Taps for radiators

Why do you need to adjust

Setting the optimal temperature of the radiators allows you to create the most comfortable conditions for your stay indoors. In addition, the adjustment allows:

  1. Remove the effect of airing in the batteries, allow the coolant to move freely through the pipeline of the heating system, effectively giving off its heat to the interior space of the room.
  2. Reduce your heating costs by up to 25%.
  3. Do not keep windows open all the time in case of excessive overheating of the air in the room.

Setting the heating and adjusting the batteries, it is advisable to do before the start of the heating season. This is necessary so that later you do not experience discomfort in the apartment and do not adjust the heating temperature of the batteries in emergency mode. Before setting up and adjusting radiators, it is initially necessary to insulate all windows in the summer. In addition, you need to take into account the features of the location of the apartment:

  • In the middle or in the corner of the house.
  • Lower or upper floor.

After analyzing the situation, it is advisable to use energy-saving technologies to maximize the preservation of heat inside the apartment:

  • Insulate walls, corners, floors.
  • Conduct hydro and thermal insulation of the seams between the concrete joints of the panel house.

Without these works, it will be useless to regulate the temperature of the radiators, since the lion's share of the heat will heat the street.

Step by step instructions for adjusting the temperature

To ensure a comfortable stay in the room, you need to perform some basic actions.

Taps for radiators

  1. Initially, on each battery, it is necessary to bleed the air until water flows in a trickle from the tap.
  2. Then you need to adjust the pressure in the batteries.
  3. To do this, in the first battery from the boiler, you need to open the valve by two turns, in the second - by three, and then in the same way, increasing the number of turns of the opened valve on each radiator. Thus, the coolant pressure is evenly distributed over all radiators. This will ensure its normal passage through the pipes and better heating of the batteries.
  4. In a forced heating system, control valves will help to pump the coolant, control the rational consumption of heat.
  5. In the flow system, the temperature is well regulated by the thermostats built into each battery.
  6. In a two-pipe heating system, it is possible to control not only the temperature of the coolant, but also its amount in the batteries using both manual and automatic control systems.

Purpose. Characteristic

With the help of taps, the efficient operation of water pipes is ensured. The heating system cannot work without these devices, and in some situations its use without them becomes simply dangerous.

When the riser leaks, it is the shutoff valves that shut off the water, which makes it possible to make repairs without stopping the entire system.

An important function will also be the management of battery heat dissipation.

The minimum set for the normal functioning of a conventional heating system consists of several types of shut-off and control valves. When connected to the radiator, shut-off ball valves are mounted on the supply pipes, on the outlet and on the bypass. A mechanism is installed on the supply to adjust the pressure of the coolant. The radiator itself must be equipped with a Mayevsky crane. to bleed air. As you can see, the number of such products is significant and this is by no means an excessive option.

Taps for radiators

All together, this system allows:

  • turn off the radiator without shutting off the entire circuit for repair, replacement, maintenance;
  • direct the entire heat carrier through the heater when the bypass is off;
  • control the power of the pressure through the radiator to reduce or increase the temperature;
  • drain water, bleed air;
  • to protect the system from hydraulic shocks, breakdowns;
  • regulate the efficiency and level of heat supply, which saves heating costs.


The criteria for the species diversity of taps placed on heating radiators are: design, principle of operation and material

It is important to know that mechanisms of this type are divided into shut-off and control valves. What are the best faucets? It should be borne in mind that they have a rather complex device and must meet a number of requirements in order to function in difficult conditions.

Taps for radiators

  • coolant temperature up to 200°C;
  • must withstand a pressure of 16–40 bar;
  • high corrosion resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

For heating systems, such mechanisms are made more stable. Ordinary taps and valves for cold water cannot be installed in radiators.

Each connection has its own characteristics: there are ordinary and corner (for the bottom connection) taps. This separation allows you to maximize the distribution of pipes during the installation of the heating system. The design features of the valves make it possible to hide the pipes behind the decor, in the screed, to mount radiators in a small space under the window opening.

In everyday life, a generalized name is used - "faucets". But from a technical point of view, it is correct to distinguish between:

Taps for radiators

Heating systems also use temperature controllers, it is not recommended to use dampers or valves in radiators - they quickly become inoperative. If shut-off valves are needed, then ball valves will be the best for this. They have only two positions - closed / open. Valves with a cone are designed for manual pressure control. There are also mechanisms for automatic adjustment - these are thermostats with valves or cones.

thermostatic valve

Taps for radiators

In modern realities, a thermostatic expansion valve is a preliminary norm for modern and reliable equipment in a heating system. The temperature of the valve is automatically regulated. The function of the heating mixing valve for radiators is to limit the flow rate to an individual heating radiator. The valve stem makes movements to open and close the hole. Through this hole, the coolant enters the radiator. When the valve with a thermostatic head is heated, the inlet is closed, as a result of which the coolant flow rate is reduced. The thermostatic valve constantly changes its position. And an important factor is the quality of the materials on the basis of which this product is made. The product may fail due to stem sticking, as well as significant corrosion and breakthrough of sealing materials. But even if the thermostatic valve fails, you can extend its life by replacing the thermostatic element.

Heating system valves with thermal heads differ depending on the shape and type of supply to the heating system. They can be angular when approaching the radiators from the floor, they can also be straight, which connect the pipes to the battery relative to the wall surface. Axial, mainly when connecting pipes from the wall to the battery. When batteries are connected sideways, a special kit is required. It uses thermostatic heads and valves. Obviously, batteries coming with a bottom connection are equipped with valve-type liners.

balancing valve

The valve for adjusting heating differs in design from a conventional ball valve in that it can smoothly close the flow area in a few turns. Moreover, after balancing, the position of the valve can be fixed so that no one accidentally violates the settings. This type of control valves is placed at the outlet of the radiator, as shown in the diagram:

Taps for radiators

Shown here is the connection to a two-pipe horizontal system, the most common in private houses and apartments with individual heating. By the way, the principle of mounting fittings with a single-pipe scheme remains the same. An ordinary ball valve is placed on the supply line, and an adjusting valve is placed on the return line. In the case when a system with vertical risers takes place in a two-story house, then the installation diagram of the associated fittings looks like this:

Taps for radiators

The principle of product selection is the same as in the previous section.

Direct or angular execution is accepted depending on the layout of equipment and pipelines, it is also important to use American women when assembling

Pay special attention to the quality of the casting and the thickness of the brass walls of the reinforcement. If you have networks of polypropylene pipes, do not rush to buy PPR taps, it is better to put adapters and reliable metal products

Advice. Balancing valves are placed on all radiators, except for the last one, which is at the dead end of the branch. On the connections to it, it is enough to put simple ball valves.

The valve on the radiator on the return line, you need

well, as I understand it, there will be no heating in the whole house until you return the radiator, or close the system. Again, as far as I understand, frequent flushing of radiators (systems) is not desirable, but here xs.

Frequent flushing is useful for the system, but only if it is then filled with prepared water. And yes, until you fix it, you won’t turn it on.

If the system is on the water - from year to year the same water is better than fresh because

1 it is degassed - there are few dissolved gases in it that can create air pockets. 2 it is already neutral with respect to the system - what could be dissolved it has dissolved, where it was possible to deposit a precipitate - it has already deposited.

And if instead of water, antifreeze, then God himself ordered to save it. It is more expensive than cranes.

Cranes, of course, if set, then full bore.

It's better to put it in. It’s not yet a fact that you will rarely use it, because. now, in a crisis, radiators can blind out of such a rush. draining the system in a couple of minutes?! Yes, you can in the sewer, if any. But is it necessary to overfill the septic tank or have a capacity of 300 or more liters?

If the system is on the water - from year to year the same water is better than fresh because

1 it is degassed - there are few dissolved gases in it that can create air pockets. 2 it is already neutral with respect to the system - what could be dissolved it has dissolved, where it was possible to deposit a precipitate - it has already deposited.

And if instead of water, antifreeze, then God himself ordered to save it. It is more expensive than cranes.

Cranes, of course, if set, then full bore.

Decided to install a faucet. Somewhere I came across an article on adjusting two-pipe systems if there are several radiators in the CO branch using a valve on the return. I can't find this article right now. But as I remember, the point is that as you move away from the manifold, the valves are less and less tightly clamped. I'm right? I can find ball valves without any problems - will they fit? Or do you need a non-spherical one?

Features of installation and maintenance of regulators

Taps for radiators

Temperature controller installation diagram

After choosing the optimal model of a thermostat or a tap for adjusting the heating temperature, you should perform their correct installation. The location of the reinforcement directly depends on its function and design.

Most often, the adjustment components are mounted in the piping of a specific heating radiator. They are installed on the supply pipe or on the bypass. At the same time, in order to comfortably adjust the temperature of the heating batteries, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • The device should not be covered with decorative panels or other interior items;
  • The service life of thermostats largely depends on the quality of the coolant. Therefore, a strainer should be installed in front of it, which will protect the valve seat from limescale;
  • When installing the heating temperature control valve, follow the installation diagram. Arrows on the body of the device show the direction of movement of the coolant;
  • Many thermostats and servos are connected to the mains. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a power supply to them.

Before installing and further adjusting the heating batteries in the apartment, you must read the manufacturer's instructions. It prescribes the installation conditions for the operation of a particular adjusting element.

One of the important indicators of apartment heating control valves is the maximum and minimum throughput. They must match the current system settings.

Maintenance of regulators and taps

Taps for radiators

Pressurization is carried out only after the installation of control valves

After installation, pre-adjust the taps on the heating radiators. To do this, the temperature regime of operation and the pressure in the system must be normal. Then, by changing the degree of heating of the coolant, the operation of the control valves is checked. The system is tested in several modes. Alas, it will not work to independently adjust the heating in an apartment-type house according to this scheme, since consumers do not have the opportunity to change the degree of heating of the coolant.

In fact, it is possible to check the performance of a particular element only when starting the central heating supply. Those. correct adjustment of heating radiators in the apartment is carried out during the heating season.

During the start-up of the heating system, the heating system of a private house must be fully adjusted. It should include the following steps:

  • Checking the performance of taps and thermostats;
  • Compliance of their actual parameters with passport data;
  • If a defective element is detected during the control adjustment of the degree of heating of the heating batteries, it must be replaced.

In addition, it must be remembered that a number of external factors affect the operation of the system: the degree of thermal insulation of the house, the climatic features of a particular region. This must also be taken into account when adjusting the temperature of the heating radiator.

The video shows an example of organizing the adjustment of heating radiators in a house:

Installation of ball valves on batteries

A conventional ball valve is only designed to switch to 2 positions: "open" and "closed". It is impossible to regulate the flow of coolant through the radiator with it, only to block it. The figure below shows a simple connection diagram for a heater with this type of fitting:

Taps for radiators

The proposed scheme is the best option for an unregulated connection of a radiator to central heating risers in an apartment. You still don’t have to balance it, and it’s pointless to install a thermostatic valve because of the poor quality of the coolant. Instead of a ball valve at the outlet, the installation of a so-called shut-off valve is also practiced, its difference is only in appearance.

Depending on the layout of appliances and heating pipes, you can choose an angle valve for a radiator with or without a decorative coating.

Also, when choosing a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the working pressure indicated on the body of the product or in its passport. It must correspond to the pressure in the heating network of an apartment building

Advice. Choose good thick-walled brass taps for mounting on a radiator and a connection with an American union nut. It will allow you to quickly disconnect the eyeliners without rotating the elements. On a single-pipe riser, be sure to install a bypass with a slight offset to the side of the main pipe.


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Flow regulator

Having installed energy meters, the question naturally arises of how to regulate and control the supply of coolant, limit or add its consumption. To do this, there are all kinds of automatic regulators, the use of which allows you to save money, they work from outdoor air temperature sensors and return pipeline sensors. Another advantage of temperature controllers is the temperature control directly at the radiator installation site, unlike other devices. This advantage gives priority in obtaining a uniform temperature background for a comfortable stay in the room. The regulator will prevent overheating of the air in the room, which can not always be tracked by sensors on centralized automation. It is possible to regulate the temperature for each room separately. Sometimes, when solving the issue of adjustment, ordinary taps are installed. Of course, this solution reduces financial costs, but deprives a number of useful advantages. The faucet has limited opening and closing functionality. There is a danger of stopping or airing the riser. By adjusting the heating with taps, it is impossible to achieve the required temperature regime. Using automatic regulators, you can adjust the system accurately and efficiently.

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Air faucets and radiator set

Almost all modern radiators provide for the possibility of installing Mayevsky manual cranes for air release. Some manufacturers even complete their products with them. Optionally, instead of a manual air vent, you can also put an automatic one, but in practice it does not look very presentable.

Recently, the laying of heating mains below the floor level and the use of radiators with a bottom connection have become increasingly popular. Then a small gap remains between the battery and the floor, where it is not always possible to place any fittings. In this case, there is a special connection headset with built-in taps, shown in the picture (left):

Taps for radiators

On the right is a headset for the lower connection of a conventional radiator with side plugs, it also has valves plus the possibility of attaching a thermal head. Such solutions look very aesthetically pleasing, but will require maximum financial costs. More information about the headset is shown in the video:

Use of valves with thermal heads

These are the best taps that can only be put on radiators in the heating system of a private house. Adjusted to a certain air temperature, the thermal head acts on the valve stem, forcing it to open or close its flow area. Thus, there is an automatic quantitative regulation of the coolant passing through the heater.

Taps for radiators

The thermostatic valve is installed on the supply line to the battery, and a balancing valve is placed on the return line. It is a mistake to assume that the system will be automatically balanced by thermal heads; valves are needed in any case. The installation of conventional ball valves instead of them is allowed for centralized heating or in systems with a passing movement of the coolant (Tichelmann loop). But it is unacceptable to regulate the coolant flow using a ball valve, and it will not work.

Taps for radiators

Advice. Most models of thermal valves have a mode of mechanical blocking of the flow section. If you got products without such a mode, then you will have to install an additional cutter to service the battery, as shown in the diagram:

Taps for radiators

The need for heating

The need to heat your own home has always existed, but the ways to achieve this goal were very different. For more than one hundred years, classic Russian stoves have been used in Russia, and fireplaces appeared a little later.Traditional heating structures have been replaced by modern devices and heat supply systems that surpass their predecessors in quality and efficiency.

Currently, the heating system is a structure, which, as a rule, consists of the following main elements:

  • heating boiler;
  • pipeline;
  • heating appliances.

Inside the heating system is a coolant. In most cases, water is used to heat private households, since in the event of a leak, it does not pose a danger to people and the environment from an environmental point of view. Of all types of liquid heat carriers, it is water that accumulates heat best of all and, when cooled, gives it away.

Taps for radiators

In addition, it flows well and moves almost instantly inside the elements of the system. Water is always available in the water pipes and can be added to the heating structure at any time.

The operation of the system is to move the hot coolant through it with the help of a circulation pump. Water is first heated in the boiler, and then distributed through pipes, from which it enters the radiators.


Which taps to install for heating radiators depends on the specific conditions in each individual case. When no regulation is needed, it is enough to connect the heaters through a simple shut-off valve, it will only work to turn off the device. Balancing or automatic temperature control in the house will require the installation of appropriate valves.


Taps for radiators Comparison of heating radiators by heat transfer Which heating radiators are better to choose - aluminum or bimetallic Quartz heater for the home - a solution to a question or another problem

Radiators and heaters > Which taps are better to choose for heating radiators


