If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Possible reasons

Checking speaker volume

Maybe for many of you, this will seem like a banality, but I just want to ask you all before checking other possible reasons for the lack of sound. Make sure the speakers are turned on and that the volume of the speakers is not at a minimum. Also make sure that the speaker sound indicator in the taskbar is not at minimum or worse, turned off.

If everything is fine, right-click on the "Speakers" icon and select "Playback devices".

On the Playback tab, make sure the green checkmark is on your speakers.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

If nothing is displayed on the "Playback" tab, right-click on an empty space and select "Show disabled devices".

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

After that, our disabled speakers should appear, on which we right-click and select "Enable".

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Missing audio driver

Maybe you do not have a sound driver and the usual one is enough to fix the problem. If you are just that, then this is normal and you just have to find the audio driver for your computer and install them.

It is also quite possible that you have installed the wrong driver or it has been corrupted. In this case, you need to remove the installed audio driver and all sound devices, in the "Device Manager" ("Start" -> right-click on "My Computer" and select "properties", then click on "Device Manager").

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

After, Windows 7 will try to automatically install the missing drivers.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

If for some reason this did not happen, install the drivers manually.

Incorrectly connected speakers

And maybe have you lost sound on a computer with Windows 7
due to incorrect speaker connections? That's quite possible! Make sure the speaker cable is plugged into the correct port, it is almost always green.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Conflict with installed programs

Rarely, but it happens that after installing some, the drivers fail. It is enough just to remove the conflicting program, and the problem is solved.

But what if we have installed a bunch of programs and don't know which one conflicts with the driver? And help us with this, with the help of earlier.

Sometimes, quite unpleasant things can happen to our computers.

But it is important to know that any malfunction can always be corrected. And so, you turn on your PC, but during the system boot you do not hear the usual welcome melody

Perhaps someone will not even pay attention to such a trifle and continue to work in the usual mode, turn on music or video, and suddenly it turns out that there is no sound at all. Silence in the speakers! Today we will look at the possible causes of this malfunction and ways to return the sound by troubleshooting

All this can be done with the help of step by step instructions, which is offered below.

Sound card turned off

Sometimes such a phenomenon may occur that the sound card simply picks up and turns off. And the reasons for this are still the same, but most often it turns off due to a software failure. Without going into details, let's say that the solution to this problem is very simple - enable the sound card in BIOS. The main difficulty is to enter this BIOS at all. The main problem is the different way to enter on different brands of computers. How to enter BIOS on different brands of laptops, we will analyze later. Let's pretend we're already there. Now you need to understand what to do next.

And after we got into the BIOS, we need to find an item that is somehow related to sound. You can also recognize it by the word "Audio" in the title. In some cases, the word "Sound" will appear in the title. Examples of such names are as follows: Realtek Audio, Audio Controller, Onboard Sound, HDAudio.The latter can be seen in Figure 10.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Accordingly, you need to click on this item and select the "Enabled" option. In the above option, this option is already selected, but in the event of a breakdown in the sound card connection, another option will be selected. That's really all we need to do.

How to get into BIOS

In fact, how to get into the BIOS is already written in the boot screen. Below you can find an example.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

As you can see, it says that to start the installation, you need to press the Delete button on the keyboard. An option with pressing the F2 button is also possible. In general, all information on this subject can be found in the loading screen. To get into the BIOS, you must press the specified button until the BIOS is loaded.

Now the problem is that, again, depending on the laptop model, the interface can be completely different. This is what a classic AWARD BIOS looks like. Very old, as it seems at first glance, the interface.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

This is what the AMI BIOS looks like, which is also quite familiar to many at least somewhat advanced users.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Here is the most advanced interface to date that UEFI BIOS users can see. In general, here the creators decided to move away from the canonical forms of AMI and AWARD.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

What do we need to find in this most terrible BIOS for many users? Here we need a section that is responsible for the operation of embedded devices. Again, depending on the model, it will be called differently. Name examples: Advanced Features, Chipset, or Intergrated Peripherals. In any case, the meaning can be understood what kind of section. Here, for example, in the same AMI BIOS, the corresponding menu item is located where the arrows point in Figure No. 15.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

So we need to go there. And there we can already find those menu items that are shown in Figure No. 10.

Driver failure

As you know, in order for hardware to communicate normally with software, drivers are needed. They serve as a kind of translator between these two important components of the computer. But drivers, like everything else in this world, are imperfect and can break too. In this case, we are talking about a device that is responsible for the supply of sound signals, that is, a sound card. It is her drivers that may stop working at all or start working incorrectly. There can be several reasons for this phenomenon, the most important of which are as follows:

  • Getting a virus on the computer (again, we return to the fact that you need to check your laptop for viruses using an antivirus program);
  • Incompatibility of installed programs;
  • Just some glitch in the software;
  • The problem with the update is that the old driver has already been removed, and the new one has not yet been installed, and there is simply no one to serve the sound.

As mentioned above, these are just the most common reasons. In fact, there can be quite a few of them. But in this case (and this rarely happens when working with computers!) You should not look for a problem at all. The solution to the problem is to update the sound card drivers.

Driver update process

To update your sound card driver, do the following:

Open the "Start" menu and find "Control Panel" there. Figure No. 3 is relevant for the Windows operating system In other versions of Windows, this item may also be located in the Start menu, or it may be right on the desktop or in other places. In any case, in all versions of Windows there is a search where you can enter the query "Control Panel" and easily find what we need.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Here, in the search bar, enter the query "Device Manager" (shown in red frame in Figure 4). It can also be found in the list that opens without any searches. In the resulting list, select the item "Device driver update" (underlined with a green line in the same figure).

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

This will open Device Manager. In it, select the item “Sound, video and game controllers” (underlined with a red line in Figure No. 5). It is very simple to do this - click on the icon for opening the list of such devices (highlighted with a red oval). Next, a list of all available audio devices will open. By the name, you can understand which of them are responsible for the sound - the word “Audio” will appear in the name.Although, to be safe, it is better to update the drivers of all devices presented in this list. To do this, right-click on each device, and select the item "Update drivers ..." in the drop-down menu (circled in green).

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Now we have two options available - automatic search for drivers on the Internet or an independent selection of the driver file. The second option assumes that we have already downloaded the driver for this device in advance or inserted a disk / flash drive with it into the computer. But in most cases, we still have to look for them on the Internet, so we choose the first option.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

After that, we will see the process of searching for the necessary program.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

After that, the system will display a list of available drivers. The user will have to select one of them by simply clicking on it with the left mouse button. Next, the installation process will begin. Although the system may give a message that "the drivers for this device do not need to be updated." Then you just need to close the open update window and go to another device.

How to restore sound on a computer

First, we must find out the very cause of the problem. We will determine the reason for the lack of sound in various ways, let's start with the simplest and most elementary.

To do this, we will follow, step by step, according to the following instructions:

Use the "Device Manager": "Start" - right-click on the line "Computer" - "Properties".

In the window that appears at the top left, click on the line "Device Manager".

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

The first method is implemented very quickly, but practice shows that it does not always work, so if it does not help, use the second one.

1. Disable the function "Use the device in exclusive mode"

Right click on the speaker icon and select "Playback devices"

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Disabling the system of the output devices themselves. This can be caused by system errors, device configuration changes, and user intervention. Fixing this problem is very easy! For this:

Solved issues

GRUB hangs and requires pressing Enter

Computer overheats

Lack of required codecs.

The sound on the computer disappeared and if the above actions did not bear fruit, you can try reinstalling the sound adapter / card drivers. Most often, when the sound on the computer disappeared, the drivers or the sound card itself are to blame. Through the device manager (start-control panel-hardware and sound-device manager) we find our sound adapter and look at its status (if there is an arrow or an exclamation mark on the icon). If there is an arrow icon opposite the device, then you need to enable the device, press the right mouse button and click "enable". In case of an exclamation point, we will need to reinstall the driver. The driver can be installed from the disk that came with the computer, or you can download the necessary driver from the Internet for your sound card model.

A more radical option is to “roll back” the system. System recovery is also carried out through the device manager (see figure below).

An extreme measure in this series will be a complete reinstallation of the system. Immediately after reinstalling the system, fresh sound drivers are installed. After that, install all other programs. The sound may disappear after installing any program. So there is a driver conflict.

Before you do something in the absence of sound or its poor quality, remember what you did, for example, yesterday, when the sound was still present on the computer. What additional programs have you installed? Surely the problem will be solved if you remove this program. Or maybe you deleted some necessary file from your computer. If you have not installed anything, then try the above 12 steps to fix no sound. Surely one of the suggestions will help you.

You can also use the "Help and Support" section in the "Start" menu.

But from the beginning, let's determine why the sound disappeared on the computer

The cause of the malfunction can only lie in two places: in the hardware of your computer, or its software. In other words, the absence of sound is a consequence of a malfunction in the hardware
PC, or it is connected with the setting of the operating system, incorrect operation of some programs. It should be understood that the occurrence of such a breakdown does not depend on the OS, its novelty. This happens in older versions such as Windows XP as well as in the most recent Windows 8. It can also happen in Linux and other flavors of the OS. Even if your equipment is the newest and most modern, the most expensive sound card, the highest quality speakers, you can still face a similar problem.

Restoring the sound

Restoring sound on a reinstalled system is done by installing the driver for your operating system. The driver can be downloaded from the official website of the sound card manufacturer.

Thanks to this instruction, the majority of users will be able to solve problems with the absence or low quality of the reproduced sound. Sound problems, unfortunately, are quite common among users of outdated operating systems, as well as rare sound cards.

The most problematic task is finding drivers for a sound device. Since most sound cards are integrated into the motherboard, it can be somewhat difficult to determine the model of the sound card.

In most cases, Driver Pack Solution can help you select the most appropriate driver for your sound card. This application includes many drivers for different operating systems.

No sound on laptop

Have you reinstalled your Windows system and you have no sound? This means that the reason that the sound on the laptop has disappeared is in the BIOS. What to do?

Go to BIOS and check your guess. If you have not done this before, contact the service center. Such a procedure will not be expensive, and the master will do it very quickly, and you will be calm about the condition of your device.

Cartridge refilling in Krasnodar, as well as a number of other services are also performed in the service center quickly, efficiently and inexpensively.

Sound disabled in laptop settings

Sometimes, in a hurry, we do a lot of unnecessary actions: we open, having missed, the sound settings in the tray, we press special buttons on the keyboard that turn off the sound, backlight, etc.

Therefore, we check what state the sound is in

To do this, pay attention to the volume icon in the tray. If it is crossed out by a red strip, then you should open the regulator and move the slider to turn on the sound

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Now let's check at what level the volume of the speakers and other applications is set.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Sometimes we forget to take out the headphones from the special connector of the laptop and for this reason the speakers do not work. Checking the headphone jack.

Driver problem

Now you should remember all the latest software installations on the laptop. In some cases, there may be a conflict between them and those that were installed earlier.

Therefore, it is worth returning the early state of affairs and removing conflicting programs. If you can’t remember anything like that, then let’s move on to checking the drivers:

Open "Start", select "Control Panel" and go to "Device Manager". There you will see a tree of devices present in the laptop.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Sound drivers are located in Sound, Video and Game Controllers. Open them for viewing by clicking on the triangle on the left side. If the drivers are corrupted, missing, or out of date, a yellow triangle with an exclamation point will flash to the left of them.

In this case, you should reinstall them.To do this, we find the disk that came with the laptop and use it to restore the drivers. Also for these purposes, you can use, which will automatically select the necessary drivers outside.

Enable sound in BIOS

It also happens that the sound is disabled in the BIOS itself. It's pretty easy to check this:

Then we look for our sound device in the "Integrated" or "Advanced" tab. It depends on whether the sound card is integrated or not.

Opposite the name of the sound device, check the state in which it is located. If "Disabled" is written, then it should be enabled. To do this, press "Enter" and select "Enabled".

We are waiting for the laptop to reboot, and then we check the sound.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem

Windows audio service not working

Open Services with Run. To do this, call the utility by pressing "Win + R".

In the line we write

We press "OK".

Now we look in the services for "Windows audio" and check its status. The third column should say "Working", as shown in the screenshot.

On modern computers, a very common problem is that the sound on the laptop has disappeared. What to do if this happens, we will analyze further. In fact, there are not so many reasons why this happens. Moreover, they are the same for various laptop models - HP, Lenovo, Acer and others. So, let's start with the simplest.

If external speakers turn off how to fix the problem


