Payment for heating in the absence of radiators

Saving heat in a private house

To save on heating a private house, you can install a system with a wind generator and solar panels on the land. Stand-alone alternative equipment will provide an independent source of heat and electricity.

In addition, you can install a special waste incinerator in the house. So, you save the environment and get additional heating.

Some experts advise installing a heat pump that uses the underground low-temperature heat of the soil or groundwater. In this case, the temperature should not fall at least plus one degree.

Thus, you will receive 75% of the heat in a natural way. However, this method cools the soil and earth around the house, which disrupts the natural process. By the way, the heat pump is effectively combined with a water floor and gives great savings.

Properly plan the house so that the windows face the right side. During construction, use an insulated foundation, plinth and blind area. Be sure to insulate walls and ceilings, floors, attics and basements, windows and doors.

Moreover, it is better to insulate the walls from the outside. You can make an insulated facade, additionally insulate balconies and loggias, terraces and verandas. And now let's find out how to reduce the payment for heating, if it is gas or electric.

Heating stairwells in residential buildings norms and rules

  • purpose of houses;
  • climatic conditions for the location of residential and technical structures;
  • type of radiators;
  • material of their manufacture and type of coolant;
  • the location of the devices;
  • number of sections in the heating element;
  • the degree of insulation of rooms, houses, individual rooms, flights of stairs;
  • the amount of pressure in the heating system and the ability to withstand pressure by pipes and other elements of the system.

In cases where the room is angular, in houses where there is no window on the wall, a radiator must be placed on this wall based on the above calculations. Heating will exclude the freezing of the wall, the appearance of dampness, frost or icing on it. Radiators in the stairwell are also installed under the window, and if this is not possible, then, as at the entrance to the entrance, on the right or left wall near the window.

Payment for heating in the absence of radiators

The court will take the side of the owner of the premises and refuse the Criminal Code in the claim, if the latter does not prove that the actual consumption of thermal energy received through heat release from insulated heating and hot water pipelines of the house passing through the defendant's premises allows maintaining the required air temperature in this premises without installation additional equipment (Resolution AS PO dated 11.06.2015 No. Ф06-23212/2015).

At the same time, there are situations when the courts take into account only the actual absence of power receiving devices, and the fact of unauthorized reconstruction of the central heating system is regarded as having no legal significance (Resolution of the FAS VVO dated April 15, 2014 in case No. A82-5198 / 2013, in the transfer of which for supervisory review denied by the Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 No. VAC-9767/14)

Common property of apartment buildings

In high-rise buildings there are many places that can be attributed to common houses:

  • staircases;
  • vestibules;
  • hall;
  • place for concierge or security;
  • corridors;
  • space for wheelchairs;
  • technical floor or attic and others.

How is heating paid in an apartment building? All this space is either heated from risers or receives heat from the walls of apartments, so it is important that the building has a common house meter. Its indicators are distributed in equal parts among all apartments.

In the event that there are no appliances, then heating accounting in an apartment building is calculated according to the average per 1 m2 for all residents. In order to correctly calculate, several indicators must be taken into account.

Read below how the payment for heating in the apartment is calculated.

So what can you do to pay less for batteries?

  1. put weather-dependent automation on the heating unit;
  2. balance the heating system of the house;
  3. insulate the roof and facades (at least end);
  4. install thermostatic valves or control valves (taps) on radiators in apartments;
  5. exclude illegal redevelopment in the heating system of the building - removal of batteries to the balcony, warm floors from the heating system - all this in general increases the cost of receipts for heating.

It is possible to fight "craftsmen" with the help of a thermal imager. Small portable models are quite affordable. The neighbor does not let anyone into his house, and it is he who you suspect of illegal redevelopment, because of which your rooms freeze through? The device will show whether a loggia or a balcony is attached to the apartment (it is extremely difficult to insulate them reliably). But there are many other reasons why an apartment can freeze through. It's definitely worth seeing the whole house.

Household equipment does not know how to quickly respond to weather changes. But we'll fix it. It is necessary to contact the managing organization, and it itself or with the involvement of a contractor develops a project for the installation of weather-dependent automation at the heating unit and an estimate for this work.

The most difficult thing is to gather the neighbors for a general meeting of the owners of the house and convince them to pay for this equipment. It is at this meeting that residents must vote for the building's energy-saving future. The document with signatures is transferred to the managing organization, after which your mission ends. The management company itself will install weather-dependent automation at the heating unit and present residents with a fee for this equipment.

For example, for this modernization of the central heating system, residents of the house at 48 Sofya Perovskaya Street paid monthly 3 rubles 16 kopecks per square meter of total area for one year, or 174 rubles 44 kopecks per month from a standard two-room apartment with an area of ​​55.2 square meters.

Thanks to the modernization of the central heating system, since January 2018, the heating fee has decreased by 5 rubles 48 kopecks per square meter of total area or 302 rubles 50 kopecks per month from a standard two-room apartment. The investment paid off in less than one year and began to pay monthly dividends in the form of a significant reduction in heating bills.

The amount of payment for housing and communal services largely depends on ourselves and on our attitude towards the house in which we live.

New rules of housing and communal services who will pay for heating entrances

It is also proposed to eliminate the obligation of consumers to provide the provider of housing and communal services with information on the readings of individual metering devices on a monthly basis and the possibility of recalculating the payment based on the results of checking the meters. In particular, the Prime Minister spoke about this in January of this year, who supported the initiative of the head of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS) Sergei Novikov to remove the obligation from the Russians to monitor the indicators of utility meters and shift them to sales organizations and management companies. To remove data from metering devices every month is no longer an obligation, but the right of residents. Service providers should check the correctness of the readings once every 6 months.

Recall that from the moment the requirement was introduced to indicate separately the consumption of housing and communal services in the apartment and for general house needs in the receipts, many residents of apartment buildings began to receive receipts with inflated amounts of utility bills.For example, people paid several times more for heating an entrance than for heating an apartment. And people, of course, began to write complaints to all instances, clarifies RG. Russian President Vladimir Putin even spoke about this at one of the meetings on housing and communal services: “There are spaces that have begun to be included in the mandatory payment in some municipalities, but in fact they are not even heated by anyone, and people are forced to pay according to the total area. This is also false." Now the payment for "communal" in public places will be "cut off" by consumption standards for general house needs. If the actual consumption in the whole house does not fit within the normative framework, the excess over the norm will be paid by the managers to the resource-supplying organizations at the expense of the “maintenance of common property” item. Such a scheme will force managers to come to grips with resource saving - to eliminate leaks in basements, to save heat in entrances. And track the "extra" consumers living in apartments where there are no meters, without registration. However, the result may turn out to be negative - the quality of house maintenance will suffer, some work will simply not be completed due to lack of funds.

How to turn off the batteries and not pay for heating

Payment for heating in the absence of radiators

And this is much more serious than redevelopment.

How to switch to individual heating of the entire apartment building? If you still want to solve this problem once and for all, then first you need to choose how your house will be heated: will it be electric heating, your own boiler room, or in general - solar panels.

After that, it is necessary to order a reconstruction project and obtain permission and technical conditions from the power supply organization. This is necessary to avoid accidents, because if you want to switch to electric heating for the whole house, this will significantly increase the load on the network.

Be prepared for the fact that in order to bring your idea to life, additional repairs may be required in the house. For example, you want to switch the whole house to electric heating. But the wiring in the house is already old and may not withstand such stress.

Reasons for refusal to issue a shutdown permit may be technical reasons that explain the impossibility of carrying out work on shutdown without disrupting the functionality of the entire DH and hot water supply system. Note: Even if the owner of the apartment has a debt for heating, it will not be a reason for the service provider to turn it off.

The network will remain intact, while the debt will be collected from the debtor in court. Heat suppliers are monopolists in the heat supply market, who are trying by all means to maintain their sphere of influence on the housing stock.

Legal subtleties and nuances when turning off central heating There is an option to turn off district heating without having to apply for a permit. Many of us have rarely seen contracts with public utilities for the supply of heat to your home.

Is it legal to charge for heating with disconnected batteries

Unfortunately, it is impossible to disconnect from central heating in one separate apartment. However, paradoxical as it may seem, but from the point of view of the current Russian legislation, officials and public utilities are right.

Many people think that by removing the batteries from the apartment, they will not receive the heating service, which means that it will be possible not to pay for it, says a representative of the legal company ZhKS-Primorye (Vladivostok). However, those who follow this logic will later pay dearly for their delusion.

Since July 2010, the courts have unequivocally ruled against those who decided to heat their apartment on their own. The law “On Heat Supply” (dated July 27, 2010 N 190-FZ) is to blame. In particular, his Art.14 p.

Heating standards in apartment buildings

  • The heating season begins with a decrease in the average daily street temperature to +8 degrees. If this is observed for about 5 days, then space heating is necessary. The heating season ends with an increase in temperature to +8;
  • The minimum temperature is set according to the type of room. Its definition must be carried out in every room. The thermometer is located 1 meter from the walls and 1.5 meters from the floor;
  • Hot water should be supplied to the house during the year, and its temperature should be from +50 to +70. Deviations are only possible by 4 degrees. If these rules are violated, then tenants are entitled to a reduction in utility bills by 0.15%.

Regulations are usually in effect for about 3 years. If there is an increase, then it will definitely justify. The municipal service appeals to the administration about the increase in the cost of heating. If the offer corresponds to reality, then the tariffs increase.

What possible steps can be taken to save on heating bills

The main advice that thermal engineers give is to reduce the loss of thermal energy. Such events do not present any difficulties if the solution of the problem is approached in a balanced and competent way. Everyone can increase the thermal efficiency of their own apartment. Already only the sealing of windows, the sealing of cracks in window openings and the insulation of entrance doors, gives a tangible effect. If everything is done in an appropriate way, it is possible to achieve an increase in thermal efficiency by 15-20%. There are plenty of ways to insulate your own apartment. We are talking about the installation of reflective screens behind the radiators, thermal insulation of the coldest sections of the building structures of the building.

Usually, such actions on the part of residents of apartment buildings are capable of ensuring normal temperature conditions in apartments for the winter period. In terms of efficiency, it is easier to achieve heat retention inside a dwelling by improving thermal insulation than by increasing the production of new kilocalories of thermal energy. By installing special metering devices for the consumption of thermal energy, you can save a significant amount on paying bills.

There are the following ways to save on heating:

  • collective, associated with the efforts of all residents of the house;
  • individual, which are carried out by the tenants of each apartment on their own;
  • combined, providing for a technical and legal solution to the problem.

One of the effective mechanisms of real savings today is the installation of a heat energy meter for the whole house, which allows you to regulate the supply of coolant to apartments. In this case, the heating costs are borne equally by all residents of the house.

Note: The joint collective efforts of the residents of the building to save heat can have a significant effect, including control of the heat supply to the residential building, adjusting the temperature of the coolant in the system and its subsequent distribution to the apartments.

You can calculate the amount of heat supplied by the central heating system in each apartment using a device that records the heat energy in each battery. After taking readings from each radiator, we simply summarize all the parameters. The result is the number of kilocalories spent on heating your apartment. You can buy such a counter today on your own. In addition, if you are determined to fight for a fair price for heating, such expenses will quickly pay off.

Such devices are very beneficial to use for those residents who do not permanently live in the apartment. Frequent business trips, trips make us pay for the heat that we do not use for a certain time. If you have a thermal energy meter and the necessary shut-off and control valves, you can safely shut off radiators that are not needed to heat the entire apartment.As a result, you will receive kilocalories that were spent on maintaining the minimum duty temperature in your apartment.

The heat meter idea is very promising, but it is more suitable for new homes, which are more adapted to the installation of such devices.

How to save on heating in the apartment

You can save on heating in the apartment if you install an individual heat energy meter. In modern multi-apartment buildings, apartment-by-apartment personal heating was initially installed. In older houses, you will have to do the installation yourself.

You can install such personal meters only in those houses where there is a horizontal wiring. It involves a single pipe that goes through all the apartments. In this case, meters are installed at the outlet and inlet, which calculate the difference between the supplied and used heat.

In a multi-storey building with vertical wiring, which are the majority, there is a vertical riser. Pipes are laid from this riser to one or two radiators. In this case, putting a counter on each battery is very expensive.

Then special heat distributors are installed. However, the readings of such devices are taken into account only if a common meter is installed in the house, and the devices are located in 75% of the apartments in the building.

Payment for heating in the absence of radiators

If personal meters or heat distributors are installed in the apartment, you can reduce costs through high-quality insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, windows and doors. This can keep the heat inside the house and reduce heating needs.

Insulation work is carried out before the heating season begins. In addition, after installing and connecting meters or distributors, you can apply one of the methods listed below.

YurClub Conference

The heating season is ending. But we were warned that with the start of the new heating season, the residents of the MKD will also have to pay for heating the entrances. They will calculate the payment in the off-season and will definitely inform the residents .. Is it legal to make such calculations from the residents.

Weird . Doesn't the tariff for "heat" paid by the owners also include the heating of the common areas of an apartment building? After all, the metering device considers the generally consumed “heat”, which is divided by the number of meters of MKD and as a result, the cost of the price per square meter for “heat” and, accordingly, the owner, taking into account his property in square meters, is displayed. meters pays for it? Or have I missed something?

Heat in our hallways batteries and radiators

It has been established that the inevitable heat loss in our ventilated entrances is 10-12%. These are big numbers. It is cold and drafty in the hallways, not because there are no radiators in them or they are cold, but because of poorly fitted entrance doors, sloping and not closing. And also because of low-quality and old window frames, often with broken glass.

But this topic is not for our article. Today we are talking about heating in the entrance. It was said above that a special niche should be provided for the heater in the wall or under the windowsill. In addition to the recess in the wall, a lot of factors are taken into account, such as:


