Ways to connect the boiler to the heating circuit
The composition of the equipment and the piping of the boiler directly depends on the type of heating circuit chosen, the method of circulation of the coolant and the degree of automation of the process, such as fine-tuning the climate or simply adjusting the heating of the coolant.
The task of the entire strapping complex:
- Ensure uniform distribution of heat throughout the heating circuit.
- Protect people and equipment from any emergency and emergency situations, minimizing the consequences of a breakdown.
- Reducing the influence of the periodicity in the operation of a solid fuel boiler, since the main power is given out only after the ignition of the next fuel load, while heat transfer decreases with its burnout.
How to properly install heating
In order for the finished heating system with natural circulation to function correctly and efficiently, it is important to follow certain rules when installing it. In general, the installation scheme looks like this:
In general, the installation scheme looks like this:
- Heating radiators must be installed under the windows, preferably at the same level and with the necessary indents.
- Next, install the heat generator, that is, the selected boiler.
- Install the expansion tank.
- Pipes are laid and the previously fixed elements are joined into a single system.
- The heating circuit is filled with water and a preliminary check of the tightness of the connections is carried out.
- The final stage is to start the heating boiler. If everything works correctly, then the house will be warm.
Pay attention to some nuances:
- The boiler must be located at the lowest point in the system.
- The pipes must be installed with a slope towards the return flow.
- There should be as few turns in the pipeline as possible.
- To increase the efficiency of heating, pipes with a large diameter are needed.
We hope this article will be useful for you, and you will be able to independently mount a heating system without a circulation pump in your country house.
The heating system with natural fluid circulation is a closed gravitational (gravitational) type device that allows you to heat rooms in a private house, regardless of the power supply.
This advantage of the design makes it possible to use it in regions with problems or the complete absence of a central electrical network. The system is economical, but for its proper functioning, accurate calculations will be required.
One-pipe heating scheme
From the heating boiler, you need to draw a main line representing a branch. After this action, it contains the required number of radiators or batteries. The line, drawn according to the design of the building, is connected to the boiler. The method forms the circulation of the coolant inside the pipe, heating the building completely. The circulation of warm water is adjusted individually.
A closed heating scheme is planned for Leningradka. In this process, a single-pipe complex is mounted according to the current design of private houses. At the request of the owner, elements are added to:
- Radiator controllers.
- Temperature controllers.
- balancing valves.
- Ball valves.
Leningradka regulates the heating of certain radiators.
Bivalent hybrid heating systems based on heat pumps
A hybrid heating system (bivalent) consists of a main heat source, a peak reheater and a buffer tank. This system allows you to maximize the use of the heat pump with minimal investment.
Functioning of the bivalent system
As you know, heating equipment is selected according to the heat loss of the room at a minimum outdoor temperature (for Kiev -22 ° C).This means that the selected boiler should heat your room in the temperature range: from -22 to +8 °C. If we analyze Climatology, it turns out that the number of days in the heating season when the temperature drops below -15 ° C is less than 5%. Therefore, it is not advisable to select a heat pump for the lowest possible outdoor temperature, it is much more profitable to purchase a heat pump of lower capacity and an inexpensive backup heat source (a peak heater is the cheapest electric boiler) that will be switched on only at a temperature below the divalence point (usually -15 °C). The advantage of this system is also the redundancy of the heating system.
Main Pros:
- Reservation of the heating system
- Possibility to purchase a heat pump with lower heat output
Main Cons:
5. How much power do you need a heat pump?
If you have a new house from a gas block, insulated with 100-120-150 mm of mineral wool or foam plastic (walls and foundation to a freezing depth), good double-chamber energy-saving double-glazed windows, insulated roof (150-200mm), insulated floor on the ground (minimum 100 mm.), then the heat loss of your house is 50 W/m2 (at -22 °C):
- House 100 m2 - 5 kW
- House 150 m2 -7.5 kW
- House 200 m2 - 10 kW
- House 250 m2 - 12.5 kW
- House 300 m2 - 15 kW
- House 350 m2 - 17.5 kW
- House 400 m2 - 20 kW
- House 450 m2 - 22.5 kW
- House 500 m2 - 25 kW
- Building 1000 m2 – 50 kW
In principle, such body losses can be freely covered by a Zubadan air-to-water heat pump:
- House 100 m2 - 5 kW - PUHZ-SW50VHA
- House 150 m2 -7.5 kW - PUHZ-SHW80VHA
- House 200 m2 - 10 kW - PUHZ-SHW112VHA/PUHZ-SHW112YHA
- House 250 m2 - 12.5 kW - PUHZ-SHW140YHA
- House 300 m2 - 15 kW - PUHZ-SHW140YHA + reserve 3 kW
- House 350 m2 - 17.5 kW - PUHZ-SHW230YKA
- House 400 m2 – 20 kW – PUHZ-SHW230YKA
- House 450 m2 - 22.5 kW - PUHZ-SHW230YKA + reserve 3 kW
- House 500 m2 - 25 kW - PUHZ-SHW230YKA + reserve 5 kW
- Building 1000 m2 - 50 kW - Cascade of 2 heat pumps PUHZ-SHW230YKA + reserve 4 kW
When choosing the power of the heat pump, one should also take into account the power required for heating the ventilation, swimming pool, hot water, etc. Therefore, before purchasing, consult an expert and calculate heat loss.
emergency options
Each strapping scheme must necessarily provide a circuit in case of emergencies. Its task includes:
- protection against pressure drops;
- protection against temperature rise above the permitted level;
- prevention of moisture formation.
Safety valve in piping
Its task is just to relieve excess pressure from the system. It is mounted at the outlet of the boiler separately or as part of a safety group.
Emergency heat exchanger in the solid fuel boiler connection system
His task is as responsible as possible - to prevent overheating of both the boiler and the system in general. Overheating can happen for 2 reasons:
— too much fuel was loaded into the boiler. The received heat exceeded the demand.
The power went out and the pump stopped working.
For the normal operation of this circuit, it is also necessary to install a temperature sensor with a valve and a cooling unit in the water supply pipe to the boiler. As soon as the temperature of the coolant exceeds the maximum allowed, the sensor signals this and provokes the opening of the valve.
After the valve is activated, water begins to fill the cooling unit, reducing the temperature of the main coolant.
Auxiliary heating circuit of a solid fuel boiler
One of the options for cooling the system. Its peculiarity is that it will be necessary to connect a storage tank for the DHW circuit.
This circuit will work as follows: in normal normal mode, the pump will work, creating a certain pressure. It will prevent the auxiliary circuit from being turned on. But as soon as the electricity is turned off, the pump will stop working, the pressure will disappear, and the spare circuit will come into operation.
Bottom line: the temperature of the water in the system will drop to the desired value.
We will make a reservation right away that this scheme is suitable for absolutely any type of heating system!
This mixer maintains the lowest temperature of the coolant at the inlet to the boiler so that condensation does not form on the walls of the device. what we talked about at the very beginning of the article. Thus, in a solid fuel boiler, this is one of the most necessary nodes!
The mixer is installed on the return pipe using a bypass.
If the temperature in the return pipe is low (below the set value), the thermomixer will supply hot water.
Piping of a solid fuel heating boiler, diagram
All heat generators work on this principle. They get the energy they need to work from various solid fuels. It should be noted that they have some features in their work, which must be taken into account when connecting such boilers to the heating system.
It should be noted that the solid fuel boiler piping scheme includes several elements and devices that must be used. so that the operation of the heating system is durable.
The solid fuel boiler piping scheme is the necessary devices and elements that together form a single heating system. This heating system includes:
- Boiler.
- Circulation pump.
- Expansion tank.
- Emergency power system.
- Co-mixing system.
- buffer capacity.
- Emergency circuit
- Corrosion protection system.
- Pressure gauge, drain cock, special valve. It's all in one block.
- Thermal valve.
- Float valve.
What is the difference between solid fuel boilers
In addition to the fact that these heat sources produce heat energy by burning various types of solid fuels, they have a number of other differences from other heat generators. These differences are precisely the result of burning wood, they must be taken for granted and always taken into account when connecting the boiler to a water heating system. Features are as follows:
- High inertia. At the moment, there are no ways to abruptly extinguish the burning solid fuel in the combustion chamber.
- Formation of condensate in the firebox. The peculiarity manifests itself when a heat carrier with a low temperature (below 50 °C) enters the boiler tank.
Note. The phenomenon of inertia is absent only in one type of solid fuel units - pellet boilers. They have a burner, where wood pellets are dosed, after the supply is stopped, the flame goes out almost immediately.
The danger of inertia lies in the possible overheating of the water jacket of the heater, as a result of which the coolant boils in it. Steam is formed, which creates high pressure, tearing the casing of the unit and part of the supply pipeline. As a result, there is a lot of water in the furnace room, a lot of steam and a solid fuel boiler unsuitable for further operation.
A similar situation may arise when the heat generator is connected incorrectly. Indeed, in fact, the normal mode of operation of wood-burning boilers is maximum, it is at this time that the unit reaches its passport efficiency. When the thermostat responds to the heat carrier reaching a temperature of 85 ° C and closes the air damper, combustion and smoldering in the furnace still continues. The temperature of the water rises by another 2-4°C, or even more, before its growth stops.
In order to avoid excess pressure and a subsequent accident, an important element is always involved in the piping of a solid fuel boiler - a safety group, more about it will be discussed below.
Another unpleasant feature of the operation of the unit on wood is the appearance of condensate on the inner walls of the firebox due to the passage of an unheated coolant through the water jacket. This condensate is not God's dew at all, since it is an aggressive liquid, from which the steel walls of the combustion chamber quickly corrode. Then, having mixed with ash, the condensate turns into a sticky substance, it is not so easy to tear it off the surface.The problem is solved by installing a mixing unit in the piping circuit of a solid fuel boiler.
Such a coating serves as a heat insulator and reduces the efficiency of a solid fuel boiler.
It is too early for owners of heat generators with cast-iron heat exchangers that are not afraid of corrosion to breathe a sigh of relief. They can expect another misfortune - the possibility of destruction of cast iron from temperature shock. Imagine that in a private house the electricity was turned off for 20-30 minutes and the circulation pump, which drives water through a solid fuel boiler, stopped. During this time, the water in the radiators has time to cool down, and in the heat exchanger - to heat up (due to the same inertia).
Electricity appears, the pump turns on and sends the cooled coolant from the closed heating system to the heated boiler. From a sharp temperature drop, a temperature shock occurs at the heat exchanger, the cast-iron section cracks, water runs to the floor. It is very difficult to repair, it is not always possible to replace the section. So even in this scenario, the mixing unit will prevent an accident, which will be discussed later.
Emergencies and their consequences are not described in order to scare users of solid fuel boilers or encourage them to purchase unnecessary elements of piping circuits. The description is based on practical experience, which must always be taken into account. With the correct connection of the thermal unit, the likelihood of such consequences is extremely low, almost the same as for heat generators using other types of fuel.
How to connect a solid fuel boiler
The canonical scheme for connecting a solid fuel boiler contains two main elements that allow it to function reliably in the heating system of a private house. This is a safety group and a mixing unit based on a three-way valve with a thermal head and a temperature sensor, shown in the figure:
Note. The expansion tank is conventionally not shown here, since it can be located in different places in different heating systems.
The presented diagram shows how to connect the unit correctly and should always accompany any solid fuel boiler, preferably even a pellet one. You can find various general heating schemes anywhere - with a heat accumulator, an indirect heating boiler or a hydraulic arrow, on which this unit is not shown, but it must be there. More about this in the video:
The task of the safety group, installed directly at the outlet of the solid fuel boiler inlet pipe, is to automatically relieve the pressure in the network when it rises above the set value (usually 3 bar). This is done by a safety valve, and in addition to it, the element is equipped with an automatic air vent and a pressure gauge. The first releases the air that appears in the coolant, the second serves to control pressure.
Attention! On the section of the pipeline between the safety group and the boiler, it is not allowed to install any shut-off valves
How the scheme works
The mixing unit, which protects the heat generator from condensate and temperature extremes, operates according to the following algorithm, starting from kindling:
- Firewood is just flaring up, the pump is on, the valve on the side of the heating system is closed. The coolant circulates in a small circle through the bypass.
- When the temperature in the return pipeline rises to 50-55 °C, where the external sensor is located, the thermal head, at its command, begins to press the three-way valve stem.
- The valve slowly opens and cold water gradually enters the boiler, mixing with hot water from the bypass.
- As all the radiators warm up, the overall temperature rises and then the valve closes the bypass completely, passing all the coolant through the unit heat exchanger.
This piping scheme is the simplest and most reliable, you can safely install it yourself and thus ensure the safe operation of the solid fuel boiler.Regarding this, there are a couple of recommendations, especially when tying a wood-burning heater in a private house with polypropylene or other polymer pipes:
- Make a section of the pipe from the boiler to the safety group from metal, and then lay plastic.
- Thick-walled polypropylene does not conduct heat well, which is why the overhead sensor will frankly lie, and the three-way valve will be late. For the unit to work correctly, the area between the pump and the heat generator, where the copper bulb stands, must also be metal.
Another point is the installation location of the circulation pump. It is best for him to stand where he is shown in the diagram - on the return line in front of the wood-burning boiler. In general, you can put the pump on the supply, but remember what was said above: in an emergency, steam may appear in the supply pipe. The pump cannot pump gases, therefore, if steam enters it, the circulation of the coolant will stop. This will accelerate the possible explosion of the boiler, because it will not be cooled by the water flowing from the return.
Way to reduce the cost of strapping
The condensate protection scheme can be reduced in cost by installing a three-way mixing valve of a simplified design that does not require the connection of an attached temperature sensor and a thermal head. A thermostatic element is already installed in it, set to a fixed mixture temperature of 55 or 60 ° C, as shown in the figure:
Special 3-way valve for solid fuel heating units HERZ-Teplomix
Note. Similar valves that maintain a fixed temperature of the mixed water at the outlet and are designed for installation in the primary circuit of a solid fuel boiler are produced by many well-known brands - Herz Armaturen, Danfoss, Regulus and others.
The installation of such an element definitely allows you to save on piping a TT boiler. But at the same time, the possibility of changing the temperature of the coolant with the help of a thermal head is lost, and its deviation at the outlet can reach 1–2 °C. In most cases, these shortcomings are not significant.
Forced circulation system
Equipment of this type for two-story cottages is considered more preferable. In this case, the circulation pump is responsible for the uninterrupted movement of coolants along the mains. In such systems, it is allowed to use pipes of smaller diameter and a boiler of not too high power. That is, in this case, a much more efficient one-pipe heating system for a two-story house can be arranged. The pump circuit has only one serious drawback - dependence on electrical networks. Therefore, where the current is turned off very often, it is worth installing the equipment according to the calculations made for a system with a natural coolant current. By supplementing this design with a circulation pump, you can achieve the most efficient heating of the house.
A gas boiler without electricity is a traditional model of a floor appliance that does not require additional energy sources to operate. It is advisable to install devices of this type if there are regular power outages. For example, this is true in rural areas or summer cottages. Manufacturing companies produce modern models of double-circuit boilers.
Many popular manufacturers produce different models of non-volatile gas boilers, and they are quite efficient and of high quality. Recently, wall-mounted models of such devices have appeared. The design of the heating system must be such that the coolant circulates according to the principle of convection.
This means that the heated water rises and enters the system through the pipe. In order for the circulation not to stop, it is necessary to place the pipes at an angle, and they must also be large in diameter.
And, of course, it is very important that the gas boiler itself is located at the lowest point of the heating system.
It is possible to separately connect a pump to such heating equipment, which is powered by the mains. By connecting it to the heating system, it will pump the coolant, thereby improving the operation of the boiler. And if you turn off the pump, then the coolant will again begin to circulate by gravity.
Types of heating systems with gravity circulation
Despite the simple design of a water heating system with self-circulation of the coolant, there are at least four popular installation schemes. The choice of wiring type depends on the characteristics of the building itself and the expected performance.
To determine which scheme will work, in each individual case it is required to perform a hydraulic calculation of the system, take into account the characteristics of the heating unit, calculate the pipe diameter, etc. You may need the help of a professional when doing the calculations.
Closed system with gravity circulation
Otherwise, closed-type systems work like other natural circulation heating schemes. As disadvantages, one can single out the dependence on the volume of the expansion tank. For rooms with a large heated area, you will need to install a capacious container, which is not always advisable.
Open system with gravity circulation
The open type heating system differs from the previous type only in the design of the expansion tank. This scheme was most often used in old buildings. The advantages of an open system is the possibility of self-manufacturing containers from improvised materials. The tank usually has modest dimensions and is installed on the roof or under the ceiling of the living room.
The main disadvantage of open structures is the ingress of air into pipes and heating radiators, which leads to increased corrosion and rapid failure of heating elements. Airing the system is also a frequent "guest" in open circuits. Therefore, radiators are installed at an angle, Mayevsky cranes are required to bleed air.
Single pipe system with self-circulation
A single-pipe horizontal system with natural circulation has a low thermal efficiency, so it is used extremely rarely. The essence of the scheme is that the supply pipe is connected in series to the radiators.
The heated coolant enters the upper branch pipe of the battery and is discharged through the lower outlet. After that, the heat enters the next heating unit and so on until the last point. The return line returns from the last battery to the boiler.
This solution has several advantages:
- There is no paired pipeline under the ceiling and above the floor level.
- Save money on system installation.
The disadvantages of such a solution are obvious. The heat transfer of heating radiators and the intensity of their heating decreases with distance from the boiler. As practice shows, the single-pipe heating system of a two-story house with natural circulation, even if all slopes are observed and the correct pipe diameter is selected, is often redone (through the installation of pumping equipment).
Heating a house without a pump. Two proven options
Until the 90s of the last century, heating a house without a pump was the only one available, since the direction for the manufacture of circulation pumps and their promotion to the masses was not developed. Thus, the owners and developers of private houses were forced to install heating in their houses without a pump.
But when good boiler equipment, pipes and compact circulation pumps began to be brought to the CIS in the 90s, the situation changed dramatically. Everyone started installing heating systems. which do not work without a pump. They began to forget about gravity systems. But today the situation is changing. Developers of private houses again recall the heating of the house without pumps.Since everywhere you can trace interruptions and shortages of electricity, which is so necessary for the operation of the circulation pump.
The issue of quality and quantity of electricity supply is especially acute in new buildings.
That is why today, more than ever, one proverb is remembered: “Everything new is a well-forgotten old!”. This proverb is very relevant today, for heating a house without a pump.
For example, in the past, only steel pipes, homemade boilers and open expansion tanks were used for heating. The boilers were of low efficiency, the pipes were bulky steel, and it is not recommended to hide them in the walls.
Expansion tanks were located in attics. because of this, there were heat losses and the threat of a flood of the roof or freezing of the pipes in the tank. Which in turn often led to an explosion of the boiler, rupture of pipes and human casualties.
Today, thanks to modern boilers, pipes and other heating devices, it is possible to make a smart, economical heating system without a pump. Thanks to modern economical boilers, significant savings can be achieved.
Modern plastic or copper pipes can be easily hidden in walls. The same heating of the house today can be done, both with radiators and with warm floors.
Today, there are two main home heating systems without a pump.
The first and most common system is called Leningradka. or with horizontal spill.
The main thing in home heating systems without a pump is the slope of the pipes. Without a slope, the system will not work. Due to the slope, "Leningradka" is not always suitable, since the pipes run around the entire perimeter of the house. Also, due to the fact that the slope may not be enough, you have to lower the boiler below the level of your floor. The boiler in this case is inconvenient to heat and clean.
Also, when installing a heating system at home without a Leningradka pump, doorways interfere along the route of the pipes. In this case, it is necessary to make window sills with a height of at least 900mm.
This is necessary so that the radiator is mounted and there is enough height for the pipes along the slope. Otherwise, the system is fully functional, with cast iron, steel and aluminum radiators.
The second home heating system without a pump is called the "Spider" or vertical top-spill system.
Today it is the most reliable and practical home heating system without a pump. The main thing is that the "Spider" system is devoid of all the shortcomings of "Leningradka", with the exception of the slope of the return line, due to which the boiler also has to be lowered below the floor.
Otherwise, the Spider system is the most efficient system. Any radiators and underfloor heating can be screwed to the Spider system. It is possible to mount valves under the thermal head on radiators in the “Spider” system and hide pipes in the walls and so on.
Today, it is increasingly necessary to recommend the Spider system to developers, because. today it is an ideal home heating system without a pump.
Thank you for reading this article!
Heating system piping
The most popular are 2 schemes: one-pipe and two-pipe. Let's take a look at what they are.
A single-pipe system is the most elementary option, however, not the most effective. It is a vicious circle of pipes, valves, automation, the center of which is the boiler. A pipe runs from it along the lower plinth to all rooms, connecting to all batteries and other heating devices.
Plus diagrams. ease of installation, a small amount of material for the construction of the circuit.
Minus. uneven distribution of coolant over radiators. Batteries in the outermost rooms will warm up worse, as the last ones in the way of water movement. However, this problem is solved by installing a pump or increasing the number of sections in the last radiators.
A two-pipe system is a more efficient way, since it solves the problem of uniform distribution of water across all heating devices. Pipes can be located at the top (this option is preferable, because then the water can circulate for natural reasons) or at the bottom (then a pump is required).
Mounting order
A single-pipe system is assembled as follows:
- In the utility room, the boiler is installed on the floor or hung on the wall. With the help of gas equipment, the most reliable and efficient one-pipe heating system for a two-story house can be arranged. The connection scheme in this case will be standard and will allow you to do all the work, if desired, even on your own.
- Heating radiators are hung on the walls.
- At the next stage, the “supply” and “reverse” risers are mounted to the second floor. They are located in the immediate vicinity of the boiler. At the bottom, the contour of the first floor joins the risers, at the top - the second.
- Next is the connection to the battery lines. A shut-off valve (on the inlet section of the bypass) and a Mayevsky valve should be installed on each radiator.
- In the immediate vicinity of the boiler, an expansion tank is mounted on the "return" pipe.
- Also on the "return" pipe near the boiler on the bypass with three taps, a circulation pump is connected. A special filter cuts in front of it on the bypass.
At the final stage, the system is pressure tested in order to identify equipment malfunctions and leaks.
As you can see, the single-pipe heating system of a two-story house, the scheme of which is as simple as possible, can be very convenient and practical equipment.
However, if you want to use such a simple design, at the first stage it is important to make all the necessary calculations with maximum accuracy.
Thinking about the installation of heating, it is initially determined what type of fuel will be used
But along with this, it is extremely important to decide how independent the planned heating will be. So, a heating system without a pump, which does not need electricity to operate, will be truly autonomous.
For efficient operation, you only need a heat source and properly located piping.
The heating circuit is a set of elements designed to heat the home by transferring heat to the air. The most common type of heating is a system that uses boilers or boilers connected to the water supply as a heating source. Water, passing through the heater, reaches a certain temperature, and then goes to the heating circuit.
In systems with a coolant, which is used as water, circulation can be organized in two ways:
Circuits with natural water movement are simple and reliable, but for their effective use, a well-designed system is needed. For the second method, pumping equipment is used, which, by creating pressure, causes the water to move.
Boilers (boilers) are used as a heat source for heating water. Their principle of operation is based on the transformation of a certain type of energy into heat, followed by its transfer to the coolant. According to the type of heating source, boiler equipment can be gas, solid fuel, electric or fuel oil.
According to the type of connection of the circuit elements, the heating system can be one-pipe or two-pipe. If all circuit devices are connected in series relative to each other, that is, the coolant passes through all the elements in order and returns to the boiler, then such a system is called a single-pipe system. Its major drawback is uneven heating. This is due to the fact that each element loses some amount of heat, so the difference in boiler temperatures can be significant.
A two-pipe type system implies a parallel connection of radiators to a riser. The disadvantages of such a connection include a design complication and a doubled material consumption compared to a single-pipe system. But the construction of a heating circuit for large multi-storey premises is carried out only by such a connection.
A gravity circulation system is sensitive to errors made during heating installation.