solar collector falcon effect

Solar collectors Sokol technical features, advantages and disadvantages

A solar collector (solar system) is a device designed to absorb solar energy propagated by infrared radiation and the visible spectrum of rays, which is then converted into thermal energy. The essence of the process is that the sun's rays are absorbed by a special collector profile and due to its heating, heat is transferred to its carrier, which is water or another liquid. Such equipment allows you to convert inexhaustible natural energy resources, thereby expanding the possibilities for using alternative heat sources. The gradual rise in the cost of such combustible materials as gas, oil and coal lead to the improvement of solar systems. The Sokol solar ray converter belongs to modern and serial equipment designed for wide application as a heat generator.

Experience of using solar vacuum collectors from other countries

Sub**r, Belarus

From October until the New Year, the water in the reservoir did not heat up more than 16 degrees, the collector was blown out with snow, they say that it was installed incorrectly. On January 7, it was -32 outside, but the sensors and the controller showed that by 12 noon the water had warmed up to +30. Probably, he didn’t put enough pipes, it’s better to install 30-40 on a tank of 200 liters.

I collected everything myself, maybe there are miscalculations, but I think that equipment sellers are cunning with efficiency. Although for me this is more of an experiment, the price and payback period are not entirely encouraging.

solar collector falcon effect


We decided to start selling solar collectors and test a vacuum one. They put a colleague in a private house. Chose based on the need - for hot water, with a separate tank, which is installed inside the house. Tank for 135 liters, one collector for 12 pipes 58 mm in diameter and 1800 mm long.

The “owner” is satisfied, since the tank, collector, controller and control unit were given to him for free. The rest of the consumables the employee bought himself.

From July to mid-October, the collector heated one tank per day up to 50 degrees, if it was constantly sunny - 2 tanks. That is, 135 and 270 liters, respectively. In winter, heating is very efficient, we judge by the number of pump operations for pumping. We made a mistake with the installation - a large length of pipes (about 30 meters), which means large losses. Yes, and the installation of the sensor is incorrect - they put it in the manifold, and not in the tank. In general, ideally, you need to set two to correlate data through the controller.

solar collector falcon effect

Application area

The use of solar systems finds itself in various household needs. Solar collector for heating is used as an alternative or auxiliary source of heat.

The use of Sokol flat panels is justified for preparing hot water in the summer, especially in areas where there is no gas supply and powerful electrical substations. Panels are often used to heat and maintain a comfortable temperature in summer pools, in private buildings.

solar collector falcon effect

The installation of solar panel complexes can be used in hotels and mini-cottages located in the southern latitudes. At the same time, it is possible to achieve the generation of such power, which will be enough for hot water supply and heating during the cooling period. Similar designs have been successfully used in southern countries for quite a long time.

Solar collectors for home heating must produce a total thermal energy sufficient to heat a given area at an acceptable outdoor temperature for the operation of these systems.An insufficient number of panels will lead to a shortage of heat, and a possible decrease in temperature below the operating range of the collectors, it is desirable to level the integration of the solar method of heat generation into the classical principle. That is, the double heating system of the house is most justified, in which the source of thermal energy generation is automatically selected, depending on the factors of the outside temperature, day and night. Such projects of heating systems can significantly reduce heating costs.

solar collector falcon effect

Solar collectors for heating will help you significantly reduce heating costs

Solar collectors Sokol-Effect

The flat solar collector "Sokol-Effect" is a special heat exchanger that converts the energy of solar radiation into thermal energy and transfers it to the heat carrier - a liquid moving inside the channels of the absorbing panel (absorber) of the collector. The absorbing panel of the Sokol-Effect collector is made of aluminum or copper profiles in the form of pipes with flat ribs.

Purpose and application of the solar collector "Sokol-Effect"

"Sokol-Effect" converts the environmentally friendly energy of solar radiation into thermal energy, heats the liquid coolant moving through it (water, non-freezing liquid).

Solar collector "Sokol-Effect" is produced at JSC "VPK" NPO Mashinostroeniya "- the leading rocket and space enterprise in Russia.

It is used as the main or additional source of thermal energy in seasonal or year-round heat supply systems (heating water for domestic purposes and maintaining heating) with natural or forced circulation of the coolant at residential, domestic and industrial facilities (IZHS, hotels, health resorts, children's holiday camps , catering establishments, farms, etc.).

Advantages of the solar collector "Sokol-Effect"

    • highly selective absorbent coating;
    • lightweight and durable construction;
    • ultra-clear (94%) patterned tempered glass with anti-reflective coating, which has the property of self-cleaning;
    • modern design;
    • ease and convenience of installation.

Solar collector "Sokol-Effect" complies with the requirements of Russian GOST R 51595-2000 "Solar collectors. General technical conditions” and the main requirements of the standards of most foreign countries. The high efficiency of solar collectors of JSC "VPK "NPO Mashinostroeniya" is confirmed by tests of the leading European institute of solar technology SPF Solartechnik (Switzerland), as well as diplomas and medals of the largest Russian and international exhibitions.

Solar collector installation location:

  • roof of the house and other buildings (flat / pitched);
  • balconies, architectural ledges of the building;
  • land (area open to the sun).

Scheme of using a collector for heating water in a pool.

solar collector falcon effect

solar collector falcon effect

They differ from each other only in the material from which the absorber is made.

Absorber of the helium collector "Sokol-A" made of profiled aluminium. This is a dozen aluminum pipes with a rectangular cross section, arranged in parallel.

Absorber "Sokol-M" has exactly the same design, but is made of copper.

Multi-layer selective clear coating reduces thermal losses, which makes it possible to increase thermal performance by 25%. This glass cover is applied to the aluminum profile using a U-shaped seal made of weather-resistant EPDM. Rockwool basalt wool mats are used as the lower thermal insulation. The thickness of the mats is 50 millimeters, from the side of the absorber they are covered with aluminum foil.

Both collectors have been tested in Switzerland, at the SPF Solartechnik Institute and have shown compliance with the requirements of the standards of most European and American countries.The method of magnetron sputtering was developed by the specialists of JSC VPK NPO Mashinostroenie. This development was presented at several international exhibitions.

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Short description

The principle of operation of all solar systems is based on the same mechanism for converting sunlight into thermal energy. The collector profiles, which are a tubular structure painted black, absorb (absorb) the visible light and infrared solar spectrum, as a result of which they are significantly heated. It is known that black color has the highest absorption capacity of light rays, which is transformed into heat. Heat is removed from the profiles with the help of water or non-freezing liquid circulating in them. The resulting heat is used for its intended purpose, and already cooled water enters the collector unit and the process is continuously repeated.

There are two main types of solar collectors:

Flat collectors

Flat devices are a rectangular plane, copper or aluminum profiles (tubes) are located on the surface, through which water circulates. The back and sides of the panel are covered with heat-insulating material, and the front of the manifold is covered with tempered glass. The plane is located at the required angle to the sun's rays, at which the maximum possible absorption of the rays is achieved. The panels are installed with a focus on the longest possible exposure of the rays, some devices can turn automatically to the desired angle during daylight hours.

How is a cast-iron fireplace stove arranged for a summer residence? Come here.

solar collector falcon effect

Flat-plate collectors "Sokol"

Advantages of flat systems:

  • simplicity of the device;
  • cheaper cost;
  • easy installation;


  • the greatest efficiency only in the summer;
  • inappropriate use at temperatures below -5 C.

solar collector falcon effect

Vacuum manifolds

solar collector falcon effect

Vacuum collector "Falcon"

Advantages of vacuum panels:

  • low heat loss, down to -30 C;
  • higher performance.


  • high price;
  • complex installation of panels due to the individual connection of each tube.

solar collector falcon effect

The vacuum manifold is a complex device that requires time-consuming and professional installation

The Sokol solar system is a flat solar collector, reviews of its operation show the versatility of installation in any design solutions.

There are several possible connection schemes. Each option is designed depending on climatic conditions, the consumption of prepared hot water and the purpose of its use. Solar system installation schemes are divided into the following types:

  • single-circuit;
  • double-circuit;
  • convection;
  • forced.

A solar collector for hot water with the simplest single-circuit and convection scheme works on the principle of raising warm water masses. That is, in the solar panel located below the storage tank, the water is heated. Warm masses rush up and fall into a special tank at the level of its middle. In the tank, warm water accumulates in the upper part, from where it enters the consumer. Cold water enters the panel inlet, where it is subsequently heated. The tank is replenished if necessary with cold water. During daylight hours, you can produce the necessary supply of hot water in the storage tank.

A double-circuit solar system provides for a separate closed circuit through which the coolant passes through a collector and a heat exchanger located inside the tank. In this case, the liquid heated in the collector does not come into contact with the water in the tank, but transfers heat through a special coil.Such a scheme provides for the use of an antifreeze liquid in the collector circuit.

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Main technical data of Sokol collectors:

  • total area - 2.05 m2;
  • usable area (aperture) – 1.9 m2;
  • the absorbing volume of the liquid channels is 1.5 dm;
  • pressure - 700 kPa (7 kgf / cm2);
  • experiencing pressure - 1000 kPa (10 kgf / cm2);
  • absorption coefficient - 0.92;
  • thermal insulation - Rockwool coating (50mm);
  • product weight (without coolant) - 49 kg;
  • type of transparent coating - tempered glass;
  • collector material – aluminum covered with powder enamel.

Approximate DHW heating capacity in a single-family house located in the central area:

  • duration of operation - 9-10 months;
  • maximum DHW capacity - 350 l per knock;
  • seasonal heat output - 1500 kW.

The same for the southern zone:

  • duration of use - 12 months;
  • maximum DHW capacity - 450 liters per day;
  • heat output - 2100-2200 kW.

The calculation assumes the use of two flat collectors with a total area of ​​4 m2. Relevant data can be obtained for use in cafes, boarding houses or in farm production, using the norms of the required DHW consumption values.

You can buy a solar collector Sokol in specialized companies selling such equipment. If necessary, experts will help to make the necessary calculations and give the necessary recommendations.

solar collector falcon effect

Solar collectors "Sokol" have many positive qualities, which makes them worthy competitors in the market

Solar collector, the price of which is about 16,000-18,000 rubles. is a worthy alternative to many imported analogues, while allowing you to convert the maximum amount of light energy. However, improper operation of it will either lead to failure of the profile system, as a result of overheating, or to inefficient production of hot water or heat carrier of the space heating system. It is advisable to take into account the possibility of installing heating collectors at the stage of the water supply and heating project. In the event that an existing heating and hot water system is being upgraded, it is required to take into account the capacity of the system and install such a number of panels, the total capacity of which will exceed the calculated one by 25-30%

Self-manufacturing of alternative sources of hot water supply is justified for country and household conditions. You can make a solar collector with your own hands by studying the video of the technological stages of its construction. Despite the simplicity of the design, only solar systems of industrial production are capable of providing uninterrupted supply of hot water and heat for a long time.


