Cleaning floors from construction debris
After repair work, it is quite difficult to wash the floor surface. Very often, you have to wash the floor several times to achieve cleanliness. First, the surface is moistened with soapy water, and left for a while, then washing is performed using special tools. When washing again, you need to wipe off all adhering dirt. After that, the surface is washed clean with ordinary water, without the addition of detergents. The rag needs to be rinsed frequently to keep the dirt from spreading all over the floor.
If only ingrained areas of dirt have appeared on the surface, then they can be washed by adding kerosene to water. To avoid bad smell, you can use another method, add 200 grams of vinegar to a bucket of water, and wipe the floor clean. This will help remove the unpleasant kerosene smell.
If whitewash or plaster gets on the floor surface, perform other cleaning actions. First, all the remaining dirt must be swept away with a broom or vacuumed. And the remnants of traces of pollution are washed out with ordinary detergent. Then a second wash with salt and water is carried out. When washing the floor with a weak solution of manganese, all remaining stains after the plaster are removed.
Chemical pipe cleaning
Wear gloves when handling acids
Chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes are of two types: alkaline and acidic. The principle of their operation is quite similar. Means for cleaning sewer pipes from grease should be poured or poured into the sewer pipe, add some water there and leave for about half an hour. After that, the pipe will need to be washed with several basins of water. When carrying out dry cleaning, you need to follow a few rules:
- all work must be carried out with rubberized gloves;
- in no case do not mix an alkaline agent with an acidic one;
- when working, try not to get the substance on your skin and clothes;
- follow the instructions indicated on the tool;
- chemical cleaning of the pipe can also be carried out as a preventive measure against blockages.
Where is held
Procedure carried out in the operating room and only in it
. Although this is an X-ray examination, it cannot be carried out in an X-ray room. This procedure must be carried out under sterile conditions, that is, the conditions for carrying out must be the same as, for example, in operations on the heart or on the spine. In the X-ray room, such conditions cannot be achieved. Who sat in this place in front of you and with what diseases? Therefore, only in the operating room.
If you decide to have an HSG in our clinic, then the cost of hysterosalpingography (the price of the HSG procedure itself) is 8 000 rubles
. The final cost of hysterosalpingography includes anesthesia and 3 hours of stay in our hospital, observation by doctors, nurses
and is 16 400 rubles
How to check the patency if for some reason the HSG is impossible? Read about these methods below. but they are outdated and uninformative
. Therefore, we do not recommend resorting to these types of diagnostics, but we consider it necessary to mention them.
Blowing out the fallopian tubes
Children are flowers of life. I think there are few people who would like to challenge this common belief. In someone's life, such flowers appear completely unexpectedly, someone plans their appearance for a long time, but, unfortunately, there are also cases when for a long time it is not possible to realize their plans to conceive a baby.
In order to establish the true cause of infertility, sometimes you have to resort to some medical methods.One of which is - blowing the fallopian tubes. This method is necessary to determine the patency of the fallopian tubes, since it is not possible to manually determine the state of their patency.
In gynecology, tubal blowing has been successfully used for a long time.
Contraindications for the use of this method:
- acute and subacute inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
- menstrual, postmenstrual and premenstrual periods;
- uterine bleeding;
- suspected uterine or ectopic pregnancy;
- purulent discharge from the genitals;
- increased leukocytosis;
- accelerated erythrocyte release reaction;
- thickening of the fallopian tubes.
Before blowing out the pipes, a thorough gynecological examination should be carried out and a detailed analysis of the secretions should be carried out. The most suitable days for blowing the fallopian tubes are the period from the 10th to the 16th day, if you count from the very beginning of menstruation. If the study is carried out on other days, the likelihood of an erroneous diagnosis increases.
How are the fallopian tubes purged?
Blowing of the fallopian tubes can be done either with a special device or with a simple device consisting of a uterine tip, a mercury manometer (measures the pressure in the system) and a double rubber balloon or a large syringe with a capacity of 150 to 200 cm3.
Before the operation, it is necessary to urinate and clean the intestines with an enema. All instruments used (uterine tip, mirrors, rubber tube, bullet forceps, tweezers) are carefully sterilized. The study is carried out on a gynecological chair.
At the beginning of the study, the uterine tip is connected by a rubber tube through a manometer to a rubber balloon. After preliminary preparation, the vaginal part of the cervix is disinfected with alcohol. In order to insert the uterine tip, the outer lip is grasped with bullet forceps.
To prevent air from escaping past the tip, the bullet forceps are crossed and thereby close the opening of the cervical canal around the tip. Then, air is gradually pumped into the system. The mercury column should not exceed 150 mm.
Higher pressure is dangerous, it can cause spasm of the pipes or other undesirable consequences.
Signs characterizing the degree of patency through the fallopian tubes:
- A characteristic gurgling through the abdominal wall or a quiet whistle, as well as a fairly rapid drop in pressure on the pressure gauge (from about 150 to 60), indicate complete patency of the fallopian tubes.
- The sound of a higher tone and a slow drop in pressure in a mercury manometer indicate a partial patency of the fallopian tubes (i.e., the lumen is poorly passable somewhere).
- The complete absence of sound and the stop of the mercury column at the same level are possible with complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes or with a spasm of the uterine opening. For a more accurate study, it is necessary to repeat the operation without removing the tip, after 2-3 minutes.
Having found a bump in the chest during self-examination, many women panic and draw scary pictures in their imagination. But bumps can also be natural formations that pass after a while. In our article, we will talk about when it is worth contacting a specialist if you find such a bump.
The eggs mature in the follicles, or rather, in one, less often, several of them. It is this follicle, which by the middle of the menstrual cycle becomes larger than its “brothers” and matures, is called dominant. Read more about it in our article.
The size of the follicle by day of the cycle The follicle is the “house” in which the egg matures. And, of course, for normal maturation, it must grow in size. This is monitored using an ultrasound procedure - folliculometry. We will talk about how the follicle grows on the days of the cycle in our article.
Transparent discharge in women Every woman faces transparent discharge throughout her life. But some still have doubts in their souls about their appearance, whether they are a symptom of the disease.
Let's figure it out together when clear discharge in women is the norm, and when it is a symptom that you should pay attention to.
Equipment needed for blowing
In the absence of a powerful compressor, you can take advantage of the ability of air to accumulate kinetic energy during the compression process, which makes it possible to use a receiver for this purpose. The ability to stabilize the water supply in the taps, as well as to hold air at a pressure of 10 atmospheres, also has a hydraulic accumulator. The technology of its use consists in the following steps:
- With the help of an automobile compressor, the entire air flow is slowly passed into the pear or the membrane of the hydraulic tank, which is connected to the water supply system through a hose;
- Open existing taps at all points of water intake;
- They begin to supply air from the hydraulic tank.
The result of blowing will be felt immediately, as the water will begin to quickly and noisily exit the pipe holes.
A popular way to solve this problem is to use an over-pumped bus camera or a heavy truck camera. Such products are able to withstand high pressures (for example, 3 atmospheres or more), which makes them suitable for purging. Such a volume of air will not be enough to clean the entire rather extended system of rather complex pipes from residual water. You can fill the receiver chamber with air using an ordinary foot-operated autopump even in the absence of electric current or a compressor.
You can also use a car compressor, which will help increase the pressure in the water supply system with the subsequent opening of all taps. The use of this option will become very relevant in the absence of a rubber chamber or a hydraulic accumulator. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case there is a possibility of leakage, which means that its implementation must be very careful.
Do not test a household vacuum cleaner as equipment for purging plumbing. For these purposes, it is worth acquiring specialized equipment and purge using proven technology. Other methods will not guarantee the complete absence of water in the water supply system.
The process of preparing household appliances for the winter period
The boiler is disconnected from the power supply and blocked access to water. After cooling, water is removed from the device using a drain tap, and if it is not available, this is done through a drain hose, after unscrewing the screw on the safety valve. Then you need to loosen the nut on the outlet hose, which will allow air to enter and remove water from the boiler.
Remaining water from dishwashers, as well as from washing machines, is removed from the drain hole, most often located on the front panel at the bottom of the equipment. For this purpose, a container is placed under the drain, open it and remove the water.
If you do not live in the country in winter, then in the fall you should drain all the water from the pipes, and blow the pipes themselves, since even a small amount of water can damage the water supply when it freezes. To avoid rupture of pipes, water must be removed before frost, and you need to start by simply turning off the water supply, after which water must be removed from all elements of the plumbing system - filters, boiler, etc.
How to do your own cleaning
To clean polypropylene pipes with your own hands, you do not need to have additional skills. To do this, you need to prepare the necessary tool. Next, the elements of the pipeline are cut to the desired size. When connecting with couplings, the coefficient of thermal expansion of polypropylene must be taken into account.After trimming, it is necessary to clean the ends of the product from dirt, dust, and degrease them. Check the evenness of the cuts.
The procedure for trimming pipes to remove the reinforcing layer is performed with different tools. Before starting the main work, you need to perform several actions:
- Using the gauge on which the drill is installed, align the diameter of the pipes to be connected.
- Fix the pipes in a vise so that it is more convenient to work with them.
The process of cleaning parts from the outer layer:
- Pick up a clutch.
- Fasten the handles on it, put it on the butt.
- Rotate several times to remove the reinforcing layer.
- Remove coupling, check machined surfaces. If metal remains, repeat the procedure.
The process of cleaning parts from the inner layer:
- To do the job, you will need a drill or screwdriver. It is necessary to choose a shaver for power tools, depending on the diameter of the pipeline.
- Set the drill speed to low so as not to damage the plastic.
- During operation, hold the tool strictly perpendicular to the hole being machined. Side deviations should not occur.
When the protective layer is removed, you need to turn off the drill, remove the nozzle, check the treated surfaces. After completing the work, it is necessary to clean the ends of metal chips, plastic, dust and dirt. Degrease the surface, wait for drying. After that, you can start soldering the tubes.
There are two types of polypropylene pipes - homogeneous and reinforced. The second option is the most durable, durable. Withstands high loads, pressure, has a reduced coefficient of thermal expansion. When working with pipes that have a protective layer, it is necessary to clean it at the junctions. Otherwise, you will not be able to make a strong seam.
Watch this video on YouTube
How often to clean the pipe
Chimney pipes should be cleaned of soot at the first sign of their narrowing. For this, constant checks of channels are carried out. Depending on the purpose of the furnace and the material of the chimney, it is necessary to check them to a minimum:
- for heating boilers - once a year;
- for cooking and heating furnaces - three times a year;
- from brick - quarterly;
- from asbestos cement - once a year.
Ready tools for cleaning the chimney
It is recommended to carry out one of the chimney checks just before the heating season. Plus, one more extra will not hurt during this, with intensive use of the furnace in severe frosts. In this, smoke removal is similar to ventilation and air conditioning. The same split system will be subject to a similar regular check with cleaning. Moreover, it is also recommended to check and clean it before the season of use and during it with a high intensity of operation of the equipment.
The design of the chimney brush
Nature of the problem
The processes that occur with pipelines at the time of freezing are quite complex, but we will try to explain them to you with simple examples. When you figure out the causes of breakthroughs in the spring, when everything thaws, you will understand how to protect yourself from such problems.
The main problem of any pipeline in winter is its carrier. Rather, the media is not a problem when the system is operated as expected. This, of course, is about the correct observance of the temperature regime, normal pressure, etc.
However, in winter, in the same dachas, or in country houses where the owners are absent regularly, the temperature constantly drops.
You're not going to burn fuel to heat just one water pipe. The decrease in temperature is constant, and in the coldest seasons, its level can drop to negative values.
What happens to the plumbing system in this case? If it's dry, then nothing. The pipes don't care what the temperature is outside or inside.Some types of plastic tolerate critical temperature indicators worse, but in the end there are no serious problems.
Another thing is when the pipes are not empty and the carrier remains in them. It can be water if it is a water pipe, gas, etc.
Lowering the temperature also affects the state of the carrier. At one point he will freeze. What happens to water when it freezes, you probably know - it changes in volume. During defrosting, the reverse process occurs.
As a result, the most serious pressure falls on the material of the pipes. After all, something must extinguish the energy from the expansion of water.
In addition, the very icing of water on the walls does not have the best effect on the structure of the water supply. It is not excluded after several cycles of freezing the appearance of microcracks, weakened areas, etc. Weaknesses will not make themselves felt immediately. But over time, you will definitely hear about them.
Mobile pipe blowing compressor
How to get rid of such problems? Yes, very simple. Plumbing must be prepared before winter. Namely, use a compressor to purge pipes. The compressor will remove and completely clean the pipes of the carrier, leaving behind a dry shell.
Where is purge used?
An equally important point concerns specific areas where a compressor as a purge apparatus is simply necessary.
The fact is that not only the plumbing needs to be cleaned before winter. Quite the contrary, there are the least questions about the water supply system, especially the internal one, that is, the domestic one.
Be that as it may, but inside the room it is always warmer than outside, so that the temperature inside drops to negative values - you need "wild frost". Although, this certainly happens.
A much more common case is damage to systems:
- outdoor automatic watering;
- a water pipe that stretches along the street, for example, to neighboring houses;
- pipelines inside unheated premises;
- plumbing supplying the pool;
- automatic feeders for animals;
- for pumps and pumps.
All of them also need pre-purging with a compressor.
Air purge technique
Air has a high compressibility, unlike a liquid, in which this property is expressed to a much lesser extent. Due to this characteristic, it is successfully exploited in shock absorbers. The excellent compressibility indicators also explain the fact that a powerful compressor is required to carry out effective purge, which cannot be said about the machine version. When blowing a long pipe, there is a rapid drop in air flow pressure, which makes it impossible to blow out the remaining volume of water.
The purging of the water supply system must be carried out taking into account the permissible pressure and air consumption. You should not use too strong compressors, since the pipes with which the internal wiring is equipped can withstand a maximum pressure of 8-10 atmospheres. The process of blowing out the complex and long plumbing system that multi-story buildings are equipped with can require a very large air flow.
Self-made compressor
The canister is equipped with a bicycle auto-nipple and a water hose that has a fitting. One of the taps, which has a male thread, is connected to a female fitting. In this case, the foot pump is snapped onto the nipple. After shutting off the common main faucet, all faucets must be opened to spontaneously remove part of the water. At the end, all taps are closed (cut-off on titanium, as well as taps in the house and summer kitchen, outdoor tap for watering). Then the pump and receiver are connected to an outdoor faucet and pumped, followed by the opening of an adjacent faucet to completely eliminate residual water.
Then the water supply network is filled again, the common tap is closed and similar actions are performed with the remaining taps open. The result is the same as above.
In general, such a receiver is suitable for removing residual water from the water supply system even if the water supply system is not dismantled.
Disadvantages and advantages of compressors
Like any equipment, compressors have positive and negative characteristics. However, the advantages of compressors still outweigh their disadvantages.
Let's consider the positive aspects that compressors have that blow pipes in a country house:
- The coaxial drive available in the compressors allows all work to be carried out at high speed;
- The protective casing, which the compressors are equipped with, significantly reduces the noise effect;
- Affordable cost;
- Ease of use.
Compressor units have almost no drawbacks. The negative points include the fact that during operation the pressure created leads to the appearance of traces in places of probable leakage.
Water supply points most prone to clogging
In order for cleaning water pipes to give the desired result, take less time and effort, you need to know about the likely places of blockage.
Consider the places of the plumbing system that are most prone to clogging (located according to the highest likelihood of a problem):
- Taps and mixers are the most vulnerable points of the system, because even their most perfect design is not able to remove scale, rust, and dirt that accumulates on the internal parts of the equipment.
Replacement of taps and mixers is recommended every 5-6 years. This will eliminate possible problems with the equipment and bring fresh notes to the interior.
- Mesh filters located in spouts are very often clogged with scale, sand, etc. In this case, it is enough to unscrew the nut at the end of the spout and rinse the filter with running water.
- Strainers and water meter adapters also become clogged with scale, salts and other solid insoluble particles. To clean the filters, you need to remove them and rinse with water; if the blockage is in the meter design itself, you will have to partially disassemble it.
Rectangular and other bends are also subject to clogging. This is the most difficult case requiring drastic measures. Most often, the bends of steel pipes are clogged.
Step by step purge process
Attention should be paid to purging the pipeline as a whole. Starting the process will require a stationary or mobile compressor, as well as access to a drain cock, piping points and all inlets
As auxiliary equipment, you can use buckets, various containers, as well as wire for cleaning pipes.
The purge technology is as follows:
- The water supply needs to be turned off. In a situation of connection to the central system, they try to block it completely.
- The rest of the water is drained off on its own.
- Remove plugs and plumbing with insulation of other areas.
- Turn off all heating equipment, including the boiler. All such structures are isolated from the pipeline.
- Remove foreign devices from pipes when they are clogged.
- The pipeline is connected to any inlet pipe of the compressor. It would be useful to take care of this during the construction process by designing a separately located branch with lockable fittings.
- Turn on the compressor.
- Monitor exits from the water supply system. The cessation of the release of water and the beginning of the release of air serves as a signal for shutdown.
It would be useful to have the help of an assistant who will monitor the status of the purge. It is advisable to inspect pipes simultaneously in several sections so as not to load the pipeline several times. Since winterizing the system is quite difficult, many jobs may "require" an extra pair of hands.
It should be noted that the proposed method can blow through the entire pipeline at a time.However, this is not without danger. The best option would still be a phased purge, carried out in separate areas. Of course, this will affect the duration of its implementation, but it will provide a reliable result at the end.
Overcoming infertility by blowing the fallopian tubes
Among the most popular factors affecting potential conception, doctors highlight the blockage of the fallopian canals.
Due to the blockage of the path to the egg, fertilization becomes impossible in principle. A popular solution to an urgent problem is to blow out the fallopian tubes.
We will try to figure out when obstruction is diagnosed and how pipes are cleaned in traditional and traditional medicine.
How does obstruction of the fallopian tubes occur?
The fallopian tubes, also called fallopian tubes, are thin, long pathways that connect the ovaries to the uterus. The main function of the oviducts is the connection between the egg and the sperm, and it is natural that if an obstruction is diagnosed, conception is not feasible. Then the gynecologist prescribes a blowing of the uterine tract.
As you know, after the rupture of the follicle in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the egg goes to the uterus. She carries out her way through the connecting paths, towards the spermatozoa.
However, if one of the oviducts is blocked or damaged, then the fertilization of the corresponding egg will not occur. It should be noted that blocking the channel does not pose a danger to the life of a woman.
Obstruction of the pipes occurs in the following cases:
- adhesive process on the outside of the oviducts;
- operations in the abdominal cavity, including those not related to the reproductive system;
- complication of abortion;
- tumors, anomalies;
- ectopic pregnancy;
- endometriosis;
- blockage of the channel within the connecting path.
Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of obstruction inside the oviducts. Quite often, inflammatory processes go unnoticed and are often treated untimely.
During the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, the products of their vital activity in the form of pus, mucus are deposited on the walls of the fallopian tubes, which gradually clogs them.
Frequent pathogens of asymptomatic diseases are mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others. The most dangerous disease associated with obstruction is oviduct tuberculosis, which becomes more active with a sharp decrease in the immunity of an infected person.
The more often inflammatory diseases occur, the higher the chance of an inadequate connection between the uterus and the ovary.
Pipe cleaning procedures
Doctors often send patients to blow out the oviducts, but this is not the only way to deal with tubal dysfunction.
Modern medicine assumes hydroturbation, laparoscopy, hysterosalpingography, fertiloscopy and recanalization as the main, most accurate procedures for diagnosing and cleaning pipes.
The main thing in this matter is to go through all the necessary examinations to detect contraindications to the prescribed operations.
The procedure begins a few days after the end of menstruation and ends when the result of a water pressure of 60 mm Hg is recorded on the recorder tape. Art.
Laparoscopy is less traumatic than hydroturbation, since there is no internal pressure on the walls of the uterine canal. Cleansing takes place under general anesthesia, several deep holes are made in the abdominal cavity, and with the help of special miniature surgical supplies, the uterine canals are cleaned in women.
Cleaning occurs with the help of a camera - a cavity magnified by 40 times is displayed on the screen.
Fertiloscopy involves a procedure similar to laparoscopy, but without incisions in the abdominal cavity, but through the genitals (cervix).
Recanalization involves cleaning by inserting a catheter with contrast fluid, which creates pressure and breaks the adhesions.
Diagnosis is carried out by a gynecologist in accordance with the prescribed preparatory list on a certain day. After determining the degree of obstruction, a physical cleaning procedure is prescribed.
Sedation or local anesthesia
HSG should be performed under sedation. Sedation
- this is not general anesthesia, which has very unpleasant consequences, but drug-induced sleep, which has no side effects.
Conducting HSG under sedation is necessary because with local anesthesia (or without anesthesia at all), a person cannot fully relax, and this, in turn, does not allow the uterus to relax. As a result, a misdiagnosis may be made. That is, you will be squeezed, the contrast will not be able to pass through the uterus, and the doctor may decide that you have an obstruction. You don't want to be misdiagnosed, do you? That is why we conduct HSG only under sedation
to get the most objective picture possible.
How to flush the sewer
Sometimes there are situations when cleaning of sewer pipes is required.
Signs of clogging are cases when water is slowly or not drained into the sewer at all.
Since clogging of the sewer can occur regularly, it is necessary to own the entire arsenal of dealing with this problem.
Here you will learn about all the available ways to clean the sewer yourself.
Choosing a tool
Flushing sewer pipes can be performed using two methods:
- Mechanical methods involve the use of a special device or tool to remove the debris plug;
- To carry out dry cleaning, you need to buy a special tool for cleaning sewer pipes. The special reagents included in its composition soften the mash and decompose it into liquid components.
By the way, mechanical cleaning of sewer pipes is the most difficult, but sometimes the most effective way of cleaning.
Such cleaning is recommended when the water drain is completely stopped, when a significant congestion has formed.
Cleaning with chemicals is less effective, but less of a hassle. Efficiency, in this case, directly depends on the means used.
For example, there is an acid for cleaning sewer pipes on sale, it copes with the blockage no worse than appliances and cleaning tools.
Cleaning chemicals should be used in situations where the blockage is not very large and the water drain is not completely blocked.
To choose the right tool, you need to understand where the congestion occurred.
Most often, the sewer section that connects the toilet to the riser, the kitchen sink to the bathroom outlet, or the bathroom to the toilet outlet is clogged.
In case of clogging in the bathroom or in the kitchen, it may be recommended to clean the sewer pipes with chemicals.
And before you clean the sewer pipes coming from the toilet, you should arm yourself with a plunger or a cable.
When buying a chemical cleaner, you need to carefully examine the packaging.
The instructions should indicate the material from which the pipes are made, since the chemicals in the product may not be suitable for all types of products.
Why you should not add antifreeze to pipes
Antifreeze can corrode seals. The glycols contained in it are quite aggressive and can damage them, over time they can leak.
Have you ever left your dacha or country house for the winter, moving to the city, where it is much more convenient? Surely yes. At least in our area there are few people who like to freeze in the country in winter, especially when you consider the average temperature in January.
The problems faced by the owners of unheated premises in winter are always the same and relate to a greater extent to plumbing systems.
For any pipeline, it does not have to be a water supply, lowering the ambient temperature to below zero is a big problem. If you do not prepare the system before winter, then on sunny spring days you will be in for a not too pleasant surprise.
Blowing out heating pipes with a compressor
How and why to prepare pipelines before winter? In this article you will receive a comprehensive answer.
Call of experts
When it is not possible to cope with the congestion on your own, it is advisable to involve specialized services.
Prior to the start of direct work to eliminate the blockage, a video diagnostics of the sewage system is carried out in order to determine the general condition of the pipeline, the nature and location of the blockage. Based on the data obtained, they determine the method of its elimination. As a rule, professional equipment is used. The destruction of the congestion is carried out using a hydrodynamic installation or thermochemical cleaning using special tools.
X-ray of the fallopian tubes
An x-ray of the fallopian tubes, as well as an ultrasound examination, is performed if infertility is suspected, in order to exclude obstruction.
Pictures make it possible to timely detect the presence of such pathologies as hydrosalpinx (accumulation of fluid in the pipes due to their obstruction), the formation of multiple cysts, etc.
X-ray examination can be performed both in the first and in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, during the cycle, it is necessary to protect yourself from pregnancy, since if the long-awaited pregnancy occurs before the x-ray, most likely, it will have to be interrupted.
What you need to do to check the patency of the fallopian tubes
Before checking the patency of the fallopian tubes, on the eve of the examination, a gynecological smear should be taken to exclude the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitals. In the event that there is inflammation, an x-ray cannot be done, as it can lead to an exacerbation.
Hydrodynamic pipe cleaning
Sometimes strong water pressure is enough
You can clean the entire sewer with plenty of water.
For this, various electrical devices are now used. Such a hose is connected to a special installation and inserted into the pipe. After that, the water and the compressor are turned on, as a result of which, with the help of a large pressure, the blockage is broken and pushed further.
For a country house, instead of a special device, you can use a garden hose. Some craftsmen managed to use washing vacuum cleaners for such purposes. But if you have an autonomous sewage system at home, then you need to take into account several points, for example, the force of water pressure and the possibility of any solid particles entering the purifier.
- no need to throw food waste into the toilet or washbasin;
- several times a month, rinse the drain with boiling water;
- use chemicals a couple of times a month to prevent pollution.