Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

Solar collector Yasolar

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Solar collectors Ya Solar are designed according to European standards EN 12975-1 and -2 and are manufactured by NOVIY POLYUS LLC in Russia on a full cycle (including the manufacture of an absorber) using unique equipment. The design of the solar collector I Solar uses the most advanced energy-absorbing TiNOX coating, all-copper absorber, ultra-clear anti-reflective glass, the most efficient insulation (60mm) and sealing means. Especially for the Ya Solar collector, a technology was developed and patented for soldering copper absorbers with a profiled TiNOX sheet for improved heat transfer, a special body and glass clamp. After improvements, the optical efficiency of Ya Solar was 83%, which is much more than all Russian and many imported analogues (including vacuum ones). At low temperatures, the heat loss of the proposed solar collector is almost the same as that of tubular water heaters (test report), while at positive temperatures, the efficiency of the solar collector Ya Solar is higher. The ratio of the effective absorbing surface (absorber) to dimensions is greater, and snow does not interfere with normal operation. There is also no frosting problem like tubular solar collectors and no increase in heat loss over time. Solar collectors I Solar have a convenient connection with low hydraulic resistance and flexible attachment points.

Quality assurance. All elements of the collector I Solar are made of reliable materials (copper and aluminum) in accordance with the highest quality standards, so solar collectors I Solar are covered by a 5-year warranty, the service life is more than 25 years.

High efficiency. The solar collector I Solar, having a highly selective TiNOX coating, provides excellent performance. The special optical glass and the innovative soldered connection of the molded absorber and copper tubes over half of their surface (including collector tubes Ø22mm) allow the use of solar energy even in cloudy weather. Unlike ultrasonic welding, the coating is not damaged.

Minimum heat loss. The holistic hermetic rigid construction of the solar collector I Solar and the latest thermal double thermal insulation with low moisture absorption with a thickness of 60 mm reduce the heat loss coefficient to a minimum and allow more efficient use of solar energy in harsh climates at low temperatures. The act of testing the operation of solar collectors in the winter.

The price is valid from 04/03/2017. The price includes VAT. Payment can be made by bank transfer for legal entities or individuals. Payment in cash or by card can be made at the office of the company or to the forwarder upon delivery.

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

Also, only flat solar collectors can be mounted vertically to maximize thermal energy in winter. Thermosiphon systems (without electricity) with natural circulation of antifreeze for year-round use are only possible with flat solar collectors with a harp-shaped absorber.

What type of solar collector is best for Russia

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

Russia is located in several climatic zones, from subtropical in the Crimea to subarctic on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Accordingly, the maximum solar radiation is in the south and the minimum in the Far North.

In addition, do not forget about the polar night. Based on this, flat collectors will work better in the southern regions, and vacuum designs will work better in temperate and northern latitudes.

If the house is located in temperate or northern latitudes, has a heated area of ​​more than 50 m² and is operated all year round, then there is no better vacuum device. But with any type of solar device, a storage tank with a capacity of 100–500 liters must be provided in the heating system, and possibly more than one.

Collector pros and cons

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews


  • saving on external energy sources - electricity, gas, oil fuel or coal, wood (for a boiler);
  • independence from the above energy sources;
  • availability of equipment, simple installation and maintenance, no permits are required from the authorities or special enterprises;
  • the service life exceeds 15–30 years.


  • rather high prices and a long payback period exceeding 10–15 years;
  • complete dependence on climatic conditions and the sun itself, which cannot be controlled;
  • in temperate and northern latitudes, an additional source of heat is needed, at least as a backup.


Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

One of the important components is the strength of the structure and individual elements. There are glass elements in the flat and vacuum collectors, these are the top glass and the bulb tubes, respectively.

In addition to accidental mechanical impacts during transportation and installation, they are affected by:

  • temperature fluctuations reaching one hundred degrees;
  • moisture from rain or morning dew;
  • frost, snow;
  • hail strikes;
  • gusts of wind.

For flat solar structures, special tempered durable glasses are used, which are well resistant to hail strikes. In addition, they have a certain thermal stability and can withstand periodic temperature changes well.

Tubes in vacuum devices require a more careful attitude, since air is evacuated from them and there is already a voltage caused by a difference in external and internal pressure. But the collector itself is made in such a way that it is possible to replace one tube in case of damage.

Snow, frost

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

The best option to resist snow is to place the collector on a vertical wall of the house, but such opportunities are far from always available. In addition, with a large number of receivers, the surface may simply not be enough.

Another option is to install structures at an angle to the horizon of more than 55 °. If this is a good option for vacuum collectors - they look like lattice structures blown from all sides, then for flat devices there is a risk of melted snow sliding to the bottom and creating an ice crust.

As for hoarfrost, it happens only at certain times of the year - the transitions "winter - spring" or "autumn - winter". It does not create any special deviations in the operation of the collector, and when the sun comes out it disappears in 10-30 minutes.

Manufacturers, models, cost

The market presents designs from Europe, China and domestic products.

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

European products, for example, a Viessmann flat collector cost from 45,000 rubles, analogues from China - from 35,000 rubles. Vacuum products - from 170,000 rubles and 115,000 rubles, respectively.

The cost of Russian manufacturers of similar products:

  1. Novy Polus LLC, YaSolar flat solar collector model starts from 19,700 rubles.
  2. Firm "AltEnergy", flat solar panel "AlternEnergy 1.3", price from 15800 rubles. Vacuum collectors are manufactured according to the requirements of individual customers with a price of 52,000 rubles.
  3. The ANDI Group company, a solar vacuum collector for seasonal use, the price of the kit starts from 17,500 rubles.

On the Internet, you can find other domestic manufacturers with no less efficiency and a suitable price. For those who like to design and assemble with their own hands, there is a large offer for individual elements of solar collectors, from which various devices are assembled.

Types of solar water heaters

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

By design features, collectors are divided into:

  • air;
  • flat;
  • vacuum;
  • collectors - concentrators;
  • plastic construction.

Air manifold

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

It is a flat structure through which air passes. Most often, the air mass is directed into the space between the insulated rear wall of the housing and the absorber plate. This avoids heat loss through the upper glazing.

Such a scheme is distinguished by its simple design and simple operation. Service life reaches several tens of years. It is used for space heating, drying of agricultural plant products or wood.

flat type heater

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

The device is made in the form of a flat box that combines several elements:

  1. Absorber - performs the functions of an absorber of solar radiation. It is made, most often, from a sheet of copper coated with black matte paint or sprayed with titanium oxide. A special selective black nickel coating is also used.
  2. The top wall is transparent glass with a minimum metal content. Loss reduction is facilitated by an optical coating that delays infrared radiation inside the case - the efficiency of such a scheme reaches 95%.
  3. A tubular circuit made in the form of a coil - this allows you to increase heat transfer between the absorber and the coolant pumped into the pipe. The best result is obtained when using copper products soldered directly to the drive case.

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

The outer casing is made of aluminum alloys. The case itself should be maximally isolated from air exchange with the external environment. The back part is necessarily covered with a layer of effective heat insulator. If the coolant circulation is interrupted, the temperature inside the housing can reach 150–200°C.

The scheme of operation of a flat collector looks like this: solar radiation is absorbed by the absorber and heats it up. It, in turn, transfers heat through the tube to the liquid carrier, which circulates between the collector and the storage tank.

vacuum device

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

This is one of the most complex devices among the family of solar collectors. The internal design of the solar radiation absorber resembles a household thermos and consists of two tubular structures:

the outer tube is made of transparent glass, and half of the inner part can be covered with a reflective layer, which increases the heating efficiency of the absorbing tube;

the inside is covered with a special black paint, which allows absorbing external radiation with maximum efficiency.

A vacuum is created between the tubes, which is a poor heat conductor, as a result of which solar energy is used to the maximum. Inside the absorbent tube is a low-boiling liquid, which, having received heat, evaporates and transfers energy to a copper rod or other tubular structure with a liquid heat carrier inside.

Collector - concentrator

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

A distinctive design feature is the presence of a spherical or paraboloid reflector, which brings the flow of solar energy into focus, where the absorber is located. The advantage of such a scheme is the collection from a larger area of ​​​​the radiation flux and a decrease in the size of the receiver. Mainly used for industrial purposes.

plastic manifold

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

Structurally, it is made according to the scheme of a flat device and the principle of operation is the same, but most of the elements are made of polymeric materials. The outer part is a durable transparent polycarbonate. The body is made of high-strength plastic, the inner tubes are made of polypropylene.

For year-round living, it is most advisable to use a flat design or a vacuum manifold.

Advantages and disadvantages of both types:

The main advantages of Russian-made collectors

In recent years, there has been an increase in the production of solar collectors in Russia.This is due to the increased demand for products of this kind, its relatively low cost and good build quality.

Of course, in terms of production volumes, Russian manufacturers today cannot be compared with European brands that have been supplying equipment for solar systems to world markets for many years. But there are certainly positive trends. Russian companies have found their grateful buyer in the face of compatriots and residents of the former CIS countries.

  • The main advantage of the domestic product is an affordable price tag. A quality standard manifold can be purchased for an average price of $250-450.
  • In this case, the buyer will receive service at the European level. Manufacturers from Russia have learned to understand and hear their customers. Many collector solar systems are mounted on individual orders, with strict observance of all customer requirements.
  • The assembly and quality of the materials used is also at a high level. Most manufacturers give a guarantee for the service life of products in 20-25 years, and within five years the buyer has the right to service and advice.
  • And, of course, any collector is a significant savings for the family budget. The thermal energy entering the house goes to the owners virtually free of charge. They pay only for the electricity consumed by the circulation pumps (this is about 80-90 dollars a year).

Russian solar collectors are a profitable investment that will pay off within the next two to three years.

Application of solar installations

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

Solar collectors are mostly used for two purposes:

  • obtaining hot water for domestic needs;
  • space heating.

If relatively small collectors are sufficient for hot water, then for heating a house, structures of several tens of square meters will be needed, which will cause technical questions about their installation.

As a rule, solar light receivers are mounted according to three options:

  • rooftop installation;
  • fixing on the wall;
  • installation at ground level.

The most difficult thing is the roofing option associated with working at height. The complication is also introduced by the weight of the structures, which must be carefully, without damaging, lifted there.

For location on the ground, you need to find a place where nothing will obscure during daylight hours, the collector. It will be necessary to make a small supporting foundation or load-bearing structure on which the heat receiver is mounted.

Pipes leading to the house must be insulated. When operating in winter, it is necessary to periodically carry out work to clean the structure from possible snow drifts.


Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

It is advisable to consider the return on equipment costs for year-round operation and use for heating, obtaining hot water for everyday needs.

Expenses for seasonal use will begin to return immediately, especially if the collector is installed in the country and serves more to generate hot water. In this case, the price-performance ratio will be more interesting. About 1.5 m² of flat collector area will be enough for one family member.

Hot water is very necessary for those families who have small children, and here, a solar installation is very useful. But the rest of the family member will also be pleased to take a hot shower after righteous labors in their area. Washing dishes and washing things will be much easier. Therefore, the question of payback can be rephrased as the question of the need for a solar collector to produce hot water.


  1. Determination of the amount of solar thermal energy at the location of the house. Such data can be found in reference books, the Internet, but more accurate information is available in local weather services. Moreover, they have long-term observations, so you can calculate the average value, which you can use in your further calculations.
  2. The zones where heating will be carried out are specified - you yourself understand that it is not advisable to heat canopies, pantries and similar utility rooms. But, - children's rooms will require more thorough heating than a kitchen or living room.
  3. The approximate useful area of ​​​​the collector for heating 1m² of a room is 0.4–0.5m². This figure is given for temperate latitudes. In the south, about 0.2–0.3 m² will be required, in the northern regions 0.6–0.8 m². Already from these figures it is clear that a solar plant in places with a harsh climate can be used as an auxiliary source of heat, otherwise the equipment costs will be very high.
  4. To heat 100m² of house area in mid-latitudes, you will need a tubular collector with an effective area of ​​40–60m². A complete set (domestic equipment), including two tanks of 300 liters each, pumps and a control system, together with installation costs about 450,000 rubles.
  5. About 120,000MJ of heat is needed per 100m² during the year.

Average cost of thermal energy:

  • gas boiler - about 0.35–0.40 rubles. for 1 MJ of heat, 42,000–48,000 rubles per year;
  • electric boiler - approximately 0.9–1.10 rubles per 1 MJ of thermal energy, 108,000–132,000 rubles per year;
  • solar energy - almost free of charge, only the cost of powering the electric pump - will run up 5000-6000 rubles per year.

The average cost of a gas boiler with installation will be about 350,000 rubles, an electric boiler - 10,000 rubles.

Over 20 years, the total costs will be:

  • gas heating, 20 years * 42,000 rubles / year + 350,000 rubles = 1,190,000 rubles;
  • electric boiler, 20 years * 108,000 rubles / year + 10,000 rubles. = 2170000 rubles;
  • solar plant, 20 years * 6,000 rubles / year + 450,000 rubles = 570,000 rubles.

It can be seen that after 6–8 years, the solar collector will return the money and start saving. But ideal conditions were taken, moreover, the consumption of hot water for everyday needs was not taken into account. Taking into account all factors, the real payback period for mid-latitudes will come in 11–12 years.

A big minus of solar installations is a large one-time financial investment. The phased addition of collector sections will help to reduce them, but then when designing a heating system, it is necessary to provide for this in the overall design.

Russian-made solar collectors general principle of operation, reviews

In principle, the use of solar radiation to heat the house and obtain hot water, at the present stage of technology development, is justified for several cases:

the use of flat-type solar collectors for seasonal operation in garden plots;

the vacuum design will be able to provide heat to the whole house in a fairly mild climate, for temperate and northern latitudes it is advisable to consider this type of heating as an auxiliary one, because of the rather expensive equipment;

very well a solar collector of any type is combined with geothermal heating - in summer it can give heat to the ground, which will accumulate it and give it away in winter.


