One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

Heating two-pipe system

One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

In this system, the heat carrier cycles through the heater to the radiators and back.

In such a system, there are two pipelines: the first one feeds and divides the hot coolant, and the second one - the cooled liquid goes back to the boiler.

The system of two pipes is divided into horizontal and vertical.

The advantages of a vertical system are that air congestion does not appear during operation, which, however, makes such a connection not quite cheap. With this system, you can connect each floor to an individual highway.

One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

For large private houses, a horizontal heating system is very often used. Here the batteries are connected to a horizontal pipeline.

Air pockets come out with the help of air vents. Such a heating system is also divided into systems with upper and lower wiring.

In a horizontal system with bottom wiring, the heated pipeline is placed in the basement, and the return riser is placed even lower.

In order to improve circulation, the boiler is installed below the level of the radiators, and in addition, a return riser is placed below the boiler. In order to remove air from the network, an upper air line is included in the circuit.

In a heating system with an upper wiring, the upper pipeline runs in the attic if the building has a sloping roof.

One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

The advantage of a heating system with two pipes is the installation of automatic heat supply thermostats, which makes it possible to fully adjust the temperature in individual rooms.

This also includes the independence of the operation of the circuit devices, which is provided by a special collector system.

One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

The difference between a two-pipe and a single-pipe system is that in the first one you can turn on additional batteries after connecting the key ones, and also the possibility of extending in horizontal and vertical directions.

Unlike a single-pipe, here you can also easily correct possible errors.

The disadvantages of this system are minimal if you have the necessary amount of financial resources and have the opportunity to call the master.

Installation of a heating system with a lower horizontal piping structure

One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

This system allows you to have an open type tank in a good warm place. Also, it is possible to connect the expansion and supply tanks, allowing you to use hot water directly from the heating systems.

In systems with forced circulation, to reduce pipe consumption, the discharge and supply risers are placed at the level of the first.

  1. Corner connectors are installed downwards on the boiler nozzles.

One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

On the floor, under the walls, two branches of pipes are installed. One branch is connected to the supply outlet of the boiler, and the rest to the receiving outlet.

Tees are installed under each heating device, combining them with pipes.
The extensive tank is mounted on the top of the supply pipe.
A pump is connected to the inlet of the heating tank, and the free end of the discharge pipe is connected to the pump.

Installation of a heating system with an upper horizontal wiring structure

The disadvantages of such a system are that the extensive tank is placed outside the warm room on the ceiling.

  1. An angle connector is attached to the pipe section leaving the boiler in order to turn the pipe upwards.
  2. With the help of tees and corners, the upper branch is installed, and the tees are fixed above the heating devices.
  3. The tees are soldered to the upper section of the pipe, and a shut-off valve is placed at the intersection point.
  4. After that, on the first floor, the lower branch of the discharge pipe is combined, which collects all the pipes coming from the lower batteries.
  5. The free end of the discharge pipe is installed in the bypass, which is installed in the receiving pipe section.

Two pipe system

There are several types of it. The principle of operation is the same and consists in the following. Hot water rises through the riser and from it enters the radiators. And from them it enters the pipeline through highways and return lines, then into the heating device. With this system, the radiator is served by two pipes at the same time: return and supply, therefore it is called two-pipe. Water in this system is supplied directly from the water supply. She needs an expansion tank, which can be either simple or with water circulation.

Diagram of a two-pipe heating system with a circulation pump.

The composition of the simple includes a container with 2 pipes. One is a water supply riser, and the second is used to drain excess liquid.

A more complex design has 4 pipes. 2 pipes provide circulation, and 2 others are needed for control and overflow, they also monitor the water level in the tank.

Two-pipe systems can be operated using a circulation pump. Depending on the circulation method, it can be co-current or dead-end. In the second, the movement of warm water is completely opposite to the direction of the already cooled one. Such a scheme is characterized by the length of the circulation rings, which depends on the distance of the heater to the boiler. Circulation rings have equal length in systems with one-way water flow, all devices and risers work under equal conditions.

A two-pipe heating system has a large set of advantages compared to a single-pipe:

  • the possibility of distributing the heat supply in different rooms;
  • can be used on one floor;
  • locking systems of the return and supply risers are located in the basement - this significantly saves the area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving premises;
  • minimizing heat loss.

The only drawback is the considerable consumption of materials: you need 2 times more pipes than for a single-pipe connection. Also, the disadvantage is the low water pressure in the supply line: taps will be needed to bleed air.

The horizontal closed two-pipe scheme comes with a lower and upper wiring. The advantage of the lower wiring: sections of the system can be put into operation gradually, as the floors are built. The vertical two-pipe scheme can be used in houses with variable number of floors. Any of the varieties of two-pipe schemes is more expensive than single-pipe horizontal wiring, for the sake of comfort and design, a two-pipe scheme should be preferred.

Distinctive features of the heating system

The biggest plus is electrical independence, and the minus is the pipes, which have a large diameter and the wiring is sloped.

Compared to the two-pipe option, there are quite a few advantages:

  • pipes can be diverted to the “warm floor” system or heating radiators can be connected;
  • it can be carried out regardless of the layout of the room;
  • it covers the entire perimeter with a closed ring;
  • it is less material-intensive and has a lower cost.

In use, it may sometimes be difficult to circulate through the pipes, but this is easily solved by installing pump equipment. It produces competent circulation of the coolant through the pipes.

The vertical single pipe scheme is a popular example of wiring in apartment buildings.

Single pipe heating system with pump.

And the horizontal one is used mainly for heating huge rooms and is very rarely used in private buildings (mainly in small one-story houses). Here the supply pipe bypasses the heaters, which are on the same level. The water in each radiator cools down and, approaching the last heating devices, it becomes already significantly cooled.This scheme will help reduce installation and piping costs, but has two drawbacks.

Firstly, this is a problem with heat regulation in any heating device. You can not increase heat transfer, reduce it, turn off the radiator. In installation practice, there is a jumper - a bypass, which allows you to turn off the radiator without shutting down the system. Heating of the room is carried out indirectly by means of a riser or supply pipes. Another drawback is that you need to use radiators of various sizes. In order for the heat transfer to be the same, the first heater must be very small, and the last one must be large. A horizontal single-pipe heating scheme is also used.

Methods for installing heating systems

Mounting methods depend on the characteristics of the system.

The cost of heating installation work is determined by the characteristics of a particular project, and only specialists with experience in such work can calculate everything.

If it is necessary to install heating with normal circulation, the installation of a system with a top spill will be effective. The water circulates through the pipes itself. Bottom spill systems do not work effectively without a circulation pump.

Scheme of the collector (beam) wiring of the heating system.

Installation methods are also classified:

  • by type of wiring (collector, beam);
  • by the number of risers;
  • by type of pipe connection (side or bottom).

Heating installation with bottom pipe connection is the most popular. It becomes possible not to run the pipeline directly along the walls, but to hide it under the floor or baseboard. An aesthetic appearance of the room is achieved.

The main classification of mounting methods is carried out in complete dependence on the scheme. You can install a two-pipe heating system or install a single-pipe heating system. In the second case, the water flows through the pipeline through the radiators, cooling along the way. The last radiator will be colder than the first. With a two-pipe system, 2 pipes are connected to the radiators: return and direct. This allows you to create the same temperature of the radiators. The first option is the simplest and cheapest, due to the low cost of materials. But it is effective only in small houses. If your house is over 100 square meters or it has more than 1 floor, it is better to install two-pipe heating.

The two-pipe system gives an excellent choice of ways to install radiators:

  • serial connection;
  • parallel connection;
  • lateral one-way connection;
  • diagonal connection.

Depending on the location of the supply risers, there are certain ways to install autonomous heating:

  1. Heating with horizontal wiring.
  2. Heating with vertical wiring.
  3. Heating without risers with supply and return lines.

A single pipe system is cheaper. If you care about the quality of the heating system, there is no need to spare money for a two-pipe wiring, because we get the opportunity to control the heat in the rooms.

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How a two-pipe heating system works

The main design difference of a two-pipe system is the presence of two circuits responsible for the distribution of the coolant.

One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

One by one, the carrier is supplied to the radiators, by the second, having given off heat, it returns to the boiler. It turns out a vicious circle, in which there is a constant circulation during the entire time of operation of the boiler. The use of such a system is preferable for large houses.

Like single-pipe systems, two-pipe systems are open and closed. They are distinguished by the presence of an expansion tank in the design. Also, the system can have an upper or lower wiring:

  • In a heating system with a lower wiring, the supply pipeline runs under the floor or in the basement of the house, and the return circuit is mounted even lower. The boiler must be installed below the level of the radiators.
  • The upper wiring diagram implies the laying of a supply pipeline in the upper part of the house (under the ceiling, or in an insulated attic).

Installation and maintenance

The installation of a two-pipe circuit is different from the installation of a single-pipe circuit, requiring much more time and effort. For a system with top wiring, the following work steps must be implemented without fail:

  • First of all, the upper line of the system is mounted, which departs from the boiler and moves above the radiators. In places of future connection to the batteries, tees are mounted.
  • When the installation of the upper line is completed, the tees are connected to the upper pipes of the radiators, and valves are installed near the joints.
  • Next, the installation of the lower pipeline line is underway. As a rule, the circuit runs along the perimeter of the house at the basement level and collects pipes extending from the bottom of the radiators.
  • The free end of the outlet pipeline is connected to the boiler. A circulation pump is connected directly in front of the entrance, if this was provided for by the project.

A heating system with a lower piping is more practical in this regard. The expansion tank can be placed in a warm room (this, by the way, further increases the total heat transfer of the system, allowing you to heat not a cold attic, but a living space).

The outlet circuit is laid at the same level, and the supply circuit runs much lower than in the first embodiment. This arrangement saves pipeline footage and improves the aesthetic component of the structure. However, it should be borne in mind that such a scheme will only work effectively with forced circulation.


The main advantage of the two-pipe scheme of the heating system can be considered the uniform heating of the radiators, regardless of how far from the boiler they are located. There are other benefits too:

  • Already at the stage of drafting the project, it is necessary to install special temperature controllers, which make it possible to manually control the temperature regime for each room.
  • Heating elements in such a system are connected in parallel, while in a single-pipe system they are connected in series.
  • From the previous advantage follows the useful possibility of adding additional elements to the circuit, even after assembly and commissioning.
  • The system is easily extended both horizontally and vertically. When completing the construction of the house, it will not be difficult to conduct heating in new premises.
  • The system is not so vulnerable to defrosting.


Among the shortcomings, the most obvious and lying on the surface is the higher cost of project implementation. Moreover:

  • Design is much more difficult.
  • Much more pipes are needed.
  • The installation procedure is labor intensive and time consuming.

The principle of operation of a single-pipe heating system

The operation of a single-pipe heating system occurs according to fairly simple principles. There is only one closed pipeline through which the coolant circulates. Passing through the boiler, the carrier heats up, and passing through the radiators, it imparts this heat to them, after which, cooled, it again enters the boiler.

One-pipe or two-pipe which heating system is better

The riser in a single-pipe system is also one, and its location depends on the type of building. So, for one-story private houses, the horizontal scheme is best suited, while for multi-storey buildings - vertical.

To improve the efficiency of a one-pipe system, some improvements can be made. For example, install bypasses - special elements, which are pipe sections connecting the direct and return pipes of the radiator.

This solution makes it possible to connect thermostats to the radiator that can control the temperature of each heating element, or completely disconnect them from the system.Another plus of bypasses is that they allow you to replace or repair individual heating elements without shutting down the entire system.

Mounting Features

In order for the heating system to give warmth to the owners of the house for many years, during the installation process it is worth adhering to the following sequence of actions:

  • According to the developed project, the boiler is being installed.
  • The pipeline is being installed. In places where the project provides for the installation of radiators and bypasses, tees are installed.
  • If the system works according to the principle of natural circulation, it is necessary to provide a slope of 3-5 cm for each meter of length. For a circuit with forced circulation, a slope of 1 cm per meter of length will suffice.
  • For systems with forced circulation, a circulation pump is installed. It should be borne in mind that the device is not designed for operation at high temperatures, so it would be better to install it near the return pipe inlet to the boiler. In addition, the pump must be connected to the electrical network.
  • Installing an expansion tank. An open tank should be located at the highest point of the system, a closed one - in any convenient place (most often it is mounted near the boiler).
  • Installation of heating radiators. They weigh a lot (especially when filled with water), so they are fixed with special brackets, which, as a rule, come with the kit. Installation is most often carried out under window openings.
  • Additional devices are being installed - Mayevsky cranes, plugs, blocking devices.
  • The final stage is testing the finished system, for which water or air is supplied under pressure. If the tests do not reveal problem areas, the system is ready for operation.


For private houses of a small area, a single-pipe version of the heating system looks more preferable due to its following advantages:

  • Ease of drafting.
  • Ease of installation of the system.
  • Reducing the cost of purchasing materials and equipment.
  • Stable hydrodynamics.
  • Safety of coolant circulation, which is carried out naturally.


There are a number of disadvantages that owners of single-pipe heating systems will have to put up with:

  • Difficulties in correcting errors made at the design stage in the scheme put into operation.
  • Uneven heating of heating elements located at different distances from the boiler.
  • Close interdependence of elements.
  • High rates of hydrodynamic resistance.
  • The impossibility of adjusting the flow rate of the coolant.
  • Relatively large heat losses.
  • Limited number of radiators that can be placed on one riser.


