Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

History and types of biofireplaces

Ancient people used the idea of ​​a fireplace not only to produce heat in winter, but also for cooking, heating water, and other household purposes. In those days, their fire pits were built in the ground, in the center of a hut, or even inside caves. Smoke screens are then invented in the Middle Ages to prevent smoke from occupying an enclosed area. This idea led to the invention of chimneys in the 11th or 12th century. This development has improved the functionality of fireplaces since the problem of smoke is effectively solved.

In terms of design and appearance, fireplaces have changed a lot.

Biofireplace - warm or not, given that he has gone far from the design of the past. The faulty architectures of the past have been improved with cutting-edge technology, while the designs have been developed in terms of preferred style and finishes. From the visual elements to the actual structure, fireplaces have really evolved over time.

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the countryArrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

Types of gas fireplaces

  • Gas Fireplace Insert. It is used to convert an existing, built-in metal or traditional wood fireplace to a gas type. Using an insert is much cheaper than a complete fireplace repair. It can change the atmosphere of your home from rustic and traditional to modern.
  • Gas Fireplace with zero ground clearance. This is a prefabricated type of fireplace that can be installed during house construction or a complete renovation, mainly when the house does not have an existing fireplace. It can be placed inside the shell of the house or against an outside wall, depending on the overall architecture of the house.
  • Autonomous gas fireplace. It is a freestanding unit with a tempered or ceramic glass front. This type of fireplace tends to be more efficient in terms of providing heat around the house, since all of its surfaces are exposed.

The fireplace is in many ways one of the best places in the house. This causes some level of warmth in the house, especially on winter days. However, it also has its own drawbacks as we are about to find out.

The nature of heating

  • If the dacha is a country house in which they live permanently, then the classic water heating system is the best option: its scheme is quite simple, the work is efficient, and the service is quite affordable. The choice of a heating boiler depends on the availability of fuel - gas, electric, solid fuel, diesel, etc.
  • If the house is not used as permanent housing, it does not make sense to build any capital heating system for giving. Other methods are used to quickly heat a building during the weekend. Their main advantage is the ability to heat quickly, the main disadvantage is the cost of work, since most of these systems are electrical.

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

But if the current supply in the holiday village leaves much to be desired or is simply not affordable, you can use other devices.

Types of stoves in a brick house

For a private house, various projects of furnaces have been developed, so the decision to build according to one plan or another is made individually, taking into account domestic needs, the size of the structure. Village ovens are of the following varieties:

  • Heating. This design is installed in houses for space heating. Furnace stoves are small in size, but they give a lot of heat to the home and keep the temperature comfortable for a long time.
  • Cooking ovens. This type is designed for heating and cooking. The device of the brick oven is made in such a way that the surrounding area does not heat up, so the stove can be used in the summer, when the furnace is not carried out.
  • Cooking and heating. The building is designed for space heating and cooking.
  • Fireplace stove.Wood-burning heating structures designed for heating village houses. The designs of fireplace structures are varied, so you can put together beautiful fireplaces made of brown or red brick, which will also serve as a decorative element in a living room.

Biofireplaces for the apartment. Advantages and disadvantages

  • Convenient. Compared to wood, a gas fireplace is much more convenient to use. Imagine all the hassle it takes to just split and stack firewood and clean up all the ashes afterwards. In a gas fireplace, a warm and calm fire is achieved at the touch of a button. In fact, some devices have their own remote control and timer that can automatically turn off your fireplace. A gas fireplace is really convenient, especially for busy people who don't have time to manually do everything to feel the relaxing warmth that a fireplace has to offer.
  • Low operating costs. Gas fireplaces require less care, maintenance and cleaning than a traditional wood burning fireplace. Unlike the latter type, gas fireplaces save you the hassle of removing ash and removing debris from time to time. You just need to clean it (including the glass) once or twice a month and you're done.
  • Realistic flame. A gas fireplace is not only efficient or convenient, it also offers a "real flame" aesthetic. With the latest technology, gas fireplaces on the market today have realistic flames similar to what wood fireplaces can create. Yes, gas fireplaces make real fires, but their flames used to have this bluish tinge (like the flames in a stove), which isn't really attractive. Part of its development is its more natural looking yellow fire, made possible by advanced technology that properly mixes the gas with air. Does the biofireplace heat up or not? Greet, how.
  • Various ventilation options. If you want to install a gas fireplace, you have four ventilation options to choose from. The first is the natural reset, also known as the B-release. There is also this ventilation option, known as direct ventilation, which is the most popular way to ventilate gas fireplaces. In addition, there is also a non-ventilated installation and a vent, which includes the use of a fan accessory. These options allow homeowners to manage and customize their fireplaces to suit their needs and lifestyle.
  • Universal. Gas fireplaces are known for their versatility. Unlike any other type of fireplace, you can install it almost anywhere as long as you have a natural gas connection. Because its design is flexible enough, you can build this fireplace into any area of ​​your home without the need for a chimney. Biofireplace can be kept in the apartment without fear of an accident.


No wood scent. Some people prefer the coziness and atmosphere that wood burning offers. Unfortunately, gas fireplaces cannot give you that pleasant and warm scent of woods and logs. Yes, it generates heat very well, but if you're trying to achieve the pleasant smell of burnt wood or your home, then this type of fireplace may not be right for you. In accordance with this, crackling and crackling when burning wood is also absent.

Fuel costs more. Gas is not too expensive, but it costs a lot more than firewood, logs, or even pellets. In a traditional wood burning fireplace, you can be a little more economical by using fallen and dried wood as a substitute, but in a gas fireplace, you have no choice but to buy fuel. On the other hand, it is much easier to find and store gas in winter.

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the countryArrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

How to install a fireplace stove in the house

The rules for installing fireplace stoves for heating a house take into account the features of the operation of the equipment and fire safety rules. As a general recommendation, the operating instructions describe the following rules:

  • The foundation for the fireplace stove - the steel case weighs in the range of 40-60 kg, during installation there is no need for a foundation. Wooden floors are protected with heat-insulating non-combustible material. Cast iron models of high performance weigh 100-150 kg. When installing on the second floor, it may be necessary to strengthen the supporting structures and beams. Foundation is not required.
  • Fire regulations - the minimum dimensions to the walls in a wooden house are 1 m. The distance provides the air flow necessary for air heating of the house. The gap can be reduced, but this will require insulating the wall. The chimney is insulated. When passing through floor slabs and roofing, fire protection standards are observed by installing a special penetration. In an aerated concrete house, it is allowed to install the portal close to the wall and build it into special niches.
  • Air ducts - for heating adjacent rooms, air ducts made of heat-resistant corrugated pipes are connected to the fireplace stove. If it is planned to heat more than 2-3 rooms, a separator and a heat-resistant fan are installed inside the air ducts to pressurize the system.
  • Installation Recommendations - Manufacturers include detailed installation instructions with each heat generator. During installation, you must carefully follow the recommendations given in the technical documentation.

If only the room in which the heat generator is installed is heated, it is correct to place the wood-burning stove in a place in the house where there will be the fewest obstacles to convection currents. It is optimal to place the fireplace stove in the center or in the corner of the heated room.

Pros and cons of heating a house with a fireplace stove

Fireplace stoves are the best solution for heating unheated rooms. Immediately after kindling, heat begins to flow into the room. The absence of a water coolant will allow you to heat the house only when it is necessary, and not all winter, for fear of defrosting the system. Beautiful appearance will look stylish in the interior of any home.

The solution has several drawbacks. Thermal efficiency directly depends on competent installation. In order to properly install a fireplace stove in the house with your own hands, you must follow the connection diagram specified by the manufacturer without changes.

Air heating continues to work during the burning of firewood. Steel fireplace stoves cool down quickly after the furnace stops and stop heating the room.

Like any other solid fuel heating equipment, fireplace stoves have their drawbacks and advantages. The expediency of application is determined based on the features and characteristics of the heated building.

Device advantages

Often, large or small brick ovens for the home are preferable to other heating appliances, and there are several reasons for this:

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

  • Even the simplest, but correctly folded design is considered a reliable heat accumulator capable of keeping heat in the room for a long period. A good stove in a country house is able to maintain a comfortable temperature for up to 24 hours, while calorific stoves require regular firewood.
  • When heated, a brick oven releases steam into the air, and when it cools, moisture is absorbed back. This process is called "furnace breathing", in which the steam exchange in the house is regulated, at a time when, for example, gas thermal units dry the air, as a result of which the humidity in the room drops.
  • The stove retains heat in the dwelling for a long time, while a small amount of firewood is burned, due to which material savings are significant.
  • The surface of the heating device is only slightly warm, so the oven is a safe structure that cannot be burned.

Where to put

If you decide to build a stove for a brick house with your own hands with a stove, you must first choose a suitable place, wherever you have to destroy the ceiling and underground bearing supports. If the floors are located on logs, for example, as is done in a wooden house, it is recommended to strengthen the floor base with additional jumpers before installing the heating device. In the case when the base under the dwelling is solid, concrete, a separate foundation for the stove is not needed. The distance between the pipe and the roof ridge should be at least 1.5 meters, the pipe is located 0.5 m higher above the ridge. If the walls in the room are wooden, home-made stoves are built at a distance of a meter and a half from the wooden wall. If this option is not possible, to prevent fire, the walls are protected with metal sheets with a non-combustible layer.

How did humanity get to this point?

Ancient times

Since the concept fireplaces had not yet reached the cavemen, they dug fire pits in the middle of their dwellings. The smoke escaped through gaps in thatched roofs (no fire hazard there!) or through a hole in the roof. Can you imagine how people inhale smoke every day? Even with hoods placed over the fires, smoke still seeps into the houses. Unfortunately, it took thousands of years for people to get started.

1100 - 1500

It was not until the two-story buildings were completed that the fire pits were replaced with fireplaces and moved to the outside wall, allowing a fireplace to be placed on each level. At first they extended horizontally outside the house, but the smoke naturally rose, so it continued to splash out into the rooms. It didn't take long before the infamous chimney was invented, creating draft to force the smoke vertically.


Around 1678, the Prince of the Rhine, nephew of Charles I, invented the grate for the fireplace. This allowed air to reach the tree from below, greatly increasing airflow for better fires. He also created a baffle to control air and reduce smoke.

In Philadelphia in the 1700s, Benjamin Franklin made great efforts to improve fireplace design (along with his side project, the invention of electricity). He invented the Franklin stove, which brought the fireplace back to the center of the room. Made of cast iron, it provided better ventilation and radiated warmth even after the fire had gone out. Its design was further improved by fellow Philadelphian David Ritterhouse, who added an L-shaped chimney to vent air into the chimney. Other developments occurred later in the same century when Count Rumfoord made a fireplace with a tall and shallow (less deep) firebox, directing more heat into the room and also creating a large path for the smoke to escape.


The early fireplaces had many shortcomings, but the Industrial Revolution brought about massive housing developments and the standardization of fireplaces. Most fireplaces now consist of two parts - a surround (fireplace and side supports) and an insert, which is usually made of cast iron. The Adam brothers were notable fireplace designers of the time and they created a fireplace that took up less space and used better quality materials. During these years, people began to appreciate not only the functionality of fireplaces, but also the atmosphere they created.


With the introduction of central heating, fireplaces began to rely less on heat. During the 1900s they became more widely recognized as an architectural element and design focal point. The idea of ​​enjoying the atmosphere of a fireplace was even more popular with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had weekly radio messages called Fireside Chats.They made them love to relax by the fire with their loved ones, and not with the opinion of the ages. Fireplaces served only a functional purpose.

In the mid-1900s, Heatilator introduced the first factory-made fireplace system that eliminated the need for on-site masonry construction. Within a few years, factory fireplaces became all the rage, mostly because they were cheaper and easier to install. Then in the 1980s, Heat & Glo invented direct vent gas technology and revolutionized the industry by allowing the safe installation of a fireplace almost anywhere in the home.


Obviously, our lives rarely require us to rub wood like Tom Hanks did, but fire continues to play an important role in our lives. We are drawn to the comforting effects of fire. It warms our bodies like nothing else, while the smoothly moving fire naturally relaxes and calms us.

There has never been a greater opportunity to enjoy fire in the comfort of our homes than there is today. Fireplaces remain the best choice for many homeowners. And they are available in a wide range of fuels, designs and materials that will enhance any architectural style.

How to choose a device

For residential building

A village house with permanent residence needs a simple brick building for heating, because if the brick constantly freezes due to irregular use, for example, as in a country house, the building will quickly begin to collapse. And for domestic needs, even a small stove will provide comfort and coziness, retaining heat for a long time, while a metal device cools down quickly after burning firewood.

For cottage heating

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

If the site is visited periodically, and there is a need to quickly heat the room, in this case it is recommended to install a calorific metal furnace-buleryan. It can be homemade or bought ready-made. The power of such a device is enough to quickly heat a small room, in addition, a metal wood-burning stove is small, narrow, it can be placed in any convenient place.

If the country house is a frame house that does not retain heat well, in this case, brick rough is better suited for the room. These are narrow, light, square structures that are easy to make on your own, which is a significant plus. If the floor is strong, you do not need to make a foundation to build a homemade heating device. The power of the structure is limited - up to 12 kW, but if the room needs to be heated periodically in winter, this option is best suited. Also in country houses a gas stove is used. It is much easier to operate, and does not require special care.

Stove heating

Such a design can be installed at the junction of two walls so that the stove and hob are on the side of the kitchen, and the fireplace insert - open or with a glass door - is located in the hall. For do-it-yourself construction, this is a complex object, however, its effectiveness has been tested for centuries.

A fireplace with a stove is laid even at the stage of foundation construction, since a solid foundation is required for it - a monolithic, tape buried, pile foundation. It is possible to build a stove or a wood-burning fireplace after the construction of the building only on a monolithic concrete slab.

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

Construction rules

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

In order for the heating device to work efficiently, it is important to study the drawings of brick ovens. After determining the installation site, the calculation of materials is carried out, step-by-step instructions for construction work are agreed

If you can’t make a stove on your own, ready-made projects of brick ovens, design and the work itself are ordered from the master.


In order for the service life of the home furnace to be long, it is recommended to take responsibility for the formation of the base.For square devices, the foundation is made 50 mm wider on all sides. The bottom of the base is covered with a sand cushion, on which a waterproofing agent is placed on top. After that, roofing iron and felt soaked in masonry mortar are laid. When everything dries well, proceed to the main masonry.

Step-by-step formation of masonry

The home oven is formed in orders. Most often, a square corner brick oven is built of 3 by 4 brick blocks. To form the firebox part, ordinary red bricks are used, which are linked together with cement mortar, and the firebox itself and parts of the convector are laid out from stove and fireclay material using sand-clay mortar. The scheme of laying the ordering of brick ovens is presented in the table:

Row Description of works
1 The subfloor is formed
2 Blower door installed
3—4 An ash pan is being formed
5 A ledge is being made for the grate
6—8 Installing the firebox door
9—12 Firebox under construction
13—15 The vault of the firebox is formed
16 The top of the firebox is closed
17—18 Mounted convector
19—20 The formation of walls is being formed, which will pass into the chimney.


Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

To form smoke channels, simple refractory bricks or heat-insulated pipes are used. The best design, thanks to which the walls in the room will be warm, is a brick chimney with a pipe placed inside. The space between the elements is recommended to be sealed with a sand-cement mixture.

Operating tips

Home ovens will serve reliably if you monitor their condition and follow the operating rules.

It is important to choose only dry firewood for the firebox, because raw ones emit moisture, which forms condensate, and destroys the walls of the device. For ignition, it is recommended to use plain paper or a torch

To quickly ignite firewood, electric blowing is used in the form of a special fan. After kindling, the view overlaps. So, warm air will not exit through the chimney.

Fireplace heating

The fireplace can also be a very light construction, more like a potbelly stove, but more efficient. Such models are offered by a large number of manufacturers and have a number of useful qualities.

  • The body of the product is made of steel, covered with enamel or other compounds that reduce heat. An exception may be the top plate of the product, which is often used as a hob, which is of great interest for summer cottages.
  • Devices are produced that work both on wood and on coal. The calorific value of coal is, of course, higher, but if you need to choose an option for a non-residential cottage, then a wood-burning fireplace is more than enough.
  • It is arranged according to the principle of a real stove: a combustion chamber with a grate, air outlet channels that transfer heat, and a chimney. The device of the combustion chamber makes it related to the hearth: the door made of heat-resistant glass is transparent and allows you to admire the flames.

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

  • The product is light weight. It can be installed in any building, on the 2nd or 3rd floor, in any place where it is possible to build a chimney and provide good ventilation. Do-it-yourself installation of the apparatus comes down to the installation of a chimney.
  • The devices are designed to heat a certain area. This area can be either one room - a construction shop, or several connected rooms. The most effective are models in which an air vent device is provided. Plastic pipes are used for this, through which heated air is supplied to other rooms.

There are models with the possibility of connecting a water circuit, but, as a rule, a wood-burning air-heating fireplace is more than enough to give.

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

Products are made in a very diverse way: from a simple design that really resembles a potbelly stove, to a model that imitates ancient cast-iron stoves with a pattern and forged details.In the photo you can see an example of such a device.

decorative fireplace

The dacha is characterized by design using a large amount of wood: chalet, rustic, hunting lodge style, and so on. Here, even if the heating is done by some other system, the hearth with an open fire is an important element of the interior.

As a heating device, a classic wood-burning fireplace is not very efficient - the efficiency is 15–20%, but as a living room decoration, as a status item, it is irreplaceable.

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

  • Such a device is laid at the construction stage, since its weight is very solid - 15-20 tons. This is much less than the mass of a real furnace, but still represents a large load.
  • Its design is unchanged: the combustion chamber is open, the grate for firewood, the chimney system. It heats only one room, usually the living room, and creates an incomparable feeling of comfort and home warmth. It is easier to build a hearth with your own hands than a stove, but it will take skill and time.
  • The decorativeness of the firewood hearth is determined by the design of the portal. Wood, brick, stone, decorative stone like marble, ceramic tile and so on are used.

Arrangement of a wood-burning fireplace in the country

The video details some options for wood-burning fireplaces. The video will help you choose the best model.

Which stove-fireplace to choose for the house

To choose a suitable wood-burning stove for a country house, you will need to determine the necessary functionality and performance characteristics of the equipment

Experts recommend paying attention to the following parameters:

  • Furnace material - made of stainless and structural steel, and cast iron:

    1. Metal (steel) fireplace stoves for slow-burning wood-burning houses are distinguished by their reasonable cost and low weight, which greatly facilitates installation.
    2. Cast iron stoves for long-burning wood-burning houses are premium equipment. They are expensive. They have a long service life of 25-30 years. Cast iron is heat-consuming. The main advantage of a cast-iron fireplace stove is slow cooling after the end of fuel combustion. After burning firewood, cast iron will continue to heat the room for several more hours.
  • Type of fuel - stoves-fireplaces work on wood. Coal is strictly prohibited. Some models are able to work on wood briquettes, which increases the burning period from one bookmark. Manufacturers indicate the possibility of using compressed fuel in the operating instructions.
  • Design features - the consumer is offered corner, side, panoramic and built-in fireplace stoves, decorated in a classic and modern style.
  • Performance - in order to choose a long-burning stove for continuous heating of a country house, you will need to accurately calculate the power. Excessive performance will lead to excessive fuel consumption, and a lack of power will lead to a quick failure of the heat generator. The approximate power can be calculated using the formula 1 kW = 10 m². Accurate calculations are carried out using special online calculators or with the help of a heating engineer.

After the main operating parameters and characteristics have been selected, a heating stove for a long-burning country house is selected by brand and price category.

Fireplace stoves are offered in different configurations, price categories and premium classes, manufactured at domestic and European factories.

Popular brands

It cannot be said that the Russian buyer unambiguously chooses fireplace stoves exclusively from European manufacturers. According to sales statistics, several Russian brands are well-deservedly popular and in great demand.

The equipment rating includes models from different manufacturers. The selection took place according to the criterion: demand - cost - reliability - design - thermal efficiency:

  • Russia - META Warta, META Amur, Brandenburg Werta.
  • France - Supra Tomera, Invicta Chamane.
  • Serbia - MBS Thermo.
  • Canada - Vermont Castings.
  • Italy - La Nordica Ghisa Isotta.
  • Czech Republic - ABX Tartu.
  • Spain - Nestor Martin.

All of these models of fireplace stoves are distinguished by their beautiful design and high thermal efficiency, with a built-in function for afterburning exhaust gases and improved heat accumulation.

The cost of in-house stoves-fireplaces

The highest quality fireplace stoves are made by Canadian, French and Czech companies. You can buy an ABX brand fireplace stove for 140-150 thousand rubles, Vermont Castings for 70-150 thousand rubles, Supra Tomera will cost only 70-80 thousand rubles.

Russian META fireplace stoves cost from 23 thousand rubles, a model offered under the Brandenburg brand will cost 18-20 thousand rubles.

The cost of a fireplace stove is affected by the presence of natural stone cladding. Cast iron fireplace stoves with soapstone walls will cost 80-150 thousand rubles.


