Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

Improving a homemade heater

If a similar design of an oil heater is planned to be used elsewhere, for example, in a country house, then some changes will have to be made to it. They will only touch the electrical part. The fact is that you are in the garage temporarily, and in the country, in comparison with the garage - permanently. Therefore, the requirements for room temperature will be different.

To achieve comfortable heating conditions for a country house, the electrical circuit of the heater must be slightly changed. To do this, a relay is introduced into the heating element circuit, which will control the heating of the element, maintain the specified temperature of the coolant. And again, an old electric iron, or rather its bimetallic plate, can play its positive role. In the iron, it served as a regulator of its heating, here its purpose will be the same - to maintain the set oil temperature. In addition to the direct effect, there will be an additional effect - energy savings. The relationship is direct - the lower the temperature, the less electricity is consumed.

Bimetal iron plate

A home-made designed oil heater completely replaces the purchased one, and in some respects even surpasses it. This is, firstly, the manufacture of the desired size. Secondly, tangible cost savings

Of no small importance will be the fact that the garage will be a little cleared of unnecessary rubbish (pipes, corner trimmings, profiles), from which a useful and necessary thing will be made

The video shows the manufacture of a slightly different model of an oil heater.

Rarely, when building a garage, does it provide for the possibility of heating. Therefore, during operation, the premises have to be heated independently. Agree, buying heating appliances for occasional use is sometimes costly and impractical.

Some craftsmen make the unit with their own hands, using inexpensive materials. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the three most popular solutions for organizing individual heating.

Before you make a homemade heater for the garage, you need to understand the principle of operation of each unit, its structure and study the assembly procedure.

Heating cables

Laying a warm floor in a garage is not always advisable, but in one situation such a design will be more than justified. We are talking about starting a car in cold weather - often a lot of problems are associated with this, and the presence of a heating cable will greatly simplify the task. In addition, you can lay the cable only under the car and turn it on only if you have problems starting the engine.

The machine must first be covered with a cover that will cover it completely - this will allow you to concentrate thermal energy in one zone. The air will not move into the garage itself, so the level of heat loss will be minimized. This technique will allow you to quickly warm up the car even in severe frost.

Infrared heaters and their features

The operation of infrared heaters is based on the principle of wave radiation, due to which objects and surfaces located in the path of the rays are heated. This is the key difference between infrared devices and other types of heaters, which primarily heat the air.

The main element of the considered type of heaters is the emitter. In household devices, the operating temperature of the emitter can reach 600 degrees. In addition to electric IR heaters, there are also gas devices, but it is forbidden to use them in rooms without good ventilation (and most garages fit this definition).

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

There are the following types of infrared emitters:

Metal.Low temperature heating elements made of stainless steel, equipped with aluminum radiant plates, are the simplest and most reliable elements in existence. When heated and cooled, such devices crackle slightly.

Ceramic. These emitters consist of a ceramic panel that is heated by a metal coil. Such devices are characterized by relatively low efficiency.

Mycathermic. The emitter plate of this type is covered with mica and heated to a temperature of 60 degrees. Devices with mikathermic emitters are more expensive than the two previous options.

Quartz. The heating element is a tungsten filament hermetically sealed in a vacuum tube made of quartz glass.

Such devices must be handled with care due to their fragility.

Halogen. Such an emitter is structurally similar to a quartz one, but there is an inert gas in the tube

The filament is heated to a higher temperature and glows during the heating process.

Carbon. Another representative of lamp emitters. The vacuum quartz tube contains a carbon filament, which ensures maximum efficiency compared to halogen and quartz devices. The cost of carbon emitters is the highest compared to analogues.

In garages, IR heaters with aluminum emitters are usually used - they are cheaper, more reliable, and much stronger, which is important when using the device in a garage. Aluminum heaters usually operate at temperatures no higher than 300 degrees.

At this temperature, flammable materials (paper and wood) do not ignite, so these heaters comply with fire safety requirements. In favor of such devices is the fact that they do not burn out oxygen, and a person can easily stay in a heated room for a long time

Aluminum heaters usually operate at temperatures no higher than 300 degrees. At this temperature, flammable materials (paper and wood) do not ignite, so these heaters comply with fire safety requirements. In favor of such devices is the fact that they do not burn out oxygen, and a person can easily stay in a heated room for a long time.

When choosing a heater with a plate radiator, you must definitely find out what is the thickness of the anode layer - for normal and long-term operation of the device, this figure must exceed 25 microns. The heating element must be located in a stainless steel case, which will not rust at high humidity in the room.

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

Infrared heaters for the garage have the following number of advantages:

  • The possibility of uniform heating of the entire room or the creation of local heating in a specific area;
  • The ability to warm up any part of the garage, including even the most inaccessible.

The device and features of convector heaters

Convection is a working principle in which heating occurs due to the different density of cold and heated air. Cold air from below enters the heater through special openings, heats up, its specific gravity becomes smaller, and the heated air exits through openings located in the upper part of the device.

In heating convectors, everything happens in strict accordance with this principle - i.e. the air moves naturally, heating up in the inside of the heater. Increasing the intensity of cold air intake significantly increases the heat transfer of the convector.

Typically, convection heaters are mounted on walls - this allows the unit to take air from below and give out heat through the top panel. The holes in the upper part of the convector are equipped with special elements that allow you to adjust the direction of movement of the heated air.

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

There are several types of convectors:

  1. Electrical. Differ in simplicity of installation and operation.
  2. Gas. The main distinguishing feature of these devices is high power. When installing gas heaters, it is necessary to provide a high-quality chimney for air supply and removal of combustion products. In small rooms, only devices with a closed combustion chamber can be used.
  3. Water.

Among the advantages of convector heaters it is worth noting:

  • The low temperature of the device, due to which the likelihood of burns upon contact with it is excluded;
  • Limiting degree of fire safety of electrical devices;
  • Simplicity of a design and the minimum probability of breakage.

What is required to make a heater

In every garage you can find a lot of useful things that at first glance, it would seem, are not of particular value, but in the hands of a skilled owner they can turn into useful devices or appliances. By its design, a home-made heater resembles factory counterparts, where the principle of operation is based on the fact that the heating element, in this case a nichrome spiral, is hermetically sealed between sheets of fiberglass, as a result of which the sheet heats up and heats the surrounding air.

To make a homemade heater you will need:

Nichrome wire heating element

  • Fiberglass.
  • Clay Monolith.
  • Nichrome wire.
  • Electric wire.
  • Metal rivets.
  • Electric drill.
  • Matches.

Fiberglass will need two sheets, each 50x50 cm in size and no more than 1.5 cm thick. Although the dimensions may be different, the sheets must be the same in thickness and geometric dimensions. The garage heater can be square or rectangular, but the perimeter of its sides should not exceed two meters.

Fiberglass parts are needed to fix the main heating element in our home-made device - a nichrome spiral, which is made from 24 m of wire. Two pieces of electrical wire long, based on the location of the heater and electrical outlet. Metal rivets can be replaced with bolts and nuts.

For a similar model of a home-made heater, the power of which will be 100 W, nichrome wire is used with a cross section of no more than 0.3 mm.

Making a desktop fan heater

This type of device is a heater and a fan in one person. If desired, a homemade fan heater can be used as an impromptu air conditioner.

This type of heater is convenient because it allows you to adjust the heating temperature and the speed of rotation of the cooler.

Selection of necessary materials

To create a fan heater, you will need the following materials:

  • rheostat;
  • switch;
  • power connector;
  • electric wire;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • 12 volt computer cooler;
  • three-ampere power supply for 12 volts;

To fix the heating element, you will also need two ten-centimeter bars of copper wiring with a cross section of 1.5 sq. mm.

From the tools you need to prepare:

  • jigsaw;
  • perforator or drill;
  • soldering iron;
  • hole saw;
  • glue for woodworking;
  • "moment" or superglue;

To clean wooden blanks, eliminating burrs along the edges, you will also need fine-grained sandpaper.

Assembly of body parts

The future heater will have the shape of a cube. The body of the device is assembled from wooden boards 9 mm thick.

  • two square blanks measuring 12 * 12 cm;
  • 3 parts measuring 10.2 * 10.2 cm;
  • two rectangular blanks 12 * 10.2 cm;
  • four small rectangles measuring 1 * 1.5 cm.

To make the legs of the structure, 2 blanks 3 cm long are sawn off from a wooden stick D12 mm.

To simplify your task, make paper patterns, the dimensions of which correspond to the dimensions of the blanks 12x12 cm.The marking of the location of the holes is applied directly to the patterns. They are applied to each side and drilled through.

In a workpiece 10.2 * 10.2 cm, maintaining a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge, a hole D7 mm is made. On the second blank, two of the same holes are made, keeping a distance of 2.5 cm between them. On the third blank, 10.2 * 10.2 cm, a through hole D9 cm is made in the center.

Holes D5 mm are made in each of the four rectangular blanks measuring 1 * 1.5 mm.

On the long side of a rectangle measuring 12 * 10.2 cm, stepping back from the edge by 1.2 cm, two holes D12 mm are made, maintaining a distance between them of 7 cm.

A square blank with a drilled hole of 9 cm is installed inside the body. After that, the last rectangular part is attached, closing the body of the structure. At the final stage, the legs are glued.

Installation of heating elements

A spring stretched between two copper rods will act as a heating element. To determine if a spring is suitable, you need to connect it to a 12-volt power source and measure it with a multimeter.

So, to create a warm flow, it is quite enough if the multimeter readings are 2.5 A. With such parameters, with a power supply of 12 W, about 30 V of heat will be generated.

The selected spring is soldered to copper rods, the ends of which are fixed to blanks measuring 1x1.5 cm. The assembled structure is glued to the corners of the case. Bare "tails" of the electric cable are soldered to the ends of the rods. After that, a bar equipped with holes is attached.

Having fixed the cooler inside the case, the same manipulations are performed with the rheostat, switch and power connector.

If all structural elements are connected correctly, then at the moment the rheostat is turned on, a blue light will light up on the LED strip. At the moment the switch is turned on, the LED strip will acquire a red tint, which, against the background of the main blue, will create a purple color. After that, the heater spring will begin to heat up.

The assembled structure from the outside can only be sanded and treated with wood wax, or varnished in 2-3 layers.

Due to its presentable appearance, such a heater can be safely used not only for heating the garage, but also for arranging living rooms.

Alternative options for economical garage heating are described in this article.

Stages of assembling a homemade heater

After all the materials, tools and fixtures have been prepared, you can start assembling a homemade heater:

DIY garage heater

  • Sheets of fiberglass on the inside are cleaned with fine sandpaper.
  • Marking is made - in the upper and lower parts, stepping back 2 cm, a line is drawn. On the right and left sides of the sheet, the indent will be 3 cm. The heating coil will be attached to one sheet, for which it is necessary to make several holes on it along both edges of the sheet. Two more holes must be drilled for attaching the supply wires. They are located on the edge where an indent of 3 cm is left.
  • Before you make a heater with your own hands, you need to turn the wire into a spiral by winding it around a nail or a long knitting needle.
  • Matches, toothpicks or other fasteners are inserted into the lower and upper holes, which can be easily removed after work is completed.
  • The spiral is laid in rows, leading each row by a match in the hole. A distance of 8-12 mm should be observed between rows. Every 5-7 cm, the spiral is fixed with paper centimeter strips, on which Monolith glue is applied in advance. When the entire spiral is evenly placed on the panel, the matches can be removed, and these places are further strengthened with paper strips with glue.
  • Metal rivets are inserted into the side holes, on which the stripped ends of the electrical wire are wound. On the outside of the fiberglass plate, a washer is put on each rivet so that the contact is firmly fixed.
  • The next step will be to check how the assembled electric heater works with your own hands, for which you connect the product to an ohmmeter and to a power outlet.
  • Now you need to glue the second sheet, for which epoxy-based glue is used. It needs 150 grams. Epoxy resin is applied between the rows of the spiral and a second panel is applied on top. In order for gluing to take place qualitatively, a sheet of plywood is laid on top of the second sheet and loaded. The weight of the load must be 40 kg or more, but not less.
  • The time of complete curing of the epoxy resin is a day. On the second day, you can already use a homemade device. But before that, you need to make a mount on the back wall if you plan to hang it on the wall or legs if it will be located on the floor.

Heater power calculation

To calculate the heat output required to warm up the garage, you need to use the following formula:

  • N = V x dT x K, where
  • N – heater power (kcal/h),
  • V is the total volume of the room,
  • dT is the temperature difference between the room and outside,
  • K is the heat loss coefficient.

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

For heat loss calculations, the following values ​​of the coefficient K are accepted:

  • 0.6-0.9 - the garage is well insulated;
  • 1-1.9 - the garage has an average quality of insulation;
  • 2-2.9 - the garage has insufficiently effective insulation;
  • 3-3.9 - the garage is not insulated.

To convert kcal / h to W, a simple formula is used:

  • 1 W = 0.86 kcal/h, or
  • 1 kcal/h = 1.163 W.

Heater Selection Criteria

A garage is a non-residential premises used not only for storing motor vehicles, but also for carrying out its repair. Accordingly, in addition to the four / two-wheeled “friend”, it also stores a considerable number of various tools and materials. Most often, it is not possible to provide free access to this room for gas pipes, which means that it can be heated only with the help of heaters powered by the mains.

When thinking about which heater to choose for a garage, it is important, first of all, to determine for yourself the main criteria that it must meet in its work:

  • compactness - perhaps one of the most important criteria, since there must be enough space for vehicle repairs;
  • safety for health - despite the fact that the garage is not a residential area, its owner can often spend a considerable amount of time in it and the air he breathes plays an important role;
  • ease of operation, installation, etc. - undoubtedly an important criterion, since setting up a heater is not the purpose for which the owner of the garage visits it;
  • autonomy.

A little later, we will consider the most diverse options for heating devices, but before proceeding to get acquainted with them, it is important to determine for yourself what functions they will perform. It depends, first of all, on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, the presence of ventilation in it, etc.

Some note that it is more convenient to work at a not very high temperature in the room, and if you are among those who think so, then a not very powerful compact model of the heater will suit you. But first things first.


Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

Run to keep warm

Do not know how to warm up in the car if the above methods are not suitable for you? Remember the main character from the movie "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"? That shot of him jumping in place and jogging to keep warm. In fact, this is the most effective way to keep warm, but at the same time the easiest. That is why I got to one of the lowest lines of the rating.

We can recommend the following: turn on the music (if there is enough charging in the mobile phone), put on headphones and beat out the rhythm with almost all parts of the body to the catchy melody.

It is also useful to periodically rub the limbs so that they do not go numb.

If it does not help, then you need to leave the salon. And quickly run around the car for as long as possible. In this case, you need to breathe slowly and evenly. After warming up, you should not stay outside. Get back in the car. Freeze - go out again.

Thermos seventh place ranking

An ordinary thermos, preferably a voluminous one, will help to warm up well in the car. Rather, not he himself, but its contents. Hot tea has a good effect on blood circulation and does not constrict blood vessels, such as coffee. And it is best to carry with you just a thermos with a hot thyme drink. This tea will warm you up very quickly. As you know, the substances contained in this herb growing in the mountains are very beneficial for the human body. Since ancient times, frostbitten travelers have been warmed with just such tea, giving it to drink.

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

To warm up, you can drink a cup of hot tea or coffee.

The English would advise drinking some grog or mulled wine. But in addition to hot water, then you need to take a bottle of semi-sweet wine with you on the road. Ideally, the wine should be boiled, but on the road, it can simply be mixed with hot water. It will not only help you keep warm in winter, but also cheer you up. But alcoholic beverages, such as vodka, while sitting in the car, it is better not to get carried away. They warm only illusory, but in reality the consequences can be disastrous. "Under alcohol" you can easily fall asleep and freeze.

You can also mix lime honey in hot water, which you can keep in the glove compartment of your car. A spoonful of honey mixed with hot water will warm you better than any other remedy.

Heating with liquid fuel

Do-it-yourself budget garage heating can be done using liquid heating units, including home-made ones. In our reviews, we have already described mining furnaces that provide cheap, and in some cases free heat. For example, if you are engaged in the replacement of engine oil, then during the spring and summer you can collect several barrels of finished fuel. A properly assembled oil-fired stove will generate a large amount of heat and will delight you with even burning without soot and soot.

Good results are obtained by pyrolysis type ovens, consisting of several parts, as indicated in the figure. A fire is kindled in the oil container, as a result of which oil vapors and pyrolysis products begin to form. They are burned in a vertical tube with holes, generating a large amount of heat. By regulating the supply of oxygen, you can adjust the intensity of combustion.

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

When using any oven, it is better to allocate a separate corner for it. You also need to think about a reliable foundation and lining the adjacent walls with non-combustible materials.

Using a furnace with a plasma bowl to heat the garage, you can achieve maximum heat transfer and minimum fuel consumption. The oil here breaks down into its component parts in a hot bowl, after which it burns out with the formation of a bluish-white flame similar to plasma. Of course, there is no plasma here at all, since it is formed at much higher temperatures. These furnaces are characterized as the most productive.

Autonomous gas burners

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

Autonomous gas burner

The third place in the rating is the best way, but since it involves the use of an autonomous heater, and we need methods of dealing with the cold, so to speak, “with our bare hands”, he got to the third line.

The choice of autonomous heaters for cars today is quite wide. Among the many models, a liquid heater can be distinguished, for example, such as Webasto.Such heaters will not only warm the interior of the car, but also help to start the car engine, as they are liquid preheaters. Only now they are expensive and you need to correctly install this heater on the car.

Now about completely autonomous heaters, among which gas heaters come out on top. Infrared burners are used as the main element in them. Such a heater will not only warm the interior, but will also make it possible to boil tea or warm food. But in addition to the heater, you will have to carry a bottle of liquefied gas with you. So for a passenger car, a five-liter cylinder will do.

The video shows how an autonomous gas burner works:

One kilowatt is the rated power of such a burner and this is quite enough to warm up. As for consumption, it is unlikely that more than 80 grams per hour of gas will go away. This means that it will be possible to provide yourself with warmth for a day or even more. The gas burner itself is very convenient, light and compact. Carrying it will not cause any inconvenience, only in addition to the cylinder, as additional equipment, you must not forget to take a lighter, a hose and a reducer with you.

Light a gas burner should be away from combustible materials and in every possible way observe fire safety measures. In addition, it will be necessary to periodically ventilate the interior so as not to suffocate in the smoke. Experts advise placing a gas heater in a special box in order to completely eliminate the contact of the burner with the car. Prometheus gas burners have proven themselves well.

Building a garage heater

To maintain a comfortable temperature in the garage, it is not difficult to make a waste oil heater yourself. At the same time, the problem of its disposal will be solved, which is also a topical issue for car owners. To assemble it, almost all the elements and spare parts can be found in your own garage.

When making a heater you will need:

  • metal pipes;
  • TEN (heating element);
  • waste oil;
  • plug wire.

Structurally, the body can be made in any form, convenient for placement in the garage. The photo shows one of the possible schemes of the device.

Scheme of a homemade oil heater

Metal pipes are used in any diameter. It must be borne in mind that the thinner they are, the more they will be needed. The temperature of the room will depend on the area that gives off heat. The length of the pipes is also arbitrary, it is desirable that it be maximum, but at the same time it is in perfect harmony with the dimensions of the wall on which it will be installed. The metal from which the pipes are made does not matter. The wall thickness of the pipe can be any.

The heating element is selected by power and voltage. Practice shows that 1.5-5 kW of the heater is enough for heating. Here it is necessary to take into account that the comfortable temperature of the garage and the apartment differ significantly. And such a wide difference in power is given based on the size of the heater. The voltage for connecting the heating element is taken as standard - 220 V. (other parameters are not considered here).

Used oil. Most motorists almost 2 times a year change the oil in the engines of their cars on their own. Therefore, working off, as a rule, is available for everyone. It remains to collect the required amount and proceed to the manufacture of the heater.

The thirteenth method, well, this is absolutely for extreme people

If you often find yourself in situations where you have to deal with the cold in the car (for example, you are a traveler), then you can take an ordinary wood-burning stove with you on the road. If you don't believe me, take a look:

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

Real oven in the car

Well, how? Did you believe? You can stock up on firewood or brushwood for free, for example, if your forced stop occurred in the forest or next to an old and dilapidated building, in which there are a lot of boards.

If the car stalled in the winter, then do not despair. Armed with one of the heaters listed above and learning all the tips above, you will stay warm and survive in harsh weather conditions. Even if you find yourself in a car at night, face to face with a cold and harsh winter, you can create all the conditions in the cabin that are similar to home comfort. So, do not hang your nose motorists!

The best prices and conditions for the purchase of new cars

It has long been known that a comfortable temperature for the driver is the range from + 21 ... 23 degrees Celsius. Low temperatures adversely affect concentration and alertness while driving, causing irritability. And safety is affected by driving with limited visibility due to icy windows.

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

If at least once you had to get to your car in a parking lot in severe frosts or just get into an icy car interior, only after leaving a warm home, then you know firsthand that this feeling is not pleasant. And how I would like to warm up at this moment. You can, of course, run around the car or leave the snow while the interior warms up, but there are less drastic methods. As always, there is a way out and has long been known among motorists - an autonomous interior heater, which will gladly give you comfort.

Working with pipes

After the scheme of the oil heater is selected, it is necessary to manufacture its body. We make a drawing, determine the dimensions and start working as a grinder. Pipes are cut to length in the right quantity. After stripping the ends, they are carefully and carefully brewed. The operation of the entire heater as a whole will depend on the quality of welding. A leaking seam is not only a nuisance, but also a possible cause of a fire. When welding the ends of the pipes, leave one (on the lowest pipe) free. Subsequently, a heating element will be inserted into it. This means that the stub will have a different configuration.

Finished pipes are tied together. The piping is done with pipes, only of a smaller diameter. On the uppermost pipe, it is necessary to provide a place where the filler plug will be located. Structurally, it can be made in the form of a welded short run with a coupling, one side of which will be welded. Using your locksmith and mechanical experience, the heater configuration can be made more aesthetic, unlike the one in the photo. By the way, the case can be not only tubular. For this purpose, radiators from cars, old cast-iron radiators and other closed containers are well suited.

Electric garage heating

The easiest way to heat the garage with electricity is to adapt a suitable heater, purchased or home-made, for this. If there is no money to buy factory equipment, you can make it yourself. The simplest heating device is a goat heater, the most affordable, but also the most inefficient. It is done easily and simply - some non-combustible dielectric is taken, nichrome wire is wound around it. Next, connect the electrical cable to the product and plug it into the outlet.

Among all the garage heating options, this option is considered the most dangerous - electricity is generally no joke. Bare nichrome wire is used here, there is no insulation. Users may be burned or electrocuted, and there is a risk of fire. It is forbidden to leave such heating unattended. And in general - you should not use such handicraft and extremely dangerous heaters.

Electric heating of the garage can be arranged with factory heating devices:

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

Before you start choosing the type of heating, you should take care of at least the minimum thermal insulation of the garage. Otherwise, the heat will simply go outside.

  • Heat guns - they are extremely safe and provide a quick injection of heat into the garage.It takes a few minutes to warm up the entire volume, after which the room will become warm. Minus - increased noise level;
  • Infrared heaters are a modern solution that pleases with high efficiency. Infrared garage heating does not dry the air and is not harmful to health. Here, simple IR heaters are used, which do not heat the air itself, but the surrounding objects, as a result of which they begin to emit heat;
  • Electric convectors are a great way to heat a garage in winter and not have to worry about installing or manufacturing complex equipment;
  • Electric boilers - in this case, classic water heating is organized in the garage using an electric boiler. The boiler for the garage is selected in accordance with its area and heat losses, focusing on the formula of 1 kW of heat per 10 square meters. m. area.

Garage heating can also be arranged using a homemade boiler - for this you need an electric heating element of suitable power, which must be built into a metal pipe of one diameter or another. Next, bends are welded to the pipe, to which a water heating system with batteries is connected. By the way, these same batteries (heating registers) can be made independently using pipes with a diameter of 100 mm.

Classic electric heaters

This is a fairly vast area, since there are a lot of heaters that run on electricity. Everyone knows what an electric heater is, since it is them that we most often use in everyday life. All devices have almost the same principle of operation: thanks to an electric current, a spiral is heated, giving off its heat either to air or to a coolant (most often oil). It is logical that for the operation of heaters of this type, an electrical network is required.

Homemade heaters for home, garden and garage

Among the advantages of such devices are:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. Mobility and accessibility.
  3. Good level of heat.
  4. The ability to control the temperature.

You only need to connect the device to the network and press the button. This is a good choice if you need to use the heating occasionally. I would like to note that there are such types of devices that you can buy:

  • oil-fired radiators;
  • heat guns;
  • wall convectors;
  • fans and thermal curtains.

Each of them has its positive and negative sides. It is unprofitable to use such devices to regularly heat the garage. Such heaters cannot be called energy-saving. Their use is rational for short-term use

When choosing equipment, pay attention to the degree of fire safety of the device and its power. Remember, most often the ignition of the garage occurs precisely because of the breakdown of the electric heater.


