The apartment is too hot where to complain

where to go if the batteries do not heat or heat poorly

Careless officials will receive a fine for such a violation of the law. In addition, now there are all kinds of Internet resources that provide assistance to the population. On the relevant sites, it is often possible to fill out an application online. The site team will do all the further work for you by sending the application for consideration to the appropriate authorities.

Useful tips What to do if the batteries do not heat in the apartment, in addition to filing a complaint? While you are waiting for your complaint to be considered, ask your neighbors who are experiencing similar difficulties to also file a complaint.

The more complaints officials receive, the sooner they will pay attention to your problem and begin to take any action. Also note that paragraph 9 of the Rules for the provision of utilities states that the heating of apartments must be uninterrupted

Rules at the beginning of the heating period, standard temperatures

Russia is a huge country with many climatic zones. If it is still hot in the south, frosts cover Siberia and the Far East, snow falls. Hence, the time of the beginning of the heating period unequivocally depends on the air temperature of a particular area.

The apartment is too hot where to complainCats love warmth too.

The beginning of the heating period or suspension is unequivocally regulated by the rules on the provision of public services. It says here that the heating period should begin if the average daily temperature of the environment is below +8 C for 5 days in a row.

At the same time, the coolant of the central system must be supplied uninterruptedly and around the clock throughout the entire heating period (Appendix No. 1, paragraph 14 No. 354). Breaks for maintenance and adjustment of thermal systems are allowed:

  • no more than 24 hours in total per month;
  • no more than 16 hours at a time, while maintaining the air temperature of living quarters + 12 C;
  • no more than 8 hours at a time while maintaining a temperature of +8 degrees;
  • 4 hours with maintaining a temperature of +8 degrees.

For each hour of exceeding the break, the amount of payment for the use of thermal energy is reduced by 0.15% (Appendix No. 2 of the Rules, Section 9).

Air temperature standards

Decree No. 354 regulates the standard air temperatures of individual rooms during the heating period (GOST R 51617-2014):

  • living rooms, kitchens, toilets: +18 - 20 C;
  • bathroom: +25 C;
  • corridors, stairwells: +16 C.

How, where to turn for heating in the apartment if the room air temperature does not meet the standards, read below. The overall responsibility and control over the implementation of Decree No. 354 is assigned to heat supply organizations, the management office, and local governments (Law No. 190-FZ).

The apartment is too hot where to complain

Accepted standards

It would seem that the laws of the Russian Federation provide for the rules for district heating of apartment buildings, guard the rights of consumers. But what to do if these laws are violated, what to do, where to complain about the lack of heating in an apartment or house.

Application of split systems

This is a type of air conditioner that does not consist of one unit, but two. One of them is inside - this is a fan, and the second is located on the outside of the building, and it contains the engine.

There is such a variety of split systems as mobile structures. Their blocks are very easy to mount on the outer walls with the help of special belts. The indoor unit of such a split system is installed in any convenient place inside the apartment.

Advantages of split systems:

  • automatic temperature control;
  • cooling of air masses;
  • air heating;
  • ionization;
  • adjustable fan speed.

A split system can be single-channel (use of one device) and multi-channel (use of several devices).All systems of this type can be of different types: wall, column or cassette type.

The apartment is too hot where to complainAn example of a split system

Wall-mounted split systems have a compact unit that is almost invisible in the apartment. "Splits" of the column type are quite powerful units and are able to decorate any room.

Cassette-type split systems are very popular. They are very often used in small spaces. The main grids of such systems are located on the street and fresh air can easily penetrate into the very depths of the apartment. They can heat or cool the air, but there is one drawback - the ventilation function is not provided in the system. If the area of ​​​​the apartment is quite large, then it would be better to use multi-channel split systems, the blocks of which can be placed in different rooms.

The apartment is too hot where to complainMultisplit air conditioning system apartment

Split systems perfectly cope with the temperature regime at any time of the year. Only for this it is required to regularly do their technical check. If the house is hot in winter, then you can turn on the split system to cool the air or ventilate. Thus, split systems are one of the types of air conditioners, only with advanced features and capabilities. Split systems are especially popular in the summer, as they are considered multifunctional. They can cool or heat the air in a few minutes. It is also possible to saturate the air masses with ions. There are many types of such units and it is possible to use several indoor units with one outdoor unit in an apartment.

There is a minus in using split systems or air conditioners - they can dry the air. This is the reason why you should use humidifiers. The work of a large mass of humidifiers is based on the fact that with the help of steam and ultrasound, the optimal temperature regime is set in the room. They are able to create the necessary microclimate in seconds. Also, the humidifier helps to purify and ionize the air, which will only have a beneficial effect on human health.

What to do if the apartment is always hot? Of the many ways and methods, everyone chooses something based on their financial capabilities and needs.

Where to complain first if there is no heating

Multi-apartment buildings of the municipal form of ownership are serviced by organizations providing housing and communal services. Currently, these services are provided by management companies.

The functional responsibilities of the Criminal Code also include the provision of high-quality services for space heating. At the same time, the temperature in the apartments must comply with sanitary standards.

Having discovered the lack of heating in the apartment, or in a separate room, the tenant needs to contact the manager of the Criminal Code to find out the cause of the circumstances with heat. The dispatcher is obliged to provide comprehensive information about the situation and his data for fixing by the tenant in the course of further actions if necessary.

In the event of a heat outage due to an accident on the networks of the heating system, it is important to know that the time to eliminate the accident is regulated by SNiP. According to this regulatory document, heat supply can be turned off for the following amount of time:

  1. To eliminate the accident no more than 24 hours per month in the aggregate.
  2. At low temperature in the apartment up to 12 C for no more than 16 hours.
  3. At temperatures below 12 C continuously from 4 to 8 hours.

Non-compliance with the regulated temporary norms is subject to recalculation for the heat supply service downward for each extra hour by 0.15% of the total amount of accrual due for the period of violation.

Confirmation of the fact of the absence of heat is fixed by an act, which is drawn up by the responsible representative of the Criminal Code.

The act is drawn up in two copies, one for each party.The document indicates the reason for the lack of heat, the shutdown time and the timing of the elimination of the accident. The act is signed by the representative of the company and the initiator of the complaint.

If an oral appeal to the control room did not lead to results, that is, a representative did not appear to draw up the act, the heating was not turned on and the temperature in the apartment was dropping, you can make a claim, both personal and collective.

The claim is made in two copies with a detailed description of the problem that has arisen and an indication of the start time of the lack of heat. On the copy of the consumer, the responsible employee of the Criminal Code puts the stamp of the enterprise, the date of receipt and the signature with the decoding of the data of the person who received the claim. The term for consideration of the claim is no more than three days from the date of its receipt. Failure to respond to a claim means that the service provider admits its fault.

Remote control heating

For residents of country houses or empty apartments, a new remote heating system is very convenient. Thanks to it, monitoring the temperature regime in the house is greatly facilitated, with the possibility of effective adjustment. A telephone that supports GSM network standards can be used to control the heating. All that is required to turn off or turn on the heating is to send the appropriate SMS: this allows you to control the level of heating in your home from a distance.

The apartment is too hot where to complain

GSM-controllers can be equipped with electric, gas and convective heating systems. The main thing is that the boiler equipment is automatic, and there are no interruptions in mobile communications in the area. Informing about changes in the operating mode of the system is also carried out via SMS. This allows you to control the temperature of heating a home at a distance of hundreds and thousands of kilometers.

Interruptions in the heating of dwellings sometimes occur, and the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon may be different. The main thing is to have information about where to call when the heating is turned off. A well-written complaint significantly increases the chances of a prompt resolution of problems.

Where to go

There is a certain list of authorities where to complain if there is no heating. First of all, it is recommended to contact the district emergency dispatch service, the contacts of which will be provided by the reference without any problems. In addition, numbers can be found on the Internet or on heating bills. It is the responsibility of the dispatcher to fix and quickly transfer the application to a specialist to go to the site and find out the reason why there is no heating.

If the given signal is fully confirmed, the corresponding act is drawn up at the place of departure in two copies. One copy is taken by a specialist, and the second remains with the owner of the home. After that, within a short time, the appropriate services should fix the problem.

The apartment is too hot where to complain

In addition, it is the responsibility of the plumber to conduct annual scheduled inspections of all components of the heating system for functional integrity. If such a check has not been carried out, this fact must be brought to the knowledge of the utility service specialist. It happens that after contacting the dispatching service, the heating was not turned on: where to complain in this case? There is only one way out: send a complaint to the regulatory authorities.

Where to complain if the heating is bad

If your heating in the apartment is not autonomous, but it is very cold in it, despite the height of the heating season, first find out the situation in your entrance and in the next one. That is, it is required to find out how badly the batteries in the whole house are working. Since, if the problem of poor heating overcomes only your apartment, it may just be a matter of poor-quality work of heating radiators.

When the batteries are slightly warm at the entire entrance, and even more so in a residential building, the problem should be solved jointly by all residents.Ask your neighbors to take readings of temperature thermometers in their apartments by the hour for several days. The norm of temperature in a residential building during the heating season is not lower than 18 ° C. In corner apartments, it should be at least 20 ° C.

For indoor temperature readings in the various apartments in your building, contact the dispatcher of your housing management company. Leave an application in the control room of the housing department to check the temperature regime in the apartments of your house.

After an appropriate heat check in your home, an act of the state of heating in the house is drawn up, with the signing of both parties. From this point on, the housing company is obliged to eliminate the causes that affect the cold in the sponsored house. If no action is taken from the housing manager's office and the house is still cold, collect a package with documents for the submission of a claim from the residents of your house to the court. The subpoena of your complaint to the court is consumer protection.

On your part, an application must be submitted to the court, with the signature of all the disgruntled tenants of the house and a complaint against the housing management company for inaction. Also attach to the application copies of the acts on the condition of the housing, which were carried out in your home. You will need copies of documents proving your identity and that you are the owner of an apartment in which the heating does not work well in the package with the documentation to the court.

Where to complain if the batteries do not heat well

The setting of standards for heat is carried out by state institutions at the legislative level. It follows from this that violation of these norms can be subject to administrative or criminal penalties. The definition of standards is consistent with sanitary requirements.

In the cold season, you always want to warm yourself with the warmth of the hearth. For a long time now, central heating has been this hearth for us. Utilities are responsible for the temperature regime in our homes. But, unfortunately, the warmth of our batteries does not always suit us. Let's figure out who determines the temperature in our house.

Where to go if the batteries do not heat

It was found that the batteries in the apartment do not heat. Where to apply? First of all, they call the dispatcher of the company that deals with the heat supply of the house. It can be either a public or a private company. The consumer must record the date and time of filing the application, its number and the operator who accepts it. Further, during the day the application is processed. As a result of its processing, a technical worker is sent to the place.

If cold batteries, how to write an application? A lawyer will help you with this. However, the claim statement must indicate that heat supply services are not provided properly. The statement of claim is printed in two copies. One is transferred to the heat supply company, the second remains with the consumer. It is stamped with the date the claim was sent. The document can be sent by registered mail. As a rule, public utilities respond very quickly to such statements. But if the batteries do not heat up in the apartment, where to go next?

Where to complain if batteries are badly heated in Moscow

Muscovites can find out which organization serves the house on the House of Moscow website. The phone numbers of the company, the working hours and the schedule of reception of the population are also indicated there. The technician is obliged to check the operation of the communications on the day of the call, and to fix the problems within a week.

How to convince public utilities that you are a competent and persistent consumer? Once you have received the certificate of temperature measurement in your apartment, prepare a claim. In it, indicate that the heating service is provided of poor quality, since the indoor microclimate indicators established by GOST R 51617-2000 are not observed (clause 4.16.2).In this regard, you demand the elimination of deficiencies within a reasonable time on the basis of Article 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The next stage of the appeal about the lack of heating

The apartment is too hot where to complainThe lack of response on the part of housing and communal services workers pushes the consumer to write an application to the higher authorities in charge of heat supply issues. This organization is the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the local self-government.

The statement sets out the essence of the problem, indicating all the actions performed by the tenant to eliminate the situation that has arisen. Be sure to attach a copy of the written claim and the company's response, if any.

No more than 20 days are allotted for consideration of an application under the law “On the Appeal of Citizens”, and in case of special conditions, such as insufficient supply of heat to a dwelling in winter at low temperatures, within a day. For the investigation, a commission is sent, about which the consumer is notified by phone.

The tenant is provided with a written response to the application, which must necessarily contain explanations on the merits of the issue, the cause of the situation, in case of an impossible immediate response, the timeframe for eliminating the cause of cold radiators and the consequences of the accident. The response is signed by the responsible person to whom the appeal is directed and the data of the contractor working on the claim.

In the apartment, the batteries do not heat what to do, where to go, the batteries do not heat where to complain

It is necessary to carry out such work under high pressure of the coolant supply. You should not hope that all the dirt will come out of the radiator if you connect the hose from the water tap. It is recommended to recheck the connections before replacing the battery. If you are trying to figure out what to do if the batteries are not heating up and you find a lot of excess in the radiator, then it is recommended that you perform the same cleaning steps for all other batteries in the house.

If you still decide to act on your own, then you can think about what problem could lead to a low temperature of the radiator. The most common case is air pockets. If the latest generation radiators are installed in the house, then they must be equipped with a Mayevsky faucet, it has a hole for air removal. It is usually installed at the top of the battery, since air accumulates there.

Reasons for poor heating

Before contacting the relevant services with complaints about the heating in the apartment, it is advisable to find out the exact cause.

The following usually leads to a lack of heating level:

  1. Internal problems. Perhaps the valves for supplying the coolant from the boiler room are closed or an important circuit assembly has broken. For an accurate clarification, it is recommended to consult with the neighbors at the entrance: perhaps the problem concerns the entire riser, and not just one apartment.
  2. Breakthrough of the heating network or an accident at a thermal power plant. Signs of this kind of breakdown will be the lack of heating in the entire entrance, house or area.
  3. Repair or modernization of the heating system, started by neighbors. This may be due to the build-up of new radiator sections or the installation of heat pumps. Such events are being started in order to increase the efficiency of heating a home. In this case, you can not do without turning off the heating, which will be felt by the residents of neighboring apartments.
  4. Delay in the start of the heating season by utilities.

The apartment is too hot where to complain

Batteries do not heat well how to stir up public utilities

In each of these documents, the tenant must indicate that the Criminal Code ignored his appeal and provide a copy of the original application and the act drawn up by the representative of the management company. Recommended reading: How to choose heating radiators for an apartment Compiling a complaint to the prosecutor's office usually has a positive effect on the course of proceedings with the Criminal Code and the batteries begin to heat up, but for this the application must be written in accordance with all the rules and to the point. The content of such documents may be a complaint about the inaction of the management company or its dishonest actions. You can go to court with a claim in the event that pre-trial attempts to solve the problem have not been successful. Based on the articles of the APC of Russia, a claim is considered by a justice of the peace if its amount is up to 50 thousand rubles.

Further actions of the consumer, if the problem of lack of heating is not solved

If appeals to the Criminal Code and the Department of Housing and Public Utilities do not give a result and there is no heating in the house or apartment, the inaction of the responsible persons can be appealed to the state supervision bodies. Since the lack of heat during the heating season is a violation of consumer rights and an infringement of human rights, you can file a complaint with the following government agencies:

  • consumer protection department;
  • territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • district prosecutor's office.

At the same time, it is important to know that it is effective to apply to state bodies after working with the management company. At the time of writing the complaint, the consumer should have correspondence with the responsible persons of the utility organization and higher authorities, inspection reports

At the time of writing the complaint, the consumer should have correspondence with the responsible persons of the communal organization and higher authorities, inspection certificates.

Complaint Form

Having found out which authorities to contact in case of violation of heat supply regimes, you should write a complaint. Regardless of the final addressee, this document is a method of effectively influencing unscrupulous public utilities workers. The main thing is to follow a certain format in compiling a document.

The apartment is too hot where to complain

A complaint to any of the above authorities is made in the following order:

  • The upper right corner is a place to indicate the authority to which the petition is submitted. Followed by the full name of the tenant and the exact address. For feedback from the applicant from the representatives of the organization, it is necessary to indicate the contact phone number.
  • The first paragraph is followed by a detailed statement of the problem, indicating the exact date of the interruption of the heat supply, and listing the measures already taken (including appealing to certain authorities). If there are acts and other important documents, their copies are attached to the application.
  • At the end, requirements are set out for the adoption of appropriate measures by this structure to eliminate the problems that have arisen. It should also be indicated that in case of ignoring the appeal, the next complaint will be sent to the court.
  • The text of the application is completed by the date of the document and the signature of the compiler.

The complaint must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, which is facilitated by samples or ready-made templates available on the Internet. Sometimes it is difficult to draw up a document on your own, as this requires knowledge of certain legal aspects. In the absence of experience in drafting such appeals, it often happens that the claim is written unreasonably. This becomes a reason to ignore it.

In such cases, when drawing up a complaint, it is recommended to seek the help of a lawyer who is familiar with all the nuances of the current legislation. Such consultations, among other things, are provided online.

Help in this matter can be obtained on one of the many forums (it can be both paid and free). Thanks to remote communication with a specialist in the field of law, time, money and effort are saved. The lawyer will be able to guide you in the next steps if there is a problem of lack of heating of the home, taking into account the nuances of each specific case.

The apartment is too hot where to complain

Regardless of to whom the complaint is filed, it is better if it is collective. The fact is that public appeals have great legal force and are considered in the first place. A decision is usually given 10 - 30 days after receipt of the application. The complaint must be drawn up in several copies: one of the versions of the document remains with the residents of the house.

Other places to call

Having information where to call if there is no heating, there is every chance to solve the problem.If, after the inspection by a representative of the public utility, the situation has not moved forward, it is recommended to contact other authorities.

These are the following institutions:

  1. The management company responsible for this house.
  2. Housing association.
  3. Servicing plumbing unit.
  4. City housing inspection.

It happens that after the expected reaction did not happen: in this case, you have to take tougher steps.

The apartment is too hot where to complain

We are talking about contacting bodies such as:

  • Rospotrebnadzor. The petition is sent by mail or through a special online service of the organization.
  • Prosecutor's office. The method of filing a complaint is the same as in the previous case.
  • local administration.
  • Court.

It is recommended to contact these authorities only in cases where no action has been taken by representatives of the public utilities after filing a complaint about problems with heating. It happens that an employee of the housing office is a little late, and will appear any day. Going to court against a utility service may result in sensitive consequences for the latter in the form of fines and administrative liability.

The apartment is too hot where to complain

Where to complain if the batteries are not heating well at home

This body is authorized to control, among other things, the quality of public services, the work of managing organizations and issue mandatory instructions to violators. Question in the topic: maybe put an individual heat meter? This question is increasingly being asked recently by residents who want to save money in the light of the constant rise in the cost of housing and communal services. In principle, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation allows you to do this.

The time for the inspection is appointed no later than 2 hours from the moment the consumer receives a message about the violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed with the consumer. In other words, employees of the utility service provider must arrive to draw up an act at the apartment at a convenient time for the consumer or no later than 2 hours from the moment of contact. 3. If for some reason the employees of the utility service provider did not arrive by the scheduled date to draw up the act, the consumer can draw up such an act on his own. However, in this case, the act must record the air temperature in the apartment, and sign the act by the chairman of the council of the apartment building, as well as 2 neighbors - the owners of the apartments. An approximate sample of the act of measuring the temperature in the apartment 4.


