It doesn’t matter if you have a Khrushchev apartment or a huge design project apartment, without shelves for compact storage of things in the bathroom, the room will be uncomfortable, and the overall picture of the interior will be incomplete. The main task of such an organizer is to ensure proper storage of household chemicals, small items, home textiles and decorative cosmetics, without cluttering surfaces and disorder
Shelves help keep the bathroom organized and make the room more comfortable to use - thanks to them, everything you need is at hand
If you choose a backlit shelf, you get a decorative decoration and functionality in one: this design looks expensive, beautiful and performs several tasks at once. The room looks ennobled, and this small detail can set the tone for the entire interior.
Stylish towel rack
Choice of shelves for different interior styles
The style in which the room is decorated plays a leading role in the choice of interior items. The bathroom is most often decorated in the style of hi-tech, country, minimalism. If this is a classic direction, wooden products treated with a special impregnation to repel moisture would be ideal.
Shelves must be chosen in the general stylistic direction of the bathroom interior
If your bathroom is decorated in a light Provence, choose a plastic design. Open shelves in the bathroom in pastel shades look simple and aesthetically pleasing, photos selected for the design can be viewed on the Internet.
Simple shelves placed in the niche of the Provence style bathroom
Built-in shelves
Built-in products are the best option for a small bathroom. Thus, you can save free space, arrange things and create a cozy atmosphere. Focus on the thickness of the walls - the depth of the structure depends on this. It is possible to make a combined type model: slightly push out some of the shelves. Installation is carried out anywhere in the room. It looks aesthetically pleasing, neat and original. For decoration, you can use a decorative stone or lay out a mosaic.
Built-in shelves are placed in niches and can be made of the same material as the niche, as well as glass, wood or stainless steel
Mounted or wall-mounted
Suspended wall type structures are ideally combined with small-sized rooms - this is a good design solution in conditions of lack of free space. There are many options for such structures:
- dryers;
- hinged closed lockers;
- towel dryers;
- small shelves;
- steel hangers.
On the hinged shelves you can store light items, and for heavy ones it is better to use built-in or floor structures.
Lockers are located above the plumbing, washing machine or sink. You can choose any interior solution. They provide order and help avoid clutter, give the room comfort. The most commonly used materials are chipboard, in rare cases plastic or a mirror.
open and closed
If we talk about open models, such shelves are distinguished by the absence of doors and walls on the side. This is the most convenient device for placing the main necessary parts: shower gel, shampoo, soap and more. Most often, open-type shelves can be hinged, forged, glass. They are supplemented with special hangers and hooks for washcloths, gratings.
Open shelves are primarily designed to store items used daily.
Closed structures are complemented by cabinets with side panels, top covers and doors (sliding, coupe-type or simple hinged). Optionally, you can mount the backlight.
If the bathroom is small, the ideal solution is a closed wardrobe with a built-in grill or hooks, which is compact in size and does not take up extra space with hinged doors.
Very convenient and practical designs with retractable shelves that can be placed in any nooks and crannies of the bathroom
How to choose the material of the shelves in the bathroom
You need to select the material only according to your taste.
It is important to consider moisture resistance, strength and the number of items that will be located on the shelves.
The closer the shelf is located to the water source, the more moisture resistant the material for its manufacture should be.
glass shelves
Glass has excellent performance characteristics, visually makes the room wider. This is a very thin and fragile material that must be used wisely: it may not withstand serious loads on the base. Glass models require additional care, careful and careful handling. There are a lot of designs of such structures, so everyone can choose something for themselves. The combination of glass with chrome surfaces and a wooden frame looks great.
Illuminated glass shelves look especially attractive, which can become a highlight of the bathroom interior.
PVC pipe bathroom shelf
Plastic products are easy to use and unpretentious in care. They can be painted as you wish, give any shape. But it is worth remembering that plastic loses its original shape over time. Despite this disadvantage, such products are the most popular among buyers. When choosing, you need to take into account several details: the manufacturer and quality, since plastic does not always have a good cost-quality ratio. A good option is shelves with small holes that allow excess liquid to drain.
Such a bookcase made of PVC pipes can be made by hand
metal shelves
Embedding a metal shelf is an ideal solution, as it has an excellent aesthetic appearance, is characterized by wear resistance and good technical characteristics. The only drawback: metal products corrode over time, lime deposits form on them. In addition, shelves are much more expensive than plastic or other similar models.
They are a little more difficult to care for, which is also important.
Chrome bathroom shelf in modern style
Experts recommend buying metal shelves with a chrome coating - a special composition will help to avoid the appearance of plaque, rust, and keep the appearance in perfect condition.
Choose chrome shelves for a high-tech bathroom. If the shelf is forged, it will look great in the Provence or Country style.
Hanging shelf on a metal frame with wooden drawers for a bathroom in a retro style
wooden shelves
Wood is an environmentally friendly material that fits perfectly into different styles. It is pre-treated, giving resistance to moisture, varnished. Such a shelf will harmoniously look in any bathroom.
Shelves made of wood will be appreciated by lovers of comfort and adherents of natural materials
Velcro shelves
There is a good and budget alternative to expensive structures - suction cup shelves. They are suitable for any room, can be different in shape. They are easily mounted and dismantled, removed for maintenance (washing) and transferred to another corner of the room.
Shelves on suction cups are designed for small things - sponges, brushes, small bottles and bubbles
There are metal corner or non-corner shelves with Velcro, plastic is used. Depending on the needs, you can choose a multi-tiered or single-tiered, the total number varies from 1 to 6 levels.Focus on the size of the bathroom - perhaps 1 or 2 tiers is enough.
Glass and ceramics
The ceramic product looks neat and expensive, is characterized by ease of maintenance and ease of installation.
Ceramic toothbrush holder with towel rack
It is not difficult to choose your perfect shelf: the modern market offers a lot of variations for any interior solution. Focus on its purpose: a compact and convenient location of all the necessary little things, household chemicals and cosmetic accessories.
How to make a corner shelf from MDF with your own hands step by step diagram
Step 1: Marking out the details
There is no need to purchase a whole large stove - the shelf will be small, so you can even ask for leftovers in the store. After that, we proceed to the markup. Measure from one corner along the wall the desired depth of the lower shelf, multiply the result by two and add about 5 cm more for trimming. Then, using a rope and a pencil, we mark the product.
We put the sheet on the table, in the center of the material we pin the end of the twine using the button. At the second end of the rope you need to attach a pencil. Next, draw a circle, and the rope with a pencil will act as a compass. To make the shape even, be sure to pull the twine taut (the length of the cord is calculated based on the radius of the circle). After that, we divide the circle into 4 equal parts using a ruler
It is very important that you make the pieces the same size or it will take a very long time to fit them.
Step 2: Sawing and assembling elements
After carrying out all the calculations, you can start cutting the plate using a jigsaw. Some try to work with a hacksaw, but this option will not work - after such a cut, the edges of the parts will be sloppy.
First, we cut out the intended circle from the sheet, drawing the jigsaw strictly along the outlined lines without deviation - the slightest tremor in the hand, and chips will appear on the sheet. After that, we saw the circle into 4 parts and cut off the corners (we left 5 extra centimeters on them). On the resulting cut, we will later attach the bars for mounting the product.
Step 3: Assembling the structure with your own hands
First, we carry out a rough assembly of the structure, which will allow us to identify places for self-tapping screws. Mark them with a pencil and drill them out. We assemble all parts of the shelf, glue the parts and screw them, providing the product with maximum strength. Do not forget to regularly check the evenness of the work with a building level. The last step is painting the product with water-based paint.
How to install a hanging shelf yourself
Another option is a hanging shelf, which you can also make yourself. It can be hung over a sink or bathtub. To make it, we need pine slats 1.1 m long, 3 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick, 8 square blocks, glue for working with wood. To prevent the wood from rotting in the bathroom, be sure to treat each rail and blocks with a special impregnation.
Instructions for making a shelf with your own hands:
- We take each rail and measure 10 cm from both ends, put marks with a pencil.
- From above, where we made a mark, we glue the blocks (the width of the blocks should correspond to the width of the rails).
- In the middle of each block, make a mark with a pencil and make a hole using a drill. Do not forget that along with the block you need to drill a hole in the rail.
- Then you need to assemble the entire structure. To do this, we take a long screw (such that it “could” assemble all the rails on itself) and carefully, trying not to damage the rails, we fix the elements of the shelf together. Also, do not forget to attach special metal fasteners to the shelf.
- The last step is the installation of the shelf. To do this, we need a building level. Attach the shelf to the installation site, mark on the wall with a pencil the places where you need to drill holes for the dowels.After that, tighten the dowels and install the shelf on the fasteners.
Well, now you can hang a shelf that you made with your own hands. Its main advantage is the absence of a bottom, which means that water will not accumulate inside the shelf.
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Tools and materials
Of course, we cannot do without a competent drawing, the necessary tools and materials. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to decide what type the future product will be (straight, angular, built-in, closed or open), and from what material (wood, glass, drywall and others). Depending on this, the following tools may be needed:
- puncher or screwdriver (screwdriver);
- level and tape measure;
- saw for wood (metal);
- hammer;
- blanks from the selected material;
- mounts and brackets;
- screws, dowels and corners;
- for wooden shelves - primer, paint, varnish;
- various additional details (hooks, moldings, holders) and other decorative components.
This list is not exhaustive; in each case, completely different fixtures, materials and fittings may be needed.
DIY modern bathroom shelves
How to choose a product for the bathroom, depending on the material
The most famous and practical option for the bathroom is a glass shelf. True, in order for the glass structure to serve you for a long time and not crack under the weight of jars of cosmetics, you must remember that only polished or tempered glass can be of high quality. If we talk about the pros, then there are quite a few of them. It is both attractive and easy to care for. There is only one minus, and it is connected with the quality of the material - if you choose a shelf made of ordinary glass, it can quickly crack, which makes it potentially dangerous.
Another popular option is plastic. Shelves made of plastic are characterized by durability, this material is not afraid of moisture, it does not leave scratches and fingerprints from accidental touches. Easy to care for - just wipe with a damp cloth. True, there is still one drawback. Plastic products look quite cheap, so if your bathroom has been renovated, then it will be very difficult to find shelves that are suitable in appearance.
Waterproof plastic shelf
Metal shelves are also popular. They look very light, do not clutter up the space, while very strong, able to last for a long time. But such advantages as strength and reliability can be easily crossed out if the bath is too humid. To solve this problem, you need to purchase metal shelves with a special coating that will not rust.
A rather unusual material for the manufacture of the structure is wood. Due to its texture and environmental friendliness, wood can give the bathroom a warm and cozy atmosphere, especially if you combine shelves with other wooden objects in the room. If you decide to make a wooden shelf, then remember that the selected material must be of high quality, moisture resistant. Additionally, it can be treated with special compounds that will repel moisture.
What are bathroom shelves
The shelf must be selected for the interior, since not all structures can be fixed in the bathroom. The most popular options are floor stationary, which conveniently store household items and other things. In addition, we allow the installation of plumbing elements. The second most popular are multi-level corners: you can place creams, shower gels and other personal hygiene products on them. You can also compactly place hanging products above the washing machine. They are also used to place towels, bathrobes and other home textiles.
With proper selection and placement, shelves decorate the interior, become its accents, and can even affect the visual perception of space.
Floor structures
Lots of options here:
- racks;
- whatnots;
- dryers;
- cabinets;
- shelves above the bath;
- bathroom shelves.
Each of the options has its own subtleties and nuances, directly dependent on the purpose of the product. If we talk about whatnot, then with their help you can competently fill the free space, compactly place all the items inside. If free zones have formed under the washbasin or bathtub, a small floor structure will look harmonious in the kit.
Floor shelves will come in handy in a spacious bathroom
Corner models of floor shelves will fit well into a small bathroom
There may also be options for open shelves, which are interconnected by a stainless steel frame. Used for storage and home textiles, bed linen or towels. On the lower tiers of whatnots there is a place for storing household chemicals and cosmetics.
Specially designed floor shelves designed to be installed above the toilet or above the washing machine
We choose the best place for attaching the shelf and determine the shape
The traditional option for attaching a shelf is a wall. This option can be called very reliable and practical. It is also possible to carry out corner installation, effectively using rarely used space. Another option is a door. To do this, you just need to make a shelf that will match the texture and color of the door. A similar design is fastened simply - we use dowels or screws.
Corner installation of a shelf in the bathroom
If the bathroom has free niches in the walls, then it is most convenient to make a shelf there. If there is not enough space, try placing shelves above the bathtub or above the sink. This option is considered very convenient for storing toothbrushes, hygiene products, shampoos. When choosing a shelf, make sure that its shape matches the shape of the bathtub, sink or other pieces of furniture. Also remember that the shape of the products affects the overall design of the room. For example, an oval shelf will make the interior of the room soft and delicate, by choosing such a product, you will smooth out sharp corners in the room.
To make the interior more rigorous, it is better to use square or triangular designs. To visually expand the room, you can make a design with several horizontal sections. You can also stop at a product with stepped shelves, which will not only save space, but also visually enlarge the room. Shelves with doors are popular, which will be convenient for storing rags, household chemicals.
Where is the best place to place a bathroom shelf
The shelf in the bathroom should be purchased according to the design and parameters of the room, its compact placement depends on it. It is necessary to install so that everything you need is at hand: near the bath or shower, above or below the sink.
Thanks to the use of shelves, even a small-sized bathroom becomes comfortable and functional.
If you do not want to drill the tiles, you can carefully attach the shelf on the suction cups. The height should be optimal so that it is convenient to reach it with your hand. If the design is with hinged doors, it must be fixed so that the opening of the wings does not interfere with standing nearby.
A bath screen with shelves or drawers is a great solution to save space and organize your storage wisely
Corner floating shelves on the wall
Decorative corner shelves that are designed for the bathroom can be of several variations: cabinets, racks or whatnots. They are outwardly similar to floor structures, but differ in shape - they look like a triangle, and the facade is located at an acute angle towards the two walls of the room.The most common option is a simple corner shelf, which is compactly placed in any corner of the room, perhaps even above the bathroom or toilet.
These shelves are strong enough and designed for fairly heavy objects. The material for their manufacture can be plastic, metal, wood, glass, or all sorts of combinations.
There are convenient options for placement inside the shower cabin, but it is necessary to carefully select the material of manufacture: wood, MDF, chrome surfaces will not work - they do not tolerate large amounts of moisture.