Gas supply
Contract for hydraulic testing of the heating system No.
Moscow "" 20, LLC "", represented by the General Director, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the one hand, IOOO "", represented by the General Director, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor ”, on the other hand, in the joint reference to the “Parties”, have concluded this Agreement as follows: 1
Subject of the Contract 1.1 The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes to carry out the hydraulic testing of the heating system of the building at the address: (hereinafter referred to as the Facility).
Contract for hydraulic testing of the heating system
The final stage is the direct work on flushing the heating system; then a secondary check of the pipeline and radiators should be carried out for leaks and cracks. Then a final check for operability is carried out and, after evaluating the work by the customer, heating is started in the house.
Important nuances and technical points What does flushing the heating system mean and what important nuances and technical points should be considered in the process of work? The fluid contains chemicals that help loosen limescale and other metal deposits formed during use. The reagent in this case is an alkali or an acid solution, which will, as a result, prevent the formation of rust in the pipeline.
Useful technical details
Chemical flushing involves filling the heating circuit with reagents (an alkali or acid solution with inhibitors that prevent further corrosion of pipelines) and long-term circulation of the reagent in the circuit.
Used reagents are generally disposed of by the contractor. It is impossible to drain them into the sewer: such aggressive substances can drastically reduce its service life, and treatment facilities are not designed for the disposal of acids and alkalis.
If it is necessary to use the sewer system for disposal, the reagents are preliminarily neutralized. Acidic - alkali solutions and vice versa.
This type of flush is the most common, cheap and versatile. However, it is associated with the consumption of a significant amount of water. If the house is connected to a heating main, the coolant coming from it is usually used; autonomous heating systems are washed with cold water.
The flush itself is done like this:
- The heating system starts to reset - first from the supply to the return, then in the opposite direction.
- A jet of compressed air from the compressor is mixed with the flow of water coming from the route through the valve. The resulting slurry effectively flushes out sludge and, in part, deposits on the pipe walls.
- With a stand-alone heating system, groups of risers overlap in turn so that the entire pulp flow goes through no more than 10 risers. Less is better.
Flushing of each group of risers in each direction is carried out until the moment when the pulp going to the discharge becomes transparent.
A hydropneumatic flushing pump is a simple and relatively inexpensive device.
Methods for cleaning radiators
Method of chemical cleaning of heating systems
During chemical cleaning of parts of heating systems, their internal cavity is filled with special solutions. These include substances from acids or alkalis. They include inhibitors. They are able to prevent metal corrosion, help to preserve its inner part, prolong the service life
heating systems.During work, old solutions of alkali and acid should be drained. Such solutions are quickly neutralized. They add the acidic components of the alkaline solution. This cleaning method is used when washing steel pipes. The composition of the reagents cleans the inside of the battery from rust, salt deposits.
Cleaning heating systems with hydraulic pneumatics
This method of cleaning the heating system is recognized as the most versatile, inexpensive and most in demand. With this method of cleaning, you need to use a lot of water. In autonomous heating systems, all internal parts are washed only with cold water.
Flushing sequence
using hydraulics:
- start the heating system in reset mode;
- a stream of air is directed to the coolant of the system, which will quickly clean the internal structures of the battery from scale, formations;
- if there are risers in the heating system, then they are flushed; if the heating system is cleaned by the tenant himself, then the risers should be washed individually. This is done in order to flush the radiator itself.
According to the drawn up contract, and this is necessary, in order to check the quality of the washing, it is necessary to carry out coolant control intakes
. Such work is carried out in a thermal unit, in other parts of the system. This is done for the equipment acceptance commission, which will sign the equipment acceptance certificate. She can always make sure that the water is pure and that there are no impurities.
The topic of this article is documenting the flushing of the heating system. We are interested in drawing up an estimate, concluding a contract and drawing up an act.
In addition, the criteria by which the work performed is evaluated are also curious.
The procedure for organizing cleaning work
The heat carrier in the pipes is water, which has various contaminants that settle and compact on the walls of the pipelines. They interfere with the normal circulation and functioning of the coolant, cause blockage of pipes and heating radiators.
The flushing organization must:
- pre-inspect the equipment;
- draw up an act on covert transactions;
- choose a cleaning technology;
- draw up an estimate for flushing the heating system and a contract;
- perform work;
- carry out secondary pressure testing of equipment;
- fill in the act form.
The act of flushing the heating system is an important document certifying the completion of work for specialized organizations involved in such services.
The process of pressing heating pipes.
Pressure testing of equipment is carried out with water or air. It must ensure that the work is done correctly.
One of the methods for assessing the technical condition of equipment is pressure testing, which reveals all malfunctions before work begins. The pressure must be greater than the standard, but not less than 2 atmospheres.
To check with air, a pump and a special pressure gauge are used that measure the pressure in the system. If the pressure does not change, then the equipment is sealed, and if it decreases, you need to look for the place where the leak occurs and fix the problem.
An act is drawn up for various hidden operations: dismantling of radiators, separation of flanges, preparatory work. Next, the cleaning technology is selected, but in most cases the hydropneumatic method is used.
The estimate for flushing the heating system includes the price of fuel, depreciation of equipment, reagents.
Then a contract is drawn up, which specifies the main points of cooperation:
- service cost;
- calculation procedure;
- deadlines;
- the amount of fines in case of non-fulfillment of obligations;
- obligations and responsibilities of the parties;
- procedure for terminating the contract.
After cleaning is completed, a secondary pressure test is carried out and the operability of the equipment is checked.The form of the washing act is filled in, where the customer evaluates the quality of the service.
Documentation is carried out immediately after the completion of work. If the terms of the contract are not met and the quality of the service does not satisfy the customer, the document is not signed until all defects and malfunctions are eliminated.
Sample contract for flushing and hydraulic testing of a residential building system
Sample contract These clauses will help avoid conflicts and push the contractor to perform better and more conscientious work.
This item is called "responsibility of the parties." It is also necessary to indicate in the act for flushing the heating system in what cases, in what situation and for what reasons this contract can be terminated. At this stage, work is just beginning, because before flushing the heating everything must be carefully checked and documented both and organizational issues.
The drawn up agreement is signed by the parties. It must be remembered that all emerging disputes that are not resolved at the level of the management of the organization carrying out the work are resolved in court
To do this, it is extremely important to keep all documents confirming the work carried out by company representatives in your home.
For flushing heat consumption systems on pipelines in heating points of buildings, fittings with shut-off valves must be embedded:
- for connecting a cold water pipeline, the diameter of the fitting is determined by calculation, depending on the capacity of the heat consumption system;
- to connect the compressor, the diameter of the fitting is taken equal to 15 mm;
- for emptying the heat consumption system after flushing, the diameter of the fitting is determined by the required time for emptying the system and is assumed to be at least 25 mm.
- The diaphragms and nozzles of the elevators must be removed during flushing. After flushing, the heat consumption system must immediately be filled with coolant.
- After flushing, the water supply line for feeding the system must be disconnected. The connection of drainage outlets must be made with a visible break.
Early termination of the Agreement may take place: - by agreement of the Parties - in accordance with clause 7.4. Contracts - on the grounds provided for by the current law on the territory of the Russian Federation9.3.
In the absence of funding, the Customer is obliged to notify the Contractor by telephone within 3 calendar days.9.4.
Upon termination of the contract, work in progress is transferred to the Customer in the amount of work performed.
The customer is obliged to pay the cost of the actual work performed.
10. Other conditions.10.1. Damage caused as a result of the performance of work to a third party through the fault of the Contractor shall be compensated by the Contractor, and through the fault of the Customer - by the Customer. The Contractor in all cases takes urgent measures to eliminate the damage caused, even when the relevant costs are borne by the Customer. 10.2.