Installation of a heating system in a sandwich panel house
Installation and installation of a system for heating a house using frame technology can be implemented in the same way as the installation of a water meter unit. All pipes of the required diameter are installed in the space between the walls. They are attached to the vertical racks of the wooden frame and the beams of all floors with specialized clamps. In order not to lose some of the heat, the heating pipes that are installed in a cold room are perfectly insulated.
All lines of the exhaust and supply and exhaust ventilation systems and related equipment (these can be filters, various fans and heaters) are usually located in the attic or between floors. The power of this equipment is calculated by professionals, and this is, for example, if the ventilation system is forced.
Heating circuit in a privatized house
Qualified installation and ventilation installation in a timber frame house
The air duct passing in the unheated space of the attic space must be especially well insulated from huge heat losses. In order to make competent communication in a wooden frame house with your own hands, all places for fastening ventilation and its equipment to the ceiling must be sealed to eliminate the occurrence of leaks. That is when all mechanical ventilation will be at its best.
Ventilation scheme
Installation and installation of indoor wiring in a sandwich panel house
The largest number of questions will appear during the installation and installation of electrical wiring in wooden frame houses, since it is difficult to arrange the wiring in the space between the walls. Based on the requirements of SP-31-110-2003 "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings", the rules and regulations for the installation of all electrical installations, as well as the rules and regulations of fire safety in the Russian Federation (PPB-01-03), read that it is allowed to install and install all electrical wiring only in specialized iron pipes.
All pipes for electrical wiring in wireframe wooden house must be stainless or black steel.
Corrugations for wiring in a wooden house
Due to this, all distribution boxes must be made of steel. For each electrical outlet and switch, specific iron clips should be installed, which will be necessary for the sockets.
Instead of casings for indoor electrical wiring in wireframe wooden house, you can use wavy copper or stainless steel sleeves, or sleeves coated with a specific fire-resistant enamel, in other words - profile pipes.
But the use of profile pipes will be allowed under conditions of complete sealing of all wiring components. If we assume that a wire will burn in the middle of this pipe, then this fire will be considered local due to the lack of air and it will not spread further.
During installation and assembly electrical wiring in iron pipes, specialized welding work would have to be carried out, but based on fire safety regulations, any welding work in prefabricated panel houses is strictly prohibited. Although until the wood box is sheathed with internal or external panels, it cannot be called a house, thanks to this, the installation and installation of pipes made of metal will be a feasible option. When welding, first of all, follow all fire safety rules.
No other legal types of installation and laying electrical wiring in a frame house made of wood, no.
Electrical wiring, which is made in PVC corrugated hoses, is a gross violation of existing norms and rules.
All work related to the process of installing power lines should be carried out only by experienced specialists who have all the necessary permits and specific licenses. After the installation is completed, they are required to issue you a certificate of services rendered, which will indicate legal data and a list of all relevant documents of the company that carried out the work related to the installation and the installation process of your electrical wiring.
The cost of hidden electrical wiring, made in accordance with all norms and rules, will be much higher than the prices of wiring in special wire-channels by 50-60%.
The main types of communication in a private house.
Consider the main communications that are necessary in a private residential building for each person:
- Water supply.
- Sewerage.
- Electricity.
- Gasification.
- Ventilation.
Water supply
If there is no running water on the site, and it is not planned to be carried out, connecting a centralized water supply will be very expensive. In this case, you can make your own well or well. The geological features of the area and the depth of water should be taken into account. To do this, you need to call a specialist and decide where and how such a point will be equipped. And how exactly will the water flow into the house.
In the absence of a common sewerage system, a few years ago people dug cesspools, and special equipment pumped out human waste products on call. This system is fading away. Currently, special septic tanks are being installed for rapid decomposition, biological treatment and wastewater filtration.
One of the main elements of engineering networks is the availability of electricity. Quite often, people have to install the poles themselves, call an electrician to conduct electricity to the site, and then to the house. However, without electricity, it is almost impossible to do anything in construction.
In many remote areas in summer cottages, gasification is absent. People use gas cylinders for cooking and sometimes for heating. However, it is quite dangerous, costly and inconvenient. But, if there is no electricity, and in remote areas it is often turned off, a gas cylinder in the house is a must.
Centralized gasification is a very expensive pleasure. In addition to introducing a gas pipe into the house, it is necessary to pay for the wiring of communications inside the premises according to a certain scheme. And also buy a gas boiler, conduct hot water and heating according to an agreed project. Not many in their summer cottage want such problems for themselves. For permanent residence, gas is, of course, much more profitable than solid fuel or electricity.
The house requires passive and often active ventilation. You should think in advance where the air ducts will be located and where to hang the hood and air conditioner correctly, if necessary. Experts can help you deal with these issues.
In conclusion, it should be noted that it is necessary to choose a site not only by its location, but also taking into account where the required communications pass. This will allow you to spend less time and personal funds on construction.