” and modified to suit specific requirements,” says Ludmila Adestova, CEO of GuteWetter, Russia’s first manufacturer of shower enclosures.

In combined bathrooms, compact models of toilets and bidets will save space. The cistern and fittings in this case are placed in the wall (for example, inside the sanitary cabinet) and integrated into the supporting frame of the wall-hung toilet. If such a solution is difficult to implement, you can use a compact toilet without a tank, which in this case is mounted under the ceiling, in a niche or behind a false wall.


Despite all the benefits of a shower, many opt for a bath. And it's not a habit. Water helps to relax after a hard day, relieve nervous tension. This cannot be done in the shower. Many explain their choice as follows: a shower is for the body, and a bath is for the soul. On the other hand, if there is no time to lie in warm and fragrant water, you can take a quick shower. That's what curtains are for.

How to make a shower tray in the bathroom with your own hands

In addition, the bath also has an economic use. For example, you can wash or rinse clothes in it, as well as perform other work that requires a container.In addition, it is convenient for bathing a child, especially for the first months of his life. Water tempers and strengthens the baby's body. It is much more efficient to wash in the bathroom than in the cabin. There is no need to rub with a washcloth for a long time and hard, you just need to lie down in the water a little longer.

How to make a shower tray in the bathroom with your own hands

To date, you can buy any bath that fits the interior of the room, equipped with hydromassage. Jets of water massage the body well, delivering not only pleasure, but also healing. The disadvantages include the large size

This is especially important for small rooms. Having installed the bath, you need to look for a place for a cabinet or boiler. In addition, large volumes of water will have to be consumed

For a family of three, this pleasure will cost a tidy sum. Moreover, the water consumption is fixed by an individual meter.

How to make a shower tray in the bathroom with your own hands

If there are elderly people in the family, then the option with a bathroom automatically disappears. It is difficult for them to overcome high sides, and sometimes dangerous. And for physically infirm people, it is absolutely impossible to use the bath.

compromise solution

If there is disagreement in the family about which is better: a bath or a shower, a compromise solution can be found. The easiest way out of this situation is to install both plumbing fixtures. But this option can only be realized with a sufficient area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom.

For a small room, you can purchase a hydrobox, which is a symbiosis of a bathtub and a shower cabin.
It is equipped with a compact but deep tray, hermetic doors and has the functions inherent in shower cabins.

A less expensive solution would be to install a glass or plastic sliding screen on the bath. With it, you can, if necessary, turn the bath into a shower. If desired, a hydromassage panel can be placed in one of the adjacent corners.

An unequivocal answer to the question: “Which is better: a bath or a shower?” does not exist. The choice depends on many factors: family composition, the usual rhythm of life, the size of the bathroom, financial situation and others. In extreme cases, there is always a compromise solution.

Any owner wants to equip his bathroom with maximum comfort and functionality. Therefore, the question of what is better to choose: a bathroom or a shower cabin appears quite often. To solve it, you need to carefully consider the pros and cons of each of these plumbing fixtures.

Goals of installing a shower in a toilet instead of a bidet

A hygienic shower is a small-diameter shower head with a shut-off valve on the handle, by pressing which you supply water.

It is simply impossible to ignore such an important detail as a hygienic shower. This simple device will help you to put yourself in full order after certain procedures without much movement and feel confident. There are many designs of a hygienic shower, but they all have the same purpose - to supply warm water at the desired time to a specific point.

Everyone knows that for such purposes there is a bidet. A bidet is a small bath that is used specifically for washing the external genitalia. The bidet is respected by especially ambitious people who do not accept toilet paper as a permanent attribute.

Shower enclosures shower and bath nearby

And yet, a combined bathroom, for obvious reasons, is not suitable for every family. But the designers say that you should not give up anyway. So, according to Tatyana Nikiforova, with the help of shower enclosures, you can place both a shower and a bath even in a very limited area - up to 2 m2. In this case, the door should be moved to the corner of the room, then the shower room will be located where the washing machine is usually installed. It, in turn, can be placed in the kitchen, built under the countertop.

Sinks in this case, you need to choose compact, preferably rectangular in shape, with mixers that are mounted on the wall. Another possible option is a narrow built-in washing machine under the sink with a countertop. Often such washing machines are sold immediately complete with a sink. This allows you not to puzzle over the problem of compatibility and finding a suitable drain.

Expert Lyudmila Adestova recommends choosing square and corner trays made of artificial marble measuring 80×80 cm. An interesting option is a shower tray with a base mounted on the floor. Above its surface, it will protrude only 2 centimeters.

Installation work on installing a shower in the toilet

Scheme of installation of a hygienic shower in the toilet.

  1. Hygienic shower. When installing it, there is no need to carry out new communications: water is drained from existing ones. As a rule, a shut-off valve with a water mixer is provided on the outer part of the wall, and the shower head has a button to stop the water supply. The design can provide for the installation of a thermostat, which will eliminate the constant regulation of the temperature of the supply water. The mixer is located at will, on either side of the toilet bowl, above its level. The hanging stand can be included with the faucet or purchased separately. It will be convenient to place the necessary liquid hygiene products and napkins nearby in special hanging holders.
  2. Hygienic shower with mini-sink. In this case, a mini sink of the selected shape is mounted in a corner or on a solid wall in the immediate vicinity of the toilet bowl. At the same time, together with a conventional faucet, a mixer with a shower hose and a special holder for it is installed. The hose will not constantly interfere: when laying the nozzle on the holder, the hose loop hangs down and is located directly under the sink. To install the sink, you will need to prepare special tools. Make holes in the wall with a puncher. Using a screwdriver, firmly fix the screws in the wall using dowels. Fasten the prepared sink onto the screws screwed into the wall. Bring communications to the sink using PVC pipes. Arrange the drainage of used water using plastic pipes with an elbow, which can be hidden in the wall array.
  3. Cover-bidet for the toilet. The installation of a bidet cover does not provide for complex installation work. Connection diagrams vary somewhat depending on the model of the device, all of them are necessarily included in the kit along with sets of spare parts for installation. With the help of several PVC hoses, it will be necessary to ensure the supply of water to the toilet and the drain of the waste. It is necessary to provide a special filter for the water supplied to the bidet cover. Then you should check all connections and the correctness of the collection of the entire sequence according to the attached scheme. And only then can you connect the bidet cover to the electrical network for controlled use.
  4. Toilet bowl with bidet function. Installation work with such a device may be different depending on the model purchased. A toilet with a built-in bidet function can be bought right away. Then you only need to install the toilet in the usual way and supply water separately for hygienic purposes. In such toilet bowls, a nozzle on the water mixer is provided inside the bowl on the far central part of the rim. The mixer should bring the water to the desired temperature, the nozzle will spray water up. The design of the toilet bowl may include a retractable fitting, combined with a mixer. The principle of use is the same, but the fitting can be extended or retracted, tilted, which is much more convenient and practical. At the end of the fitting there will be a nozzle for spraying water.

Why you shouldn't install a bidet

If we talk about what is better to install - a hygienic shower or a bidet for intimate hygiene, then we can highlight many advantages in favor of a hygienic shower. So why is it better to install a hygienic shower instead of a bidet?

Instead of a bidet, it is better to install a hygienic shower, as it does not require a lot of space.

First, you should consider some of the disadvantages in terms of installing a bidet. For installation, you will definitely need a spacious toilet room. In this case, the bathroom can be combined with a shower or shower cabin or stand in a separate room.

Here again a dilemma arises: if the bathroom is separate, then in which room is it better to install a bidet? If it is directly a toilet, then you will have to constantly run from the toilet to the shower. If you install a bidet in the toilet, next to the toilet, then you will immediately need to provide for a sink for washing hands, as is done in most cases.

With the combined arrangement of the shower and the bathroom, a large number of plumbing fixtures will gather in the room.

To install a bidet, you will need a lot of investment and dismantling of the flooring.

Regardless of the mutual location of the bathroom and the bathroom, you should remember the mandatory standards for the installation of sanitary equipment. The bidet should be installed at a distance not exceeding 30 cm from the walls of the room and from other sanitary equipment.

For comfortable use, so much space on all sides may not be needed, but the standards require it. This once again proves the irrationality of using a bidet as a means of ensuring hygiene.

If elderly people live in the house, then the installed bidet can create some inconvenience in terms of use.

shower cabin

It is impossible to plan repairs on your own. It is necessary to take into account many nuances that are known only to professionals. It is necessary to resolve the issue in the interests of the whole family, and therefore any little things are important.

With small dimensions of the room, it is preferable to install a shower. In this case, you can save on space. In addition, installing a cabin is much easier than a bathtub, no special professional skills are required, and it will take a little time. That is, everything speaks in favor of the cabin. In addition, you can save on water, as washing in the shower is much more practical and cheaper than in a bath filled to the top with water.

How to make a shower tray in the bathroom with your own hands

The cabin is more suitable for energetic people who do not have time to soak in the bath. It is equipped with a step, and some only with a low side. This is very convenient for older people, as well as those who are limited in movement due to illness. They can take a shower without outside help and extra effort. The cabin option can be selected for every taste and material possibility. There are no problems with sizes either. After installing it, there will be room for a washing machine, a laundry basket or any other necessary device.

How to make a shower tray in the bathroom with your own hands

To visually increase the space of a small bathroom, cabins with glass sliding doors are installed. They are unpretentious in cleaning and look beautiful. Bulky and oversized cabins are not recommended to be installed.

Benefits of a shower in a toilet

A hygienic shower does not take up much space, it is also easy to install it yourself.

For hygienic purposes, you can use an excellent alternative and install a hygienic shower instead of a bidet. What can be gained from this? To answer this question, it is worth going through all the disadvantages of installing a bidet. A hygienic shower will not bring any special changes to the interior of the toilet rooms. It can be installed in the toilet in various ways, which will be discussed below. Moreover, the choice of installation method will not depend on the relative position of the bathroom and shower room.

A hygienic shower does not take up much space. Any wallet will practically not feel the financial costs for the purchase and installation.You can completely install a hygienic shower yourself or even buy a ready-made installation and attach it to the toilet rim in the toilet.

Using a hygienic shower is a pleasure, and in addition, you can get additional benefits. Some housewives find it convenient to use a hygienic shower as a device for washing children's pots or even pet trays that are customary to put in the toilet.

Using a hygienic shower will be convenient and easy for anyone, regardless of age and height. Elderly people will be satisfied when using such equipment.


