Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

Operation and care

Diagnostics of the correct working capacity and cleaning of the inner surface of the smoke channel are mandatory, especially during year-round operation of the chimney. This allows you to maintain a constant ventilation effect inside the structure, reduces the risk of burning it and the emission of smoke through the combustion chamber.

Soot removal

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

Ruff with a load for cleaning the chimney

Soot cleaning is performed every six months. With frequent use of coniferous wood, preventive cleaning every three months is desirable. To clean the smoke channel, a special tool and chemicals are used.

As a tool, a steel fishing line with a sinker is used, at the end of which a metal or plastic ruff with a hard pile is fixed. The diameter of the hedgehog is selected according to the inner section of the channel. The ruff progressively descends into the chimney for the entire length of the channel, thereby cleaning off soot and soot from the walls of the chimney.

Salt-based chemicals help maintain and remove soot naturally. The product is poured onto hot coals. During the combustion process, it releases salts that soften the tar build-up inside the chimney.

As a prevention of blockages, it is recommended to fire the stove with aspen wood or potato peelings. Aspen firewood gives a good heat, which leads to the burning of the blockages themselves and the burning of soot. You can use this method only if the design and materials of the chimney are designed to operate at temperatures above 1000 ° C.

When burned, potato peels release starch, which also helps soften soot and soot. By itself, this method is ineffective, but if you heat the furnace with cleaning before mechanical cleaning, the cleaning process will be easier.

Chimney repair

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

Hand-held thermal imager for diagnosing the technical condition of the chimney

Work on the repair of a chimney of any design consists of three stages:

  • cleaning of the smoke channel;
  • diagnostics with the help of special equipment;
  • replacement of the problem element.

As mentioned above, the smoke channel is cleaned at regular intervals. This eliminates overheating of the pipe and maintains a constant level of draft inside the smoke channel. If after cleaning the draft level has not been restored, then the chimney is diagnosed using video inspection equipment and a thermal imager. At this stage, the inner surface of the smoke channel and the junction of individual elements are examined.

If problems are found, the burnt and damaged area is replaced. To do this, a certain section of the chimney is dismantled, and the damaged element is replaced with a new sandwich pipe.

Self-assembly of a chimney from steel and sandwich pipes does not cause any particular difficulties, but requires careful study of the technology of work and accuracy

When working at height, be sure to be careful and monitor the quality of the docking connections.

Advantages and disadvantages of a steel chimney

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

External chimney made of steel pipe

A metal chimney is a vertical cylindrical pipe connected to a branch pipe of heating equipment. For the manufacture of the chimney, pipes made of stainless and galvanized steel are used.

For self-manufacturing of the chimney, it is better to use ready-made stainless steel products. Such a material has high anti-corrosion properties and is not afraid of high temperatures, but its cost is slightly higher than galvanizing. For example, a stainless steel pipe with a diameter of 115 × 175 mm will cost 1,500 rubles. A similar pipe made of galvanized metal - 1 thousand rubles.

In turn, galvanized steel pipes are an acceptable option when it is required to build a chimney, spending a minimum amount of money. Care must be taken during installation - any damage to the galvanized coating will lead to corrosion and reduce the life of the chimney.

The advantages of steel chimneys include:

  • Pipe section - the round section of the chimney is optimal, allowing combustion products and gas to freely exit.
  • The smoothness of the inner surface of the pipe - the inner walls of the smoke channel do not have corners and unnecessary obstacles. Due to this, soot and other combustion products settle less on the walls.
  • Versatility - a steel chimney is suitable for most types of heating equipment. If necessary, it can even be installed in an old brick chimney, thereby increasing its service life.
  • Low cost - compared to a brick structure and ceramic systems, a steel chimney costs several times cheaper. In addition, due to its shape, it has to be cleaned less often.
  • Maintainability - the average service life of stainless steel chimneys does not exceed 15-17 years. When a single element burns out, you can quickly repair the chimney without disassembling the entire structure.

Among the significant disadvantages of a steel chimney, one can single out the high thermal conductivity of the metal, which leads to a rapid cooling of the exhausted smoke. Because of this, with a pipe height of more than 5 meters, a significant loss of traction can be observed. The rapid cooling of the combustion products creates a temperature difference at the bottom and top of the pipe. This leads to the formation of condensate, which reduces the efficiency of the exhaust system.

The area at the chimney connection is very hot, which can lead to the ignition of adjacent structures and materials. Accidental contact with such a tube can cause serious damage to the skin. Therefore, to solve these problems, any steel pipe chimney must be insulated and insulated with non-combustible thermal insulation materials.

What is attractive sandwich transition

It should be noted that this installation technology has a number of important advantages, moreover, it has practically no drawbacks. And the most interesting thing is that if you wish, you can always carry out the necessary work related to the design, as well as the construction of the chimney yourself.

  • It is not necessary to clean the chimney several times a year and this will save a lot of time. The material is fire resistant and you can use almost any type of fuel. This design also perfectly tolerates the aggressive environment that occurs when exhaust gases are removed, as a result it is durable. To ensure normal functioning, it is necessary to carry out preventive procedures once every few years. You must correctly assemble the communication, so that smoke and combustion products will be released into the atmosphere without settling in the room. To get a good result, you must use high quality materials, they should not fail, so give preference to trusted brands.

The price of this design is not high, especially when compared with brickwork. After all, only a specialist can do this. But if you need a brick for a general design, then you can always overlay the pipe with a front brick and it will turn out much cheaper.

Brick chimney design

The power of the furnace is directly related to the size of the cross section of the chimney channel:

For small heater stoves, a square section with a rib of 120-150 mm will suffice.

Most often, this is a channel that has four bricks in a row, so often the size of such a section is called a four;When laying, five bricks are placed in a row; For Russian stoves and large sauna heaters, the “sixth” size is used with a channel of 250x250 mm. This is a very large section, and should only be used for low-set pipes or a very large furnace firebox.

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

Structurally, the laying of the chimney is no different from the laying of the stove itself. The only area that requires the hands and skill of a professional is the overhead pipe. In this place, it is necessary to correctly perform the dressing of the brick being laid. For a simple chimney tower structure, the pipe can be made of alloy metal and connected to the main brick duct, as shown in the figure.

Advantages and disadvantages of a sandwich pipe for a chimney

Private developers highlight the following advantages of stainless sandwich pipes for the removal of combustion products:

  • the ability to easily and quickly install a chimney, without the involvement of stove specialists;
  • small size;
  • versatility of use (the product can be displayed through the roof or walls);
  • the presence of several layers, which prevents the formation of condensate and the growth of soot;
  • resistance to aggressive environments and extreme conditions (chemical components, high temperatures, etc.);
  • resistance to possible fires;
  • the possibility of installation, despite the truss system.

It was possible to achieve a wide list of advantages thanks to the special design of the pipe. It consists of:

  • internal raincoat made of stainless steel with resistance to corrosive processes;
  • outer casing;
  • basalt thermal insulation pad.

The disadvantages are insignificant, such that are inherent in all diversion systems:

  • high cost of construction;
  • service life up to 15 years (but it should be borne in mind that the thicker the stainless steel layer, the longer the product will last);
  • the risk of reducing the tightness of the system.

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

Nozzle for transition from a brick chimney pipe to a sandwich

Sandwich pipes can be used in houses made of any building material, but most often it becomes necessary to equip the transition between a masonry pipe and a sandwich.

How to make a transition with a special adapter?

There are at least two ways to make the transition from a brick pipe to a sandwich. The first of them is associated with the presence of special adapters. Their main purpose is to provide the chimney with tightness at the junction.

There are two main types of adapters:

  • square nozzles. They are superimposed on a brick pipe on one side, and on the other hand, they are connected through a special pipe;
  • single-circuit adapter, which serves to ensure the transition to a double-circuit design. Its wide platform is attached to a brick opening, and the single-circuit element goes down.

This installation may create gaps. They must be closed so that the chimney is airtight. For this, compositions on a non-combustible basis are used.

Adapters mounted on the chimney are used to connect elements of different sizes and structures.

They are characterized by the following indicators:

  • do not create obstacles to the removal of combustion products, this contributes to good chimney draft;
  • have an optimal geometry to ensure a tight transition from brickwork to a sandwich pipe;
  • some models can scroll 45˚;
  • able to withstand short-term overheating without compromising structural integrity.

The diameter of the adapters varies from 100 to 500 mm. When choosing an adapter between a brick and a sandwich pipe, it is necessary to focus on their cross section. For example, a chimney has a standard section of 130x260 mm.

How to make a transition without an industrial adapter

It is possible to ensure a safe transition without a special adapter, however, this may take longer. The chimney is equipped as follows:

  1. Pour a round hole in a brick pipe.It is necessary to ensure that its diameter slightly exceeds the diameter of the inner jacket of the sandwich pipe.
  2. The inner part of the structure is inserted into the resulting hole. The gaps that have formed at the joints are best covered with a furnace mortar or non-combustible sealant.
  3. The outer casing must rest on the brickwork. The joint also needs to be sealed.
  4. Install the chimney system along its entire length, inserting its elements one into the other.
  5. Fasten the sandwich pipe with cutoffs and self-tapping screws in places where it passes through the roof. Fixation of the structure should be carried out with a plumb line orientation.

Whichever installation method is chosen, in order to provide the chimney with good draft and safety, a sealant must be used.

How to make a transition using a steel platform with a spigot

This method combines the advantages of the two previous methods, as it allows you to equip a chimney without a special adapter, and get rid of the laborious filling of a brick opening.

Installation includes the following steps:

  1. Cut out a platform from a metal plate so that its size matches the size of the brick part. It is better that the plate does not go beyond its edges.
  2. Mark the places where the platform will be attached to the brick opening. It is necessary to ensure that the fasteners are not located at the seams or at the edges of the brick.
  3. In the marked places of the sheet, you need to make holes for self-tapping screws, and in brickwork - holes for dowels.
  4. Insert the dowels into the holes made.
  5. Apply a fireproof, silicone sealant to the masonry surface.
  6. Install a metal pad on a layer of sealant.
  7. Evenly tighten it with the surface of the brick using self-tapping screws.
  8. After the sealant has dried, proceed with the installation of the air vent system from the sandwich pipe.

After installing a home-made adapter with a pipe, the installation of the system is carried out quickly, since the pipes fit well together through holes with a narrowed and expanded end.

Why use sealant?

Ensuring the tightness of the structure means that there should be no gaps and cracks at the transition point. In order to eliminate them, special sealants are used for fireplaces and chimneys. They have fire resistance and do not lose their properties at elevated temperatures.

High-quality sealant has the following characteristics:

  • provides optimal adhesion between brick and sandwich metal, that is, with its help, uniform adhesion of surfaces with different structures occurs;
  • has increased resistance to maximum temperatures (up to 1200˚С), as well as moisture and frost resistance;
  • does not crumble after it takes on a solid structure;
  • does not contain asbestos.

The chimney must be protected from fusible elements, so it is better to use a silicone-based sealant.

How to properly assemble a chimney

Naturally, in order to properly assemble the chimney, important nuances and features of this issue must be taken into account, only then can everything be done correctly.

Diagram of the chimney device

It is possible to ensure the fastening of the “sandwich” pipes due to their structure, speaking about the details as a whole, it should be noted that they are separate elements, while each of these elements is inserted into the previous part so that a monolithic structure can be formed.

Making the transition to the solution

How to connect a brick pipe to a sandwich pipe without a stationary adapter:

  • We fill a hole in the brick, which is equal to the diameter of the pipe; Now we put the inner part of the sandwich in the hole; The outer casing is cut and should rest against the brickwork. We seal the docking point; We fix the upper part with self-tapping screws.

How to put a metal pipe on a brick pipe using a pipe and a steel platform:

Adapter through the plate

We cut out a platform with a grinder from a sheet of metal.

Its outer part should not extend beyond the brickwork; The site should not be located on the edge of the brick and on the seam. We apply it to the brick and make a mark along the contour; We make holes for self-tapping screws in the site. We also use a perforator to make holes in the masonry.

Dowels will be attached here; We fix the dowels in the holes made; Installation of the site is done only on the sealant. We should not have a leak; After landing on the sealant, we immediately make the connection with self-tapping screws. In this case, the sealant should appear along the entire joint strip, this will be a guarantee of its filling.

There are also instructions for assembly, you need to read it.

For installation, you must use the following recommendations:

  • Pipes must be carefully fitted to each other, so that installation does not require the use of additional materials. As a result, the structure is strong. A layer of thermal insulation must be placed between the pipes, remember that it is insulation that allows you to carry out communications in wooden rooms, while you will be sure that in any case, the walls will not be able to catch fire from high temperatures. When producing pipes in alloy steel acts as the main element, these are copper alloys, such parts are usually used exclusively in the internal chimney. We also monitor the transition through the roof. Here it is necessary to make insulation and prevent the roof from igniting

Installation of the outer part of the pipe:

The outer part of the pipe can be assembled from various materials, and one cannot but take into account the fact that you must follow the main rule, namely, each joint must be hermetically sealed, be sure to remember this. Remember that smoke has such a property to seep into any a gap, and this is fraught with serious and negative consequences in the future, so you must definitely take this into account. Be sure to keep in mind that if the combustion products are not completely removed outside the premises, then know that this can negatively affect the health of all residents , which is why it is so important to take this into account. A "sandwich" on a brick pipe is considered to be an important type of joint, in fact, this is not surprising, because you must understand that the external chimney is distinguished primarily by durability, reliability, moreover, it is easy to design and build

A "sandwich" on a brick pipe is considered to be an important type of joint, in fact, this is not surprising, because you must understand that the external chimney is distinguished primarily by durability, reliability, moreover, it is easy to design and build.

The transition from a brick pipe to a sandwich is perhaps the most important section, it is here that the leak most often occurs. Therefore, sealing must be thorough. Almost everything can be done with your own hands, and if you watch the video in this article and the photo, then all the work will not take much time.


The main types of stove chimneys

All chimneys can be divided based on the material from which they are made. Currently applied:

  1. brick chimney. The main advantages of such chimney channels are high fire resistance and a long service life. The main disadvantages of a brick chimney include the roughness of the inner surface, on which a large amount of foreign matter accumulates and the need to install a separate foundation. The accumulation of substances affects the frequency of cleaning the chimney, and an additional foundation increases the cost of installing the system;

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

View of the finished brick chimney

  1. iron chimney. The most susceptible to corrosion, therefore, requires additional protection. The design is quite light and cheap. It does not require a separate foundation.Builders most often use chimneys made of stainless steel and assembled into modules. Otherwise, such pipes are called sandwich. Sandwich pipes are assembled from two layers of metal, and a non-combustible insulation is laid between them, for example, basalt wool;

View of the finished chimney from sandwich pipes

  1. furnace chimney made of ceramic pipes. It is heavy and requires the installation of an additional foundation. However, ceramic pipes are heat resistant and durable. From such pipes it is possible to construct both internal and external chimneys;

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

External chimney made of ceramic pipes

  1. chimneys from polymer pipes. They are durable, low cost and easy to install. Most often, polymer chimneys are closed with decorative overlays, for example, made of brick.

Polymer chimney decorated with brickwork

The choice of material for the chimney is determined by the characteristics of the heater and the desire of the owner.

Chimney installation

The most popular types of chimneys are brick chimneys and sandwich chimneys. It is on these examples that we will analyze the main stages of the installation of the structure.

Installation and assembly of a brick chimney

Do-it-yourself installation and assembly of a brick chimney is considered a rather complicated process. Therefore, it is advisable to involve professionals for the installation of the structure. If, nevertheless, the work will be carried out independently, then the installer will need:

  • brick;
  • components of the tightening solution: cement, sand, lime;
  • sealant;
  • tools: trowel, mortar spatula, pickaxe, level, tape measure and so on.

Do-it-yourself brick chimney is laid in the following order:

  1. since the installation of the chimney is carried out from the junction with the heater, when installing the latter, a solid foundation is made that can withstand the load;
  2. the masonry mortar is mixed: 1 part of cement is mixed with 2.5 parts of sand and 1.5 parts of lime;
  3. the base under the chimney is cleaned of dirt and dust and wetted with plain water;
  4. all rows of bricks must be staggered, avoiding the coincidence of joints in adjacent parts;

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

  1. the first stage of bricklaying ends 6-7 rows to the ceiling;
  2. then the so-called cutting is laid out, which maintains the stability of the mounted structure and prevents precipitation from entering the mounted area. The cutting is folded in the form of a pyramid, while the outer diameter of the chimney increases, while the inner one remains unchanged;

The inner diameter of a brick chimney, for strong and stable draft, must be the same throughout the entire length of the structure.

  1. when brickwork passes through the roof, on the latter it is necessary to make additional insulation from appropriate materials, for example, roofing material;
  2. the chimney at the point of passage through the roof, as well as through the ceiling, increases in outer diameter. To strengthen the roof structure, additional beams are laid at the pipe passage;

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

  1. after leaving the roof, at least 9 more rows of bricks are laid;
  2. the junction of the pipe to the roof is closed with a steel apron of a suitable color;
  3. a cap is installed at the top of the chimney, protecting the system from moisture and foreign objects.

When laying the chimney, do not forget about the arrangement of openings for cleaning.

Not all people like the look of brickwork. How to make a chimney beautiful? To do this, you can use, for example, tile slabs or plaster.

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

Installation and assembly of a chimney from a sandwich pipe

Installation of a chimney from a sandwich pipe, unlike a brick one, does not require special skills and can be done independently. This will require:

  • the required number of sandwich pipes and adapters;
  • beams for strengthening the wall and roof in the places where the structure passes;
  • sealant for additional insulation of joints;
  • materials that isolate the passage of the chimney;
  • tools: screwdriver, jigsaw, level, tape measure and so on.

The chimney is installed according to the following scheme:

  1. the lower part of the chimney is attached to the heating equipment;
  2. the structure is going up to the ceiling;

The junction of the pipes should not be located out of sight of a person, since in the event of a violation of the tightness of the structure, it will be difficult to find out the place of its violation.

  1. the chimney through the wall or ceiling should only pass in a fortified place. Beams are used for this;
  2. the junction of the pipe and the wall of the house is insulated with heat-resistant materials. This will avoid the occurrence of a fire;

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

  1. when arranging the passage through the wall, a special elbow is used, which is subsequently connected to adjacent parts of the chimney. The knee is attached to the wall or ceiling with brackets;
  1. the passage of the chimney through the roof is equipped with an additional element of the system, called cutting;
  2. a metal apron is attached to the roof cutting, protecting the system from moisture ingress;
  3. the final elements of the chimney are installed: a pipe of the required length and a head;
  4. All pipe joints are sealed.

Transition from brick pipe to sandwich

When assembling a chimney from sandwich pipes, due attention should be paid to sealing the structure. From the foregoing, it is clear that the assembly and installation of the chimney on your own is possible

The main thing is to correctly calculate the design, install it according to all standards and constantly monitor its performance.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the assembly and installation of the chimney on your own is possible. The main thing is to correctly calculate the design, install it according to all standards and constantly monitor its performance.

Connection methods

If a brick chimney is installed, it can be combined with a sandwich pipe using special products. When it is not possible to find and purchase a factory blank, a similar design is made independently using improvised means: a pipe, a steel sheet. At the same time, it is recommended to change the dimensions of the brick chimney, however, in this case, it may be necessary to partially dismantle the structure or use another method to reduce the size of the chimney.

Connection with prefabricated

Such products are made from heat-resistant material. They are characterized by a simple design: on the one hand, the adapter from a brick pipe to a sandwich has a square shape, and on the other, it has a cylindrical shape, stiffening ribs are often provided, which make it possible to obtain a pipe of complex configuration. The branch pipe connecting these sections of different sections is fixed on the surface of the chimney head using standard fasteners. Inside, a layer of insulation, such as basalt wool, can be provided.

Application of pipe and steel sheet

If it is not possible to purchase a special adapter for sale, you can use improvised materials. So, they prepare a sheet of metal, cut out a blank that repeats the shape of a brick chimney head. Self-tapping screws and silicone-based refractory sealant are used for fastening.

Pre-prepare the holes in the plate and the chimney head for installing dowels. First, a sealant is applied to the brick structure, then they proceed to fixing with self-tapping screws. At the last stage, the steel pipe is installed.

Fitting the dimensions of a brick pipe

The old brick structure, which acts as a chimney, is being dismantled. When the dilapidated bricks are removed, the superstructure is erected. It should be low. In the process of laying bricks, the structure narrows. Then the inner walls are plastered to obtain smooth surfaces. At the last stage, the adapter is installed.It is fixed on the head of a brick pipe, then the sandwich pipes are installed and joined.

Connection with mortar

This method combines the previously listed options. However, it is not required to dismantle the brick structure. A metal pipe is installed inside the chimney. Then a mortar is used to seal the joints and fill the free space between the brickwork and the sandwich structure. To increase reliability, a fastener is installed at the point of intersection of the head of the brick structure, it should be fixed with self-tapping screws.


